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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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it will be balanced, logical, fair and for the benefit of the people . so mr. goran, are you satisfied with the costs? you see, i was not convinced about the costs, and i have a number that may not be in this meeting, but the number is that the price for you is a simple number. you are in 200 meters of your land . they say, mr. doctor, that someone else will provide this. it doesn't matter if this person pays for it , the rest of the people in this fund will have to pay for it . those who get money, rest assured, other people have money. now, about support , i mean, this is our way of working, mr. doctor, in our opinion, we are not in favor of horizontal development , we are not in favor of vertical development .
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about 23,000 people can live in the kind of villa that you are talking about. the horizontal development of this number is something like 6,000 people and the vertical development number is 35,000 . this opportunity in this matter is due to the abuse of the prices of the land market . this exists in both of them. you, when urban development in another place, an urban annexation
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will happen. be sure that it is other people's land . they will abuse it. i will annex the land again. we have the past experience of rome, where we handed over land in 200-meter sections. after 10 years, two-story apartments were built for them. we gave it because we couldn't manage the demand , we didn't have a regular supply, proper policy, and a proper plan . apart from this, look at the economic issue. look, we have a series of urban constructions in the world, mr. bozor, mr. goran. hectares for proper residence from city to city it varies from province to province, country to country, but there is tolerance, there is a game. for example, we checked in america, the density of people in a house is 12 people , in australia it is 15 people, in germany it is 26 people, in japan it is 40 people, but in iran it is 70 people. per
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hectare, that is, on the national scale, we checked the same for you in cities with over 500,000 people , cities with 500,000 and over, ottawa, 20 people per hectare, pekinand, 46 people per hectare, this is riyadh , in our region, 60 people per hectare, tehran, how much is 140 people per hectare, mr. goran, when we have mass production, we have these conditions we are making it worse. now the per capita services in our cities are rarely at the standard level. i examined the same city of tehran a few years ago. in my doctoral dissertation, none of the per capita services in our cities are at the standard level. let's de-densify, that is, let's bring the density down, and this is through horizontal re-development, and let me tell you, the supply of land, less construction, and less stratification will happen, the statistics that mr. goran mentioned are 23,000 people. if you are in vertical development, this
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means that you are in favor of vertical development it is true, in any case, based on the number of people , it will be 600 people. based on the parameters that i checked, the economic conditions, no, you see, this statistic and standard reminds me that our situation is inappropriate . i mentioned that the social and cultural damage will be multiplied and this situation where again our city will have more population density , more building density, with shantytowns and high -rise buildings, we should not multiply our problems , mr. goran, in your opinion, in addition to the things that we mentioned that now if there are still many people per hectare if you don't reach an agreement, what other problems do you have in the way of development?
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are we seeing the horizontal expansion of cities? yes, let me tell you that the horizontal expansion of urban sprawl and the rapid increase in the use of urban land is a serious issue for us. which we have discussed and talked about, but i would like to point out a few problems: the waste of land, the increase in the cost of maintaining the urban infrastructure , the loss of agricultural and garden lands and natural resources around the cities, the reliance of urban families on cars, and the increase in energy and fuel consumption. reducing security in the urban space and forming defenseless urban spaces being secluded, increasing the cost of living for citizens, reducing social connections, and identity changes in urban life are a few items that, in general, with the development of its disadvantages, there is horizontal growth, and we must consider these disadvantages
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. it is possible to develop cheaply, we should consider these things in the horizontal development of the city, mr. omranzadeh, answer. you see for these points that he said, now i am referring to the horizontal expansion positions, now i did not understand the basis of these points that mr. goran said, see where i mentioned these things. a discussion about the context, yes, agricultural land , it is quite obvious that i want to build a house, but i don't go there, or i want residential development, urban development for housing, urban development, which i don't want to happen , in first and second grade agricultural fields, and sam actually does this. conducting land survey studies in our country says that 15% of iran's vast land is suitable for the construction of human settlements, from villages and cities. how much have we used now? only 1% of all our villages and cities
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. we occupied 1% of the country's area, see the high level of the situation there is an emergency when the three of us are here and a cup of water is here. we say yes to this cup of water, we should each take a sip to quench our thirst, but when we drink 3 glasses of water each, we will all be thirsty . what does this mean? we are satisfied with 1%, we say that this is 2% of the total 15%. if we separate each iranian person, that is, if we give each iranian person 500 meters of land, the percentage is not even enough, which means that we do not have a land problem. mr. goran in his country my people see that in the same cities , in the same friends, they don't accept the waste of land , no, no, look, the land is for the inhabitants, they say that we should leave the land for my generations , now i have a burnt generation, a generation with
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mental injuries i have social issues with many problems, then leave the land for the future generations. yes, it should be intergenerational justice . the people who are living in iran now have the right land, the right house , the comfort, the comfort, and the future generations will also be well-off. they will be concerned about security , that is, should we leave it for them or not
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? we don't have land anywhere, for example, in the north of the country, i don't know , there is a lot of agricultural land, for example, in kurdistan, or in the cities that are surrounded by sanandaz, for example , kuhistaniye, we have limited land. agricultural field of during the policies of the past 100 years , no one paid attention to the depopulation of the village, but now we have restricted the boundary line to the one who is more concerned about the agricultural land of that village than you and i, who is more concerned about the land, in fact, it is his own agriculture.
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build a floor, build three floors, in this agricultural field, do n't build it. in my opinion, this area means a wrong policy, we have taken it in the last 50-60 years and we are still continuing this wrong level, of course , thank god, the events in the last 34 years good things happened , good things happened in this parliament the housing production jump law was a good thing. the government , which now has a part of its approach to the horizon and the horizontal development of cities and villa construction, these are good things , it means that a change of approach is happening. let them do whatever happens so that our conditions become more ideal, our living conditions become more balanced , and our quality of life increases . that is, in my city , there is a restriction on educational use, and this is the problem
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it is more than possible to plan our development in the cities that we have created . the media services cannot provide these minimums. there is an economic discussion . somewhere, a municipality of a new city is inefficient , but i say that we are living in the same city as it is. and it's limited, you are the only one. if we do more population and construction load now that we have a shortage, this shortage will be more severe. let's divide the land among the people, that can't solve the problem, let's bring the land and distribute it , let's give it an urban development, this is what happened, again , there is a problem in that city service, i believe mr. doctor, i believe that this work requires a bachelor's degree. sir, you are an expert . we have an expert.
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yes, i even believe that mr. doctor, we built a town in tehran. it is not bad . if you look at it, a town is actually our sanctuary . it has not been studied. today, the horoscopes of the people are confused. some people like to live in apartments, some people like to live in towers. some people also live in villas . all these facilities have been seen. by the way, transportation is very easy there. my people have a more comfortable life . i believe that we are horizontal development or development we should not insist on verticality. this
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is a study work, it is the work of the cities, the statistics of the information that i just presented to you, of the population density per hectare, of the per capita that we are lacking , are all the results of my other studies. it is not a general formula that i want to say that we defend this approach. but the conditions are different from point to point , different authors can do it. in the same construction and getting density for sale and this , no, what difference does it make
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, they can't take their interests horizontally, not less, see what it has to do with the fact that a certain amount was supposed to be built, what does it have to do with why you accuse people who don't bother at all. there is another accusation that interests are taking away, what does it mean , mr. doctor, if you don't know, let me tell you that now about 30-40% of the municipality's income comes from the district. that is, when you are selling density , you are giving excess density, what will happen, contrary to the same society plan that you mentioned, what will happen, that is, you have the right of the people to air, the right to the light of the people, and the right to the view of the people. the municipality is selling people so that the income of his family is high, his expenses are high, and his expenses are high , so that he can meet his daily expenses.
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i agree with this, but with a city formula i am against closing it, it cannot be the city of mr. goran's knowledge. the businesses of many big companies there are administrative and commercial and high-ranking, but for living, about 70-80% of big cities in europe and america are villa houses , i want to say that they understand and their policies are neighborhood-oriented, and all this means i want i want to change the policy, but what are we doing? in
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tehran, the same article 5 commission has already become a disaster for the city. the city of tabassili said something , they are increasing the floors , increasing the density, which means they are making life and living conditions more difficult every day. another point about the conditions look at horizontal development . before you say your point, if you agree , let's go and see a report together . let's see what the candidates for this parliamentary term have about the horizontal or vertical development of cities, building villas and apartments. let's see which one they agree with. let's get back to our debate. let's find out that this is the first period of the parliamentary elections that the radio and television started working on election campaigns. 200 local networks have been established so that the candidates can get their words out to the public more cheaply, the competition becomes more fair, and the people get to know the candidates more easily. in addition to the program various election programs, including candidate introduction programs and debates, have seen common issues
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that are people's issues. from gasoline subsidy and basic helmets to hassef. entrance examination, hijab issue, damages of cyber space, car import and airplane gasoline subsidy and now in this debate we will examine the government's policies on how to expand the city. the issue that was asked to the election candidates like this. do you agree with the grant of land by the government for villa housing in your constituency? or an apartment? considering that the life of living in an apartment, in my opinion, is being destroyed. culture it exists and it carries many social harms. if it is possible to really reach the people and give the land to the people in such a way that they can have villa buildings, well, in my opinion, it is very positive in the areas of tehran that are restricted we do not face the land, i agree, of course, we must consider the documents upstream of rome, according to
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the existing infrastructure and the local culture of khorramshahr , i agree with villa housing. it depends on the leadership of that city and the institutional culture of that city, but i consider villa housing as a priority, definitely if there is no land problem, especially in cities with villa housing. i agree, according to the existing infrastructure , i agree with the villa housing, the apartment , i agree with the villa design, i agree with the apartment housing , the reason is that if we build a 5,000 m villa , it will cover a smaller number, but if we build an apartment, we should also build it with 60% apart from the fact that it covers a larger number of recreational and educational spaces in the same land, what can we do to extract the report ? we saw the opinions of the candidates of this term
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. that you are his defender of course, you have cultural problems regarding vertical development. neighbor relations in high-rises, apartments, and the width of the studies i mentioned show that residential towers are extremely low and social alienation is one of the main harms
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. a trustee who lives in tehran, the big cities, in the north of the villa, that person, i mean those people who have an independent house, not a city or a village, they live in a villa.
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look, if we want something else to happen, if it happens according to our horizontal advice, see when in fact, we make the land available to the people . again, the explanation of wealth also happens. look, now , people who are among the first to third deciles, are they all throughout history ? sir, 10, 15, 200 years ago, i don't know the country , there were khans and khans , there were various attacks on people's lives and property. the results of these are not the result of their own strength and efforts, and those who are poor, we should not say
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that they do not have the talent, we should empower them by granting land through national plans and by helping these tenths. an explanation of wealth also happens at the national level, and in my opinion, this can be one of those good events that i would like to say in the field of justice, which is the slogan of the revolution , and your service is one of the main components of our revolution. people are changing the course of our architecture and urban planning . i would also like to say one thing , sir, unfortunately, in our country, people have a problem . we are the only group that has the least impact on our architecture and urban planning, city planners our architects and mayors can prepare the best plans for the canvas and the location, and
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in my opinion, the problem is ultimately the problem of housing and one of the main solutions is horizontal development , but not only next to it, the market must be adjusted. payments should be adjusted with different taxes and finally. all construction groups should build, but mr. doctor, we had done the same thing about this land division after the revolution, as in the song.
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after the open revolution, we decided to build buildings with these qualities, and this thought that you are saying is what happened today. the result was that the life of our building is more than 10 years. i said that in the previous talks , we gave the ground for an hour on the lower side of the building on one floor or two floors.
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thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you, or ali , who is tired, today, wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow. the bakhtiaris are ready to participate in the elections. we have a birth certificate. i have to participate in the elections. participation in the elections is the main duty of every iranian and the main indicator
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be the elections. anyway, the elections are the right of the people. it is difficult for us to choose a representative or a lawyer anyway, because elections mean that when we come to the elections, we vote, which means that we officially choose a lawyer to defend our rights in the parliament so that we can shape our own destiny. and let us show our enemies that we are not indifferent to the problems of our country , considering all the problems we have, and we will definitely participate in this election with all our strength. name
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2:00 am
has been an integral part of iran's tastes for the past 30 years. respecting consumer rights and maintaining quality is the key to longevity. just enjoy it. at two o'clock yesterday , it rained in most parts of the country, except the northwestern provinces, and it snowed in the mountainous and cold regions. cities such as gilan gharb, sanandaj, malair, khansar , qom, arak kohrang, noorabad, alasht, and masuleh recorded snowfall. the rain system is also in the cities of eastern hormozgan, kerman and southern sistan baluchistan.


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