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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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considering these conditions, for example, job creation for the native forces, i want them to work there, we will set conditions for it, and i can say that everywhere we have suffered damage, wherever god forbid , it has ended to our detriment . he is doing his job , he is doing it correctly and we must do our best to serve the people. dear mr. sotoudeh, thank you for coming to this program and answering our questions. we say goodbye to you. and another guest will be added to our group. dear mr. khosri, from you and thank you for your colleague in the front row program. it was a very worthy action. the program is on the front page so that people can get to know your goals and plans.
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well, let us invite our other guest , mr. osman salari, elected by the people of torbat jam , taybad bakhdir and saleh abad , to answer our questions on the first page of the program. mr. salari has a doctorate in public law from tehran university and has 40 years of experience in judicial fields. laws are approximate and academic. who is now elected by the people they are their own constituencies in the twelfth election period of the islamic council and the questions that we will discuss with them have already been answered in part in an interview with the sada and sima news agency , but here we will discuss these questions in a little more detail. it is a big question that goes back to the economic issues and challenges of the country, but the type of response of the elected officials.
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in the selected areas, it shows their approach in solving these challenges. hello mr. usmani , i would like to say that you are very welcome and have a good night. thank you for accepting our invitation. hello i apologize in the name of allah, rahman al-rari . greetings, politeness and respect , dear viewers. especially the honorable and noble people of my constituency. believers and united people of torbat jan, taibbad bakharz and sal abad cities. with beads in the discussion of transparency, there may be exceptions that you believe may not act transparently. based on the issues presented, i believe that the representatives are sitting in a glass house and should
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act transparently because the people are the main capital and the main owners of this system. they have the right to vote during the performance of a representative overnight, the rank and file of the so-called minister or vice president was able to inform about the civil service management law, which removes this legitimate and legal right of the people, if you are in a dilemma during the performance of the elected representative, which is a way of transparency. one way is that the interests of the people of your constituency are in conflict with each other, that is , if you act transparently, the interests of the constituency may be endangered, and if you want to act on those interests, you will see that transparency will be limited.
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islam and islamic rationality, we should be transparent and fast, honest and honest with people as much as possible the result will be more favorable and acceptable than if we want to have zigzag behaviors and our performance contradicts our views. very well, since you are a university figure, now the debates related to universities will be less in these discussions. i would like to talk with your excellency a little about these areas, of course, i am more of a legal person than a university, but the university is also next to it, now we want to promote a university here , for example, the issue of the higher education budget, which do you believe, is this budget to higher education it is allocated and
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it should be used for all the approximately 3 million students of the country, or just for those 400 thousand students who work in government daily , it should be meant for everyone. a just, fair and impartial distribution should include all students, and we should not set any limits here , for example, azad university, which is self-governing and has its own budget, anyway, they are citizens of this country, now students of azad university are considered it's not that they have less mental intelligence than those admitted to the state university or that we believe in the so-called we are citizens' rights. everyone who lives in this so-called country has this assumed right, and you believe that the azad university should also
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receive government funding. it is possible and it is in writing and officially, you can see that even payam noor students are payam noor students studying in a far city. you see that he is more successful than a so-called student in tehran university, so we should not believe that it is a white cia. you should look at everyone with the same eyes. for example, government day or night students , for example, in terms of tuition fees, they should be the same as azad university and payami university of all universities , the budget that is finally supposed to be allocated for these, now with a one percent difference. we should deprive the students of, for example, azad university from the allocation of a government budget, and that you believe that the tuition fee of, for example, azadi university, a high-altitude university, should be determined by themselves, or, for example, a council such as
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the competition should determine these, in general, i believe that the competition council, unfortunately and incredulously, the trustees and curators of this university a little. in the end, it is more for the financial benefits and attracting and absorbing the benefits of the so-called pleasant university, of course, i think it has more attention and taste, so if the competition council comes to enter in this regard, then it is natural that some of its approach and performance can be called fair. better yet, you believe that, for example, a university like azerg university or a university. they have a monopoly in themselves that the competition council is actually its curators, who deny this, but what we actually witness and observe objectively and aurally is this. i said yes.
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it means that there is a monopoly, it seems that some so-called arbitrary behavior sometimes happens regarding the increase of tuition fees. or the decisions of the shadow people, which may be compatible with the basic principles of the country's education system , and you, these are the issues that you have in your mind to pursue in the parliament. well, as a national concern, yes, after all, we can't treat a representative as the general representative. iranian people regarding general issues within the limits of laws. he has the right to express his opinion. within the framework of the constitution, he can be an effective and influential representative, a knowledgeable representative and if he is capable , he doesn't wait for the government to send a bill, he can be creative and innovative, write something in the form of a plan
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, get it signed by 15 like-minded representatives , and defend it as much as he can with strong and principled arguments. may it lead to a law and this law should rule over the abilities of individuals and different classes of society . was your decision to represent the parliament a decision of your own making or not , did you plan for it even for years? i came with a plan during many consecutive years of service in various cities from the so-called point by the grace of god and with my own efforts, i was playing for many years elsewhere in a detailed manner. after reaching this conclusion
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, i said, "if it is possible, i can put this knowledge and experience that i have gained at the service of the general public." the best place, the most suitable place to represent the parliament, that is , the parliament representative is even more valuable to me than the position of the minister. why can i do more? the so-called fruitful actions and the so-called process of decisions are in which commission of the legal and judicial commission of the parliament, why are you in this. commission, i think there are many things that should be your most important the issue that you have in your mind, which may have been the reason for you to become a candidate to go to the parliament, what is it that you will follow up on, see , i must say that, first of all, our judicial system, well , everyone agrees that the islamic judicial system is a reformation, not punishment and revenge. i think that many of the cases for which punishments have been determined are considered crimes, the punishments that have been determined
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are not criminal in nature, and alternative punishments should be given to the extent of a violation, and from this large volume of laws that have been passed, one should somehow be agile. it should be done in a series of cases that need to be done let's take action in the judiciary law commission in my constituency. well, there are many of them. no, it means that he is deprived of social rights, and this is no longer a case where a muslim wants to be indifferent to this, and maybe i can take action in the judicial rights commission of the parliament in this regard, or many of the laws that have been passed have severe punishments. it has a catch, perhaps with the so-called. now, the executive branch or the judicial branch , through the executive branch or through the plan, we can take some
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useful and beneficial measures, which means looking for a review, for example, in the state of punishment in islam, regarding i have nothing to say about many of these things, and because there is still no place for arabs , so to speak, until i want to point to a specific law , but i believe that many of our laws, such as our banking money law, are up to date . no, it should be updated. there are many cases that need to be simplified. the definition is strict in its punishments. in my opinion, of course , this should be followed by the legal process, and god willing, we will be able to provide a public service in this way. do the so-called and you think that the people of your constituency for these things voting not the people of the area. they have a strong religious, islamic and national spirit, a maximum participation of 62%
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or more, even though on the day of our election, the weather was so-called cold and there was heavy snow, it was difficult to pass in many places. and despite this , the so-called participation in the elections, which helps and plays a role. sarbakhsh has direct and direct participation in establishing and celebrating national unity and national solidarity, and considering that this national unity and national solidarity, which is the strategic and strategic goal of the system and the supreme leader, also emphasizes this issue. and to rely on, well, to have the largest role , to have the largest and most extensive presence, because if the national unity and national unity, so to speak
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, finds more objectivity, we have the national power through the first method, and it will lead to security, which, thank god , has been established, i think. let the people of your constituency see what was the most important concern they had and see how it was resolved in your election . encouraging them to be actively present in the elections because the so-called enemy
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has carried out extensive propaganda through cyber space. it was so that especially the sunnis would not participate in the elections, and this was actually a strong slap in the face and a strong slap on the face of the mouths of those who wanted to create a break and a distance between the people of the regime , which failed completely, and so now the people first. and in particular, based on an islamic duty and a so-called shariah duty and using their right assumed by the law to participate in the elections. the second is to come to the conclusion that now maybe i am more able than the candidates in terms of the fact that i served there in the past, in dealing with problems and problems, you are the most important demand there, well, many and many. one of the problems we have there is a series of roads , in a way, it can be said
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that the inter-urban and rural roads there are known as death roads , which have not been paid any attention to the so-called standard roads. the second point is that they expect that the orders and orders of the supreme leader and the principles of the constitution regarding the use of capable, efficient and qualified sunni forces will be used more in management positions, and this will help the national security of the so -called unity. the national and government has approved this free zone in the past if the border was a threat now it has become an opportunity to create some legal direction to make more use of the local forces and there are other issues , unfortunately there, in terms of the industry aspect
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, no special attention has been paid. 50 percent of young people from one village go to work in other cities. a young man whose talent should blossom and be placed in this position or something has to go and do the so-called labor jobs . now we hope that according to the point of view of high-ranking officials is that deprivation let it be soon and support the deprived and oppressed people and that the people there, thank god, there is no security issue. we don't have it there, and they have been in line with the basic goals and objectives of the system. we expect to be able to use the potential there by sharing issues and with an acceptable and reasonable design and engineering, with the cooperation of the officials regarding the so-called industrialization of the region. and what is the capacity
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of the youth that is wasted the most in your industry ? let's do three things in order to remove deprivation, a long-lasting service for your face, mr. doctor at the end of this 4-year
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representation period, you should say with confidence that i am what i am responsible for. as a representative, these three things have been done with them . what are those three things? in your opinion, the first thing is that a law was passed regarding the law of granting birth certificates to the children of iranian mothers. unfortunately, the work was stopped in the middle. let's persuade and convince the upper echelons that after all, a person who was born in iran, especially to an iranian mother, well, it is his obvious and natural first right to have a birth certificate. it's really terrible, now the road of torbatjam , taybad, well, i have 1,200 heavy trucks traveling here day and night, and every week there are not a few victims . the most important thing about iran's customs
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is that it has so many environmental problems . finally, a stone truck is moving on a road. maybe the first part will be ruined, let's hurry it up the airport should be activated there, the so-called road has been built with a national budget and dedicated to mashhad , torbatjan, taivad. it has not been done yet. if we can solve the problems of this birth certificate , we can solve the problems of the so -called road. fair so-called local posts. based on meritocracy and selection of qualified people , let's finally convince the officials below
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to pay more attention to this issue. well, i think that we could actually deepen that national unity and solidarity , develop it, and this branch of intervention in interfering with executive affairs in executive affairs is someone who arbitrarily and stubbornly wants to do whatever he can, but the representative is capable. we don't want to change the space with noise and controversy , i mean , we want to be able to talk to the officials below salah and convince them that the rule of law is fully established there , the rule of law is something. the rule of law is nothing but the enforcement of rights and the implementation of justice. the rule of law is nothing but the establishment of order and security. the rule of law is nothing but employment justice and social justice.
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there is nothing but the practical commitment of the people to the implementation of the basic principles and laws of the subject, and there is no need for leadership . in terms of the fact that 100 people there are actually open to the system and have a magnificent presence in all fields, and their inalienable right is to use the advantages and advantages of the rule of law more. and i 'm not saying this in the so-called use of native forces there , i'm saying that in this space, if we can do more than
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if there is a point that is less than these two minutes, your excellency. do you want to explain about it? this time is at your disposal. well, i want to say that considering that the people have an effective presence and maximum participation, and from the beginning of the revolution until now, 100 if not 1000 percent are obedient and critical. the so-called decisions and decisions of the higher authorities and there is no violation of the rule of law. and not to encroach , the responsible authorities, as trustees and trustees , have this duty and legal duty
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to pay more attention to the region, for example, we are one. among the cities of sal abad city , sal abad city is the most deprived city in khorasan province . well, there is no industrial town there , there is no border bazaar, not a factory . he said that they are living in the worst and most bitter economic conditions, so it is our duty to actually make a contribution in this regard and in this direction, and mr. president, the officials and high-ranking officials of the country's budget should be allocated at least in this regard. if the body takes at least one movement, the region will be freed from this extreme deprivation that exists in some places. god willing, thank you very much, mr. sally, for your presence. we wish success for this conversation and for all those who find their way to the parliament , so that they may
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be successful in serving the people. thank you, thank you, and thank you for watching. various forces are working in the flood relief work in the south of sistan baluchistan province, but in the meantime, the presence of jihadi forces is significant . the forces that came voluntarily came to the flood . how old are you, ma haji, 17 years old, you came here when you were 17 years old where are you from, south khorasan, you are a student , yes, you are a student, where are you waiting in mashhad, i am an
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electrician student. they are working here day and night without any expectations. we came here just to say that sistan baluchistan is not alone . do you really get money or not? we went back and forth . there are other places, you see, both the government and the people , yes, yes , i came here to iran. there is a high procedure for donating donations here in a hall in nagor destiari area it will be empty. this package includes tuna, milk, chickpeas, beans, oil, pasta, rice. and after packing , it will be delivered to the representatives of sayed villages. we are going to the flooded areas with one of these aid shipments. we are taking these people's donations to a distant village.
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this is near the village, look around, water has been taken, help has been provided to this village, but it still needs the hospitable people of this area, while thanking the government for the aid received by all , god willing, the aid is very active, it is excellent , electricity and water and how are you helping everyone? requests in the south of sistan baluchistan province.
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how are solitudes interesting with a new taste , how are invitations. they become memorable with a fresh fragrance. how to remember meetings with a fresh tea. family tea. communication is your distinction. john's son it's not over, shall we go? why, dear, it's over, let's go. where are
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you? home appliance city. mage sari also has a branch, a specialized reference for household appliances in the beautiful city of sari , km 7 of sari qaim shahr highway . smart door handles with the ability to record video, motion sensor, fingerprint, password, card and key. the security of your home is guaranteed by sarai big iranian he opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​over 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani, qom, all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets , game devices and other digital accessories at
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unbelievable prices. and long-term photos of the digital equipped palace in the great iranian palace of qom. in the name of god the compassionate. rahim, hello, dear viewers of sist and 30 minutes , i am at your service with some news from the atba section. simultaneously with the beginning of the holy month of ramadan , the distribution of livelihood packages among the needy families of immigrants in mashhad has started with the cooperation of charities. on the occasion of the arrival of the holy month of ramadan , distribution of 620 livelihood packages for 620.


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