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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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you see, in the same direction, we have the trip of mr. gunes, who is a member of the war cabinet of the zionist regime, the minister of war, glant, the minister of war, but he is the same war cabinet, in fact, he gets up and goes to washington without permission, without a message. it is the same rift that we mentioned, there is a serious rift in the society and in his political and military cabinet, there are rifts, the rifts and disagreements are severe, then netanyahu gets angry and says that he did not meet with me , he did not get my permission, and orders the regime's embassy in washington to serve him. don't see it, don't welcome it , war is more interesting than we don't have now americans why? accepting gantsu and meeting with mrs.
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kamla hariz, in fact, the vice president will have to meet. well, this is actually a red light for netanyahu that you should not think that you are an activist . we can put pressure on you and we can replace you. he is a criminal and a murderer, but there are 3 approaches in approaches . netanyahu and the extreme right wing, well, the war continues. war, war, until the release of prisoners, the destruction of hamas, and the killing of the people of gaza. the second approach is more moderate. in fact, gans and eisengut believe that at one stage, there should be a temporary blue war stop serious negotiations should be carried out towards the release of prisoners in stages.
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this is the second approach , which has its opponents, but it has its supporters, the approach whose opponents are more, its supporters are less, the left, liberal, and nationalist factions, in fact, the factions against the war believe that the war must stop now. natan should be tried, go to jail and enter into negotiations with hamas and at the same time move towards a two-state solution. now here , it is a joke and a joke. which two-state solution are we talking about? is there anything left for palestine at all? there is something left from western workers, something left from gaza , that the government's solution is, in fact, both a deceptive slogan and an excuse for the third approach that we have.
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we are negotiating, our priority is the release of the prisoners, then because they are against natanya, they will be put on trial in prison, and they will go to political negotiations , no matter what, the headlines here are the big headlines. what will happen on the second day after the war? i don't know , there are different plans in the arab world, the issue of the resignation of mr. ashtiyeh, the prime minister of the self-governing government, is being raised, why suddenly? in fact, mohammad abbas may resigned what does he want to do, what role will he play in the future management of gaza? the integration of hamas into the future government of the technocrats is actually brought up by the gathering of palestinian groups in moscow who actually met with mr. lavrov and all agreed that everyone should be under the umbrella of the liberation organization. let's go to palestine, so let's consider all these actions and anfals. i imagine that it is as simple as this. the issue of gaza cannot be solved, and
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fortunately, hamas has the initiative of the war, and day by day these gaps between america and the regime, and within the regime itself, both in its political system and in its military system, are getting deeper and deeper. more likely, considering that you mentioned the gap inside the cabinet , you know that we are a witness. let's say, for example, the prime minister of the zionist regime should be changed, according to the pulse given by the united states, which you mentioned, this depends on two important factors, one is whether netanyahu really wants to continue the war or if he feels it is dangerous if he wants to go to negotiations. don't give points in negotiations and don't stop the war. on
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the other hand, what agreements will the americans reach with gans, what guarantees will they give to gans , and what commitments will gans give to the americans? so. one faction is an internal issue, how does natanu want to continue the war, and one is the issue of the americans, this was actually a warning to netanyahu, the pressure was on netanyahu to welcome guns or not, to really come to the conclusion that netanyahu is playing the whole game of america and it is disrupting the entire role of america in the region, mr. barak ehud barak said that netanyahu's personal interests are preventing him from coming. now, if the zionist regime calls for a ceasefire or if they reach an agreement, on the other hand, some people say that the issue of the zionist regime should not be made personal because, as you mentioned, at all, the main point of america's case is that if we play the game
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of individuals, it is to reduce the factors , it is to reduce the goals that this war is pursuing . individuals can be so colorful, of course, in your previous speech, you believe that an individual prevents the formation of a series of agreements. look, mrs. shoubiri, an individual is not a symbol of a trend, an individual as a person is not an approach, in fact, it is a symbol of an approach, netanyahu's approach to what and netanyahu is not netanyahu , he is talking about a faction, and that faction is the religious extreme right. we cannot continue the war of mr. seyyed afkri let's say that it is the same thing that america wants because they have not achieved anything. if we know america is the main stage manager and
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there are no achievements in this stage management and they want to continue so much that they can achieve those achievements with the goals they have set, we can still say that, for example, netanyahu agrees. i feel that with the continuation of the war, the profit i get is more than the cost and loss, that is , there are all the factors of the front of the war field and the internal situation of the regime itself . hizbollah red sea debate ansarullah, not withdrawing the pressure, now america is doing harm, america has its ships, england , its ships are exploding and sinking, the discussion of the continuation of the conflicts of the islamic resistance in iraq is still going on against the interests of the united states, so
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it is not only an internal problem, it is a regional problem and an international problem. it is based on the reflections of the world from that side of the court. we are not hopeful, but as a voice , it is a statement, it is a moral and psychological pressure. in fact , i want to know the beginning of ramadan, which is about 10 days away, what is the possible outlook for this story. if it has a region, see, usually in the holy month of ramadan, the spiritual dimensions of the countries of the region, the nations of the region, attention to god, attention to spiritual concepts, issues of moral duties, jihadi duties and tasm to god , the issue of unity, the issue of helping each other , there is a discussion of cooperation and taka takaful. these are usually in the holy month of ramadan makes flowers, gathering demonstrations in mosques with
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sermons, well, definitely, the divine blessings and light of the holy month of ramadan purify and purify these souls and hearts. and it increases attention to god and defense of the oppressed. most of the conflicts between the resistance group and the sensati regime are due to these issues it happened that smith was also the storm of al-aqsa. they dared the worshipers , dragged the praying women to the ground, beat them, sprayed tear gas , broke the doors and windows, and fired at hamas and the islamic republic from above, and they actually influenced the regime . therefore, the holy month of ramadan was the first war in the history of the wars of the messenger of god, the war in badr, and in different wars, even the ramadan war between the arabs and israel, we also had in the month of ramadan , so we hope that in fact the divine help and fuses of the nations at least he should wake up the region and unite it, and the same curse that he announced
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today, abu obeidah announced on behalf of hamas that the demonstration is not enough, declare a ban , do whatever you can to help. to put the zionist regime on its head , so maybe this is one of the reasons that hamas announces that i will put a ceiling on the first month of ramadan. it is clear that even those who are less than 60 years old, even though they said under pressure, if they don't see us, we will pray around muslims, this means insisting on this collective presence during the holy month of ramadan. he will have many blessings, god willing. thank you very much, mr. seyed hadi, seyed ofghari, an expert on western issues. who were guests of today's world.
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my son, who is under al-anqad, adil, was martyred, of course, he has two children , i am waiting for him after 16 years of age, and he will grow up most of the time
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, and he is a matwa, that is, give me, he says to my mother, he says to
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my mother, god is forbidden. the best of our blessings is not enough for the family, nor is it sufficient for you, hada mazlah means all the blessings are on al-fazi, that is, we are anna. the world means that through the umbrellas of the united states, the meaning of al-jarimah is the result of gaza and the day of america, the world is bad . please help us . in order to know the details of this trip, we are in contact with the reporter of sada and sima news agency in doha, mr. hosseini . hello, we will hear the details of this trip and your report
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. arrival welcomed by the country's defense authorities qatar has a meeting with the minister of defense of qatar. well , this meeting ended a few minutes ago and tomorrow they are going to have other meetings with qatari officials and defense ministers of other countries. we are with mr. qalandari , as the deputy for international communications of the ministry of defense , mr. qalandari, i want to know what the objectives of the trip of the minister of defense and the delegation are .
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it is noteworthy that this trip continues the 13th government's policy of promoting cooperation with neighbors it has been formed and in fact this issue of defense cooperation is one of the important issues in the foreign policy of different countries. defense cooperation between the islamic republic of iran and neighboring countries, especially our neighbors in the persian gulf, has a long history . this cooperation with the friendly and brotherly country of qatar has a historical record and today and our presence. in fact, it is a continuation and maybe we can say a new chapter of the beginning of defense cooperation between the two friendly countries of iran and qatar. mr. qalandari, the international maritime defense exhibition will be held in qatar tomorrow, with the minister of defense as a special guest by the ministry of defense qatar has been invited and that iran
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is also interested in iran's ministry of defense. i want to know that after the lifting of arms embargoes on iran, does iran even have a look at the sale of military equipment in this field ? it is a world-class defense and weapons-producing company and country . it will start working tomorrow. the islamic republic will also participate in this exhibition for the second time at the invitation of the ministry of defense of qatar. well, in the first instance, which was held before the complete lifting of sanctions on the islamic republic of iran, and the presence of the islamic republic we were witnessing the wonderful and remarkable acceptance of iranian technology and knowledge by different countries , which could be seen in iran's booth. this caused the qatari officials who organized
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this exhibition to invite the islamic republic to participate in this exhibition again and to invite the honorable minister of defense as a special guest to attend this exhibition. . i am sure that the media will have very good news from tomorrow, an interesting reflection of the reception of different countries and different governments from the islamic republic's booth. perhaps the important point and the remarkable thing about the weapons of the islamic republic of iran is that these weapons create security and safety. in fact, the defense capability of the islamic republic is in the service of peace, stability and security in the region and belongs to all our brothers and friendly and neighboring countries in different regions, especially the persian gulf . the second day of the defense minister's visit and
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his visits will be reported to the viewers. i am very grateful to mr. hossein. the reporter of the sada and radio agency and mr. qalandari, the deputy minister of defense , but we follow the continuation of the world today well, i would like to inform you about this exhibition that has been held. the minister of defense, on the official invitation of his qatari counterpart , has left for qatar to participate in the exhibition of defense and military equipment. during this trip, he will review regional developments and defense and security interactions in a meeting with his counterparts. participating in this exhibition, one of the goals of this trip
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is amir sartib ashtiani to qatar. but let's see a selection of short news in the world, the pakistani army destroyed a terrorist group in a heavy exchange of fire between the soldiers of the pakistani army and this terrorist group in the province of khyber pakhtunkhwa. the death and four other terrorists were seriously injured and arrested from this group, which was involved in numerous attacks against citizens and civilians, and some of them were wanted. weapons, improvised explosive devices, and explosives were seized . american healthcare companies were the target of this operation.
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hackers have stolen 6 terabytes of medical records, some of which are sensitive. the americans claimed that the russian-speaking infiltrator group mosom to the black cat claimed responsibility for this cyber attack. latest results survey of. biden's popularity has dropped to an unprecedented level. the results of the latest new york times and sinai college poll show that president biden is trailing republican party candidate donald trump. the poll also shows that only one in four voters believe america is on the right track. the municipalities of 17 cities in different parts of brazil are in a situation due to severe flooding. it is wonderful to announce that the connection between the city of brasilia in the west of this country and the neighboring cities has been completely cut off. the flood has been so severe that it is not possible to access medical centers, and
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about 30 dialysis patients have to continue treatment with the boats were moved to other cities. the fire that spread rapidly in the forests of the state of texas, usa , has so far caused the death of several people, cut off electricity to houses , closed businesses and fled the area's residents . the forest protection organization of this state announced that the fire has covered more than 1 million hectares of forest. the governor of texas has declared a state of emergency. dry grasslands, high temperature and strong wind have caused the fire to spread. due to the low demand for iphone 15, apple sellers in china considered discounts of up to 180 dollars. such an action. shows the amount of purchase of phones apple's new generation has declined in china. apple's income from the chinese market decreased by 13% in the final quarter of last year compared to the previous year. the increase
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in demand for chinese phones equipped with artificial intelligence is one of the reasons for the decline in iphone sales, which is expected to continue in the new year. the world today with news from england. representative george galloway. the news of the british parliament says: the british, unlike the government of this country, are against the genocide in the gaza strip. the pacifist and pro-palestinian representative entered the british house of commons after another 40 years . rush dale by-election results in manchester. last week in england , it showed that the support of political parties and the british government for the crimes of zionism can no longer
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be in favor of the supporters of the occupying jerusalem regime in the ballot boxes, and at least in the muslim areas, the supporters of israel should be worried. george galloway 's speech to the leader of the labor party, who supports israel's war crimes in gaza, after winning the constituency. you have paid and will pay a heavy price in encouraging and covering up the disaster in the palestinian territories, especially in the occupied gaza strip. since five months ago, the deadly attacks israel started to the palestinians, all the major british parties including the ruling conservative party, the labor party and the liberal democratic party.
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the result of this election has confused everyone, not only because of the overwhelming victory of georgalu, which is quite obvious, but because all the major parties in england. they cooperated because they both wanted to take the jews out of germany and take them to palestine. george galloway first entered the british parliament 40 years ago
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and always with empire. a picture of the world according to the picture. please 남사니다 남사니다 남사니다 who is the person who talks about negotiation? 41
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. 都 能 夠 保 證 安 全 , 穩 定 行 駛 。 車 上 面 吃 至 早 八 至 到 十個 座位 , 比乘客站立。 乘客 賽 好之 後 递要構 好 安全底 。
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from your company thank you for the world today, have a good night and god bless you.
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you break the cage, you fly, you don't get tired , tiredness has no meaning , if the eye doesn't flow, it has no way to the sea.
3:00 am
at 3 o'clock, the ceo of national oil company announced the determination of the area to start pressure boosting operations in the south pars gas field. the oil minister had said in november this year that if the strategic plan for pressure boosting in the south pars gas field is not carried out in the next 3 to 4 years. we will see a drop in the pressure of the special gas, the state of the common field. with the implementation of the pressure boosting project, the south will, god willing, be able to reach the status of its first days, and the implementation of the pressure boosting project requires an investment of 20 billion dollars , which the ministry of oil and the national iranian oil company, with the cooperation of all parts of the country, will need.


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