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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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essentially in the hands of the people , do you agree with giving cheap dollars to the producers and importers, or should we give subsidies to the people? i agree with giving subsidies to the people themselves, the reason is that one of the biggest financial corruptions is in the unfair explanation of indirect subsidies and two is the lack of an intelligent and fair system to explain subsidies. should the gasoline subsidy be allocated to the national code of people or to the car? that many of our dear people do not have cars, to explain wealth fairly , subsidies should be given to the national code , what support should be given to cars for rejuvenation and population growth acceptable laws have been formulated in this field, but there is a need for continuous follow-up for implementation. for example, in taksestan city , not even a single piece of land has been assigned in the population rejuvenation plan, or for example, as in the first two years of birth for mothers. the employee is entitled to compensation. it should
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be considered for other mothers as well. what are your solutions to reduce the age of marriage and make it on time? increasing the marriage age of young people has material and cultural roots. in the material dimension , we need to create jobs and housing for young people, and we need serious government interaction to cultivate the culture of marriage and we are family. have you tasted poverty in your life? i am like many others. people , i understood the economic problems during my adolescence and youth, and i had the honor of being a worker to finance my education . the pension for a family of four, which is also covered by the relief and welfare committee, and the head of my family is out of work, how much should it be equal to the wage of the labor law in do you agree with the grant of land by the government for the construction of villas or apartments? in supporting the
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new technology, which technology is the priority, artificial intelligence, which is the achievement of clarifying governance and can save people's lives facilitate the elimination of the entrance exam. do you agree or disagree? i agree that the entrance exam has two basic problems: drive and the anxiety of volunteering and their families . i definitely support any action to solve these two problems. these tax evasions are related to the country's high-income decks , and the solution that we can consider for this is to create transparency in people's accounts and financial information, and to create a smart model to fight tax evasion with capital id tax. do you agree with capital id tax, but do we need the principle of transparency with car imports? do you agree with car imports? our car industry needs competition and should be removed from monopoly. yes. what you heard
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were the words of the honorable elected representative of takestan constituency during the election campaigns that were aired on special channels for election campaigns. the people of taksestan saw this and chose their representative based on this. welcome to mr. abbas begley. the elected representative of taksestan people. welcome . stay alive and stay healthy. mr. bagdali at all, this model was done for the first time. election networks were launched across the country. how did you see in the name of god. i express my courtesy and respect to the viewers of the news network and the people involved in this program and to the dear people.
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i would like to thank islamic iran, especially the people of taksestan city, fahim, for the saga that was created on the 11th of march. the reality is that i was present in the islamic majlis elections in the last round, and this period was different from the previous one. the view that fairness in the presentation of programs and specialized topics, especially in radio and television programs , is really worthy of appreciation, and with the demands that people have at the national and regional levels, let's take a look at it. well done. yes, how did you see the question ? of course, you also mentioned it now. yes, considering how close it was to the real issues of the people , almost the general demands that we are witnessing in the region, especially in the economic field, especially the people's livelihood.
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i think it helped a lot for people to make the right decision from the issue of transparency, a completely specialized and economic issue that was included in these questions . how will you pass the first program that will finally serve the people? my dear , we said that god willing, we want to start our approach with this process, and god willing, if it is successful, one of the problems that is generally raised in the public meetings of our dear people is the lack of availability of the representative to convey the problems that exist to us, that is, god willing, our desk inshallah , let's set up a secretariat in the wards and at the level of the city, god willing , let's set up a secretary's office at the level of the wards.
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after all, there are problems in the region that exist at the national level, and our elites can help, in addition to providing solutions to the problems. god willing, we will investigate and by prioritizing the problems that finally exist at the city level at the national level, god willing , we will do our best to improve our interactions with other representatives of the province , with other representatives that exist at the country level , and other governing bodies that can please help to solve the problem, god willing, we need to establish which of the items that were mentioned in the questions and you gave your answer, which one should be prioritized? you see, in order to turn it into a plan and submit it to the board of governors and let it be on the agenda of the parliament, i think one of the problems that we generally talk to the people about, and generally the people have demands for it, is the discussion of reforming our banking system, the reality is that
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there is no fair explanation of our credit and resources in the way that people expect, a statistic was presented by the deputy minister of economy a few days ago, which i think is a statistic. it is tolerable for them to say that 60% of our dear people do not use banking services. 100 thousand people from 25 thousand households in the country it is possible to use the funds above 100 million tomans. therefore, this issue that was finally brought up, the basic problems that finally exist in this field, should finally lead us to the reform of the banking system . in my opinion , the issue of strengthening the supervision of the central bank in banks and financial institutions should be directed towards inflation control. the issue of directing liquidity towards real production should be formed. the fact is that the only difference between our banking system and the system of
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developed banks is the existence of developed countries. that's exactly where the credit goes which should go, but considering that there is no intelligent system in the country, the explanation of our credit is fair and reasonable. it doesn't work, so why does this happen because the infrastructure is not available , the supervision of the central bank is weak , it needs to be strengthened, there is no intelligent system for supervision, our supervision system is done in a completely traditional way . we don't want to name it , but unfortunately, we are blocking people's wealth in private banks and taking them to the final places to invest their wealth. it has multiplied thousands and people for their own necessities of life for the development of agriculture in our own region need solutions for scaffolding the gardens for drippers and making it difficult because one of the basic problems of the taksestan region is the lack of water that we are unfortunately facing and which, god willing, must be solved.
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there should be a special view of the national macro regarding this issue. one of the references you made in solat's answer in the field of new technologies is artificial intelligence. you said that artificial intelligence should be more practical, both in life and in governance, what plan do you have for this? this technology exists to create platforms and infrastructures that can finally exist at the national level with laws that can finally be established by their parliament . the reality is that the principle of transparency should be applied in all issues, not just in the issue. transparency of votes and properties or heads and recommendation letters , i would like to say that for the gasoline subsidy, the gasoline subsidy should be allocated to the national code instead of the cars and the fuel card, which
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belongs to one car. unfortunately, the biggest corruption and waste of energy is in the absence. we are witnessing a fair explanation of the subsidies, check it now look, finally, the corruptions that we had in the end of honey tea and in the corruption of isfahan 9 and... we have the most spoons in our fuel , unfortunately we have the most spoons in the explanation of the flour subsidy. we see that finally , until the infrastructure there is no smart system to distribute subsidies in order to show them to the people . after all , after the infrastructures are provided, the explanation of the subsidies should be done in the form of, for example, what kind of infrastructure is the target, for example, what kind of infrastructure do you need? do look, about the allocation of subsidy to the national code
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, in fact, as some experts say, it does not require much special infrastructure because, for example, it can be done on a bank card, which means that even this card can be removed and the course has been tested, especially in this regard, your statement is completely correct, john. qudsi should be assigned to the national code until the cars are completely logical , because they are reality, friends, unfortunately, we are witnessing that the standard of living of the people is weaker compared to the capital city of the province , so they are definitely deprived of these helpers. nationally, but the reality this is that yanane's explanation in other matters is not logical in my opinion. it is true that if yanane wants to be paid in cash, it will rise in the country and cause inflation . if placed on the road of housing, the price of the road
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will increase the price of housing. if it is placed on the wide road, it will be like the same , but it can be provided non-cash in the form of basic goods , in the form of equipment . it is not the same as giving dollars to, for example, imports and such, not directly to the consumer to that person who will finally become a consumer, for example, when the 422 expansion happened, many people became company owners , i don't know if you have seen one or not . for example, the license of the downstream companies of the petrochemical industry and these so-called workshops and factories like this, and many of these licenses never turned into a real factory, but with
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those licenses, well, a lot, anyway, the raw materials of these so-called workshops and factories and these were received and went to the open market now for example, if you assume that this happens in such a way that they say, "sir , we give subsidies to farmers for tractors, we give them half the price." isn't it possible that some people will claim again in a form of expression and prove it apparently on paper that they are farmers and get that expression and then go back to the open market and sell it ? and they are different and this subsidy , if i say that it is a national code or if i say that it is given directly to individuals, the corruption will be less , the consequences will be less, and then the people will decide by themselves.
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how can they use this more fairly? for example, your statement is correct, but the fact is that one of the main problems that we have at the level we are witnessing now is conflict of interest. i was in the banking system because i was in the banking system. they themselves are very nice to be present in the authorities who make decisions . well, we have seen it many times. unfortunately, in the end, in the end, the scandals that have occurred especially regarding the exchange rate are because the decision-making and decision-making took place in places where they themselves are very nice. i think that if the representatives we are far from the political atmosphere far from the atmosphere where they are not responsible for the power and wealth mafia and especially the people themselves , they can make decisions. provide spatial decision-making , take into consideration the issues that these
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issues will finally be seen in those laws and the people will see the least loss. are you married? how many children do you have? three girls or boys? d to girl or boy. so how old are they? my son is 12 years old , my daughter is 8 years old, and my daughter is 3 years old. well then you to. yes , what will you do for the youth of the population? good laws have been enacted in the parliament in the field of population mobilization. but the reality this is what needs to be followed up, for example , it needs to be followed up, now especially in our own region , we unfortunately witnessed that we had a man who, for example , in the transfer of land, despite the fact that it happened in the capital of the province, but in our own city, for example , we did not have a case of land transfer, which requires it's a special look and that's what we have now
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, god willing, and that's what we got from studying this law. it has come to this that in general this law is more for the benefit of government employees, of course their rights should be supported, but especially for other families who are finally part of salaries are not special for government employees. this issue is not taken into account . let me give you an example.
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you studied economics and you are familiar with both concepts. what are your plans for this regarding tax issues? in my opinion, article 51 of the constitution has a direct reference in this regard, that after all, any law that is enacted in the parliament is related to the tax field. it should be established by the parliament and i believe that according to the conditions in the area witness economic system. the approach of the tax system towards the rich and with high financial ability is very weak, in addition to the fact that the business environment that earns more than the profit they are earning must pay taxes . the fact is that we need to change our approach a little. towards the rich and financially capable people
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, exactly how and what happened, finally, the identity of the people who finally have the highest income and at the level of the city, the province and the country is not too difficult . rights we are especially concerned about our dear workers who , especially in this economic situation where the costs are very high, the salary does not meet the special costs of the labor sector, and the main reason people flee from the labor sector now is that their salaries are low. he had and he took the path of the tax agreement more towards high understandings and high incomes. well, i mean , he wants a law or supervision, not a legal discussion. reforming the tax system is one of the issues that people are demanding now, what we have at the bottom of the society. we see and people have they demand that one of them is to reform the banking system and
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in the second step to reform the tax system, yes , what will you do to remove the entrance exam. in the video that was recorded and broadcasted, and the people of your constituency saw them and voted for you based on them , i am asking this because, in fact, you may say that in the next two or three months, even before the 12th parliament starts, you will have a plan for it
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, or a few ready-made plans on paper, at least put it on the table of the presidium on the first day. therefore, it is mostly due to this that after you had this diagnosis and so did the people voting according to your diagnosis. now, what exactly is your next step to follow up on the demand of the people? in the first step , we can finally have meetings in the special committee of the parliament, follow-up , which in our opinion is one of the good things that has finally been done at the level of the national media. . summarizing the opinions and things that the islamic volunteer finally did , i think this is one of the suggestions that can be helpful. what was the view of the people who wanted to
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take the exam towards the exam? i don't care to see whether or not the elected representatives of the country have a specific stance on the subject of the test . in order to take the exam , it is possible to follow up the performance of good programs in this area. what you said means that you should first conduct a poll in the new parliament about each of these issues . the philosophy of these questions that have been raised is to determine the approaches in my opinion, sedasima itself is the final reference. the majority of the petitioners have this question in their summaries. finally, they can
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have the issues that the petitioners want to announce in the form of a summary of the issues that have been raised and demand this from the representatives that they address this issue in an important and priority manner. follow up . yes, of course, these are our questions and we will ask them again in the coming days to all elected people in the 12th parliament. tell me about the transparency of votes, trips and representatives' rights, what model do you consider to be a transparent model? we in the last round, it was our view that finally , as people's lawyers, as people's servants, we should speak clearly and honestly with the people. from the moment we entered. as a candidate in the election , we declared our assets transparently and we asked other candidates to finally declare their assets transparently, and we believe that transparency
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is what you have done . we announced to the people and we said honestly , we said that if you are successful, then you can say yes to the program now, say yes, you are a slave. for example, i have a building for your service in qazvin itself . i have a building in taksestan city itself, which i considered my office . i have one donum of a peugeot pars car. this is the total property that i researched , which includes your house, office, office and all your property. this is the promise. we have served all the dear people, god willing, if we are successful , god willing, 4 years later, when we have reached the service of the dear ones , i will honestly say that the promise i made to myself is that, god willing, i will not add a single rial to my wealth and in these four years, whatever i try and we work for our beloved people
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how will you follow the transparency as a system, because now that your action is voluntary , you don't have a minute more until the end of the program. and transparency, after all , requires the determination and will of the parliament itself, which will finally be done at the macro level. no, what will you do ? i will definitely take a step in this direction. there are people in this parliament who, god willing , will take very positive steps regarding transparency in all matters, especially in the discussion of votes and letters. in property in all areas but if the parliament could not finally make the right decisions in this area, then my servant will do this honestly to serve everyone, god willing
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, i will serve all the issues monthly in a clear manner and at the service of my dear people . very well, thank you very much. ghazvin province, as i mentioned at the beginning of the program, the first page will host the people's elected officials in the 12th parliament for a few weeks from now. have a good night and good times.
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一 定 有些 就 好 。
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sarai khorod has an exceptional offer for buying a limited number of trucks and tractors. buy at a price the factory without interest and with 36-month installments is one of the special conditions of this offer. hit the road without worry and enjoy your travels. own house
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as i said, let's go to shahreh household appliances in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari . it is available to you in the best places. mom, dad , where are you? you are fine , we are fine. don't worry. we have come to sarai irani. air conditioners. this is the time of the year . this is a special sale of air conditioners. in the
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big house. iran started with exceptional conditions, at this year's price, we will host you in the next year until 2:00 am in tehran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, good night i am at your service at 23:00 with some news. the closing of the 6th ishraq poetry festival for students will be held on the 15th of march at the ghadir conference hall in qob . mr. rafiei added that 30 works have been received from afghanistan, which is
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the closing ceremony


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