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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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he continues to hold his hands on his knees, gets up and leads to social role-playing and production and increasing employment, which is very valuable in our country, fortunately, what is being done in the relief committee is being done in other sectors. the country is completely declining. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with economic news, the number of electronic invoices registered in the
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maadiyan system has reached 1 billion and 250 million. the head of the tax affairs organization said this news it is said that out of this number, 679 million invoices were sent by trusted companies and 571 million invoices were sent by tax authorities. mr. sobhaniyal also said that in the 11 months of this year, about 697 thousand billion tomans of tax was collected, which indicates that 12 percent of tax revenue has been collected. efforts to solve the problem in iran's over-the-counter trading system are still ongoing. the managing director of the tehran stock exchange technology management company said yesterday that the over-the-counter infrastructure services were stopped due to a technical problem, and due to the time-consuming nature of the system, saturday market without trading in
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otc ended. hosni while apologizing to zainafan fba market said that we are trying to prevent the repetition of such cases according to the defined projects which are in the final stages. financial resources of the guarantee fund will increase. central depository company's securities settlement manager said: the liquidity of the settlement of transactions is one of the important functions of the guarantee fund, and with the provision of the necessary resources by the members , the settlement of transactions was done on time. according to alipour, the guarantee fund is determined based on the instructions of the stock exchange organization and the share of each member at the beginning of the three-month period. alipour also said to the purpose of increasing the resources of the guarantee fund for the settlement of negotiations with the stock exchange organization. and members
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to allocate more resources to this fund . the general director of the supervision of basic goods of the ministry of jihad agriculture said that the need for hot chicken market during the holy month of ramadan and eid was met by hatching. amrullahi added that the ministry of agricultural jihad is ready to buy the excess production of poultry farmers to supplement the reserves and the possibility of exporting for the amount. surplus domestic consumption is also provided. georgia, more than 150 million took place in february, and now the chicken is actually chicken meat. dear people, by the grace of god , i think this is the first year that in the month of asvand, the issue of chicken is calm and there have been no problems with production. yes.
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according to the decision he made now, our price was the same price that was between 78,000 and 80,000 tomans, and he is satisfied and the demand should not be rejected. anything higher than 80 is a violation. members of the islamic council continue to amend the country's trade union law. businesses have decided to obtain a business license for details. statehouse. i am currently talking with the sada news agency reporter dear ms. akbarzadeh, please tell me about today's meetings of parliamentarians. i offer greetings and courtesy to all of you, dear viewers. as you said, the review of the plan to amend the country's trade union law was reviewed in the parliament, and one article of it was submitted to the commission, but in another article, the representatives approved that any person who wants to carry out trade union activities and
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open a business must have a special permit . take action, otherwise he will be recognized as a violator and he must pay a fine every time he violates. also, objections of the guardian council to the plan to amend the law on the establishment and management of educational centers non-governmental organizations were also examined in the parliament. the objection of the guardian council was about the 30 hours of work per week that primary teachers in non-government schools were required to do in order to be able to pay their insurance premiums and full salaries, but the government said that primary schools generally work 25 hours a week. teachers and teachers can teach 25 hours a week. however, this issue was submitted to the commission for further investigation so that its amendments can be applied. also, the representatives agreed with the government's proposal for two days off per
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week and reducing the working hours of employees from 44 hour by hour, they agreed to this bill in two forms the consultation will be reviewed with the presence of the government representative in the commission. it is expected that the details of which days will be closed, which of course are assigned to the government in the bill, and also the working hours will be exactly from 44 hours to 40 hours or a little more or less. it will be investigated . at the beginning of today's public meeting, mr. qalibaf had a discussion about the review of the second part of the budget bill . it will be examined in two parts in the parliament, one part of which we witnessed before the election, which came to the first part of the part the decrees were passed in the parliament , they went to the guardian council and they are going through the final stages of approval. first of all, that part must be approved, and based on that law, the government should actually
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bring the second part, which includes the tables, to the parliament, considering that there is little time until we are nearing the end of the year and the parliament has announced that it cannot review this issue because it is 40 days in the law. there is a chance for a discussion. now, the understanding that has been reached with the government is that the government will bring 2.211 or 111.00 and the parliament of the planning and budget commission so that the government can make payments from the beginning of the year, especially in the issue of salary increase. a plan should be approved in the parliament to allow these payments to the government. the supply of two popular types of dates, i.e., mozafti and kebkab , has been started at an approved price. at your service, the supply of dates has been started at an approved price
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to regulate the market of this product in the month of ramadan . in our market, we are offering first-class kepkab dates with cardboard packaging for 38 thousand tomans per kilo, additional dates are also available. 93,000 tomans per kilo, first grade, it is said that date stocks are enough to meet market needs, this is one of the cold stores where dates are stored so that they can be sold to the market at an approved price . bam and jiro has the ability to immediately as much as needed, and god willing , we will not have any price increase during the month of ramadan. of course, the price is different based on the conditions in each province. the price varies between 85 and 95 tomans, and
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then there is a decorative date, there is also a kebkab, yes, this is a decorative date, cup cup, 36,39 thousand tomans, dates market regulation in different provinces in chain stores of fruit and vegetable markets in the city. are offered. the supply of dates at the rate set by the market continues until the end of the holy month of ramadan. farzad azaribagha of sed and vasima news agency. the explanation of tires in the market will be organized. the minister announced the improvement of the conditions of the tire market and said that in order to reduce the queue to receive tires, sellers are allowed to explain to all applicants if the tire system is not online.
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queues that were supposed to be eliminated with the internet queue system. let's make online appointment at least so that these pages don't appear when closing the same our own system and for him to actually see a process sooner than this happens, the promise is after 3 months. as far as the remaining words , they came here at 1:00 in the morning, hoping to be able to get the tires in the morning at the accepted rate. you came at 5:00 a.m. on wednesday, march 9. what kind of tires did we have for the tires at 5:00 in the morning? it's 5:30 in the middle of the night. go straight to the intersection and write your name on the paper. now people are standing in line to register after 8:00. it is just starting to open to sites, that's all
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it was cut off until 12 o'clock and they still didn't give us anything . the officials of the guilds say they have no problem implementing the sales plan and online scheduling. if you remember, in that meeting it was also discussed that we should create a discussion about online scheduling so that people can get their information. enter it in the context system. it should be prepared. how do they put license plates on cars from the ministry of poisons? they say, sir , be there at such and such a time, and you must be there at such and such an hour . they can take it easy. there are so many people on the street. it was supposed to be an online system that is still being done. no problem that's it, you can't register online at all. if my system is solved, all this will be solved within an hour. we allowed sellers to register offline, which means that the system does not have to be connected. that is, they can
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continue the purchase process even when the system is turned off by taking documents from the people that will be entered into the system later by the operator or seller, and therefore there is no need for this, if you see anywhere that it is done in this work, in my opinion mehdi anari of sed and sima news agency , the new terminal of shahid soleimani airport in ahvaz has been violated in order to form a queue the presence of the minister of roads and urban development was put to good use. with the opening of this terminal, the annual capacity of receiving passengers at this airport increased by one million . the capacity of ahvaza airport increased from 1 million 800 thousand passengers per year with the opening of this new terminal to more than 2 million. 800,000 passengers will be upgraded and one of our policies in the country's existing airports is to increase their capacity through upgrades. the technical and engineering power that we can use in its existing terminals, well, some of
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these airports can increase their capacity by adding terminals in the vicinity. the reforms of various transit halls, etc. , to increase the entrance and exit of passengers, which ahvazm airport was one of the targets , alhamdulillah, it was put into operation today, the specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded. gain the technical knowledge of passenger aircraft engine maintenance. with this achievement, the repair of these engines, which were the monopoly of scientists in a few countries in the world , can be done inside the country in less than a month. 40% of aircraft maintenance costs are for the engine. acquiring the technical knowledge of product maintenance that 40. our engines in iran need
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the process of maintenance is in the repair of boeing and airbus aircraft engines , technical knowledge is the first word, rpm is usually above 10,12,000 revolutions per minute. it requires very, very special parts. most of the repair parts are in the high-pressure turbine part due to the high temperature, which contains about 500 parts . usually, the corrosion, deformations, and cracks are very, very small . we use special methods for welding, and finally we put them into heat treatment, and at the end, we use special coatings or coverings. we do that resistance. we can create these parts against failure. we
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keep the part alive for at least one year. in terms of economy, less time is necessary for repairs in airlines , a part that is lost if we are dependent on several countries . the european maintenance center is very few in number. it would take a long time for them to start the maintenance process. but today we do our own repairs less than the time it took to transport the engine abroad, according to experts. the company has been able to make aircraft engines rejuvenate in less than a month. due to the support of scientific companies and the cooperation of the civil aviation organization , we should save at least 15 to 20 planes from grounding every year. the accommodation of this knowledge-based company has been made available at payam airport so that steps can be taken to set up a science and technology park for the aerospace industry.
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it has been placed on the agenda in a space of 35 hectares. the violations of the last 10 years in the field of natural resources have been related to wood smuggling. gilan province is the first rank , mazandaran province is the second rank. and golestan province ranks third in wood smuggling kanj didn't reach his destination, his goal was to make a living. he lives
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in a village near hyrkani forests . they cut wood. protecting the forest changed his view. i made my own decision not to do anything wrong. for the sake of protecting the forest, maintaining the forest, i came to work on wood. the empty land in the corner of the village was a good opportunity to start. i miss the other one . it's been a month since we have been serving whites here. it's been two months, the truth is , we planted around 10,000 saplings, the plants we planted are fresh we killed this, but between 3 years and 6 years later , they are making a profit. about 44,000 trees are felled per hectare, which has a profit of
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about 1.2 billion tomans per hectare. we had. some of them were for firewood , some of them were actually for wood, and some of them were in article 48, which means that they were illegally transported, out of this number, about 14 of them returned, more than 40% of the path of hirkkani forests in golestan province is involved in wood spoons, the offender is being cut off. take the tree, stop it, tell it according to it. the single statistic of protection of natural resources and over the past 10 years, golestan watershed has registered more than 22,000 violations related to natural resources , of which more than 4,000 are wooden spoons.
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according to the statistics of natural resource protection this year, more than 5 thousand were found in wood and article 48. wood smuggling has been recorded in the country, of which 67 were related to the four northern provinces of the country. heratian news agency. end of economic news. thank you for your company. have a good day and god bless you.
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in the name and memory of god, i greet you and have a good time presence. dear viewers of the khabar network, with the continuation of the activity of the barista system in the southeast of our country, we are witnessing coverage of the wind in these areas . meteorological warnings are still valid for today in the southeast region of our country, but another wave from the northwest has started its activity in the northwest and west. the country has been covered by rain showers in these areas, and in the past few hours , it has rained in the provinces of ardabil, east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan, zanjan and... kurdistan , and in the high areas of zanjan province , it has also been reported to rain in the form of snow. we expect that for hours in the future, in parts of our country in the northwest of the country, in the provinces of ardabil, east azarbaijan , west azarbaijan, zanjan, kurdistan, hamedan , kermanshah, we will have rain for high altitudes, snow in
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the south-east of our country, and for the south of sistan, baluchistan , parts of south faristan, sometimes rains in this we are forecasting regions. you can see that for the oman sea, we will have rains for today over the region from late tonight, gradually with the departure of this system from the eastern borders in the southeast. the rains are coming to an end in our country, but the second wave with its activity towards parts of the range alborz will be extended. for tonight, the rains will start for ghazvin alborz and tehran provinces. for gilan and mazandaran provinces , we expect to see rains for these provinces. on monday, the entire western part of our country will be under this system. it will affect the entire western half of the central parts of the slopes of the northern coasts towards the northeast of our country. the activity of this system will continue on monday . it will bring rain in most of these areas. in the southern areas
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, we will have lightning and sometimes strong winds. it was raining for the heights we are predicting snow , we will have disruptions in road traffic, in the areas of the south-west of our country , the rains are more intense. on tuesday , the rains will end in the western and central parts of our country, but this system is still active. for tuesday, for the northern coasts of our country, the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, golestan , as well as north khorasan, khorasan, razavi, south khorasan, parts of sistan and baluchistan will continue, and we expect this system to leave the eastern borders of our country from the end of tuesday, and the rains will finished, but from monday to on wednesday, the speed of the wind will increase in the eastern regions of our country. during the hours of strong wind
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, there is a possibility of damage due to the wind. dust will reduce the visibility and reduce the air quality in the region. likewise, parts of the gulf will be affected today. fars sangeh hormuz, the oman sea is rough and choppy . we expect the caspian sea to be rough and choppy for the next two days. sea warnings have been issued. we request that maritime activities be limited. for tehran , we will have an increase in clouds in the coming hours, just as the barisa system is gradually expanding its activity high alborz will start tonight for tehran province , we will have an increase in rain, thunder and lightning and strong wind in some parts of tehran province. sincerely thank you for your cooperation with the news network. thank you and i will leave your news to the great god to protect you until the next parts.
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university faculty of agriculture. training teachers and a special defense session. an 81-year-old lady who studied in the field of food industry engineering came to this university to defend her doctoral thesis. time for 20 hours. the subject of ms. aghdas taslimi's doctoral thesis is preventing the formation of sugary products in baby food, also using. there were pistachio and pomegranate green skin peels. now my market is full of baby food. only when i store baby food, these compounds are formed in
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the anwars . bachelor's and master's and i had already come , i thought this is incomplete, it is not like this anymore, i have to continue , the professors of this 81-year-old lady from behind. her colleagues in her studies told me about the great efforts of dr. taslimi that she and our young students come to the laboratory every morning until almost evening. they were working and their efforts are really appreciated. they are one of the valuable professors of the university of the institute of nutrition and justice industry of the country, and it was my honor to be in this defense in the presence of respected professors. god willing, in the industry and by other students, this work will be followed up and
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its maximum applications will be used. sometimes they listen , yes, most of the time they listen. john was listening. yes, i am. they are in a relationship and they are working . that's right, yes, you've already said that. after all, you see, there are some things that are necessary for my age . most excellent phd student in addition his students also influenced the university employees . a lot of work to do. it was valuable that now the content of their work is perhaps a head higher than the many scientific works that i am doing in this university . what i want to do is that there was so much passion and enthusiasm in these works . i really got a positive energy from it. now let's hear the students' words that in the defense session
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of mrs. taslimi, it is not important and only knowledge is important that one must move forward and we got more motivated. and we will continue stronger, god willing , they are really a clear example of tagore as a student. really , when i saw them , i was still motivated at this age and with this perseverance to keep trying and never give up. honestly, for me, it's really exciting. it was inspiring to see their defense and i wanted to see where all this motivation and effort comes from, which is certainly from their very strong interest in science and is really divided into the motivation of dangerous compounds. mohammad ebrahim pakzad of sed and cima news agency.
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ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of home appliances, put it down, well , well, well, i don't have a check, bye, everyone , bye, no, madam, i don't want a check,
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will you be my guarantor? a special purchase for the dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances . you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we came to sarai irani to buy a cooler the rush to sell special air conditioners in a large iranian house has started with exceptional conditions, at this year's price , payment in the next year until 2 am. in the city
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of tehran, my host is in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. good day, mps agreed with the general bill of reducing the working hours of the offices of the representatives of the islamic council in today's open session and during the consideration of the general bill to amend article 87 of the civil service management law by reducing the working hours of the offices from 44 hours to 40 hours per week and closing two they agreed on the day of the week


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