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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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welcome to news 21. the end of the opportunity for the candidates to announce the names of their representatives to attend the polling stations is less than an hour away. the heating up of election debates on radio and television channels at the same time as the formation of the electoral list of more coalitions . snowfall in most parts of the country and a noticeable decrease.
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by making better use of this divine blessing, i request everyone to try to help us have gas in all the materials we consume at the same time . the intensification of violence in the gaza strip coincides with widespread attacks from north to south, the martyrdom of seven children and infants due to the face of bread is not flour, look at this save the ruins of the people of gaza, gaza is dying of hunger. the work of 6 zionist soldiers fell into the hands of
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the resistance battalions in the west of khanyounis and 15 soldiers fell into the trap of the fighters in the east of khanyounis, god is great. the success of knowledge-based specialists in the localization of cast plaster for the manufacture of jewelry is a strategic achievement resulting from the cooperation of the industry and the university. we were able to design egypt with a community study that actually had patents and articles, and it can practically be said that reverse engineering in this product was not very possible, and iran's victory
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on the third platform of the world cup. iran's representative on board he also won the club world cup. in the name of god. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. greetings and good night to you, dear countrymen. we are honored to be in egypt . we bring you the legitimate news of 21:00 together with my colleagues. pilgrims gathered today under snow and rain along seven kilometers of the prophet's boulevard. the serving of more than 450 processions on the boulevard of the great prophet of qom to pilgrims on foot continued until the evening of the birth. boulevard
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of the great prophet of qom was the meeting place of yusuf zahra's waiting people from all over iran, chaharmahal bakhtiari of isfahan i come from zanjan province, ashtian city, i came to ashtian city, i feel very good in this snowy procession, there are no empty people here , imam zaman's garden
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is coming to gather for your happy birthday. the commander doesn't know you, but they call you lipik or mehdi. when do you come to heaven? today in the middle of sha'ban more than any other time , faraj prayer was recited. people chanted the call of labik or mahdi and at the same time they prayed for salvation all over the country. a prayer to open all knots. what is this chocolate for? this bought.
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it happens, but no matter what happens, my parents taught me that there is no problem in the world, no knot that cannot be untied, only death, which has no solution. why did i feel so sad at that time ? if his heart breaks, then he opens the door. no one but god can help a person sometimes. someone who is close to us from a warm vein will do everything. we should not doubt the
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one and only creator. that's why we should do what we can. this opening in the works let's create, try to help each other , solve each other's problems. the most important thing that a human being loses is hope. when you are disappointed , it reaches the hair but doesn't break. that's the end. when we are told to wait for the orgasm, it is not just that you are waiting for the final orgasm, but it means that every impasse can be opened. faraj is the opening of sadavasad news agency. as sima is getting closer to holding the elections of the islamic council and the assembly of experts, the atmosphere of the country's leadership
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has been filled with electoral excitement. they gave. entering the fourth day of campaigning for parliamentary candidates , the mood of election gatherings in different parts of the country is still tense. faraja's readiness to ensure the order and security of the elections throughout the country by deploying 90,000 police forces for a year with the help of other security agencies, including the basij , as well as full readiness at the border and 100
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% readiness of special police units throughout the country , god willing. he will be with the people until the end of the election and even when the election results are determined. today is the deadline to register candidates' representatives in the volunteer system to attend special polling stations. while the task of the political currents to support the candidates for the parliamentary elections in the cities has been specified in tehran, but in addition to the competition of 3545 candidates for the 30 seats of this constituency in the parliament , the election lists of serious competitive political currents must have each other. the negotiations between the two fundamentalist currents of the coalition council of the islamic revolution forces and the stability front came to an end, and they published a joint electoral list of 30 people in tehran. the consultations between the political movement of amna have ended and
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finally the final names of 30 candidates of amna's joint electoral list for the parliamentary elections in tehran. announced. while the unity council in tehran list. in addition to publishing a separate electoral list, the front for the advancement of prosperity and justice has presented an independent election and announced some of its supported candidates with the list of the shura and naday iranian party, which supports the joint electoral list of the voice of the nation in tehran , while publishing the list of its supported candidates throughout the country. the country announced that as a reformist civil organization , we invite the people of the nation to participate by introducing and supporting worthy people. the national trust party, which is one of the supporters of the voice of the nation list , has announced soon the names of the supported candidates. it announces itself in the cities. at the same time , hossein marashi, the secretary general of the construction workers party,
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reacted to the rumor of this party's separation from the reform front and said: the interaction of several parties of the reform front to support the people's voice list does not mean separation from this front. the brokers welcome any action to make elections more competitive. today, another political trend announced the candidates it supports for the capital's electoral district with the publication of the joint electoral list called the jihadists of islamic iran . the readiness of different groups of people to attend
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participation in the march 11 elections, people across the country are ready to participate in the march 11 elections in order to have a conscious presence for the election of representatives of weapons. the one who wants to get votes, the one who wants to come to work, should serve the people with the intention. i am someone who looks at the whole, not just. their knowledge should be enough, they should be honest and understand people's pain. may our youth have more time to take care of our problems. consider the plight of youth, the plight of people, the plight of renters, the plight of all people, and above all, the satisfaction of god and considering the imam of the time. he will definitely pass a good law. we hope that our representatives will be on the side of the people and that
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they will act according to their promises , that they will really act on what they say. he should be a person who knows how to work, solve people's problems , if he gets votes, he should look behind him, not if he gets votes, go to pain and know the people, he should be from among the people. if we come , we can make someone come who can solve our problems by choosing us, we are nomads at the polls. we will be present, participate actively and vote for people who are really worthy, really knowledgeable people, useful for their city
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, responsible people, people of the people. i participate in order to choose the correct candidates for my part. march 11th is the day of determination of our iranian fate . broadcast the program and the television debates of the parliamentary election candidates continue on the dual electoral channels of seda and sima. a step to get to know as many candidates as possible to elect the original representatives. advertisements of election candidates reached the farthest parts of the country. people who can't go to election headquarters during election campaigns. the candidates for the parliamentary elections should appear. the programs of the national media
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have paved the way for them . i can't go to the city every day. i sit at home and listen to the speeches of the representatives. god willing , i will choose the main candidate on the day of the election. that we can't go to the headquarters of the candidates to hear about their programs and get to know them through television and through the network of accountants. we can easily listen to their programs, get to know our candidates and easily choose the candidate we want . it's a very interesting program . let's watch it and listen. let's take our time to see which of the candidates who talk to the people from the tv screen during the campaign to enter baharestan. they say that i saw the debate the other day about programs to solve people's problems, and there was talk about inflation, unemployment, youth employment, removal of deprivation
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, one of the candidates, for example, they were talking about age distribution. if it is really based on examination and expertise, it is really worth it that this year, for the first time, sedasaima has made this advertisement on television , in fact, it has given the candidates an opportunity to speak . this is a very useful and positive move. can be advertised there and the people can make their choice knowingly, there is a lot of debate it is good to note that, for example, people are looking at their programs, they know what their plans are, what their goals are, it is very good that the candidates are debating there , they say their plans so that people can choose more easily , we can know the level of knowledge and let's raise our awareness about the candidate. some people say that advertising in the national media is a way to prevent ads that destroy the image of the city
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. the biggest disadvantage is that this program is only a paper, even though it is really a symbol. the city was in chaos, especially after the elections were over and they were left alone it could have been very bad. this debate is much better that it is on tv and that it is accessible to everyone, that they can communicate with that candidate or get to know him anywhere in the city. the urban landscape will not be destroyed. fatemeh ali khani, sada news agency, is getting in the middle. you must have heard that radio and television launched special election channels to introduce parliament members, but where are these channels and how can we access them? to access these channels, first press the home button on the tv remote control. or find the menu, then
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select the option to edit the channel. now you have two options : automatic search and manual search. choose we wait until the 100 channel finding stage is complete. in the last step, select the save option. now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the advertising films of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired so that you can participate in the elections with correct information about each representative. my colleague is on the eve of the election of parliament members. for four years , legislation has gone to mothers in its report that now they see the result of a parliament law in their daily life. i want to work, what should i do with my child? a year ago, at the same time as he started working at the university, this question became his main concern. and
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i even mentioned that if i can't find a solution for the children, then my preference is to leave the job at all. but he did not abandon his work when he found out that the university has taken action to solve this concern . hello everyone, tehran university of science and technology fulfilled one of its legal obligations by setting up this kindergarten. university child it was decided that a lot of our worries were resolved.
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it helped. i used to take the children to my mother's place. i say that it was a waste of time and that if there was a problem, i would have to get to my mother's house quickly . a thought that is very easy for me, now two years after the promulgation of the law, there are other kindergartens in the shortest distance. from the workplace of working mothers , it is very good to be launched, i know the world. my mother's work is close to the kindergarten , my mother's work is close to me, we owe this to this law before this law
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existed, we didn't have a kindergarten in our university. my mother came to set up a kindergarten near my workplace. she was able to have a great impact on my career path. now, dr. rahmi is both a mother and a member of the faculty of the university of science and technology. this is a legal provision that sets up kindergartens. close to the mother's place of work, it has been assigned to the institutions. certainly , the drafting of new laws can make this path of my life and my future smoother. drafting laws in the parliament, such as the law on the protection of the family and the youth of the population, which in its 73 articles 72 times said mothers to achieve the goal given in the introduction of this law to support the honor and dignity of wife and the role of mother and little. the concern of the mothers of zeinab chekhmaghi of sed and cima news agency.
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the double standard of foreign persian language networks regarding the holding of elections in iran and france. these networks considered the anger of the french with ballot boxes as a danger to democracy in france. this report is the last french election according to le monde newspaper. 52 and a half percent of those eligible did not go to the polls. french people. they may not participate in the elections or vote blank or hesitate they have, but it does not mean they are indifferent
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. they say the same about the silence of the electoral districts. the reason for this may be related to the limited political activities in this corona era . the second round of voting coincides with the spring holidays in france. well, some the people used this opportunity and went on a trip , saying that the french were fighting with ballot boxes. it is dangerous to fight with the ballot boxes, it can be a big danger and it is because the main enemy for democracy is not voting for the freedom to go to the next few months , there is an election coming up not in france but in iran is now saying that the people will not participate . it is a disregard for this election, which has become more meaningless than ever. in fact , this is the beginning of the usual situation that was seen before every election in france . if not, they try to put themselves ahead of us , they downplay their own problems, they highlight our problems
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, after all, the networks like to say that sir, everywhere in the world is good, give iran, everything is good for them. we owe a lot, people don't pay attention to this, it 's their own business. the electoral performance of these networks shows. decreasing participation in this period is still their key word. mohammad javad reza soltani, radio and television news agency. in a message, the leader of the islamic revolution expressed his condolences on the death of ayatollah seyyed mohammad bejnarodi. in this message, ayatollah khamenei prayed for patience for his survivors and divine mercy and forgiveness for the deceased. ayatollah mousavi bojnarodi yesterday morning after a round of illness. pani ra bada said: membership in the supreme judicial council and prisoners' pardon board by imam khomeini's decree, including the responsibilities of ayatollah mousavi bejnarodi after the victory of the islamic revolution.
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was. a baby was added to the number of martyrs in gaza. this baby, who was born two months ago under the target of all-out zionist attacks , died today due to running out of powdered milk and starvation. the head of kamal adavan hospital called the martyrdom of babies due to hunger as a frequent event. the united nations previously said that due to the restrictions created by the zionist regime in sending vital items, 15% of children under the age of two in northern gaza are malnourished. fash tahini, fash khebs. there is no bread,
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there is no flour. look at this bread. we eat animal food. today, the news also arrived the zionists shot at two palestinian sisters who were moving in search of food in the northern areas of gaza and killed one of them , but simultaneously with the critical situation of malnutrition in the north and south of gaza, warnings about nasser hospital have increased. the zionist army today without mentioning any achievement of the end. he announced his operation in this hospital. however, the gaza ministry of health says that the occupiers have not yet ended the siege of the hospital. this is the message of a muslim woman living in gaza. i say to all journalists and to all the world and ummah there is no god but god. save the people of gaza. people are in the streets, eating tree leaves and animal feed.
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this war is a war of hunger. my son saw four children who died of hunger, and this is the message of a palestinian child. it is not bread, it is not flour. look at this bread . it is a ruin. we eat animal food. the cry of these children is from hunger. it is not a deliberate act . the international nutrition group has published a very alarming report on the nutrition situation in gaza. the results indicate a sharp increase in malnutrition in gaza. malnutrition from food that is watery or watery plant, cheese. that if the children are not killed by the rockets, they will die from malnutrition. in addition to the lack of food, the zionists do not allow aid workers to enter. this doctor of nasser hospital.
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he is operating on the wounded with the light of his mobile phone. the reality of these days in gaza has become unbelievable, like the palestinian woman who does not believe her husband's testimony. and the father who recites shahadatin for his waiting daughter. i testify that there is no god but god and muhammad is the messenger of god. and he implements the lack of facilities in the name of al-mawaasi plan to empty gaza of residents so that he can plow the land here and destroy hamas. but so far, the people of resistance are still like ishbah
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from the heart of these ruins. they come out and target the occupying soldiers. ameena sudat was the voice of sed and sim news agency. now, to know about the current situation in gaza, we will join with the reporter of the radio station in gaza. mr. mohammad hamz, we are with you. welcome hello, viewers of the zionist news network, the attacks of the zionist regime on various areas of the gaza strip continue, and various areas, especially in rafah, khan yunis province and central province, as well as the two provinces of gaza and north gaza, are the target of attacks, and the number of martyrs continues to increase. to 2970
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there are many people who cannot be found for the mothers of these children, neither milk nor powdered milk can be found in the gaza strip, and all of this affects the situation of the children and babies of the nursing homes today . seven of these nursing children were actually martyred in gaza city. two more people were added and their number is 9.


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