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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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referring to the holding of the islamic council elections , they said that the coming into office of each new parliament is sweet and of course accompanied by the growth of new hopes and new prospects for the country. in today's meeting, other issues were emphasized by the supreme leader of the islamic revolution regarding the expectations and demands from the elected members of the 12th parliament, who in a special news interview tonight with two elected members of the house of the nation in the 12th term of the islamic council , mr. hazrat hojat al-islam wal muslimin hamid rasai, elected by the people of tehran and mr. dr. mohsen zanganeh, elected by the people of mashhad, examined these issues and we will cover these topics . i say goodbye to the viewers of one tv channel . stay with us for the beginning of the discussion and report on the khabar channel.
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as i mentioned, in tonight's special news talk, we want to talk about the expectations and demands from the elected members of the 12th parliament, according to the emphasis of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in the meeting with the members of the assembly of leadership experts today. let us see parts of the leadership's speeches, let 's go back and start tonight's discussion and program together . let me say a word about the shura assembly . every new assembly carries new hope, new hopes. when a new assembly is formed , there are new hopes with that assembly. it is raised and
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they can find new perspectives. new representatives enter the new parliament. besides them , there are also experienced representatives from the previous period or previous periods. this is a very good combination, a very good collection. there is innovation in it, there is innovation in it, there is also experience in it, they use previous successful experiences , they come up with new initiatives. well, this is a valuable investment. the formation of every new parliament for the country is a valuable and used investment. this should be appreciated, for example. a blood in the vein the country's political and social complex
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will flow and, god willing, it will have an effect. i greet you mr. rasai. welcome to his news interview. supreme leader of the revolution stressed that every new parliament brings new hopes and new prospects for the country . what new prospects do you think the elections and what was held? he puts it before the people and the country. yes, in the name of allah , the merciful. greetings and courtesy to you and all those who watch this program. first of all, i need to thank our dear people in the country for their meaningful presence and identity giving warmth to the roots of the islamic republic. despite the fact that he was trying for a year, he died.
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don't let the people leave, but their presence was significant . i would like to express my special thanks to the dear people of tehran, raishimirat islam and pardis, for trusting me for the third time and now i am their elected representative, especially in this election, you have given meaningful votes and you can see the system of the islamic republic the memory of the imam, may god's mercy be upon him, in the previous regimes. from the islamic republic of iran , there were kings that these people had no role in determining. he wanted to become a king, then he drank , he was supposed to become a king, then the result was that he was supposed to become a king. sometimes, a child who had not yet reached the age of puberty was said to be the king of iran. the imam came and said, "people, within the framework of religion, whatever you say, within the framework of religion, whatever you decide is the same." and the foundation of the islamic republic was that the people decide, even the assembly of experts
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, which was the same election, and the people had a very good and cheerful attendance. well, today, the leader of the revolution pointed out that they have two important tasks, one is to monitor that the leadership of those conditions does he still have leadership or not, and if so, god? did something happen to decide the future of the revolution, even the leader, you see, with the votes of the people , well, one of the characteristics of the democratic system is that if the people have a choice during these days , they come to the conclusion that their election is not appropriate in some way, for example, it should be changed. there must have been a certain taste that prevailed , there must have been a certain taste, a stream of thought, a collection, now people come to the conclusion that they trust this way of change that the islamic republic of iran system has left for the people, while it was not like this before, one would be happy at all.
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people have no role in change and tolerance the leader of the revolution said today that this is new blood , that's why you can see that famous figures in some cities were not elected by the people, of course, this does not mean that they are not competent, not now in this arena, the people now vote. if not , maybe people will vote for them in another election, as i myself was a candidate 4 years ago due to the reasons that prevailed in the political environment and that was the electoral process in the city of tehran, and this time people did not trust our process four years ago. we were not selected this time . very normal people say what they think
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whatever the reason, sometimes they may not know, sometimes they may not know. i want to say that this new blood is the interpretation of the new blood , the interpretation of the hope that they said for today's revolution . this is a fact that in elections and places where democracy rules, especially in our country where religious democracy rules evidently, of course, today's speech of the supreme leader, he also mentioned in one part that a so-called new blood has been blown, a new air, a new set of it. we are talking about a series of immoralities that should not make people bitter, mr. rasaei. let us see some other parts of the statements of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution at the meeting of the assembly of leadership experts. let's go back
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to talk about the point of pointing out and emphasizing the leadership, the thing that can destroy the sweetness of the new assembly . i have noted here the words of disagreement . inciting and fighting and hostilities like the enemy, this sweet will destroy the new parliament, things like this, you have to be very careful, you have to be very careful, brothers and sisters who are present in the new parliament that will be formed soon, don't let shirin take care. constituent assembly if
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they don't observe this, the first effect will be that the nation will become bitter, the political atmosphere of the country will become bitter , while the political atmosphere with elections and the formation of a new parliament, and the arrival of new people, etc., is a refreshing atmosphere. this will disappear from its first effect. the next effect is that the parliament becomes ineffective, that is, when the islamic council is engaged in fighting and confronting and saying that various fronts have become like this , it ceases to do its main work. the nature of categories and drawers prevents them from working
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we saw and heard parts of the speech of the supreme leader of the revolution about the expectations and demands from the elected members of the 12th parliament, he announced at the beginning of the program . in this program, mr. dr. mohsen zanganeh, elected by the people of mashhad , we are also responsible for hosting him by video or by phone, i correct the people elected by torbeh. unfortunately , they did not appear in our program until now. we are waiting for them to join us in the future, god willing. mr. rasaei, you mentioned the role of the people in the elections and in the decision-making, but let's talk about the part about what is the perspective of this election. change and see what kind of windows the developments are supposed to open before people's eyes, in any order. people, with the vote that i gave, i also announced in that message of thanks to the people that the people's vote
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indicates that their demand is to finally see a change. this is the nature of the election. this is the nature of the election. basically, why are elections held when elections are held and it is clear that one taste has changed along with another taste, this tells about this. well, people are waiting to finally see a difference well, how is this transformation going to take place, in which areas, what priorities do you see , this should also be pursued in solving the people's problems , it should be shown in the direction of the parliament , what will be the priorities of the parliament. now, the previous assembly of the 11th assembly was a successful assembly compared to some previous assemblies. but the same parliament finally had some side effects, there were some criticisms towards it
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, an attribute given to the supreme leader of the revolution as a revolutionary parliament. why are you criticizing the revolutionary assembly when the elections were held ? being almost two-thirds of the previous representatives, changing the candidates, bringing in new candidates, i said, well, if the parliament was really revolutionary from your point of view , then why did we change it ? the point of reaching that there should be a transformation, there should be a change i see that the main problem you are referring to is that the first step was the selection of people in the composition. those who were armed and should have entered the parliament , look here, change and transformation
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started from there, now it should continue , where are these announcements, how is this burden now on the shoulders of the representatives of the house of nation, how and in what way , yes, yes, definitely. when new blood comes , the assembly is the place of the essence of the assembly, the place of conflicting opinions and expression of different ideas, and finally, he rejects, he confirms, he opposes. sir, i fully believe in this path that the law has predicted, even i remember those days when we were in the parliament regarding the jcpoa, they emphasized that the government should take the jcpoa to the parliament so that it would be criticized and discussed and investigated, this dynamic, this difference in votes, these opinions . the diversity of this plurality in the parliament is for the benefit of the country , it makes the conflicts of opinions a little better known, criticized and brought up. now, if we come and associate these experiences with bitterness , with bitterness, with insults, with defamation, with defamation, this is definitely
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what the leader of the revolution said to the detriment of the country . regarding the difference in voice and the difference in taste of the leader of the revolution in his statements today, accepting the parliament as normal means that this is us, this is the 12th parliament. witness a lively parliament that has experiences of votes, in which the various topics are not such that it should be a joke, this should not turn into aggression, what the leader of the revolution is saying is that the experiences of votes should be, but this should not be a cause of anger. to pull each other, the leadership is preventing it, mr. rasaei is the reason at all
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what is the remark of the supreme leader of the revolution about this issue? give us an example . give us an example. first of all, when every election is over , some people don't vote. legally, there is no problem. the law provides for it. i myself participated in the elections two years ago and i objected to an issue in those elections. i did, sir in my opinion, the issue is over and there is a way forward. naturally, those who did not vote should not be immoral and accuse the system. this is one of the main problems of raising issues that are not documented . there are examples of each course, it is not specific to this course
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. you give us examples in all courses. now, i would like to ask you to attend, for example, in some of them, or one of the examples is that after the elections, we will discuss the issues before the elections. well, before the elections, finally, the events the politics of the candidates were discussed in tehran, finally a series coming to form a coalition is a list. regarding that list, a series of interpretations were used that were not pleasant to criticize. for example, some people use the interpretation that, sir, you are nobody and you are not a number, and things like that. they are not a number and no one like them has a place among the people. by the way, they are among the first people and those who think that
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winning elections is over, they are now the next people. i don't like the fact that mine, which is calm in this election, is more than the others, for example let me go and reread those previous issues . i know everyone. now i am speaking of myself. as someone who owns media, i am active in cyberspace. there is even a case of headlines that the newspapers made fun of. they made fun of us, that is, our coalition is the amana coalition. i mocked them, i didn't come back to remind them again, so to speak, you saw. after all, the ethics of victory is that one passes, one should pass , one should not blame the person who failed, or for example , someone who has been defeated, someone comes to blame them, and this is the nature of elections. one day, it might happen to us, one of
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the other things that can be a place of conflict in the coming months, finally, the discussion. the discussion of the relocation of the relocations that happen democratically within the parliament means that now the subject of the board of directors, the heads of the commissions, the main centers, the deputies of the parliament , the research centers , different places. at least one group has gained power and try to go there. to find his own direction the promises he made to the people that he can help that way means that these are not among the new perspectives before the perspective discussion . a misrepresentation
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took place just today, an immorality took place just today , and now you broadcast the statements of hazrat agha . it was completely true in the virtual space , what people see from the statements of hazrat agha, from one place to the next, the original piece is not in the virtual space. you broadcasted it accurately , they are canceling it in the cyber space that today's leadership gave this warning to the new representatives, and they are taking it to the place of settlement, that is , they have started being rude without any reason. while the supreme leader's statements today were a general issue , i am here to serve you . they say that, like lacan, this sweet incident can be made bitter . can destroy this sweetness, i wrote here what can destroy the sweetness of the new parliament
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destroy divisive words. mr. rasaei, instead of reading from the paper, do you want us to rebroadcast this part of the statements , let's see together, let's see this part destroy the sweetness of the new parliament. hostile cries. such things destroy the sweetness of the new parliament. you have to be very careful. you have to be very careful, the brothers and sisters who are present in the new assembly that will be formed shortly after, should
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be careful not to let the sweetness of the assembly of the new assembly if they don't observe this, the first effect will be that the nation's palate will become bitter, the political atmosphere of the country will become bitter , while the political atmosphere with the elections and the formation of a new parliament , and the arrival of new people, will be a refreshing atmosphere. this is from his first work, this is his next work. then there is the fact that the parliament becomes ineffective , that is, when the islamic council gets into fights
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and confrontations, and i say that the various fronts have become like this , it stops doing its main work. that these will work for them. do you have a point, mr. resari? the statements of your supreme leader, in the first paragraph, he says that the thing that can destroy the new parliament is the divisive words, starting fights , fighting the enemy, this can be the enemy . you have channels, gentlemen who have websites, gentlemen who have newspapers, gentlemen who have media, if you come, say divisive words, fight. start militancy, favor the enemy, this election which was held so sweetly, they are trying to say, sir, no one will participate and so on. it's over and that's not it, people, i'm sorry for your presence
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, the participation rate was almost the same as 4 years ago, while 4 years ago compared to the 4 years before itself, that is, the 10th parliament, there was a 20% decrease in participation, but alhamdulillah, now with the efforts made by the government and the new government done and the assembly went ahead of its course. we didn't have a decrease in participation compared to the previous round . this should increase. the leadership here will address the leader of the revolution. next, the leader of the revolution will say that his brothers in the new parliament came today , and the new representatives will convert this. then, of course, first of all, they will send this to you on the beautiful virtual pages. which was played after correction if a new representative says something, stick this grape to him and say it. all those who are new in the parliament , those who were representatives before, those who were representatives in this previous cycle, those who have recently become representatives, and those who have been representatives, we have to
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follow a series of things. i will say one thing, i spoke myself. in my speech , i mentioned three issues, and i said, first , i used the same interpretation of the new house, that people are looking for transformation, the symbol of transformation and change is that the storefront should change. i want to follow this change and transformation as a rare person who thinks the same as we do. i said that change and transformation should be in the parliament. that the next parliament, the twelfth parliament, should be the science of fighting against poverty and corruption. and take discrimination into his hands, the thing that upsets people is the existence of corruption and the existence of discrimination when they see that i am responsible, i am responsible, i am comfortable, i am not responsible under pressure, i am responsible
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for my children, they have a comfortable life, they live abroad , we chant death to america, but they you americans, well, these people, this will cause a decrease in participation. i said before my election that the issue of decreasing participation is not disqualification, by god. reducing participation is the wrong lifestyle of some of our officials. if the other party lives in the north of the city, the pain of the person who does not understand the lower part of the city should not be hurt if his children drive around in the street with high model cars . what i said in the video that was published was that, sir, we should have the good things, the right directions of the parliament in the 12th parliament. let's continue eleventh. whatever direction they have , they must continue. some behaviors or
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i said that we should not repeat the decisions that hurt the face and image of the revolutionary assembly . i don't know these conversations at all . he started a newspaper. the only thing left was to not insult us, mr. rasail. now you are referring to a series of behaviors such as what kind of behavior in the previous parliament, yes, that 's all i said, now we have a website, a newspaper, and several channels thrown at us, which should not be credited at all. after all, the process of the 11th parliament was such that those who introduced the list and the coalition.
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having and forming the previous assembly, making a decision, two in tehran, two/third, change their candidates , why did you see the same conflict in the elections , one person said, sir, because so-and-so is on the list and so-and-so has such and such a problem, i am not ready, so that's what they thought. now, if we want to talk about the behavior of the new parliament, which should not be the behavior of the previous parliament, if we want to say which behavior of the new parliament, which issue of the previous parliament , you should not see, we must, we must seek to solve the people's problems, we must not erase the problems, we must not. let's seek to silence them, for example, one of things that were very important now and were among the things that benefited all people, i was in the same tv program with sed and vasima, which sed and vsima had worked hard this year, those tv programs and even though it was the first time, it will definitely play a role in the upcoming elections.
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it reduces money in elections. they announced there that asking one of the questions was , what is the first thing you follow in the parliament? i said the issue of the capital id tax, which prevents speculation, in the field of coins, land, i don't know, cars in gold, different sectors, well, this is in the first part of the 11th parliament. it is still in the order it is still being corrected. well, there are a series of problems , the main problems of the people, that is, if you come right now , solve these four. all of the people's problems can be solved in the field of youth. now the issue of military service is an important issue. after all, the islamic republic must solve its task with this issue based on what is the national interest and the interests of those dear ones who are in the military. we are talking about some of the main things of the new parliament's levies
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. consisting of 290 people, i will definitely go. one of the main topics that i follow is the issue of marriage. we are talking about cyberspace. i believe that, sir , in the topic of cyberspace, cyberspace should be given to those who want to wear collars of corrupt managers, lazy managers , and inefficient managers. they understand that cyberspace should not only be free, but i, as a representative, should go and establish a law. i, the person who is demanding in this field , make a law for the benefit of that law, support him , but it is natural that you go to any family , ask any mother, ask any father, ask any a wise person should ask a question and say, sir, make your virtual space available to promote corruption, prostitution , vandalism, and destroy the family foundation. sir , what is this? it is normal
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, what do we need in these areas, we definitely need a supervision in those areas. we must support people in business and commerce , this virtual space must be approved in such a way that those who have business and commerce in the virtual space will be strengthened and supported because if you all your transactions in this space, you can influence many things it is affecting even the traffic in the city . give us some priorities, mr. rasaei. you said the retirement age of the military, virtual space, taxes and virtual space , with this approach that i am saying, with the approach that some people are trying to make a fool of us, that when we come and we are sad, we will stop everyone tomorrow. i can't do this with anyone on my mobile phone. i 'm asking the people, dear people , not to be deceived by this ruling atmosphere, it's a series of media charlatanism .


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