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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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let those who read reach it. people with different tastes stood together. it is my duty to leave my influence in the future society and the islamic council. according to my beliefs and thoughts, i want these thoughts to flow in the council. it is important for me to vote for my country. the language of these fingers is death to old america. they only came to the side of the gentleman because they announced that we should attend for the fate of our country. this is the fate of my daughter . they trusted the words of the election candidates and came to the polls. we have come to do something, the people love their words , the people should act so that 290 representatives pass laws for 4 years to untie the knot of people's problems and the same promises that are about livelihood are about people's welfare.
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next, it is about the youth, there are various issues that the youth have, the issue of addiction, which i really need to root out, so that conditions can be created so that the youth can better plan their own future , that they can build the iran that we want , the people will be more like us, housing for our youth, our social welfare, our economy. more important is this soldier who is for giovna, the second is a clear discussion making their own opinions. let's know what the weak are doing and pay attention to the country. everyone came on friday. all for iran at the ballot box with any dress, age and position on the throne. everyone
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came to participate in the determination of iran 's destiny. in their posts, cyberspace users also enthusiastically wrote about the presence of 25 million iranians at the ballot boxes of destiny. the election that was designed by parsar failed with the participation of about 25 million people, or the other one by tabet he said that the people are at the foot of the revolution, and once again the people came to the square and proved that they are standing at the foot of the regime with the presence of 25 million people.
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again, the presence of 25 million and the defeat of all the enemy's handiwork, a user from wrestling congratulated everyone like this: proud of iran, lasting iran , our love, iran, god, the strength of the nation of iran, the milk of the mother, the bread of the father, your halal, using one of the enemy's plans to discourage the people, he said. by publishing a photo of a fellow worker, the enemy wrote about livelihood and conditions the economy of the people had made a plan and wanted to implement his plans, but the people messed up his equations again. this user also said that it is time for the people's elected officials to fulfill their promises. despite the complaints, people still created an epic. and now is the time to fulfill the promises. users wrote about the importance of the enthusiastic participation of the people in the march 11 elections, and that the people of iran won once again. winner. the decisive test of the election of bita saedi
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, sed and sima news agency, when you know that you can untie any knot, no matter how it is, you break the cage , you fly, you don't get tired, for us, my tiredness
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that lion's heart that they say is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a test, there are our footprints on the land. dream higher today, wherever we are, tomorrow higher, believe
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we will reach where the limit of your belief was. we will erase the spots from the geography map . we will erase the spots from the geography map. above.
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you break, you fly, we don't get tired , fatigue has no meaning for us, if the eyes don't flow , there is no way to the sea, higher than any dream, higher than any dream , wherever we are today.
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a dream higher than me today, wherever we are , tomorrow we are higher, tomorrow higher. he is accused of standing
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up and is the target of thousands of oppressions in six ways. my poem is all cheap. this is a mesra. the islamic republic of iran is a shrine . we are still standing by the right that we were. it is also calculated that today will be blind, whoever cannot see, stand up because it is the celebration of the revolution, today hamas, with all its awe, saw the glory of arash with astonished eyes. and esfandiar and with you, jahanara and tehrani, the homeland of suleimanani, to another field in
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the blood of your clothes, iran, full of mirrors and smiles , stay more glorious than mount damavand, stay more lively. shine from the morning of khorasan and stay fresher than the apples of samarkand. dr. raghawsha has set up a small tent and is providing medical services for displaced children in the al-mawazi camp . in a conversation with nbc news, dr. ruka said: between 70,000 and 100,000 people live in this camp in desperate conditions.
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which is considered an epidemic in the food bar due to contaminated food and water. he says: "i am a human being . i loved children since i was hired and started working in the children's department . treating children gives me a sense of peace. of course , war is the most important factor in the disastrous conditions of the consequences." war is worse than the war itself. we have children who lost their lives due to illness. we also have martyred children who lost their lives due to rain.
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i walked a long way to get to the doctor and finally i found this doctor. it was very difficult. i swear there was no news about the medicine or the doctor. i swear i saw a person eating from a garbage bowl. i was filming him with him, i swear, we sleep hungry and wake up hungry, even if you find bread, you will still be hungry. and we wake up hungry. the presence of people at
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the voting booths was reflected in foreign media. some media welcomed the people's participation and considered the people's presence as a sign of the iranian nation's authority. message. the people's participation in the elections is a demonstration of the power of the iranian nation to the enemies of iran, israel, america and england at the top of them. especially since the enemies of iran had intensified their activities against this country in the last 14 years, some of them had a neutral position, although they portrayed the participation of the people in the elections, but they took an indifferent approach. but some media they had opened a special account on boycotting the elections months ago. friday 's parliamentary election in iran
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is the first election after the uprising led by women and girls in iran . whose goal was to end the islamic republic. after seeing the presence of people at the voting booths, they tried to describe the participation rate as low. it is exactly like that. it seems that this year's election has the lowest participation rate in terms of participation. but in their analysis, they did not mention the countries that do not have elections at all , nor that almost in most countries of the world participation rate in parliamentary elections. it is about 40 to 50 percent. for example, in america and switzerland , their participation rate is below 50% for several decades. in their analysis, western media also point to the holding of mandatory elections in countries such as france, australia , italy, spain, holland, belgium, austria, switzerland, greece, turkey, cyprus,
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chile, argentina, luxembourg, whose participation in their elections is due to the state. fines and... suspensions are heavy, not to mention mojtaba shah soni of sed and sima news agency, how many years have you been voting since the deadline is 10 hours? they say that the people didn't come to vote today , so they are not the people. we are people and we are and we will be. you can't take a chance. you saw that it is not for the wolf and you for the wolves . you saw that the companionship of a stranger was the same as
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you saw. the trap can be opened three times for me in every hole that falls.
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we must vote, obey the leadership, and we must participate because this vote is the nation's vote. whatever you choose to color or the texture you make is beautiful. sports came. the point is that as an iranian and as a patriot, we know that you are our duty participate in elections. it is our national duty to come to defend the name of our country, the sanctity of our country, the greatness of the name of iran, and to come to the polls to vote
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. being in this enthusiastic crowd, the energy and motivation that i witnessed today in shahid afrasiabi hall , doubles the motivation of all of us to work and gives hope. i believe that every person who gets into the parliament should be able to make the best decisions for the country , whether in the field of sports or in the field of decision-making for other matters . iran brings everyone together everything is left, iran means life and love. you always hear the name of iran. one really has a sense of pride for that flag. trying to be able to raise that flag and make it proud is a very beautiful and strong feeling, but there is a question about this vote. what effect does it have on you in the future of the country? people can choose the people they want in the future. these representatives can defend the rights of the people and the people
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can be satisfied with the performance of our representatives. maghneh power is a place where representatives of weapons and people who, in addition to the city, perform their duties well, should be present. be informed by his side for the sustainable development of the country. they can take a very good step, in any case, we are only the youth of this country and we must do our best and help, god willing, it will be fruitful , although i know there are many problems, a solution must be found to solve the people's problems and the parliament can solve the people's problems. especially sports and this presence is not for those enemies and malice who are trying so hard to prevent our people from coming. the choice of weapon is to be a representative who can enact a good brigade, enact good laws, that all the blessings that we can have in our country are from this blessing.
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let's use this year's vote of the parents , we definitely want them to fulfill their promises and we hope to make the society progress , to recognize sports as a driving factor in the field of social vitality and for sports to be supported by financial resources and support. social leaders should be placed more than in the past so that it can fulfill its missions, missions and duties, they should help us, we must use this right to choose well so that a strong iran will be realized due to having strong pillars such as strong sports. in the development of our sport the amount of progress of the body of dear iran belongs to all of us to preserve iran and improve iran's status, especially in terms of the position between internationally, we must come and vote , support and be demanding. i don't know anywhere in the world that there is such a manifestation
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that the amount of the nation's vote. if we want to have iranian abad. if we want to have a strong iran , the people are decisive, and that is why the election is a manifestation of the people's presence in the administration of their own country.
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i will do this in the early hours of the morning. i came to decide the fate of my country and discuss general health policies announced by the supreme leader of malfe. it is important. we really expect the representatives and the future parliament to put the implementation of these general health policies on the agenda, because it seems that the main solution to solve the key problems in the health field is to follow the upper documents and laws. we will vote for a representative. to create suitable conditions for young people in the field of youthism and finally create conditions so that
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young people can have a better future. people, the treatment staff should be properly included in the policy discussion. it is very important for us to solve the problems of young people in work and marriage . it should be a population that i trust in the country , so let's take steps in the direction of social justice . i will vote for the representative. usually, jonah's problem now is more about employment problems. it is more of a task for him, which in any case will affect my own impact in the future society and the shura assembly. islam , according to my beliefs and thoughts, i want to participate in the fate of my country
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, do something for the benefit of the people. you have an exceptional offer to buy a limited number of trucks and trailers. buying at the factory price without interest and with 36-month installments is one of the special conditions of this offer. hit the road without worry enjoy your travels. car dealership in a large iranian garage. specialized laboratory for measuring
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profile strength. stubborn singers in hardships, the profile of the strong doors and windows of the fathers of the children , let's go to the city right now, because the city of household appliances is now giving away a vacuum cleaner for 35 million tomans. ah , sweep up the gifts.
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this carpet is our guest , of course, there are 2 other carpets, they are getting old , so let's go and see them. don't bother choosing a new carpet. from this enjoy affordable shopping and installments until 2:00 am.
2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. determining the assignment 221. the seat of the 12th parliament was drawn to the second round in at least 16 constituencies after the end of the counting of votes in 199 constituencies. distribution of needed items and efforts to provide water and electricity to flood-affected people in sistan baluchistan. more than a thousand khans found emergency shelters.


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