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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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are you okay with us? i'm fine, don't worry. we came to sarai irani to buy a cooler. at this time of the year, he is in such a hurry. the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house began with exceptional conditions. at this year's price, next year's payment, until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings again and good time, dear and respected compatriots, point by point inflation from the beginning of the year to the end of bahman, 22 units decreased, the head of the bank. by announcing this
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news, markazi said: the central bank's planning for the end of next year is to achieve a liquidity growth rate of 23 % with both positive and negative scope and also taking the point-to-point inflation rate at the end of the year in the channel is 20%. according to farzin, since the beginning of the year, about 78 billion dollars have been allocated to support and non-support amounts, of which about 67 billion. the dollar was provided and paid. the governor general of the central bank also positively evaluated the economic growth rate of 9 months of this year. this year , in the first nine months of the year, our growth rate was four and a half percent. we had a growth rate of over 16% in the oil sector. in the field of services, we usually did not have very high growth rates in the field of services, but this year. our growth rate is about four percent
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for 9 months , there have been good growth rates in some sectors, such as the so-called transportation sectors, such as food and wholesale, which constitutes the growth of services. our agricultural sector has not had very good growth rates in the last few years. and the rate in the last 9 months. last year it was a little less and in the industrial sector of the sana group it was equivalent to a growth rate of 3 and 9 percent, which
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shows a slight decrease compared to the same period last year. the islamic council of the national media election headquarters announced in an announcement that in the second round elections, like the first round, the possibility of broadcasting advertising films and participating in election debates is available for all candidates. according to this announcement , this opportunity will be available to all candidates equally and for free, and films and debates will be produced and broadcast on provincial networks. in order to declare their readiness , candidates can text their names and constituencies to phone number 094 86. the deputy of central insurance said that from march 1st to march 20th , about 400,000 prescriptions of drugs have been sent electronically to supplementary insurances, and about a third of them have reached the stage payment has arrived. it is supposed to decrease
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inconsistencies should be removed from the paper. sending more than 400,000 electronic copies to supplementary insurances, the number of 41,351 copies is related to the period 12/12 to 20/12. according to the announcement of the deputy official of the central insurance, it was decided to eliminate the provision of paper prescriptions in the drug department. the first of march is our topic. it has been three weeks now to remove paper from prescriptions. all insurance companies are required to process and pay for prescriptions electronically . the process starts after presenting the prescription to the pharmacy and sending an sms to the patient. now if the sms information matches with prescription information and payment fee, there should be confirmation option and otherwise in this case, they should announce the comparison, for example, some of my medicine items are not in this prescription or me.
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it is necessary to pay more and the patient should attach the prescription he got from the pharmacy to this document, because since the electronic prescription has arrived, the patient now declares that this electronic prescription is not approved for me, as well as the lack of any response. after 5 days, the sent sms will be confirmed and the fee will be credited to the patient's account, but there is still room for objection, if they have any objection , they can upload their documents to us in the application and the relevant experts will check their version. according to central insurance officials, so far, more than 92% of the prescriptions received have entered the evaluation stage, one third of this trend. payment has been made to the account of the insured. we followed up on the matter from several insurance companies. 624 copies have been received by the insurance company. 1511 paid versions. 7,500
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electronic copies have been made, 100 of which have reached the payment stage. proceedings, which, of course , are at the beginning, but with the reduction of comparisons , the payment should be made quickly. the costs are also increasing , there are a series of deficiencies that are being resolved and promises an opportunity has been given to fix these defects soon . if these defects are removed, the need for confirmation or declaration of comparison from the patients' side will be completely removed. payments that currently take between one and two weeks, but according to the deputy official of the central insurance, should be reduced to a maximum of 3 days. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. thermal power plants. it has been repaired and prepared in order to supply domestic and industrial electricity during peak electricity consumption in the summer of next year. the deputy director of thermal power company announced that more than 96 of the power plants have been repaired so far. alhamdulillah you are here
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above 91 parts required for repair are manufactured in the country. the repair activities of the country are being done by domestic experts. in a protest letter, 100 european academics condemned the destruction of palestinian educational centers by the zionist regime. more than 180 british scientific figures recently signed a protest letter condemning the aggression of this regime against gaza, especially targeting students and scientific figures. the pictures of the bombing and destruction of universities and schools in gaza in the last five months, like these pictures before and after the war of the islamic university of gaza or isra university, seem to be
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these destructions are controlled, like the explosions that we used here to destroy hotels , when they were a place of education and they took away the opportunity for education, and when, with the intensification of the war , they became shelters for the homeless. in the last five months , we have seen many children suffering from emotional distress and psychosocial problems, and the fact that there is no school has worsened the situation. of course, the right to education
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does not even exist in gaza anymore, for many reasons, the first of which is that schools in gaza have now become shelters for refugees, yet they are still targeted by israeli bombings. five fish in gaza, 70% of universities were completely destroyed and more than 6 thousand students were martyred and injured in these attacks. the school building is completely destroyed . we found bodies in the classrooms. the zionists directly targeted the children and those who were here. 100 european scientific figures signed a letter in the presence of the european mediterranean human rights monitor regarding the actions of the zionist regime in gaza. condemned and considered it as a gross violation of the international laws of genocide. sanazo kahini of radio and television news agency. well, we reached 17.9 minutes and the end of this news section you are fine.
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i would like to greet you again, dear compatriots , tonight, considering that we will continue to see a stable atmosphere until tomorrow, and the stability of the weather will continue, this will cause the rising trend to be seen in most parts of the country , and it will continue now that i am at your service. of water in parts of the provinces located in the west of your country. the western part of the country is also affected by the southern part of the caspian sea . the sky in these areas
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is currently cloudy. late tonight, a rain system will enter the country from the north-west and west. due to its arrival, the rains will gradually fall in the provinces of azerbaijan. west azarbaijan, east kurdistan, kermanshah, ilan and lorestan will begin. we expect to see these rains in the northwestern parts of the western parts of the country, the central slopes of the zagros . gradually, this system reaches the southern shores of the caspian sea, the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern parts of the country, as well as the eastern regions. we expect to witness heavy rains in ilan and lorestan provinces on friday, considering the heavy rains in these areas. flooding of public roads and hundreds of rivers and canals are expected, so we recommend that you stay away avoid on the banks of rivers and canals. on saturday, this system will be strengthened, due to the strengthening of this system
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, we are witnessing the continuation of rains in the northwestern parts of the southern coast of the caspian sea, the southwestern parts of the central and southern slopes of the zagros, the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern and eastern parts. on saturday, the intensity of the rains, which causes the flooding of public roads and the rise of the water level of rivers and canals, for the provinces of lorestan, the northern areas and the eastern parts of khuzestan province. in the northwestern parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari province, in the western parts of isfahan province, we expect this day too, avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals in these areas. on sunday morning, the system left the country. due to its departure , we are witnessing the stability of jab again in most parts of the country, but from monday , another rain-producing system will come from the north. west and west will enter the country due to the arrival of this system on monday, firstly , the sky will be cloudy in the northwestern parts of the western regions, the southwestern parts of the country, gradually
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the rains will start in these areas. on monday, the intensity of the rains will cause flooding. the crossings and changes of rivers and means can be found in the western parts of azerbaijan province we are predicting the west . thank you simane for accompanying us until this moment. a patient who doesn't get a holiday, when i say from gorgan , you are from gorgan, then the doctor is not the doctor we wanted. with the beginning of nowruz holidays, many medical centers will be empty of specialist doctors , while people's needs for health services are not met during holidays and non-holiday days. due to the fact that the illness is not a holiday during the holidays, a specialist doctor
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must be present as a rule. well, they have the most specialties that are not during the eid days, they are not orthopedics, they are not orthopedics at all, but the accidents are more during the eid days, dad , let them have a shift, it is an easy thing, let the doctors have a shift so that this issue can be solved, that's how we are. like us , we don't have any stress anymore, god forbid our children get sick, we go on a trip with peace of mind , they need to rest, they need to finally have fun, but they should be divided properly, so that there is no void here, nor those loved ones from their fun, their vacations. as for the treatment staff, usually due to the high workload during the year they don't have time to travel and eid days. the opportunity that these loved ones usually try to take advantage of this holiday, therefore, most hospitals may
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be facing a shortage of specialized and specialized personnel, the lack of specialists, the increase in the number of road accidents, and the increase in diseases due to climate change , are problems that every traveler faces. for years, the interference of the holy month of ramadan with the days of eid makes work a little more difficult, people probably need more medical services. they have and probably have higher referrals , people read the body test, there is no problem every working day, whether it is a holiday or not. we are active, so what about the holidays, the official holidays of the test. it has happened that there is no doctor during the holidays and nowruz. sometimes, yes, the doctors who are based are usually not specialists. those who are not , they go on vacation. sometimes it is because they were friends who had trouble finding us.
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badim andoski wrote to us, but he dropped it on may 2, 2043. there is a problem. they need to rest. because there are holidays that my doctors need to use these holidays like other people. but to solve the problem, people and doctors should have a program this year, the ministry of health has issued a directive to all hospitals so that specialist doctors are assigned shifts and no hospital
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is without a specialist during nowruz. hospital emergency room with visiting patient emergency room specialist. according to the needs of various specialties , the consultation is done and the specialized staff is transferred between the patient and the relevant departments. specializing in emergency cases and cases that are definitely needed face-to-face and emergency form without wasting the patient's time , surely there are doctors at the service of the people for the patients who need to be visited online during these 14 days
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. and the internal fields of general medicine. during the days of nowruz, our colleagues cover all the specialties of the hospital that need them . they are active and active. from march 24 to april 14, doctors in all hospitals must be present in emergency specialties. if people face a problem in this, they can register their complaint through the 190 system. maryam begpour, radio and television news agency. we haven't received any equity shares yet
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, i didn't know how to name an adjective, what to do. it was in 1401 that in order to answer the demand of the survivors of equity shares, the law of allocation of equity shares was approved in the budget , approving the transfer of part of the government's shares to people without equity shares . supporting institutions and the like this is the priority. 4 million and 700 thousand people were confirmed in this identification. in 1401, despite the approval of the decision to allocate justice shares to the survivors by the supreme council of policies, article 44, the absence of valuable shares , postponed the implementation of this decision to 1402. the interpretation of
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the respected legal vice president was that copper, steel and petroush companies. the persian gulf is part of the 20% share of the government, and it is not possible to transfer them, so if they are removed from the portfolio , there are practically no more valuable shares for equity shares. the clauses of the 1402 budget were included and were supposed to be implemented by the end of this year, but while the last days of 1402 are passing, legal disputes have prevented its implementation. due to the fact that there were differences in the legal field regarding the legal basis of the stock portfolio that should be handed over to the new beneficiaries , it was established. first, there should be an inquiry in this regard , the legal barrier should be removed, and then the stock portfolio for the new beneficiaries
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should be approved. kend maryam fadai radio news agency. how hard it is to see the tears of a wandering mother every day in a single person's house and how bitter it is. the distance of a father from the family of a month, a father who gave a guarantee to start another business but is in prison , we gave a check to someone for work, unfortunately, we could not
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work in the market, and my check bounced and i ended up in prison. all these parents are imprisoned for other crimes. we deliberately signed the documents because of my son. the plaintiff also came, we guaranteed him and put him in prison . people who owe money because of bad times due to the guarantee of hawad's check, out of the total number of prisoners in the country , there are people who are financially debtors and we are the observers. in the first step, the financial convicts whose debts are below 200 million tomans, in the first place , we should take the necessary measures for them, of course , the amount we pay for the release is also a donation for the help of those who seek help, which is through in fact, the satisfaction of the plaintiff actually causes the amount of their debt to be reduced, and a forgiveness
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is also provided by the help seekers themselves, which through these three components means the assistance provided by the plaintiff in reducing the actual request or the damage that he receives . from financial damage, the second part is the help provided by madad jo himself, the third part is the place of help donations that are made through the day headquarters for the release of prisoners of non-intentional financial crimes. since the beginning of this year, thousands of prisoners of non- intentional crimes have been released with the help of benefactors. 8,396 prisoners of minor crimes were released. 395 of them were women. of course, there are still other prisoners awaiting release. the number of prisoners who are waiting for help now is 125, of which
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557 are women. 1208 of them are men. but these last days of the year, which coincide with the month of ramadan, are an opportunity for charity. and the accounts of dieh country headquarters are the only authority to receive aid people's actions for the release of prisoners are unintentional crimes. meleha pejman of sed and sim news agency. three-volume collection of birdwatching. a collection of books was published as watching birds, which is a collection of s. there is a volume that i would like to show you more fully, which was written for children who
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are between 12 and 18 years old . all over our country, all cities can enjoy these facilities. create a revolution in the discussion of another bird and inform a nasri look at your future instead of taking a good look around you. this series deals with the biodiversity, the importance of birds for the environment and the promotion of environmental literacy among children and teenagers. we know that the future of our land is tied to tourism and we must start working now. let's do a root and a foundation that, god willing, maybe in 5 years or 10 years, we will be able to see the results . as i told you, this can
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create a revolution for our children to be aware of these issues and to pay attention to them at all. . birdwatching series on the importance of birds pays for the environment and strengthening the sense of responsibility of iranian children and teenagers towards iranian birds. this book is published in three volumes. the first volume deals with topics under the title of the birdwatching industry itself and the topics of bird evolution , the number of our birds, our endangered birds . should we help the birds or not at all, it has dozens of titles with a suggestion, and in each of these suggestions, our children's minds may be involved for several days, and they will go to him to find the answer to this issue in volume two and volume three. this is our book to introduce the birds of our country and anyone who is interested in this topic can find good information
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about it there. indeed, the family and species of our country are all colorful and can create attraction for children interested in bird watching now and what is nature tourism in the world. bird watching is one of the most popular branches of ecotourism today. is considered and there are many people who now , nature trips with the aim of watching birds are starting to travel in different parts of the world , they go on adventures, they go to wetlands, forests and so on. birds that they like can find them, watch them, photograph them, and with that, in fact, the topic of bird tours is very
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popular in iran. then, in central iran itself, we have a series of attractive areas that you can go there, protected areas under the supervision of the environmental organization, and you can find a series of special and attractive species there. ahmed amin fard of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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tehran, i am your host. in the name of god. hello fellow countrymen. at 17:30, i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of a technology group managed to produce ceramic veneers needed in the field of dentistry. this product is offered at a third of the price of similar imported samples. a few months ago , there was a report on the production of dental implants


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