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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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you are proud of the love of these people , you are the pure and eternal soil of iran. you are a man of love, purity and honesty, you are a glorious and healthy people.
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they came from all families and nomadic tribes. qashqai, ler, arab and 8 independent tribes of stans nomads. they say that they are bound by the same covenant with the revolution and leadership. we pay lip service to our leader, to our imam, to our guardian. nomads in sync with other sections of the election society. from participation and pride in god's hope, like the past tests, whether it was the revolution test or the holy defense test the test of the defense of the shrine, the test of the defense of the country , always from the proud poet, their bold presence on the 11th of march will prove our claim and our belief, and they will prove, god willing, that they are always followers of the province and always defenders of the religion of islam and the islamic revolution. and will be
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the nomadic community of fars province had more than 90% participation in the previous round of elections and they are going to mark a more memorable day in the elections on the 11th of march. siad jokar of ishai region radio and television news agency. shiraz city
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, god willing , i will participate myself with all the help, god willing, we will come to the ballot boxes. my vote is an arrow in the eyes of all the enemies of islam because of the blood of the martyrs. because of how many martyrs we gave, how much blood we gave, we participate in the elections because in this healthy country, i will definitely participate and i will encourage everyone to participate in the elections . zealous marketers of trades and guilds of east azerbaijan declare that they will attend this epic event. we must participate in this arena, we must show ourselves. it is the duty of everyone to vote, our country must vote. with one
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fate of our country, we are all in our hands do you agree that we should participate in the elections together? my vote means that i am iranian and i am proud to be iranian . let us vote for our country and our land . each other in political and social fields. let's be active, out of respect for the blood of the martyrs, out of respect for our iranian identity, we must participate in this election. on behalf of rangikaman, i invite all ethnic groups to participate on the election day . god willing, we will go to the polls first with my family. we will definitely choose rin and god willing.
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we who are here on friday are at work , we are at the hospital, but we will give our opinion . and people are familiar with legal issues and problems. as a farmer , we are trying to choose a weapon that will benefit the agricultural situation and be able
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to attach laws in the field of agriculture that are beneficial to the farmer on the primary vote and our teenagers. it works, and my advice is to not listen to them, if voting was not important, not to vote and advertise. so how important is it for us iranians to vote? the enemy is trying to trick us. why don't we vote? in any case, we must choose a candidate who, god willing, is skilled and capable , who has the power to defend the people's rights, and god willing , they can follow the law. let them know that, god willing, it will be beneficial to all sections of the people. i will participate because i am a member of the people of the country . whichever way we vote , we will prove that we love our country . i will definitely participate in the elections because, as an iranian, i want to be right in the decisions of my country. i am one of the people. i invite them to participate in this election because
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it is their duty both nationally and religiously. i request them to participate enthusiastically, considering the importance of being on the stage in this period of elections, god willing. be experts in this field and be able to propose plans and programs in the parliament that can be a plan to untie the knot and these plans can play an essential role in curbing inflation in the country , god willing. this is the natural right of every citizen and every individual in this country. to choose, and if someone who wants to actually does not participate in this election and make a choice
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, it is not the time when we want to conquer. dear fellow citizens of khorramshahr, on march 11th, all of you should participate in the elections, and in fact , vote for the gunman who will hurt khorramshahr and the people of khorramshahr . i will vote for the love of my leader and for the prosperity of my homeland. show up at the polls and by electing we will have a strong parliament on the 11th of march. we must all be at the polls . i will participate because the future of my country is important to me.
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and now they always participate in this year's elections do there was no rain. god has blessed us . thank god, the condition of our wheat is very good. we are very thankful that it has improved. despite all the efforts and satisfaction of the farmers, frequent delays in announcing the price and paying the demands were one of the problems of the wheat farmers. wanting to amend the law. they used to guarantee the purchase of wheat until in 2019, the parliament entered it on time and with urgency, and now, after several years, representatives from baharestan went to baharestan to
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inquire about the effect of the wheat guarantee purchase law on the lives and livelihoods of these people. one of the good things done by the parliament this is a guaranteed purchase. the farmer is clear about what to plant and when to receive the money. what is the best product this year ? it gives confidence to the farmer. well , when i do the cultivation, when i want to buy a product and a guarantee from you, we will count on it. this is a good law, if it is implemented correctly, the agriculture sector will be revived and it will recover. all the laws we have today , we live with, the laws that were passed out of the parliament, so the law has been enacted, so we can say that all laws are laws , water law, fuel, farming, purchase, guarantee, price guarantee, all of them. this has been approved by the parliament, this is the law the law has had a lot of influence on our farmers' lives . in order to continue this path, the farmers say that it is my duty to vote. i
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will do my duty. if four farmers and i do not go to vote, or the representative we want is not there, how can he be our farmer? support, yes, i will vote, we participate in the elections because it is our duty to have a representative who will defend us, alireza shakti of sed and cima news agency. i request the representative who is going to be elected to provide job opportunities for young people and eliminate this unemployment problem as well. before the election, i expect the people to be with them , after the election, they will be with me and to act on the promises they made, to be the one who will make laws and regulations that will benefit the people, to be able
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to work sincerely, and to finally make this society of this country a i think a representative of weapons should have piety and be responsible for the people of the system and be loyal to the oath he takes, have people, be knowledgeable, be powerful and be pious, have a scientific level. ok, it means to be aware of society's issues, to be fair, to be dominant, to think of people, to be concerned i can fully understand nojoona and joona , i am very happy that i want to be the first voter this year and choose my own representative. i am very happy that i have reached the legal age to choose my own representative .
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i go to the polling station and vote. in fact , i get more help from the elders to choose the main person , because after all, we are the first vote and it is better to get help from the elders.
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we participate in the elections because we want to shape our destiny for the sake of our country, to disappoint our enemy , because we are iranian because i am interested in my country , our duty is to be in the destiny of the society and may our country be healthy. participating in the elections means that we are participating in order to determine the fate of our country and our city . participating in the elections is to determine the fate of our country . the people we elect for
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the parliament should be people who themselves are law-abiding and the laws they approve should be laws that are in the interest of the people and social justice should be observed in them, they should fulfill their promises and think about employment and my youth, have expertise and experience to have the parliamentarian should think about the people , the most we expect is that they pass laws that benefit the people , make the promises they want to make within the framework of their own laws and regulations and what they make laws for themselves, and when they become a representative, they will do it. the people should not forget the promises they made before the election and after the election . as a businessman, i am also a businessman . before
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the vote that i gave him should have a sense of responsibility and have the necessary expertise, according to the votes that people give and trust . the people are doing their best . we expect the mps to do their best for the people's well being. let's start with this roll . what are these? these are the banners that should be installed on the door of a branch. in every branch here , there is a place where the essentials of friday's elections, including tariffs and stamps, etc., are being prepared.
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photo branches should be sent to tehran. there are definitions, yes, the tariffs are ready here . for the first time, the definition of the election of experts and parliament has been defined, and the details of the voters are written below it, and the ballot paper is explained . the supervisor of our guardian council to monitor the tampered packaging that we send to the districts, the serial numbers are registered and recorded automatically. the stamps that are supposed to be used on the election day are to be sealed and removed , and in short, all types of contents are internal. all of this is domestic production. yes , we will pack it. then we will pack it here . then it will go into the carton. now, the ones that
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were placed in gutiya have already been packed. they came here. yes , they will be packed. they will come here. there are 10 branches for each so-called region. the number of branches is determined by the pack of 10 , which makes it easier to transport. it is 24 hours here, we are working almost 24 hours a day as we get closer to the end of the day, these activities continue. on these boxes , which are ready to be sent to ray's branches soon, it is written, all together , for the country, the duty of every iranian who participates in this election, because we have to decide the fate of our country , by voting, we choose who we are. let them
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decide the fate of our country, choose our own representative and we should decide for the future of our country. the bakhtiaris are ready to participate in the elections. we have a birth certificate, so there is no reason to participate . participation in elections is the main duty of every iranian and the main indicator that we should pay attention to in choosing the representatives is that they should be good , have a higher education, and not be ethnically oriented . i have no one but you
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. there are many urban and rural problems , but the emphasis of the bakhtiari people was on participating in the elections. anyway, the elections are the right of the people to be able to choose a representative or a lawyer anyway . that we choose a lawyer as a defense lawyer in an official way
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parliament should defend our rights so that we can create our own destiny and show our enemies that we are not indifferent to our country's problems considering all the problems we have and definitely participate in this election with all our strength. we will increase the presence of our rainbow of ethnic groups in the election of the popular unity . zealous bakhtiaris, like other tribes of khuzestan province , will determine the fate of the country on the 11th of march at the polls with maximum attendance . rozoh ahmadi of khuzestan radio and television news agency.
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let's entrust our destiny to a people who can develop our country by passing the best law prosperity is not an important criterion for them, the party must be honest with the people and do what they have promised to do. that they can do, to lay the rails for the development of the country for the people , it goes back to the policies that are approved in the parliament according to the law, anyone who wants to represent the people must think of the people, think of the youth of the people , we must choose someone who will benefit the nation and our society should be able to untangle people's work , so i hope that what they are saying is not really a slogan. are you going to vote? 100. why? because of my country i love my country. whatever our participation if it is high, our honor is also higher. our reputation
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is higher. our martyrs' whole goal was to maintain the system. in my opinion, our presence in the elections and our voting is very important in order to maintain the strength and authority of the system. our country needs progress and it should be better to participate in these elections. please do not. ikan al-al-sharik means that the first thing before us is a sweet treat. no, we are individual. we have a strong unity for all iranians. praise be to god , and thank god. we are a blessing from god. there is an iranian who should participate in the elections because the fate and future of our country depends on these elections . after all, it is our country . we are voting for our own country . any way means one vote for the system, which means two mouths to all the enemies who have an eye on this border.
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of course, we will participate in this election with all our strength. the martyrs of this revolution are left in our hands and the imam of this revolution is left in our hands. i participated in my election with our vote . they are greedy and greedy, whatever way they put in the fund is greedy, it goes in the eyes of the enemy, it is dear people who should participate in this election
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, let the hearts of the martyrs and the heart of the leader be happy, the enemy will fail , they asked us to leave this country after them. let's protect for the sake of the blood of the martyrs, because the martyrs went to the fund for this revolution and gave their lives and passed on their loved ones. everyone should be ready. i expect the people of my country, iran, and the people of jaji to participate in the elections according to the supreme leader, ayatollah ulama imam khamenei, it is the authority to imitate if we participate in the elections . it is obligatory to participate in the elections . second, we must see who will be happy. it is clear that america, israel and the countries opposing the islamic republic are happy. so, here again, it should show that we must definitely participate in the elections.
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tosta ye hussain abad in handijan city is one of the villages whose people are ready to participate in the elections. we will certainly participate in the elections. we are still behind our religious leader and we are trying to invite the village to this election and all of them have declared their readiness. god willing, we will all be at the polls on the day of the election. let's have a passionate election. god willing , one of the wishes of the people of this village is that
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the promises of the election candidates will come true. they make figures we expect that they will help the people of rooz ahmadi of sada and radio news agency of hossein abad village in handijan.
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your cry is the follower of mani and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace. ladies and gentlemen, viewers , dear compatriots, greetings to you. good morning. good thursday . election enthusiasm in the election candidates' headquarters in less than two hours until the end of the campaigns of the candidates , personalities, groups and streams from the people. enthusiastic participation is invited.


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