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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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and it is stable, and in terms of wind conditions , wind is an important phenomenon in the eastern and southern parts of our country, which has led to the issuance of a marine orange warning in the southern waters of our country . i will send it to you at a famous midnight tonight at 23:32 tomorrow morning in tehran at 4:57. now, i will talk with you in this group. mrs. emami and my colleagues are with you. mrs. khalji . i greet you. have a good time. i greet you, dear viewers. the national media of one tv channel and khabar channel are following us tonight in a special news talk we want to talk about how to see the crescent moon by announcing that hazrat hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin
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, mr. manejad, the head of the scientific committee of the supreme leader's office, is our guest in the studio. follow the discussion on the news network. as i mentioned, in tonight's special news talk, we want to talk about checking the sighting of the crescent of the holy month of ramadan. one of the issues that come up in the last days of sha'ban is the time of the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, the month of god's feast. is sha'ban 29 days or 30 days and why the isthilal groups did not see today during the month of ramadan and the scientific reasons.
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what happened to the non-narration of the holy month of ramadan in iran? there are questions that we will answer tonight in the presence of guests in person and of course by phone . the leader in the studio is our guest and mr. engineer qasim rostami is a member of depreciation staff. and the faculty members of bojnord university will be added to our group during the program let's examine the scientific view and other topics of this issue , according to the routine of the special news talk , let's see a report first every night and come back and start the discussion with the guests of this program to see the halal of the lunar months and the beginning of a new month on the 29th day of the lunar month. the current is referred to see the crescent moon of ramadan if the weather conditions are musa'. ok
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, there are two indicator planets that can be used to see the crescent moon. one of them is the planet venus, which shines brightly on the western horizon just after sunset. if we move a little to the right and below the noon planet, the planet jupiter i see. if we open our hands shoulder-width apart and place our two knuckles that cover about four degrees of the sky in front of our eyes, it will be exactly under the planet. customers can see the crescent moon with their eyes, but because it is a crescent moon , they must leave a certain distance from the moment of sunset so that if the horizon is very clear , i.e. there are no obstacles, they can see the crescent moon with their eyes. if our sunset has a better distance and if our sky is clear and we have a better maximum time, the possibility of seeing the crescent moon will be better for us to see the moon. usually one
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it is the hour before sunset . we call a group of these crescents so-called critical crescents . they are crescents that are on the border between being seen and not being seen . the comparison actually occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun. it is called the birth of that month. at other times, our halal starts to be seen after it is seen. send this sighting report along with the documentary photo to the supreme leader's office, they will check the photo and contact the team members one by one based on the experimental findings of the 29 or 30 days of the lunar months. there is a special rule to follow slow valeh nematian of the sda news agency, in mrs. nemati's report, some cases of the crescent moon
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of the holy month of ramadan were mentioned, but for more questions and additional details , be sure to watch this program, haj agha mohdnejad, i greet you , and about 100 groups that were supposed to they did this so-called "arrival" according to the weather conditions in some areas that had cloudy weather, well, naturally, the observation was not meaningful anymore, and now that i have received the reports, the weather
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was usually cloudy and cloudy in some places, of course, there were few clouds. and these , but in any case, the crescent was not seen.
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of course, we saw and heard the details of some of the scientific bases or conditions that should be narrated in the report through the report, but you can tell us more details. yes, well, in the observations, of course, for the groups that have been trained, well, it is a bit different because of ordinary people. naturally, they die and look at the western horizon after sunset, but observers are not like that, that is, observers. by calculating where the moon will be seen and adjusting the telescopes or binoculars, they know where to observe this thing, which is actually done in all observations, and naturally, training groups
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they are seen differently. of course, if seeing the crescent moon is a problem, then they try to send the expedition groups to a high area where they can actually get away from the dust near the surface of the earth and have clearer air . very well, let us get in touch with mr. engineer qasim rostami, a member of the establishment staff of the supreme leader's office and of course a member of the faculty of bejnoud university. greetings, mr. rostami, i hope you have a good time.
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the holy month of ramadan starts one day earlier than our country . why are you explaining this to us? yes, if my colleagues can show me picture number one, they will show me this picture i would like to point out that considering that our audience across the country may be from different strata , here i need to explain very simply the process, in fact, the scientific prediction of the appearance of the announcement. we use and based on numerous observations over the years, perhaps something like 120 years ago, until now based on reliable observations, we have prepared them. pay attention to the lowest line which is curved and in the place of the sky
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at sunset. i drew it, you can see that the sun is on the horizon below and the bright part the sky does not allow. we can see the crescent at a very close distance from the sun. as this crescent moon rises higher and higher, the sky becomes darker and it becomes easier for us to narrate al-hala. kurdish in this picture, i put the green line there, based on the latest observation and records we had, for example , let's assume the record that mr. seyyed mohsen ghazi mirsaid had at the age of 11 hours and 40 minutes, or the same observation that mr. i think the year was 2001, when this line was drawn at the age of 12 hours and 15 minutes, and you can see carefully that the height of this line is about 7 degrees. above the. anyway, when we say 7 degrees in astronomical terms, if
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we open our hand completely and place two fingers , it is almost 5 degrees, which means a bit more than this, and this line is also a dark line that we in fact , we suggested the first line with an 8-inch telescope, and in fact, the narration is done with a 5-inch telescope, and then the blue line reaches the instrument using 3-inch telescopes and finally. the red line above means that if we draw the moon in the sky relative to the sun , it should be above the red line. we can actually see this crescent. let's look at it with naked eyes. i gave this brief explanation that if you can open picture number two, my friends, mr. rastam, before we go to see picture number two and hear your explanation , let me ask haj agha mohednejad a question. if our crescent must be seen with the unaided eye and with the eye, well , there is a difference in this issue between the great authorities of taqlid
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. some authorities say that it must be seen with the normal eye . it was seen, it is valid according to sharia, this is the difference, and how is the truth of this actually seen and these visions confirmed can we check the reports given to us by the observers carefully at the asthilal headquarters , including asking them detailed questions to make it clear that what they are seeing is actually a real vision or an illusion in their vision because of their experience . i heard two people standing together and seeing the crescent, one of them says i saw the crescent while, for example, the opening of the crescent was to my left, and the other person says i saw the crescent while the opening of the crescent was to the left.
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i was right, so it is clear that one of them is wrong or both of them are delusional naturally, because the reports are from the same person , the report of the same person cannot be proven by the same person. these differences can show how true this narration is. and this is what we do carefully at the istahlal headquarters , because you can see many emotions, mrs. emami , emotions are high when you see the crescent moon, and a person who looks for something in the sky is actually following a narrow arc, so something may come to his eyes. now scientifically and based on scientific evidence , the crescent moon cannot be seen and a person claims that i saw the crescent moon, what will the situation be like?
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what we actually use as a criterion is the sharia rules, that is, if this were the case, for example, we would say, well, from a scientific point of view, this crescent cannot be narrated at all, so it has no meaning anymore , but we do not do this, we say there, well, the same as the usual procedure. it has been and still is. we ask the same questions and it is really easy in our opinion. someone who has actually seen the crescent , whether it was an illusion or a real vision, this can be determined with a few questions, that is, someone who has experience in this work. he can find out this from the person with a few questions, as the famous technical saying goes we do the work and we also do this for this , we separate it. for example, when
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we are discussing whether it is a halal that can be narrated or not , like in the calendar council, these discussions are done. the calendar will be given sooner than the year starts, but when we sit down at the estihlal headquarters , we will leave these discussions aside, and we will check the forecasts, aside from what we are actually facing at the moment. very well, mr. engineer. rostam a few questions and based on now how many. characterized by the height of the crescent or based on the abundance of the crescent or the late setting of the crescent, we can say that the crescent was visible the previous night, and also tell us where in iran the conditions are more suitable and suitable for seeing the crescent of the holy month.
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ramadan, yes, let me give you a simple example. see, when we want to take the students to primary school for the first year of elementary school and register them, when they say until september 31 of that year, when 6 years will end and that person can register, this criterion becomes the limit and that. in fact, the size that is intended to register now if a person he was born on the first of october, in fact, it should be a year. he should wait and come next year and register for the first year. as soon as he comes next year, this person will be seen a bit bigger, fatter and they think that this person is very different from a first grade child, that's all about our halal. it happens that if you show the picture number two to my friends, i can give an explanation on that picture
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that why this crescent was not visible tonight and what was the situation like now, see how it is now . the sunset was at 18:00 in tehran tonight at 12:00 today. compared to the birth of the moon, what does it mean? about 5 and a half hours have passed since the comparison and the age of the new moon is 36. the red circle that i placed next to tehran is near the horizon, near the sunset, the place of the crescent moon, or not the crescent moon, the place of the moon in the sky. it shows, and the opportunity we had in tehran to see this moon, which was not scientifically possible , was 9 minutes. well, let's see, based on the same prediction that i said, up to the green line, which you can see with a telescope, is halal with an 8-inch telescope. from a scientific point of view, until now we have not had such a solution to be able to see that we are going to the red open spot with mecca next to it.
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i put it a bit higher than tehran. this month is higher in mecca. in mecca , the sun set at 185 minutes iran time and the moon was in the sky for 13 minutes . again, this crescent was not visible, even though we saw it. it was reported in the news that there was a sighting in saudi arabia. based on the claim of sighting tomorrow , announcing the first of the month, while, as haj mr. mohdnejad explained, such a crescent moon was an illusion and 100% wrong, because scientifically, if such a crescent moon is proven to have been seen , it will break many records. because you see, for example , it is now 28 minutes old in mecca tonight and we are up to now the distance between 11 hours and 40 minutes of the crescent record is nearly 5 hours, then go a little higher , if you look, it is higher than mecca on the left side . i put al jazeera, actually the location of the crescent moon at sunset, which you can see at 21:00, almost an hour ago. the sun has set, now i
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have reached, for example, west africa and the horn of africa , for example, morocco and senegal. the sun is in those areas, there it is 19 minutes max, and there is no possibility to see it, now we will go higher , where i put havana on the green line , actually the capital of cuba is 1.5 minutes to iran time means sunset will happen tonight in havana at one and a half minutes . in fact, here are the first places in central america in the gulf of mexico . and after that, my help in the west of america, for example, i placed california, which is on the blue line, and with a telescope, for example, 3 inches or 80 cm, we can observe this halo. in california, it is 44 minutes max, and the crescent moon is 44 minutes in the sky. it will be and the crescent age will reach 17 hours and finally i will make hawaii an island
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i placed it in west africa, in west america , which is completely above the red line and the naked eye's visibility, which means that in our climate, we will definitely see this halal at 8 o'clock in the morning tomorrow, which is the time when the sunset actually occurs in our climate, and 8 is it our morning or is it 8 am tehran time, this crescent with max 47 minutes and age 19 hours with non-issue eyes, i want to sum up, it is quite clear , please do your summing up , i have a question for you, yes. yes, it is completely characteristic of us in the entire middle east region, in the whole of africa, this crescent has not been scientifically possible to see at all. that we we can see this crescent and therefore we definitely reject any claim of sighting in this area from a scientific point of view and it was not possible for this crescent to be seen this night
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. because you mentioned the telescopes, now in terms of tools and in terms of the use of equipment. you mentioned different types of telescopes in different countries in different regions. i would like to ask a question if the crescent moon is not visible to us right now. we have the possibility of using very powerful telescopes for viewing , for example , the telescope of the national observatory. like thirty, these are connected to the telescopes and we can take hundreds of pictures of the place where the moon and the crescent are in the sky in a fraction of a second, and the combination of these images and the processing of these images leads to recording an image of the crescent and this we know crescents as separate from the crescents
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that can be seen directly behind the eyepiece of a telescope or even seen with a non-machine gun eye. in fact, this detection of the crescent by telescopes , even powerful telescopes, is actually an image that opens there is a crescent image made from the sky, which i think is still present. there are also hajis of mohednejad from the point of view of jurisprudence, i can explain more , i don't think that this is a criterion for seeing the crescent moon and for our first prediction, but in any case, it is possible even at the time of our birth, that is, for example, let's assume that we will keep here, mr. engineer rostami . i would like to ask you, from a scientific point of view, other issues regarding the establishment of the holy month of ramadan, haj agha mohd nejad, one point to mention different countries. now, we are islamic countries. if we check , how does the crescent of the holy month of ramadan take place in them? in our country, we have establishment of isthilal groups
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how are they doing? now, as far as we know , they also perform dissolution and announce the first of the month based on dissolution. however, what we see from the results of their investigations, and we realize that apparently this work, which is done carefully in the investigation headquarters of the supreme leader's office and uses crescent sighting experts, is the reality. that now we at the estihlal headquarters are using the best experts in iran in this field, so this work is apparently not done there, we can see this from the results of their announcements. we get it, and now they have a calendar like us. now, they have rules for extracting their calendars , but what they use as a criterion is estihlalah, but, in our opinion, many of these estihlas
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are actually flawed, that is, as mr. engineers said, for example, we do not accept that the crescent moon was visible in saudi arabia tonight, even there are repeated experiences with tools and this method, and it's not that we just say this, it means that now we have reliable astronomical centers in the world, if we say, for example, that they can see the crescent at the age of about 6 hours, they don't at all. to accept but the reports of our observers are accepted by international reputable centers. well, that's the difference. a crescent can be seen in afghanistan but not in iraq. yes, see
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if the crescent can be scientifically seen and recorded in afghanistan, and then we cannot see the same crescent in iraq. ok in terms of this happens most of the time, which is definitely seen in iraq, but we know that for example 17 countries follow saudi arabia , for example, it was announced tonight, tomorrow the first of the month there is saudi arabia, these 17 countries, including afghanistan , obey saudi arabia and tomorrow will be the first of their month . there is an impression that the crescent has been seen in afghanistan and not in iran . haj agha mohadnejad , the light of the earth. now, in terms of criteria and criteria, if we want to check the light of the earth, the moon can be the criteria and criteria of the first lunar month. ok, yes, we
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have a term. in fact , the foreigners say arsh shin, which is translated as the light of the earth. actually , this is a discussion in terms of jurisprudence. if we see the crescent moon. we didn't see it like tonight and tomorrow night, we saw the moon while its dark part is seen with a weak light because we have the crescent, then that dark part can be seen with a weak light, this is called background light.
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two of the famous jurists know that if you see the moon like this, it shows that that night is the second night, but the rest of the jurists do not accept this as a sign that if the moon is seen in such a way that the light of the earth is reflected in it, as it is called in jurisprudence texts or hadiths . they say that if the moon is seen, the moon is like one. it is said that this crescent is like a necklace , but most of the jurists do not accept that this is our mutuq the night indicates that it is the second night of the month. this is permissible from a jurisprudential point of view, and from a scientific point of view , and of course you mentioned the scientific point of view for us. from a scientific point of view, i will again ask mr. engineer rostami about the compatibility of the moon and the light of the earth that you mentioned. haj agha mohdnejad, it can actually be a criterion to
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determine the first lunar month , let me show you one minute and i will start the explanation. you will see tomorrow monday night in reality the crescent moon. moving away from the sun, the light of the earth will fall on the moon and it will be reflected, which means that we are the moon complete face we will narrate, in addition to the crescent moon, and from a scientific point of view, in fact, they say that from the second night onwards until about the fourth night, when this light is present, it seems that the crescent moon is the second night, even though we have now scientifically explained that this possibility exists. no, but i have shown you in the third picture that, for example, in delhi, kabul, tehran, mecca, on monday evening, monday tomorrow night, this crescent moon is at
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a height of about 16 degrees with something. about 82 minutes , for example, in tehran, i will give you an example. 83 minutes max means that the sun will set 83 minutes after sunset, so this crescent is very long and in actually, it seems that it is two nights , but this is not the case. thank you, mr. engineer rostami, for accompanying our picture in tonight's special news interview. thirty seconds of the end of his highness. yes, let me tell you something. it is this. that this solution that we had, the crescent of ramadan is actually forming at the time when the moon reaches its closest distance to the earth, when the moon is very close to the earth, the speed of its movement is high, so tonight the crescent is not formed tomorrow night this distance will increase and we will see a long crescent, but definitely a crescent it was not seen tonight and it will be seen easily tomorrow night
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. thank you very much haj agha. nejad , i say goodbye to you from the presence and explanations of his highness in the special news talk tonight, and thank you for your company, dear compatriots, good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in the first file of tonight's program , we will analyze the latest developments in gaza and the occupied territories on the 156th day of the war. in the second file, we will look at


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