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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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you had a long-term pre-planned plan for the parliament, for example , you had been preparing for years before whether you would enter the parliament as a representative or not during the elections, while two months before, for example, i have a special history in the election debate because i am from before, i attended a meeting in a row, i was rejected, i was rejected , i have this experience of being rejected, people are in the news, but look, my major is district planning, which means i understand how planning is discussed in districts, regions, provinces, cities, and in the country. well, it is natural that i am familiar with the basics of this science and sources i know the human resources, population, natural resources of the country , a question that is usually asked in that meeting
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is, what is your plan for the city? well , naturally, the city plan should be submitted to the city plan development council. we are in the country's macro field , where we play a role in the general policies of the country. but if we can give an opinion for my city, yes, i believe that experts, experts and experienced managers can be combined into one, in fact, a scientific board. knowing and with the help of the executive body, the main lines of the main strategies of the city and the province, the plans the constitution of the country has applied this is possible. yes, during your election campaigns, you told the people with the same transparency that my work in the parliament is national work and a strategic view for the country of the city . in recent days
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, even if there is a strong and national representative , the leaks of those good things at the macro level will reach my city, the good things will reach the level of my regions, and i believe that the representative is the weakness of the representative who wants to stick to issues. local, but should monitor , support, help, be the voice of the people at the level in my opinion, there are no more problems at regional, middle, and national levels of hierarchy when you manage the country, manage the government, and aim to be properly elected, and at the lower levels, single managers , expert managers, and not by the pressure of representatives, to exert influence there, when managers of special prominence there is no need for representatives to interfere , but they should proudly defend the
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rights of executive directors. come to the place of the governor and instead the governor should tell all their troubles that i was the one, this has one problem, in his spiritual opinion, two is that the position of the people has been defined, everyone should be in his place, the observer is the observer. and if these interferences develop, it will lead to the discussion of political corruption , which means deviations will be created, not only will it be misused, well, it is not at all that allameh's representative is there, he is not the representative of zalfanun, he has his own specialized field, if he has one, and if you are in it for example, it is good to have good grades , not to study during representation, to study, and
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to have executive experience by his side, so this is a value for representation, but the issue of the implementation of different specializations of agriculture and other agriculture. expertise wants water and soil, natural resources, arteries , river currents, hundreds of hydrological discussions, discussions related to society, society, damage, these are all fields , well, it is not supposed that the representative instead of all these, i saw in the interviews of his highness and friends with the new elected officials, all economists , where did you all read about economics? what is your specialty, and what is your opinion about all this? who is elected by the people, he has a specialty in that field, he must be a scientist in his specialty scientific facts can speak for themselves , but when it comes to public discussion, we are not supposed to say anything out of every ten that we encounter, but in the end, you have a vote in all of this, and the vote
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is yes . you have to vote. yes , there is no difference between your vote and that of the economic doctor. that is exactly where you should study. without study, without research, as we have the research center, the gap should reach the representatives. yes , there should be a real scientific gap, that is, the research should be based on the realities of the country, when these researches, these results the researches are in the hands of our representative , he will deal with all the issues wisely or consult with the expert, then he will come and give his opinion and sit down to read . he must not look, he gave four or two armchairs , that's all. i would really like to follow up on this. the parliament should not speak instead of all the scientists, everyone has their own style and their own expertise , but they should take input from scientists, experts, university professors, from the center of pushovers. in
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their positions, scientists should really speak and give their opinions, not just sit on the sidelines of occasion and competition and relationships. and. party and factional and a recommendation it is harmful to the country at all. yes, if there was a scientific point of view, part of our resources would be for the purpose, god willing, that you can do the same thing in the parliament . i came academically, i studied hard , i did executive work, i have executive experience, and i experienced this with my own flesh and skin that opinions should be scientific, we are specialists. the opinion of the body should be based on knowledge, and it is really harmful if we want to treat it in a formal way. the output and sometimes seen, the representatives
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do not even understand the meaning of the provisions of the article they are fixing, and they vote or oppose , they pronounce the words correctly, neither reading nor listening. there are people of khuzestan who have national monuments , even in the discussion , the shia religion (peace be upon them), the imams
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(peace be upon them), independence is important. the khuzestans are guests and hosts of all iran in the war. or in war being in the sacred defense of this nation and our oil and gas-friendly economy, our nation's added value has national effects . we have the first rank in the country's income . we have the first rank in some agricultural products . there is the first one, but unfortunately it is khuzestan. this is because khuzestan is a main source of the country's income in oil and gas, the energy commission of energy ii
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is in the field of construction and development , and i was interested in development and rational planning. budget for construction budget in industry and mining. our province is an important province, you all commissioners, can you not these three or four civil engineering, planning and budgeting, especially energy and the agricultural field, which mr. my dear friend, my dear neighbor , mr. papizadeh, is in the field of sports , he was already in the commission, now they are elected, they should be there, i am going to the commission of two commissions. those of khuzestan can shine in the commission, provided that they think nationally, have deep studies , their positions are based on your principles, for a specific moment . the distribution of income in the country or the issue of inflation, for example, is my concern
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saying that they will follow up on these issues, almost presenting a series of solutions in the parliament . are there any cases that are part of your concerns ? it has not been realized so far and you hope that you can implement them in the 12th parliament.
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this field is in the discussions of economics, financial , monetary and width discussions, and these must be experts, in fact, the opinions of experts who say that our position is based on the same opinions, after all, their opinions mean that an expert may completely agree with an expert. completely different, different, the one that is more difficult is for the benefit of the people. well, if you don't have the expertise , how can you distinguish it ? i will decide which one is closer and more correct , it is in the interest of the people, i
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will take the decision based on justice, the one that is in the interest of the people, or, for example, on this account, i will not ask economic questions at all. it's not my field, but i can explain in the general area of ​​the program, for example, a region, what are our resources , what is the issue of land use, does this have economic consequences. for example, friends have said about provincial powers. yes, i am also accused of who wants to implement these powers. we have said for many years that the discussion of provincial governments is to provincialize the appropriations and decisions. in the center, there is a geographical force that governs the issues of the country, which means that everyone in the center is more wealthy, more determined, more decisive , they are also involved in policy-making, it comes down proportionally.
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how much power do you have as a member of the parliament or the legislature and the parliament in general to be able to finally do something? there are limited monitoring tools, for example, in my previous courses, it was discussed, for example, the representative said that i can make an argument or answer a question, or the bottom line is that , for example, i can make an approximation and investigation, and leave it to be read, and then something will happen. again, the practical result is not known. how much do you think the parliament can change the structures ? look, this is a concern that everyone is talking about , but in practice, the result that
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everyone expects is not achieved. i realized this. that our experts, our policy makers decide our decision-makers and decision-makers do not reach a consensus , if it is a national consensus, for example, in a policy where the consensus is about any issue of the country's macro policies, if it is correct, for example, your orders. we saw hazrat agha in the discussion of principle 44, well , it was implemented 10-20 years ago, 15 years ago, where was it implemented, that there was no consensus, the reason why it ended in different paths , the reason is that there is no consensus, that is, we are economic experts, we are social planners of the country in the field different aspects of economy and society, they should reach a national consensus in big decisions to
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be implemented correctly, then the steps of our leaders, our laws, our politics our let's see clearly. well, now you assume that a general policy will be announced. yes , please pay attention to the different topics. is it correct that we say that every general policy that is announced , the executives must reach a consensus that there should be a consensus in the policy making? in foreign policy, we need a national consensus, for example , the strategy is determined from the highest levels of the country's administration when it comes to implementation in the field. we should not forget the main thing, that they should be defined purposefully and reach the goal. we should not appear here in a different implementation . well, you in the parliament have the ability to carry out the supervision, definitely if we are transparent. let's define our strategies
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and be transparent in our policies. let's know what the bottom line is. i'll give you an example of the vision . the laws are the subject of budgets and 5-year plans every year, so these should be evaluated step by step, every policy should be monitored in the field of implementation .
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and it should be accurate and clear and healthy, which means that god forbid communication and relationships should be mentioned they should follow your policy until it was implemented and closely monitor the government to find out why it didn't work. we have one minute to follow this path with the statistics. now if you want to continue this discussion in one minute or any topic the other one you are thinking of this minute. do you need to ask me to keep quiet? it means that now we want to start the next phase or not. no , it took less than one minute to the end of this conversation, exactly 20 seconds . yes, i am at your service. if we ask, we will not get the answer because we are every question please, i am at your service to the best of my scientific ability and in these few minutes as a summary
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, i am the people of his constituency, khuzestan province, and dear people of the country, whose policies that provide national interests, national interests, the people's condition, hope for life , and the future of the youth. i strongly insist that the representatives pay attention to the heavy responsibility they have. i wish you all the best and for all the representatives and all those who, god willing , will find their way to the parliament, i am grateful to mr. qalavand , the respected elected representative of the people of nimshek in khuzestan province, for attending. you are on the first page of the program. thank you for looking thank you for this conversation . may
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2:00 pm
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