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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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today, the situation of sistan baluchistan would have been much different than if we had the 20-year plan in the vision document, if the five-year plans of the 7th plan would be formulated, and if all of this would be implemented and operational, we are truly a different province today. in the past, we had a dry port or a special economic zone, which i am concerned about. well, the railway is being implemented. we hope that it will be completed soon . god willing, we hope that with the speed of precision that is being formed in the government , it will be completed soon and the people will be happy and so on. in the meantime, the center that is located is both the geographical center of iran, the city is also the cultural center , this is the statement of hazrat agha, well, definitely, considering such conditions, between the two buffer zones, the special economic zone, which is the azadi zone that exists in chabahar and sistan, and is adjacent to kerman province and hormozgan and on the other side the border of saravan and also the border of rimdan. and before that, with the two areas of pakistan and
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afghanistan , we will often create employment here, even as a light source, even as a place where we can provide the conditions and export goods from here to other parts of the country, at your service. abroad definitely, there will be employment opportunities and in the specialized field of unemployed young people, who today we have university graduates and jobseekers , and private sector investment will be done in this complex, as long as there is no private sector investment and no sector investment. the government will not do anything. from the other revolutionary institutions , definitely astan quds razavi, the executive headquarters of the imam's command, the relief committee of the barkat foundation , the alavi foundation, and the rest of the mustafafan foundation . to a large constituency god willing, they will enter and many of the problems that people are facing now will be solved in your constituency. if you prefer
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to invest in villa housing or apartment housing , why villa housing because we also have enough land and our traditional culture. it creates and also the culture of our society. i will give an example during the typhoon of diversity. at that time, a lot of work was done in my own court . it was not used. now it is free. the people did not welcome it because it was not compatible with the people's culture we have the land and we can provide it, and even if we come in the form of disaster and new cities or villages , we will bring it to its necessary level. we have arranged for it . if it is an apartment house, it is for big cities and towns, but in my constituency , a villa is better. if the government wants
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to leave its powers to the municipality, do you agree or disagree? why, if the management of the urban society is formed in its own way, these powers leave it to us to give my opinion . we can definitely have a better city and the mayor makes better decisions. for example, now, when the municipality is doing the work , the gas company is paying for it at the same time. it should also be mentioned that the municipal water and sewage system does other work . when we ask, he says that the water supply was not provided. the person in charge is the water. they say that the gas supply was not provided. he says that the gas department is responsible. why are the conditions not provided ? he says that they are not responsible. with the supervision work with a proper professional and legal package, definitely if possible our situation it will get better and in the national sphere , you agree
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. the president is definitely directly elected by the people , because our system is not completely parliamentary, but semi -parliamentary. well, the president is elected by the people, i agree, but in the government , he is nominated by the government. for the vote of confidence, the parliament will vote. the direct vote of the people will definitely put a heavy burden on the person's shoulders, and in this way , i think that the president should be elected by the direct vote of the people, like the people's representatives. what is the priority of establishing communication between the islamic republic of iran and other countries and regions? there are first countries. and the second muslim countries
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are the countries where our interests will be secured, that is, those countries that have both honor, wisdom and expediency. it should be at the top of the list. except for the fake zionist regime with the world-eating america. we can communicate with the rest of the countries with this dignity and expedient wisdom. and finally, both our own export and import, and the dignity and wisdom of expediency, should be useful for our country, which we will definitely defend. do you have a specific suggestion on preventing tax evasion? we have rules. these rules. first, we have to correct the two methods in order to avoid tax evasion, one time tax evasion, one place avoidance of paying taxes
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, we have to consider both of these. the government is the executive group, but we must also support the production and investment group and monitor the added value . finally, with the taxpayers who are doing the work in this group, we can present the correct solutions to prevent tax evasion , but we will implement the tax anyway. must be with income conditions let's see, for example, in our province, well, this tax that has now been abolished is one of the things that i saw during the election campaigns, the requests of the people, the majority of our marketers, where the markets are the center of gravity of iran, their request was this : how can we do with this little income? we have to pay taxes and decide, but we have to deal with some issues regionally, that is, do you specifically agree on capital gains tax or not? i agree on the condition that it is monitored and
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the necessary mechanism is seen. and if we contract this tax , where will this income be spent? do you believe that we should move towards importing cars or not? i definitely agree that we should import cars to get out of this exclusive situation and give people the right to choose. but importing cars is not for special people and special groups. conditions should be provided for the general public and prices should be considered so that all people can use it . thank you very much, mr. rahmdel bamri , who came from sistan province, balchestan, in front of the first page camera. thank you very much. greetings. one of the elected representatives of meshkin shahr, mr. babak rezazadeh, hello, i would like to ask you
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, how do you deal with the transparency of votes, is this a serious solution for entering the parliament. since you are now elected, the islamic council must be approved by the honorable guardian council and then the credentials must be approved by the other representatives in the parliament . what is your opinion on transparency in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful? and adding the province and greetings to all my respected viewers, i, for my part , agree with the transparency of votes and other general issues. i am
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concerned about financial transparency and other issues that will arise during the representation period . my specialized commission is medical because i myself am a general practitioner and i served the people and served the people in ardabil province for 27 years. that's why i started from the zero of the heads until the university itself, in the university headquarters and as the general manager of my transfer. i was in the service of the dear people of the province , that's why i want to be in my specialty commission so that i can see the problems closely. dear people, as you know, sitshahr is one of the weakest cities in the province in terms of the number of hospital beds, and there is a need to
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address this problem, god willing, mr. dr. rezazadeh , if you wish, god willing, the most important challenges of mashkinshahr region will be discussed in the shura assembly. islamic , make arrangements for him, what are your priorities, thank you. dear dear ones, as you know, meshni is an agricultural city, but the levels that exist are stable. currently , there are too many problems, dear ones, they have worked hard in the past, but there is a need to address this problem of the entire city. be it our second problem is drinking water, both in shahreh itself and in many villages, which is why the honorable governor and his dear ones are thinking of measures, which, god willing
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, will start after eid. unfortunately, we have some villages that only have water for one hour a day. this requires a lot of work and mobilization so that , god willing, we can serve the people more than this . the whole hospital has 154 beds, which is a 96-bed hospital. the population of the city is 176,000 people, the average number of beds per thousand people. in the province itself, it is one of eight tenths, which unfortunately is below one in moshinshahr city. i asked the tem organization to enter the university of medical sciences in this case, god willing. that we can enter more than this so that we can
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solve the problem of both the hospital and the second hospital in moshin shahr city. a private hospital called anna or ata, god willing, we can start it . i am from the dear ones from the ministry of home affairs, from you i want all the people to cooperate with us in this way and help us so that we can serve our beloved people more than this. in terms of education, we also have problems and deficiencies . there is a lot to be done, god willing, in this case, we
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have set up special working groups, and god willing, the loved ones will come in so that we can solve each other's problems hand in hand , mr. dr. rezazadeh. what is the mechanism for the development of this region? it is very high, including its tourism which is provided the roads of our province, our city is really problematic, the ahar road, our maqaan road is still single-lane, this is a big problem that needs a train, god willing, it needs to enter here , considering the loved ones who are working hard to come to ardabil. it is necessary to see the city of moqan so that we can solve many problems.
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our next problem in this city, which really has a lot of potential, is the fruits that exist in this city. meshkinshahr grape, which is more commonly known as lahrwood , has a very high potential. meshkinshahr apple that we can grow god willing , if we start a conversion industry in this city , we can do a lot of things without selling raw materials, and there will be a special income for our city. we can solve their problem one by one so that they can serve the people more. in terms of agriculture, bahshin city has great potential that needs to be increased. more than this , let it be based on the hundred sablans of the health of our family that a
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national plan, god willing, we want it to start after eid. dear amorab, governor, dear previous representatives who worked hard in this matter, we want to ask the previous representatives to be at their service so that we can solve the problems of our city together, sir. do you specifically believe that the private sector. it can be the solution to many of the issues you raised or whether the government should do all these things. in my opinion, the government can also do the infrastructure, but the private sector needs more. we talked to several companies about this. of course, we are not a representative at the moment, god willing, after
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we will be at the service of our loved ones in the month of june. but we are looking for these loved ones from now on. with the help of the previous representatives, we can bring more of these dear ones into our city, where we really have very good bases, both in terms of agriculture and tourism, the largest number of water treatment plants in iran is in moshinshahr city, we have 92 water treatment plants and currently 14 even hydrotherapy has been set up, if we can, there are also hotels next to these. let's do it, we can prepare the settlement of people here, we will be a very successful city, we have a common disease with azerbaijan, we need a commercial area. and the black economy of the city should be launched, rozi city and arshq region can use this
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. let's be together and solve these problems one by one. if we can establish an economic freedom zone, we can remove a big problem from the shoulders of loved ones, from the shoulders of the people and respected officials. mr. dr. rezazadeh, one of the issues that exists is the transfer or delegation of authority from the government to the municipality. do you believe that if this transfer or assignment of power or authority is done by, for example, the governorship to the municipalities? is this in the interest of your region and your constituency or not? the fact is that there is a need for a number of powers to be granted by the government to the municipalities so that they can open their hands, but
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it also requires special supervision, which must be done by the government . my city council and municipality should reach such a growth that they can make special arrangements by themselves like countries outside of europe like switzerland and other countries where the municipality provides the most services in the city, so there is a need for them to be able to have more coordination with them and you with removing subsidies for the rich and the high earners, we the poor if there is income to take from this and give it to them, we agree 100% and there is a need to provide more support to the people who make up the lower classes of the society, and if
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there is one house in your constituency with the head of the household, there are four people and below. in your opinion , how much money can be used to solve the problems of this person and this family? what amount do you suggest? my opinion is that at least the salaries of employees and workers should be allocated to them so that they can live with dignity in the city. we are running away. click here to give me the minimum rights that i have short-term retirees who have social security are paid very low , they don't pay 3 to 4 million tomans more. we request that some measures be taken in this case. a person with a family is retired
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. there are more than 50% of these people who have social security. are. to provide insurance, but maybe the number of years has reached 10 years, and there is a need to take care of them more . the government is supposed to give land to citizens for construction housing. should this housing be a villa or an apartment? thank you for your question. there are a number of people who want a villa , there are a number of people who want an apartment, but the one that the parliament government is considering should be a high-rise building
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, which has less land, as our land is more in mashinshahr city, more agricultural and usable fields, because of this, as much as we can. let's build 100 apartments , it will benefit the city. and the reception of high-ranking will take place in meshkin shahr constituency? it will definitely happen, and i got the mehr mahsan national housing which they are building now. i am from the honorable government and sandar dear sir, i want them to increase the national housing and the quota for the city's residents a little more, so that it is within the city limit and the people need it. yes, sir. mr. dr. rezazadeh, due to the fact that the representatives of the islamic council have
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to express their views in the fields of national and international in addition to the local, if you are going to vote that communication with other countries should be prioritized, what priority do you suggest? do. the first priority is the muslim countries and the neighboring countries, and the countries that are always with us in the resistance front are the most important thing that we have to do. our foreign priority is always a two-way highway , not one-way. why do we hate the occupying regime of al-quds because they only see themselves? we don't accept the us imperialist because they only want to do things in an imperialist way . we want a two-way highway. wherever we want to provide facilities
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, we will get facilities. and in thirty years under the shadow of the position of our provincial governor, our honor and closeness will always be high, and considering that you are also a university figure, you will be removed from the entrance exam. do you agree or disagree with me, i agree with removing the entrance exam because the stress that is inflicted on the respected students may not show itself in these four hours, but the final exams are educational in themselves . the ministry of education must have special measures so that because of these four hours, a student who has worked hard for a year or two will not lose all his hard work
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. popular fields such as medicine, dentistry or engineering. there are some prominent universities, there are definitely there but i have one thing to say , our students go to foreign countries more often, if we can charge the same fees from our students, the students who are abroad, and for them in our country , because there are a number of them who have the facilities, then we can provide these facilities in inside the country. let's make sure that they don't go to foreign countries in these fields and that they can grow and develop within our country and our authentic iranian and islamic culture
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. the field of the ministry of education, should this be spent on the same two or three? should he become a student or only those 300,400,000 students who study daily in public universities , of course, the justice is that it should be spent for everyone , but most of those who are daily, work hard to get good grades and universities that are non-profitable, i said, they can go to university. face. they should make it possible for our students to go to foreign countries and it can
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be a good source of income for the ministry of health and higher education, so we can fairly use these credits for the whole country. universities non-profit or free university or campuses , do you believe that the educational field itself should decide on the tuition fee or leave it to the competition council. of course, as you said, if possible, it should be done in the form of a competitive council, but the university should be leveled, which one has the most facilities, and if we give different prices to the university itself, it is possible that everyone will pay the same price and some problems will arise because of this. they themselves are involved, but the competition council can
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decide for everyone. ask whether you have a plan for those who evade taxes or not for the parliament islamic council? very good plans have been seen in the islamic council, but implementation is important so that the government can have a more supervisory approach to this knowledge. of course, i want to thank this government for coming in much more. but there is a need to monitor even more so that no one can take advantage of some of these issues. thank you very much dr. rezazadeh and the elected people of meshkin shahr and thank you dear viewers, may god be with you.
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