tv [untitled] February 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST
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. a coach takes orders and coordinates from one place . the difference between the one who votes and the one who doesn't is from the earth to the sky. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god . greetings and respect to dear listeners and viewers who are interested in fai al-majlis program. in the farjals program , we talk with dr. mohammad mahmoudi shahneshin, who is one of the representatives of the tenth term of the islamic council, and he only became a member of the islamic council for one term, but before that , he was active in the city councils, and now he is the manager of an industrial company, he has electrical engineering. doctor of management, born in 13 43, from shahneshin, which is a
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village near ordville, but came to tehran at the age of 6, and in fact, their representation was from the outskirts of tehran, namely shahriar qods and mallard, so we have to ask them whether this activity they are doing now is better or representing the parliament. in the name of god the compassionate. al-rahim first of all, i would like to thank the producer and the islamic republic of iran broadcasting corporation for giving me this opportunity, and since you have gone to the core of the matter, the reality is that from what point of view do you look at the matter if it is a personal matter? the money is definitely better, the money is definitely better, and the type of responsibility is also better.
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what does the management of an industrial town mean? what do you do? we have a complex there, in the west of alborz province. we are preparing there so that, god willing, these companies will be established, and it is a matter of creating job opportunities for those who do technical work and making parts , and also some of the parts that we are not making in the country and we have to spend money for them or to we can import different titles from the manufacturer, so that we can get them in the nearest place to the manufacturer's factory without the need for transportation, without the difficult conditions. among the parts
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needed for cars, especially heavy vehicles , tractors, trailers and heavy tractors in this town god willing, we will reach the operation . it is completely private sector. it is completely private sector. you are also the managing director of the industrial town. well , how many years have you taken up this private sector work? i have been in this sector for about two and a half years. i am active and in these two and a half years, i have all the experiences that i had in my presence in the department of four or five mayors when i was a mayor or in the parliament where i had the opportunity to visit the topics of industrial sectors or even the opportunity to visit similar manufacturers. i had the opportunity to travel in the countries where we were able to somehow transfer this experience to you
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well, since when did this area enter the work of the city and municipal councils and so on, that is, when did the political work actually start? then, the islamic association of ferdowsi faculty , faculty of engineering, ferdowsi university of mashhad, in the same way, after entering the first round of city councils, then the second round, the fourth round, that is, from 1976 onwards.
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later, when the councils were formed, i had an opportunity to return to my city at the invitation of some friends, considering the actual experience. municipality in the city council i entered the city council for three terms, shahriar and qods, how many voters do you have in total ? first, i will tell you the population based on the so-called basis. now, because the statistical distance has increased a bit , it is not possible to say exactly now, and we have to estimate it to be about one million. it has a population of nearly 700,000, and we had different numbers in different periods, but in the periods when it was well received, the population was probably under one million people . we also had about 500,000 votes. sehzar and koradei
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have several representatives, in general, only one area from the country, the ratio is actually from the average. there are more people per capita than representatives. in our average country , there are 500,000 people. if we divide 290 people by the population of the country , it is about 500,000. that means we should actually have at least 3 representatives . your time should be spent on the personal affairs of the voters, right? it means it's like a village. we had about 13 villages and 10 cities. these 10 cities have 8 friday symbols, that is, 8 friday imams , and 3 governors and a number of independent central divisions and so on. well, an almost extensive collection
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there have been several industrial towns, several informal population centers, and also its own suburbs. in fact, we were partly in the shadow of tehran, and partly in the so-called area of metropolitan influence like karaj , and in fact, as well as new cities like parand, this harem was actually an area of influence that had old industrial towns in the region, which are unconscious. continuity to regions. we think that in general there are cultural and actually tehrani residents who
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came as compensation for different cultures of different ethnic groups. now we have about 40% turkish speaking in the city as a whole. we were close to tehran , we needed a constituency. there is a good thing that if we don't live in any part of iran, he can come and live in tehran every day. it also has some disadvantages, and that is that if you can't have a good and close relationship with the people , like the people of tehran, it will only be reserved for the so-called, in fact, the views
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of your own political approaches or group approaches, you will neglect the people. on the one hand , you should look at the country without the perspective of the big issues , which is the main duty of the representatives, on the one hand , the demands and everyday problems that the mediators of the migrations that took place in one of the early years of the revolution and unfortunately these were not cities that were planned or had enough per capita. some of our problems were perhaps unique in the world. we didn't have one hospital bed, of course, fortunately, now it has decreased and our per capita is now approaching the average of the country , god willing, if the same trend continues
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, we will not have the problem of lack of hospital beds in these three districts of these three cities. these are also 160 in appearance there are famous beds, but the number of nci beds is the same as the number of beds in the emergency department. let me tell you the number of beds that are next to the hospital clinics, which are now a kind of polyclinic. the number of them is more than their titles. my lord is the same, my lord is the same. yes, when you came to the parliament, what difference did you see between the parliament and the city councils ? well, when you did not come to the parliament, there were three or four slogans, many slogans. . the people hold the highest position in the hands of the parliament in terms of legislation
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and actually choosing the path with the parliament when the parliament lays the rails, the government moves along the same rails . you hear that the members of the parliament are the extract and actually the extract of melton melton's virtues . we can see the amount of challenges. the first speech i heard was in this parliament, and the first speech mr. larijani gave said that this term , my representative friends, i am counting 32 challenges for you . you solve two or three challenges. you bought your paradise and these 32 challenges starting from the first challenge , which was, for example , smuggling. you have seen the classification of 32 titles of challenges , you have seen the purchase of paradise, and then
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i thought to myself at the same time that if we really had 10 parliamentary terms, we would have 32 challenges in each term, for example, three would solve half of them, now there would be no economic problem in a country. there was no problem of smuggling, i don't know, there was no problem of embezzlement, there was no problem of environmental issues.
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the difficult situation was a situation in which the nuclear issues had reached their peak, the so-called issues of joining a series of events such as fatf or other issues where the external issues were really discussed. there were challenges and some countries that you did not dare to talk to now, you could not fix them, but now we see that many of these challenges have been solved, fortunately, something has been done.
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the names were close to each other, one of my representatives had an accent like me and he said the name wrong, that is, he wanted to say that mr. so-and-so should sit in the seat , he said a name like that. the problem is not a fight , no, we didn't have a fight in that sense. yes, we had some documents and papers set on fire in the parliament, which mr. larijani jokingly said that so-and-so did not set fire to the parliament, but most of this was not an individual fight, it was a fight between people. our people are even insulting me as much as
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usually many developed countries who claim to be representatives. they are very technocrats and in fact they are very scientists, and it was better in my opinion , and there was a special respect between the gentlemen. did you run again and didn't vote, or not at all ? it was the guardian council who said that i had a meeting with two of my friends and three of my friends, but it was my personal case and i went to fix it . i didn't see this problem for myself, but well.
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some of the issues that i have in the city. i used to strongly comment on the selection of people , sometimes with my councils, who personally communicated with almost all the ministers, although i criticized them, but i had a good relationship. or ministers, without exception , twice. being in the month and more than twice, for example , at that time mr. health minister, the time to visit these hospitals with me was in the parliament . he used to call from there and said that we have some money so that the hospital doesn't sleep. i mean, i
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thank mr. ghazizadeh hashemi, the minister of health at the time. the 11th period was more active. was it more capable or the period you were in, the 10th period, part of the bills that were left over and i was interested to be addressed, especially in my commission, the assumption was about the issue of elections, we together with maybe 13 or 14 people from different experts from various departments , all sundays of our 34 years of assembly
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, we had lunch at noon when everyone left for this issue law. elections, let's make it clear and define a ruler for it. if there are 4 cases in the assumption of a law to determine qualification or disqualification, whether in the councils , in the parliament or in the presidency, let 's define these as a measurement index for it. there is nothing wrong with islam , we should have an index, a ruler to measure it if it does these things or not. there was a lot of work or the discussion of relativity in the parliament. well, we liked that i like that all people have a representative in the parliament. in the tenth round, i will give you an example. in the tenth round, the highest person is one million. nearly 200 people had voted, 1 million 200. well, if you looked at the number of participants, it was only
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those who came to the polls, those who did not come, which was not the issue at all. those who had come to the polls , there were about 50 of them. let's assume that the others brought the same number, while the last person brought less than 300, this one brought almost 300, so you say, who were the 50% of the rest of their representatives ? we say that if one list gets 50% of the votes, 50% of this list will be presented in the parliament, if the second list gets 30% of the votes. can that 30% of my parliament come again, the 20% belongs to the independents, those who come alone work like this , all the people who come to the polls have a representative in the parliament. in this period, for example, these fundamentalists only have representatives, now there are other groups as well, but there are only a few techno stars who
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shine in their own cities, like mr. doctor, doctor. now , it doesn't matter if it is left or right. after all, people are interested in personal interest. they are not interested in the political approach because of this and finally not going under why is this plan of yours even welcomed by the guardian council? mr. dr. bahaduri , as a representative of the guardian council, one of their experts is coming. they took a lot of time. i was thinking that with provincialization, in fact, relativism and provincialization would be merged and this plan would reach a certain place . both for the term macro-political decisions and the general view of supervision
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the performance of the government means that both in monitoring and in legislation, you would go up a few steps, and you would be national people, people with national education , with ethnicity and i don't know the language, and so-called locality and so on. or they didn't spend most of their time in their own region. they didn't let the councilors be elected to decide the issues of the city. now, if you want to be a member of the parliament again, the family will let you or not . they are strongly against it. i have three sons, of course , they are no longer children. one of them has a child, and the third is a soldier. zami studied pharmacy, now he is in the army and three of them are boys. my daughter-in-law very much they disagree , and so do my sons, who say that people like you, when i was an engineer, you would have gone to university empty handed. now
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, our lives were better than this . we didn't have to live at home . at least it takes a lot of time. now look at the sms right now, maybe 20-30% of it. they are caught up in economic issues or so-called administrative issues . they send sms when they call . you can't tell anyone if something goes wrong. this is from their perspective. for example, i remember the children saying that we are too old we friend we are going to vacation like everyone else, but we are sure that i will go to where my four photos are from.
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maybe we can give them a solution or, for example, sometimes they refer to me , well, a little bit in legal matters, because i have already entered and helped. regarding local issues , for example, strategy or what kind of transformation do you think the parliament can bring about ? it is formed instead of paying it all in the country and to solve a series of problems that have no effect , if each of them seeks to solve a specific challenge
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, really gather some people to seek to solve the challenge of the environmental problem in its environment, our environmental laws , and feel that there are four changes in the body, these effects are much more than that in everyone should express their opinion or in the commissions, this is how our commissions are. sometimes the number of plans that the representatives give is several times the number of bills that the government gives. well, if the government is an expert and has many experts, give bills on the basis of everyone's work. it doesn't matter if it takes my time , but why so much effort? we have an urgent plan let's write it, make it urgent, and then comment on everything. you go to the plan given by me . i don't know about the 11th, but look at the 10th round , some of their signatures are in all of them, but if you ask how many articles this plan has, how many notes
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does it have? don't pay too much attention, and my heartfelt belief is that the parliament is the first line to bring about changes in the country, especially the changes in economic problems, but it has been studied , not my plans. i don't know if there are plans that have not been mastered nafhte, i say that we made changes in the elections, but we worked in the same way for 4 years. we worked for 4 years, maybe we reduced up to 956 articles and notes. he was a representative of noor zanzami , he was a representative of the security guard, he was a representative of the universities , he was a representative of the ministry of information. he was the head of the commission, and i begged him a lot because i was responsible for that committee
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. my representatives say their opinion, so and so, come today and give your opinion about such and such things give, and they really come. i could not tell any representative to come, help me think, because i think that first of all, no one should be angry with the parliament. but you are encouraging the people to come to the polls, i said yes , they want to express themselves, because i don't want my people to pour out on the streets and tell them to come and make such and such changes , that assembly must make the changes, that assembly must be a man, even if he is dragged here to reject me, but his conscience is easy and if the majority vote is wise and logical, it is their plan and god it should not be for personal interests or other topics. it is natural that the system is from god , no system, any system that has rationality behind it is
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from god, new methods, new ideas , go see what others are doing, we should also learn, all infidels. all of their work is not bad . we should learn a lot from the infidels. some of their work is much better than ours. if we educate ourselves on the principles , maybe we will definitely get ahead of them and we forgot that we were ahead of me. we want to cancel a place , firstly, we are afraid to name it, secondly, because we are not experienced, we are afraid that he will face failure, our hands will tremble and we are sorry for this type of problems. we usually ask these two questions to every representative, especially if it is a course, we ask that in that course the tenth did not work.
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what was the work that remained on the ground and should have been, and what was done means that you followed it and it came to a conclusion. look, what we followed came to a conclusion. i have been voting for four years because of the violations of the councils i brought it as one of the former representatives. i was in the national council of the country because there is no case there, no case without full investigation, without even going to the city, these are given to someone as far as possible so that no one's rights are lost. to vote for me and to send me there , i am answerable for the hereafter and this world. this is because
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i spent our time on things that were related to me. maybe many friends are interested in going to sit in the industry and mining commission . i said that they are very interested. for example, a member of a commission go ahead and do your studies in that commission . now, what will happen to the car there? i don't know what will happen there. i don't know what will happen there. i don't know what will happen there. i don't know what will happen there . i don't know what will happen there. i did it for national security. i saw that, sir , i registered for 3 commissions, i did construction work, and the work of councils and work , in fact, this is electoral medicine. i said that i came to the position of my specialty. there was a commission called the councils commission and the country, well, at the same time, we were of the same opinion with the chairman of our commission, we came and
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