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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the passage of food trucks to gaza is less than half, and the situation in the north of the gaza strip is worse than in the south. in the north of the gaza strip, even animal feed is not found. many of our requests for the movement of caravans from the south to the north are rejected and whenever they are accepted. the caravans faced a series of security incidents. what the secretary general calls security incidents are regime attacks on food trucks, just like what happened on al-rashid street. people who were waiting to receive humanitarian aid were targeted by zionist airstrikes. like this man a palestinian who could not before his martyrdom for us.
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he makes small hiroshima-like movements to make achievements for himself. it can be summarized from your words that it has not achieved anything so far, and with actions like crime in al-rashid street or in the school or in jabalia , i will go to the same term as small hiroshimas , but it can turn the page in its favor, yes. exactly the impasse that i mentioned.
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i gave it another name: crossroads of death, which means that israel is in a dilemma where every path is the end, both paths are the end, not one path, one path, the continuation of the battle. gaza and the two-way route back from gaza . there is no third way. the third way is to win in gaza . basically, the americans and israelis thought that they would enter gaza and win. john, but suffering from these two ways of death, which this anger has , will continue and there is no victory. how long do you think they can stay on these two ways? it means that both israel and the united states have now realized that victory in gaza is no longer possible, so see the next option. well, because victory is not possible , so battle for battle for battle.
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gaza, i remember those early interviews we had a plan, i said that israel will not win in gaza, now i don't want to say that i am a person, not every person who knew a strategic logic, israel will not win in gaza because it had experienced this 5 times: the war of 1908, the war of 1912, the war of 1914, the war of 1919 and the war of 1921. he has experienced this many times, so this is not something new for us to say, he will not win, so the question is, if he does not win, what is israel doing?
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this israeli government imagines a future for itself and its future is not about the future at all now israel, israel has no way, i mean , i said it should come back from behind gaza, it will be knocked out, no , you can't. some people think now , i will say this later. because later on, some people think that this issue is netanyahu's issue, it is a personal issue, that is, netanyahu's crisis, because he knows that he will fall , not israel has these two paths, not netanyahu , this is a very wrong analysis that some reduce the issue of israel to netanyahu. regarding the analysis you had before, i now want to ask what analysis for the future you have now from here. in the future, maybe a
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6-month or a year perspective, how do you see what could happen in your opinion, if you see these two ways, israel will not be able to return from gaza. it cannot return, because return means destruction, not the destruction of netanyahu . the destruction of destruction is what i mean. i want to find something equivalent to the word knockout. now the word destruction may mean the end of israel. now it is better to use the word end instead of knockout, the end of israel is not the end. which will fall at the same moment , you see, israel is a government that this government 30 the year he sought to establish himself among the great. that is, israel had 2 basic goals , it took stabilization, it came to legitimacy from camp david egypt to
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later, well, this is very important to it , but what is its situation now , it is not a matter of legitimacy at all, the matter is that again. it has returned to the zero point from now on, it should look for whether it can continue at all, israel means israel after 75 years and it has returned to the point of 1948 , so our question is, can the zionist regime continue . i come to serve you , president of russia, to the western countries and your members he warned about the possible deployment of troops to ukraine and said: a sad fate awaits the countries that make such a decision. in his annual speech, vladimir putin added: the consequences of such a decision will be extremely severe. he emphasized: russia has weapons that can
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target the depths of countries that make such a decision. the german chancellor stressed: no german soldiers will participate in the war in ukraine, and nato will never be one sided. there will be no war. these statements of sholes are a reaction to the words of french president emmanuel macron, who said that european countries would send troops to ukraine is not ruled out for the future. these statements of macron were followed by a storm of reactions, and the authorities of various countries, including the united states, england , spain, italy, poland, hungary, and sweden , emphasized that they will not send any soldiers to ukraine, either today or in the future. among these reactions washington skin in the report. he wrote: nato forces are already present in the war in ukraine . citing some of the leaked documents, this american newspaper stated that nato's logistical, training and, most importantly, intelligence support from kiev is undeniable. american veterans
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burn their military clothes in the fire. after the protest action of an american pilot to the american policies towards gaza, which led to his death, now pictures. it was published by american veterans in which they asked for the freedom of palestine. these people burned signs of their presence in the american army in portland in the west of the united states in protest of washington's involvement in the genocide in gaza. the swedish representative of the european parliament remained silent during part of his speech to express his protest against the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza. abir sahlani, who wears a scarf around his waist in solidarity with the palestinian people bode continued his silence in response to the request of the chairman of the meeting to speak. this swedish diplomat then said: the humanity of our society has failed. secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement said: the war in gaza
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disgraced america and the west. seyyed abdul malik badreddin considered america's support for the invasion of gaza to be an indication of washington's double standards and emphasized. america's kurds are the biggest violators of human rights and are responsible for the violation of the light of gaza and yemen. referring to the crimes committed by the zionist occupation and the dire humanitarian situation in gaza, the secretary general of the ansarullah movement stated that the enemy has failed in achieving its ominous goals . secretary general of ansarullah movement also continued he emphasized yemen's support for the palestinian people. us congress lawmakers reached an agreement. to temporarily prevent the shutdown of the us government. the deal includes temporary measures on the annual budget to delay the government shutdown deadline that was set for friday. the leaders of the us congress have not yet agreed on the budget for 6 ministries, including internal security and defense.
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helping ukraine, securing the southern borders and dealing with the movement of illegal immigrants are among the main points of dispute. you are still a viewer of today's world, continue the conversation with mr. moslehzadeh i believe, mr. doctor, we have reached here that the zionist regime with how long can america support this conflict, which you call a battle for the sake of battle, that is, they only want it to be open and continue for the time being, how long can they continue in this style, the important thing is that they have no other way i mentioned how long they can continue, israel cannot retreat because it will lead to its end, the end of israel . and don't reduce israel's crisis to netanyahu's crisis and continue the battle
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well, you say it's the end of the war, so if the war continues, why does it continue ? is there a third way? the third way is for hamas to surrender, the palestinian islamic jihad organization to surrender. this is to show that they will not surrender. look at the third way to close the palestinians because this is the only way. the salvation of israel was for us to go forward. and hamas, palestinian islamic jihad and the people of gaza should surrender to the triangle that i mentioned before, or they should leave gaza, we will feel that we have an uninhabited gaza, or they should surrender . the smallest victory is to capture the evening let's go back to the first question, if it's street crime now. al-rashid can be done is that they are searching, perhaps with a magnifying
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glass, to create an achievement for themselves that can turn the tide in their favor, that is, at least show that we are not the champions of the battle, not the losers of the battle, this is very important for israel. now , your effort is the winner, that is, the bombing is a sign that israel is the winner. or is it a sign of israel's failure that i said that it should have a strategic logic, in some way, a military currency ok, the point i said is that israel is broken from the point of view of strategic logic, that you go to al-rashid and bombard, this is broken, not a victory, so why does israel continue? so, this question should be answered in this way only. let's see why israel
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continues to commit crimes in spite of all the crises that we have mentioned, which we now call the little hiroshima. why is it continuing? is there any other way? there is no other way. the only way is to continue this. maybe of course. imagine maybe it will come to a victorious end , even though we both know, israel knows, and america knows that this will not be a victorious end for israel, right now it shows that it is broken. i mean, i said that al-rashid's move shows that this army has failed in terms of strategy . well, of course, the other side of gaza is also facing these dilemmas. let me tell you, friends, don't think that i am saying that only israel and gaza are exactly in a dilemma if you withdraw. what israel wants is the end of gaza, we have reached the end, mr. armed, let me finish this sentence and if gaza continues, it will not win. face. it's the end of gaza , you see, it's a very strange dilemma, that is, gaza is facing a
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dilemma and israel is facing a dilemma . there is only one way, one way out for gaza, which israel doesn't have. the way to save gaza is in yemen and the lebanese resistance front, so this bomb can get out. take gaza out . thank you very much for being a guest of today's world . i also thank you dear viewers. god bless you. elections are a great principle for us. our elections
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show our unity, show our national strength, show that we are shining in the scientific fields, thank god, and we should shine in the political fields too. in fact , we should have unity and complete strength so that others do not expect us to be ahead of all those interested in our knowledge. the departure of iran and the future of islamic iran, i invite you to protect the blood of the martyrs and with maximum participation at the ballot box. let's make the best destiny for our country. the issue of elections is a duty and duty of every people or nation of that country, and as an iranian muslim, i know it is my duty to participate in the elections so that i can
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be involved in my own destiny. elections are the manifestation of democracy. our country according to the divorce c. republic and islam too it crystallizes the right and the duty in the elections and i try to help this by choosing a weapon and knowingly, if we want our country to be strong and the security of our country is guaranteed , we must participate in these elections. it forms us, and as someone who has executive responsibility in the university , i see how much the laws of the parliament can help or cause problems in our work, that's why i will definitely go to participate, so that i can get the best people, and the best laws will come out of there. all of us are for a safe iranian and a powerful iranian
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let's go to the polls with all our strength to participate as much as possible. whoever wants to have a better future must participate in the elections. elections are the way to transform and reach a better future, as our elders said. because i believe in my country, its authority, its independence , its dignity, i should choose the person who i think will serve the country better. fate itself does not participate. naturally, he should come to the arena and make demands from the rulers. for the figure shaping our own future and determining the destiny of our country in this huge and fateful movement, god willing , we will have a wide participation. participation in the elections is a religious and obligatory duty for all our loved ones who, god willing
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, can choose the right person with their wide participation in the elections, so that we can. let's elect strong and good people in the next parliament, god willing. our time has come, it's time for you to be proud and proud. you are my honor and my goal .
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until my choice is made, so that you can see the voice, so that love stays alive, the whole world does not have a place for iranians let's hear each other so that love remains alive, the whole world is not iranian, the enemy is eternal, it is always outside, until
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it is outside, there is no face.
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a voice of color, you are all of me, you are my authority, everything
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i have is from you, you are my choice. considering the importance of the participation of all people in the upcoming elections, the medical community as well as our colleagues in the health system in the beautiful island. kish, doctors and hard working employees of the hospital, god willing , will participate in this great popular movement, and i
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invite all our colleagues and their respected families, god willing, to shape our own future and determine the destiny of our country in this great and fateful movement. inshaallah, he will have a wide company in the name of my servant. i myself request from the university community, students, professors, staff, and educators to participate enthusiastically in the elections. god willing , we will have an enthusiastic election because of these past holidays . the future of the country depends on the people's participation in these elections. i will participate in the elections , why do i participate in the 11th of esfand elections? in my opinion, the 11th of esfand elections are the duty of every iranian, as the future of his country is important to him and the prosperity of the
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islamic society is actually important to us, we will definitely participate. because the future of our country depends on these elections, and in my opinion, it is obligatory for every iranian to participate. are you participating in the elections on the 11th of esfand? i am participating in the elections on the 11th of esfand . in order to preserve the islamic system, i ask for your presence, the destiny of dear iran and the ideals of the imam. do you participate , because i am a night worker in the hospital on the 10th of esfand, after the night shift , we will definitely participate with the family as soon as possible. you will participate in the elections on the 11th of esfand of course, yes, why are you participating in the elections
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, because it is my legal duty and it is really necessary for me to choose a person who is worthy in my opinion. . who and at what time will you participate in the elections with your family, as i have participated with my family for many years since i reached the legal voting age , i will participate with my wife . do you have a conversation and what advice do you have for these people to be invited to i recommend that they participate in the elections because we are supposed to represent the city. we will enter the parliament, so it is better to choose these people ourselves with an open mind. why
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are you participating in the 11th esfen election ? because of this duty, i know to participate in this election. who are you participating with and what time do you go to the polling stations? in my family, i, my wife, and my eldest daughter can participate in the elections, usually early in the morning we are going to cast our votes in the box. it is very important for me to live in a country where he can actually have something to say and others cannot attack him. really, considering the current situation in our country and the dangers that can threaten our country from outside , nothing today, its importance is not higher than the unity and cohesion between the people and that they themselves are the decision makers for their own destiny.
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will be found on the roads and borders more than ever.


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