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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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the mentioned system, and by the way, iranians abroad, i wanted to be the same in this statistic, 61 million iranians, considering the fact that yes, precisely because we accept the votes of iranians abroad in the presidential elections , according to the law in the parliament the assembly of experts is not like this, it does not exist.
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we had the first votes in all the provinces . there is almost an enthusiasm for the first votes in this period. the first votes of this period , mr. dr. they are learning to participate to do it means that they may have special differences with the initial votes of the previous courses . i was proud that in some sessions of the course, anyway, our initial votes were 112/84. they can participate in the elections, they are eligible to vote. the point you mentioned about the branches, i would also like to point out that our branches are fixed. in fact
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, something around 44 thousand. now i want to point out in detail that we have 4,3937 fixed branches , 15,000 mobile branches, and 34,24,000 urban and rural branches . in fact, these rural branches are due to rain. the snow that has formed and the crossing points make it a bit difficult for our colleagues to work , but honestly, where are these crossing points? of course, god willing , we will definitely try to communicate with one of these crossing points today , even though mr. dr. internet, a piece of 3 meters of snow has fallen, it is very difficult, the way to transfer is actually the boxes, but our colleagues will definitely try to establish a connection with us and give an explanation, while tomorrow both in the morning program, salam correspondent, and in the special program that will be broadcast after that. it was done and we will depict the hard work it has it is drawn so that these boxes can be transferred so that all compatriots can participate in what is for the future of iran by presenting the original of one of the documents
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of birth certificate, national card, certificate of end of service or passport . new 11. in any case, we will have the national identity card and the things i mentioned. regarding the national card, we also have the national cards that are available in smart. it is honorable people, it is valid, although the old ones are not smart, of course, there are very few of them. according to what we have communicated, the smart cards that it is up to the people, although the stamp is on the back of my card , for example, if it has expired, there is no problem , but the stamp is no longer in the birth certificate , that is, according to our law, we take one of the five
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, in fact, it is important that it is registered in the authentication system of the system. in the electronic data of the civil registry, this voting is recorded, and we have fingerprint names on the tariff , that is, on the tariff itself, not on the bottom of the tariff , we will have a fingerprint of the noble people of iran . respected secretary who actually records the details the voter will have a fingerprint there too we have already mentioned that it is in the form of a cloth , they take one side from us, the top is related to the islamic council, in fact, the bottom is related to the assembly of experts, the blue door is related to the council of experts, and the red door means the box, the red door is related to the islamic council, maybe there are agents we are serving the noble people of iran in order to carry out the complete instructions. in any case, all
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facilities and arrangements have been made so that the people of iran can easily vote tomorrow , god willing, at your service, god willing. dear friends, in any case, there are iranian places with this assumption must be accompanied by them in the electronic constituencies, where this must be done, it is more appropriate for some of our governorates in some big cities
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, to do good things in this course, in fact , to define a ready-to-work branch. perhaps, for example, there is a physically disabled person, and tehran is really prepared to contact the governor's office and request that this action be taken anyway . we say to all your colleagues spokesman of the honorable s. and dr. eslami talked about the ways of saab al-obor and we heard that they are sending special ballot boxes
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to convey to him that, god willing, tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m., the voting procedures of our dear and honorable compatriots will begin. we can also participate. as i told you , we want to go to kohrang, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, where there was 3 meters of snow and the internet is also cut off, and this does not help us. we were established with ms. najafian, a reporter sada vasima news agency, ms. najafian , hello reporter, good morning, i am at your service . good morning, ms. jafian. please explain the ballot boxes on the saab al-abour crossings in chaharmahal bakhtiari. i am now 110 km from the capital of chaharmahal bakhtiari province . kohrang is one of the the largest nomadic cities in the country , we have almost had snowfall since yesterday evening when we came to this city, and
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during the past rains, as you said, the height of the snow reaches up to 3 meters in some places, and that is why the internet is slow. he didn't do that we can have a video call with you. unfortunately, i have a white hand everywhere, my capital is too much, but none of them have caused the 120 people of the executive board who are going to go to the areas of saba al-abour to be rejected . there are villages whose roads are almost closed with the first or second rains and the residents are forced to travel through the neighboring provinces , that's why the executive board agents are going to take them today. necessarily, 10 hours journey with assisted cars from 3 to chaharmahal bakhtiari province pass isfahan and lorestan and i think they will walk for about four to five hours to collect the votes of these 15 hard days. in short , a heavy responsibility is really on their shoulders, but
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they are doing their work with a special prejudice, and so am i. i was talking to them and they said that we will definitely try to make sure that not a single person faces any problem on the day of the election and that everyone can participate , close their identification devices, remove all the necessary facilities, and be ready since last night, and this is almost a preparation. they have the ability that , god willing, no problem can stop them let these reach the people in 15 days. with the effort that you are saying, the executive boards will surely go safely and collect the votes of the people and come back. thank you very much, sir.
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we know the pride of our tribe , dear young people, the honor of this town is at the foot of the flag, and there is no one other than me, no one, except you, who is saddened in my heart and you. now it's time to choose your destiny, come and write your destiny. come, write. we are coming for the love of this.
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in yesterday's fronts, see how love was meant, lale lale dasht shiidai, our opinion of the islamic republic. it was a little bit of my soil and you didn't reduce it
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azade iran didn't happen either, now it's time to choose, the journey will last, whoever didn't, show them your choice , so that your belief will come alive, they will laugh. you can be the future, show me your choice, so that your belief will come alive, your head is close to laughter and life from a woman, your vote can be the future .
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let's go to the sports events. well, my colleagues in the outdoor studio of the morning program, hello reporter, and on a cold and snowy day in the capital, they are ready to present the sports section to you
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. you mentioned that in a very snowy environment, after two days of snowfall in the last days of winter, praise be to god , we are at your service from the program studio in a very beautiful winter and snowy environment. hello reporter of fazai bazeh studio. hello reporter, but i would like to thank you for your presence , dear viewers. yes, we are at your service. like every day, we review the most important sports topics. welcome, hamed, i am at your service and all the good viewers of the news program, salaam and the reporter, with courtesy respectfully, these three are because of the day we went to azadi game stadium of our sepah's independence . the air was a little cold, so now you can say that the children caught a cold. the reporter
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is a bit more distant from me. yes, yes, exactly, and i will tell you that yesterday it can be said that the 18th week has come to an end, it has ended by holding several matches , and now the teams are getting ready for the 19th week of the premier league . the most important result that was achieved was the victory of tractor on the second day. pak and khamz and his team were able to get out of the crisis. hamed jan broke the table, i like the structure. special conditions that it was iraq and it was raining, their match was canceled and postponed to today, which will be held against pikan and sanat naft abadan, that is, enayati and his students do n't want a tie at all from this tape. take zubano so that they can move side-by-side with esteghlal or behind them. esteghlal is at the top of the table with 39 points . hamed jan will go for the hizbi cup , which is the 14th hezbi cup , and after the hizbi cup, esteghlal is going
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to play with misr rafsanjan. kane sepahan with shamsazer and the police press and the oil and gas patrol of saran, the police press in one of the league teams, but the situation is going forward, after that, according to the calendar announced by the football league organization, hamed jan's games will continue until march 27, which means the 19th week and the 21st week. we have a very important city to reform the police press . it is back at the azadi dore stadium and after the 21st week, qarivi and his students in the national team should prepare themselves for the world cup
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qualifiers from march 3rd. we were able to win four games against hong kong , we did two games with uzbekistan, and now with turkmenistan we have a game on the second of april . a very good football year is starting. i hope that we can win the return game on the second of april and then in turkmenistan, so that our city will be ideal for the 2026 world cup in america and several countries that are going to jointly host these games. it's great. you completely plowed the football according to our words, you talked about everything from the bottom and the top to the continuation of the matches, let's go and talk about the field, but you pointed out that our time is over, mahdi, thank you for your presence, but let's go back and join you, ms. haji, thank you very much, mr. ghafari from janabali and also, our colleague mr. zayaei, but together with you, dear and respected viewers , we will once again go to the news hall and join my colleague
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, mr. shayame, mr. shayame, hello reporter , thank you, hello again, well, sports friends announced their news from the open air, and you know that every now a cold snowy weather prevails at least in the capital , and as the meteorology has announced in many parts of the country, the issue we want to address in this section is also related to this cold weather, anyway , due to the heavy snowfall in many parts of our country and weather the prevailing cold causes that people are now even following the advice of the police and city officials to refrain from in-person traffic and from leaving the house at all. this issue has caused us to face a shortage of blood from another aspect, because people are visiting less anyway. they are donating less blood to blood transfusion centers because of this cold. morteza azani from
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the health desk is here to explain to us more and to prepare a report in this regard . i greet you. dear viewers of the khabar network, as you said, both the weather and the recent rains have caused people to travel less in the city. and their visit to the blood transfusion stations will be less and the officials of the tehran blood transfusion organization emphasized that if the weather conditions are like this and the people's visits are the same way, the blood reserves will be in danger of shortage and they suggest requesting people to go to the blood transfusion centers. at. in this weather , by the way, in these conditions , they should have more expressions of donating blood. as you know , the blood reserves that we have now are for one month of qibla, that is, whenever it is used , the reserves are available for up to a month, and if so, how many the next day, as predicted, the weather will still be cold
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if we don't refer , we will face problems later, as you know, anyone who donates blood can die. by donating blood, we will save the lives of three people and help the patients who are always in need of blood , god willing . it was a very good question . of course, you know that now, for example, the broadcasting organization has the potential to do this. they welcome the army. giving this request and the organization of blood transfusion yesterday in the organization means appearing in the army forces and taking blood from a large number of army forces and... i think that these measures can recharge our reserves and thank god. but the referrals of people who are regular blood donors can also help a lot, and
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god willing, let us not forget to have more patients in need of blood and blood products during nowruz holidays in the holy month of ramadan in capital air in these seasons when there are fewer referrals. thank you very much, morteza, long live. thank you this is the opportunity that you gave to me and my colleagues in the glass hall of seda vasima news agency. i say goodbye to you and all my dear viewers , have a good day ahead. thank you very much, mr. shahramhar, to his excellency and my other colleagues at sada and sima news agency. god willing, you will also have a very good and blessed day ahead, but dear and honorable compatriots in in the telephone conversation that i had with my colleague mr. najafian , bakhtiari told us and you the viewers that the nomads' funds are supposed to be explained. to a series of nomads who water and they are experiencing better weather and their opinions about the elections.
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they came from all clans and nomadic tribes. qashqai, ler, arab and 8 independent tribes of stans nomads. they used to say: on the same promise as with the revolution. we say goodbye to our own leader, to our own imam, to our own guardian, the nomads, along with other sections of the society , participate in the elections and be proud in the hope of god . their proud presence on march 11 will prove and prove our claim and our belief. kurds, god willing, who always follow the province and always defend the religion of islam and the islamic revolution, and
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which tribe of nomads have the most colorful presence , as far as i know and i am informed, all the nomadic communities of the young people also said that they were together with the elders on the 11th of esfand, contrary to the opinion of the foreign public . we are not behind the leader , we are not behind the system, unlike the western countries , we will be present at the polls and we will be behind the country's system and leadership with all our strength . they also told about their promises and appointments with future representatives.
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and it is supposed to be held on the 11th of march make it a more memorable day, siad jokar, radio and television news agency, nomadic region of shiraz, well, tomorrow we will be at your service for 6:30 minutes, dear viewers, on the 11th of march, the day of a passionate election. until tomorrow, may god protect you. . together with a heart flag, we closed the town of abadie mine
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, this world is not ours when we are together. this year, you people are supposed to be the narrators of your presence at the polls. by sending pictures from different urban, rural and nomadic areas . for this, it is enough to send your mobile images horizontally to our address ita, rubika, yes and soroush messengers.
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7:57 am
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, precise fit. shiralt to kar rasan for space management beyond the limits shiralt to kar rasan, model renata rasan, the hot and cold companion of the life band, daria's first smartphone. with the possibility of video calls without the need for the internet, mom, dad, where are you, how are you, we are fine, don't worry, we have come to sarai irani, air conditioners, air conditioners, this time of the year, with this rush , the special sale of air conditioners has started in the great iranian sarai, with exceptional conditions, at this year's price, in
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the next year, until 2 o'clock in the morning in tehran i am your host. a pleasant and delicious taste like honey. avend biscuit company is trying to be an inseparable member of iranian tastes by producing various and tasty biscuits using modern technology with a fully automatic system. compliance with consumer rights and preservation. quality is the key to longevity. just enjoy it .
8:00 am
hi.good morning. the end of the legal opportunity to advertise candidates for the parliamentary elections, the people's readiness for maximum and selective participation, the election is ours, it belongs to our country, friday, in the hope of god , we will surely go, in the hope of god, because of the blindness of the enemy's eyes. we will participate in the elections for iran until the end. continued zionist attacks.


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