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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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instead of trying to solve the problem inside the country, i got help from foreigners. this caused the head of the gang, who is also a very dangerous person, to call mr. barbecue because of burning people alive . he said that he threatened to if mr. henry returns, he will definitely be killed, so mr. henry is now in puerto rico and cannot return. in fact, announcing in your news section that 3,050 to 4,500 prisoners have escaped in the last two or three days from the prisons are very dangerous , many of them have closed the main airport of the capital city. port-au-prince is in a state of emergency and a month -long night curfew has been declared in this city, and people cannot leave their homes and many bodies are on the streets due to the clashes.
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it is very difficult to leave the situation and unfortunately there is no voice from inside to silence and bring the people together and to put these riots to rest because there is really no strong political force in haiti that wants to do this. thank you and question. finally, an interesting point about haiti's situation is that i saw it in the news and reports. it was referred to america , why do the american personalities and experts sometimes consider the person responsible for the situation in haiti ? look at the past 20 years, especially after the 2010 earthquake and later the arrival of peacekeeping forces in haiti under the leadership of the united states and those events. which was very terrible in haiti. the group rapes that
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were done to haitian women by the same forces were carried out against their own efforts, and that is actually the financial corruption that they created. however, the haitian people do not have a positive view of foreign forces, especially the americans , now you look at many countries and their ambassadors. they are withdrawing from haiti, but the us is not doing this, it has actually brought in more troops, of course, a part of the personnel has actually withdrawn its own staff. but it is increasing its forces there, in any case , it can be a very good excuse for another foothold of the united states in the region , a foothold that was actually taken from it before , so it is natural that the people and the politicians of haiti do not have a positive view of the american presence . don't look for the americans to solve their problems . one of the reasons is that the criminal groups now have armed groups.
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the warning is that you should not use foreign forces to enter the country to calm the country, especially the american forces. certainly, the united states is a major part of the unrest in haiti, and it seems that history is going to repeat itself again. thank you again . i had a conversation with zain al-abidin taqvi, an expert. latin american issues. the largest nato exercise since the cold war began. this exercise is carried out in norway with the presence of more than 20,000 soldiers from 13 countries. the norwegian army announced that half of the soldiers were combat exercises on land and the rest of them practice naval and air operations. the exercise continues until march 25. the chinese humanoid robot
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broke the world standard for the speed of robots. the speed of this robot reaches 12 km per hour. the humanoid chinese ligament with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 47 kg can load 30 kg. the purpose of making these robots is to work in factories and supervise the care of the elderly. the french president once again extended his visit to ukraine. a trip. this is the third time macron's planned trip to ukraine has been canceled. emmanuel macron since last month, he planned to travel to kiev to sign the security agreement with zelensky, the president of ukraine. the number of victims of landslides in western indonesia increased to 26. indonesia's national crisis management organization announced at least.
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people are still missing. silasa rains in western indonesia started last thursday night. according to indonesian officials, the rising water level in the houses has caused flooding in the west of the country and landslides have destroyed houses and buildings. four people died after a fishing boat overturned in the coastal waters of south korea. five passengers in the boat they are useless and so far no trace of them has been found. two south korean citizens and seven indonesian citizens were on board this fishing boat. people of the pyrenees-orientales region in france to ask for rain. prayer system. there has been little rainfall and high temperature in this area since 20 months ago . therefore, the regional authorities decided to increase the consumption limit. according to the minister of the environment of france, the lack of water in the pyrenees-orientale region, which borders spain's catalonia
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, threatens 2,000 villages. more than 40 other regions in france are also on alert. boss. the head of the us senate intelligence committee described the tik tok social network as a security threat to the united states . in a conversation with cbs, mark warner accused china of collecting information through this social network. the head of the us senate intelligence committee said that more than half of the american youth follow the news from tik tok and that is why tik tok is a threat to the national security of the united states. if you think that china cannot change the algorithms so that the news published on tik tok reflects the views of the communist party itself, you are wrong. you have not understood the threat and
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i will start the third case of tonight's program with two pieces of news . discussions about the deployment of ground forces and the delivery of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine were discussed. according to reuters, the minister of defense of finland also spoke against the deployment of infantry to the territory of ukraine. no one really wants to deploy military force in ukraine. however , there are still discussions in this connection. so we have to stop talking here. on the other hand, we notice that they are still talking about sending long-range missiles to ukraine to be if all of us have always emphasized that these missiles cannot be decisive for this war. of course
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, there are missiles that can help. the german chancellor has stated several times that we will never cross these fateful lines. this is why we have not yet delivered the taurus cruise missile. to be able to collect, prepare, buy , or produce these military equipment all over the world, so that we can support ukraine as much as possible
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, our main focus should be on these issues, and this is our challenge. be the vatican issued a statement about he explained the situation of the pope who said that ukraine should sit at the negotiation table with russia. the vatican has announced that the pope means the white flag of truce, which is achieved by the courage to negotiate. yesterday, pope francis said that ukraine should sit at the negotiating table with russia without feeling evil and raising the white flag to end the war, a statement that provoked the reaction of kiev and its allies. the spokesman of the kremlin welcomed the pope's words and said that vladimir putin has repeatedly expressed his readiness to negotiate with ukraine and welcomed it.
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now, regarding the statements made by the pope regarding the surrender of ukraine, i want to talk with mr. seyyed mahmoud mousavi, an expert on the issues. eastern europe, mr. mousavi, hello, hello, to you , dear colleagues, and respected viewers at mr. mousavi's house, as we found out in the news, pope francis said yesterday that when someone is aware of his failure and mistake, he must fail before more people become victims. accept it, then he also said that ukraine should raise the white flag against russia, later we saw that the western authorities, especially the officials of the kiev government, as well as poland and germany, the pope's statements were reacted and criticized , for example, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine said that our flag is yellow and blue and we will not hold any other flag in our hands. without
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naming the pope, zelensky said that a person who is 2,500 meters or 2,500 kilometers away from the incident cannot be our mediator. in the end, the reactions were such that the vatican spokesman withdrew from the pope's position. what is your analysis of this volume of reactions to pope francis' speech yesterday? to analyze this issue, we must consider several points: first, after two years of the war between ukraine and russia, practically in the field the battle did not have any specific achievements of the western front , despite all the military and military aid it has given to ukraine, not only has russia fixed the cities it has captured, but it is adding new cities to its captures, such as the city of bakhmoud, as recently as in the last few months. they were able to capture the days
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, so they were practically hopeless on the battlefield. the next point is that at the beginning of the war, the europeans thought that they could put the days under economic pressure and shake them on the battlefield, which we actually saw . that days by finding new oil partners and economic as well as new alliances, which in me were the europeans who were worried about the russian oil embargo and the economic pressure and energy increase in europe . it fell and failed and the last point is that in terms of economic europe with. to accompany the war in ukraine for a long time. therefore
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, a two-handedness has formed in europe regarding the war in ukraine. a number of countries such as hungary, which openly declare their opposition to continue accompanying the war, send troops and help ukraine, and ukraine in on the other hand, countries like france and germany are playing war. of course , mr. macron was in favor of ending the war at the beginning of the war, but what happened to france in africa and russia's support for young officers in countries like niger, mali, and burkina faso brought a heavy strategic blow to france. kurds , of course, were not so well received. countries like estonia, latvia, lithuania, which practically do not have an army and
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participate in every anti-russian campaign because of the historical grudge they have for a long time. dear mr. mousavi, this is exactly the same issue as the continuation of my second question . what is your analysis regarding the continuation of the war between russia and ukraine ? in addition, we had the words of the french president, as you said , he was looking to send troops to ukraine, although he was opposed by a considerable number of western countries. besides these , we had other evidence of the presence of german forces inside ukraine, which the fact revealed a new dimension of this war. are the western authorities looking for more and more participation in the war? this is the reason for negotiations. they deny opposing what the pope said or other reasons and factors
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. yes, you should include the pope's comment in the puzzle of accompanying the countries against the war. actually, the pope had the duty to consider ukraine's withdrawal from the war as a dignified thing for the europeans, and of course he was opposed a lot. regarding your second question, i must say that the western front is at a crossroads in the war in ukraine. if the defeat of ukraine is accepted, analysts say that this is the beginning of the decline of the power of the west against the emerging global powers. this failure will bring civilization to europe, if they want to continue the war, because there are no positive signs in the war for them, practically , it will not achieve anything for europe other than economic and military losses. it does not exist and
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there are no effective options on the european table. and the west, unfortunately, it can be said in a way that it is caught in a strategic confusion in the ukraine war, and in a way, it shows that there has been a deep wavering in the western front and confusion, and it is deepening these two divisions, and the final question. in the end, what do you think should happen when this war is over? let me tell you that important factors are happening in the future in international issues . in my opinion, the most important factor is the american presidential election , which we are witnessing in america. mr. trump managed a successful campaign. however, the europeans are very worried about trump's presence in the us presidency, because trump will try to
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increase europe's share of the costs of the war in ukraine with the look of a helpful businessman . tolerate even the possibility of stopping cooperation america exists with nato in the possible term of trump in the next presidency. the next point is that the presence of mr. trump will definitely make the gap or confrontation between america and china more prominent and this will make china more and more into russia's lap and cause increase in arms and economic aid. china will do to russia, which will eventually tip the scales towards the russians, in my opinion, so we have to be patient to see what will happen in the american elections , based on which there will definitely be changes in the ukraine war. of course in the look in the long term, we
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do not see any positive signs for the success of the western front in the ukraine war. thanks. you saw the conversation with mr. seyed mahmoud mousavi, an expert on eastern european issues.
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one kilo is riding ramadan.
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and the end of tonight's program is some reports and news from america. a number of hollywood actors again announced their support for the palestinian people. this time, they walked on the red carpet of the oscars with a sign on the dress in support of palestine and protesting the genocide in gaza. at the same time as the oscar ceremony. this shows the artists' support for the ceasefire in gaza. hollywood actors and artistic figures not only in the oscars, but also in the past, the prominent people of the world
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had announced many times their support for gaza and the protest of the genocide in this field. prominent hollywood actors wrote a letter to us president joe biden in the early days of the gaza genocide asking for a ceasefire in gaza. the actor of the paper house series that is like this about. hundreds of thousands of people in america and millions of people in the world stand by the palestinian people and demand justice and cease fire. the millions who
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speak out against the palestinians are not alone. sarandon talks about people in america who have been shouting support for palestine for about 6 months. and again, in support of gaza and protesting the genocide , this time to the oscar venue. anti-zionist writer and media activist became a muslim in america. sean king and his wife rae king
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converted to islam in texas on the eve of the holy month of ramadan. this decision was easy for me and my wife. i was strongly influenced by the principles of justice and equality in islam. i also admire the faith and devotion of the people of ghaza to islam. before converting to islam, this media activist had many activities in support of palestine, opposing the killing in the gaza strip. with the pressure of the zionist groups, the user accounts of shanking to the reason for supporting the people of gaza has been removed from social networks and the final news of the world today is that a technical problem in a
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boeing plane injured at least 50 passengers. the passengers were separated from their seats and some of them hit the roof of the plane, some of the passengers had broken bones and 10 of them were killed. the plane went up and down. for a while it seemed like he was falling. we were told to put our hands on our heads. we felt death. and now we are coming to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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sir, i'm sorry, city. do you know where you are? yes, you go straight to the 5th kilometer of the special road. this man wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a carpet, go straight to the right. you started again, and you go straight to the 5th kilometer of the special road. household appliances, i mean, i'll ask if i'm unemployed, i'll stand here and take the sign in my hand , what are we doing, we'll go to see where the address is. you don't accept a live person , you trust what you say on the phone, why a live person? you are wrong here, as fardi city was not the city of home appliances. pay attention to the destination. carpet city and city of home appliances after azadi square, facing tehran, at the lottery festival for new house prizes . congratulations, the first place prize is a
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two-bedroom apartment and a car. one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary in washland, a land full of prizes , hossein, sir, did you go to the house? yes, sir, what happened to the refrigerator? how much was the guarantee and did not ask for an advance? once, it was like you said, no check, no advance, no guarantee . i bought a refrigerator, first class baklava. when i told you to go to my place, you did something other than my refrigerator. purchased more gas and iron for the house, a bed and a mattress, a sofa and a carpet, a broom and an oven to complete the wedding dowry, which god willing, in one month, installment sales for social security retirees without checks and guarantors, without advance payment, without going to the bank in the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan. and tehran until 2 o'clock in
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the morning in the city of tehran. i am your host. this story starts from the end. from smile the smile of new beginnings. the smile he shows doesn't work. the smile when our hearts are warm to each other. when life gets a new color. we are the center of this story and we create it every day. the hero of these stories always you in these years, billions of goods have reached you. but our effort has only
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been to deliver one thing, a smile. he reaches home. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time. i congratulate you on the arrival of the holy month of ramadan . i invite you to be a viewer of the football magazine program. we will start the program with news from iranian football . video assistant referee on tuesday and saturday in tehran, while the refereeing team for the 1st and 3rd shahrvard match is still in session. it has not been officially introduced and it is said that the selection of the committee of judges


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