tv [untitled] March 17, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST
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shun is much more than lamgast. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them, you will see that you have not only done your pocket a great favor, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the capital market news. the managing director of the central depository company announced the deposit of equity dividends to the accounts of more than 43,825,000 shareholders . mr. baghestani said that the process of the second stage of the payment of equity dividends has been completed
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the shareholders who did not receive this profit had the problem of invalid branch numbers and blocked bank accounts of the horizontal and long-term joint racket. according to bakhestani, these shareholders should update their information by referring to the customer information community system, or the three cups, in order to be in the next stage of receiving profits. it is supposed to correspond with the stock exchange organization and the central depository company with investment companies. the profit of this group of shareholders should be deposited as soon as possible. glass hall lost the support level of 2 million 150 thousand units on the last saturday of 1402. the value of transactions is eaten in this the day decreased by 14% compared to the previous trading day and reached the figure of 4,400 billion tomans. the indices of the glass hall
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were negative on the last saturday of 1402. the main representative of glass hall , which recorded a growth of more than 6,000 units in the first hour of market trading, could not maintain this trend and finally stood at the level of 2 million, 1,485 units with a negative return of 700% equivalent to 1,517 units, and the support of 2 million and lost 150 thousand units. the same weight index is also on this day of the same. at the beginning of trading , it took a downward trend and with a decrease of 1,795 units, it reached the level of 7,3026 units it was set so that the trading price of small stocks in the market was accompanied by a negative return of 25 percent . the glass hall witnessed the exchange of 19 billion and 120 million shares and bonds in 341 thousand transactions with a value of 1400 billion tomans. the value of khurd transactions also
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decreased with the decrease of capital inflow and outflow index at the end of trading on the last saturday of the year. on this day, more than 131 billion tomans of real money from fixed income funds. during the transactions of this day, the largest amount of real money entered the groups of stock funds. telecommunications and cement were reserved. most of the outflows of real money were made from the groups of basic metals, mass production and banks. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 243 symbols were positive and 462 were negative, so that the glass hall witnessed the negative of 66 symbols. also, 30 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 63 symbols with the sell page. the total value of shopping pages is 69 billion tomans. the total value of
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sales pages was announced as 221 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. in the fourth week of march, the transaction value of the three most active industries in the capital market reached more than 61 thousand billion rials. according to this the automotive industry recorded the value of 2700 billion rials in the production of parts. the value of transactions of banks and credit institutions is 17 thousand 49 billion rials. was. the basic assumptions also recorded the value of 1681 billion rials . these three industries accounted for more than 32% of the total transaction value in the fourth week of march. in an announcement, iran commodity exchange announced the launch of a futures contract for raw gold bullion and a gold fund. based on this announcement, the future contract of raw gold bullion delivery to avan.
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next year, it will be launched from today sunday and it can be traded until 30th of aban 1403. futures contract the gold fund also starts with the delivery of futures contracts on the first day of trading on the first trading day with no price fluctuation limit, with a pre-opening period of 30 minutes at the beginning of the trading session. the base price of the futures contract is the same price discovered in the single-price auction. withholding tax on the export of raw materials and raw materials of petrochemical companies was canceled. this news and more in today's package of baha bazar news. ahmad mahdavi abhari , secretary general of iran petrochemical industries employers' association,
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with the follow-ups of the petrochemical industries employers' association of the stock exchange organization and the cooperation of the ministry of economy by canceling the levy of ad hoc tax on the export of raw and semi-finished materials crude of petrosh companies. it was agreed that with the realization of this matter , we will witness the profitability and liquidity improvement of this industry. according to the published statistics of the central securities depository and funds settlement company, from the beginning of this year to march 8, 2015, 54 issuers have implemented electronic subscription of pre-emptive rights for their shareholders through a one-stop portal for the beneficiaries of the capital market. last week, two million and 110 thousand tons of sponge iron were traded on the kalakhabar website, and the trading volume of the commodity exchange reached 150 million tons since the beginning of the year. morteza shah mirzaei, managing director of the national
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petrochemical industry company, since the beginning of this year, 75 thousand billion tomans of the products of this industry have been supplied on credit to 15 to 16 thousand small downstream units. ali akbar labafi , the head of the secretariat of khorasan razavi government and private sector dialogue council, recently some people have taken action to export cement to neighboring countries by buying cement from the commodity exchange or distribution agents and exporting it with real business cards. this issue , in addition to not meeting the foreign exchange obligation , will disrupt the export rate, mehrdad bezpash, minister of roads and urban development expectation we have not yet realized the purchase of cheap materials. we suggested that due to the effect of cement and steel prices in reducing the cost of the national housing movement, these two products should be offered in the commodity exchange at the base price. iran commodity exchange company
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announced the acceptance of new goods and products in the main and secondary markets of this company. according to the announcement of the iran commodity exchange management, accepting three products. the products of the 20th and 3rd of march this year after reviewing the documents in the 4th and 22nd meeting. the supply committee was approved. more than 24 thousand tons of products were traded on saturday. the value of these transactions is more than it was 91360 billion tomans. more than 21,000 tons of cement worth 1,685 billion
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tomans were sold in the cement hall. industrial hall also experienced the transaction of 325 tons of goods worth 732 billion tomans. kurd also traded 100 tons of products worth 792 billion tomans in the petrochemical hall. today, more than 14,000 tons of hydrocarbon products are listed on the iranian energy exchange. the largest volume of supplies is dedicated to halal 402 and rafinet. in the inner hall of the energy exchange, more than 2 thousand tons of products were produced. rafinate and the product of amity b ist.
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on saturday, the energy exchange witnessed the sale of various products worth more than 93 it was a billion tomans. iran's energy exchange last week sold more than 179,000 tons of hydrocarbon products. the value of these transactions reached more than 4651 billion tomans. during this period , more than 17 million kilowatt hours of electricity worth 12 billion and 396 million tomans were signed. the end of capital market news, thank you for your support , dear ones, and god bless you.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran , is playing with a telegram across the country. why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question . you are a football manager . in the name of god, i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to a dear and respected viewer , we are at your service with another debate. there are 3 or four more days left until the end of the year . kenan, in today's program , we want to talk
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about how the budget will be and what the benefits and challenges of this increase will be. please stay with us until the end. they do not cure the pain of the people, the government should not allow it let inflation increase if inflation declines for several years in a row. and increasing salaries accordingly means increasing people's purchasing power. hossein ali shahriari, elected by the people of zahedan, according to the law , salary increases for all classes should be based on inflation, but unfortunately, no government has been able to implement it due to lack of financial resources. inflation is usually twice the annual salary increase. seyyed shamsuddin hosseini, elected by the people of tenkabun ramsar, etc. we must prevent spiral of inflation and salary increase.
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the beginning of it is controlling inflation, but if we can't to control inflation, we must maintain people's purchasing power . hamid rasai elected by the people of tehran ray and shemiranat. the fact that some people say that the reason for inflation is the increase in wages is unfair to the workers. more than 170 thousand billion tomans of money were printed by the central bank and given to private banks. the main reason. inflation is private banks and the way to reform is from here. mohammad bahrami saifabad, chosen by the people by rahmat, dana and margun. raising salaries at the rate of inflation does not solve the problem. when we increase salaries, we inject multiple inflation into society. the solution is to increase people's purchasing power. mohammad saleh jokar elected by the people of yazd, ashk zar, zarach bakhsh nadushan. i always saw and the payments were inconsistent. in the past years, we also had high inflation , but salaries were not increased in proportion to it, and this
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has led to the shrinking of households' livelihoods. well, we saw the report together, mr. seifi , you tell us the latest news . the fact is that there are several meetings for the livelihood of the meeting. it has been passed and today at 2 o'clock there is a meeting to determine salaries and wages in the supreme labor council well, it will probably continue until tomorrow and in these two days, it will come to an end anyway, and frankly, one thing that is always there is why these meetings always seem to be announced at the 9th minute, which means that they are always under pressure and in the last days and a little bit. it seems that this was a way of explaining the fact that, well, it is a matter of rights. on the other side of the account is the field of labor and retirement. some people
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become very addicted when they want to enter this field, and naturally, this issue is not dealt with at the root when they leave it at the end of the year to make another decision and it is over, and the creation of space and margins. don't get involved in this matter, but in principle, this debate should be dealt with in a fundamental way, that is , once and for all, this basic surgery should be formed in the field of the country's labor law, and this debate should be put aside, and a decision should be made based on the correct principles. if these worries don't exist , it means that the labor law needs to be reformed, for example, both the labor field and the employer field, the labor law has changed in the last 32 years, and the world economy has changed based on those conditions. he saw all angles in this new work law, but unfortunately less areas
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now different parliaments of different governments enter. labor law surgery can be done, mr. afsharpour , how much do you believe that the labor law should have changes or reforms , in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful? there is a lot in the economy that is involved in the determination of wages, and the law only mentions it due to livelihood and inflation , which has never been implemented due to various possible reasons, that's why we believe that article 41 of the labor law must be amended and we other components in this matter, let's see what needs to be corrected, obviously, it
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's not just about the livelihood basket and inflation. there are other economic components that should be placed next to this. viewers should be mentally present. article 41 of the labor law is the same clause that states that the minimum wage must be determined annually based on the region and different industries, and i hope you will be able to see inflation and the livelihood basket. the discussion of the industry has been said, based on the industry, the wage can be determined, which is one. governments have experience in this field in the past it failed, then it is interesting that no one , as dr. seifi said , did not mention the statement for the law and reform . on the other hand , there are a large number of our workers in the trades, so they are neglected
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and they should have the minimum wage. a country should be seen for this, if the law only came and said the region and the industry, well, this is one of the things that should be corrected so that our friends, the workers in the fields of trades and small places, don't get harassed . thank you, mr. seifi. it should be amended in the labor laws, see what it is in the discussion of rights first of all, something that always repeats. first of all, these debates and discussions always take place between the worker and the employer. i wish there was a third side because basically these fields are three-sided and two -sided does not make sense . a worker has no meaning and
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there is no worker without an employer. the flight does not take place, the economy does not grow , which means that one side cannot have more weight than the weight of the two sides. this is in the field of work. the work of the labor law is different from the welfare law . look, we often get it wrong that we are now in a situation where a person as someone who lives in this society should at least have a life, there is no doubt about it at all and we we also completely agree, because if a worker can't be mentally and spiritually at work , the efficiency of the work will go down, that is, it will even harm the production and the employer's field and the country's economy , so this should exist, but the issue here is that what does this share mean in the labor law that
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we say the labor law should be amended. and all the angles can be seen whether the level of employment in the country is important or not . i have an example. now the world economy has moved towards the digital economy. our current law has no meaning in the digital economy, because you have to correspond in the current law. you must have a place. you must have a place. well, now there are many companies working in the field of digital economy, and the world is in this direction. you can make fundamental changes in it give me an example. for example, mr. afsharpour mentioned the discussion of the wage industry in this region . look, one of the workers is saying that we look at job security from this angle, so it should
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be analyzed when job security happens, from the employer's side, in the field of a company. it is important for him to maintain the economy, that is, to be able to advance the conditions so that the work can be done . first of all, this is not legal. see, we do not have anything called a national wage in our law. we have a law. according to our law, the work of the supreme labor council is obligatory according to different regions or different industries determine the minimum wage. well, we did not go to this for 32 years, and it has become customary in the country that we have a national wage , this is a national wage. many friends may say, well, why is this number , for example, inflation, first of all, according to the law, it is something that exists according to inflation, not according to inflation, according to
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inflation, and secondly, now, in such a way that the livelihood basket for a family of 3 shares is able to live a sufficient life. but the debate that exists is that when we want to determine this number for the whole country , that company will beat us 92 economy of that economy. it is small, which means you want to see a small company, see the village, see the city , see my industry, see our 50, our economy is 47 , the country's employment is in the service, it is clear from the definition that the service has the largest weight in human resources, 33 and almost 6 of the same industry, 18 and 9 fields. it is agriculture until we come. these are as an example , when we want to determine the salaries of the workers, the service area should be determined separately, the industry should be determined separately , the small industry should be determined with the industry, you see, now the parent industries
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, the conversion industry and the medium industry , do not have these problems of wages at all. you go, for example, in steel, this is it is not your concern to see, for example, how much salary even a secretary of an office in the mother industry receives. how much do they get , for example, they say, for example, you may get more than 20 tomans, 30 tomans, how come their workers get different names, which means they have much less concern in that area. look, when we come, we want to get the average for the whole country. one industry has no effect at all. well, you can see how many percentages there are in that employment in an industry, it has a lot of effect. well, when you become unbalanced, you want to increase this or you see the average of the country, naturally the average goes down because you have to see the score of 20. you are like a class that has a score of 20 and you have a score of 8. the grade average of the class may be 13 or 14 and someone will look
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and ask why you have a 14. you saw it because we say that the labor law should be amended to this reform will not take shape , there is always this concern and these debates . it can be beneficial for our workers . you see, there is a point that there has been a discussion of regional issues for several years, but they always come to the conclusion that, sir, the necessary platform is not provided. so, for later, next year, the same thing will be brought up again, the worst year, the same thing will be brought up again . to tell this story, sir , is it appropriate to do this or not? our suggestion to the government is that in the first year, if it was supposed to enter for next year, for example, now the friends in the supreme council
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are talking . work because there may be variations that cannot be collected , let's go over a series of wage components and items. let's work like the housing right like ben arzaq the amounts that have been considered for these come here and to help the youth of the population , let's consider an area, that is, for example , it should be in such a way that the housing rights for a series of cities are higher than, for example, what we consider as the base now. ok, in general, there is this difference . now, the amount of housing administration in a city a is less than that of city b. well, this is better than seeing it in the law. let
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's see what happens. it can be seen that we are having problems in some places on a macro level. it means that there are fewer iranian workers there, so our young people go to work less now i pointed out, and i am right, that this legal capacity does not exist, while there is a culture of work and production. it means that it is very weakened, young people today, we don't put our energy into hard work, that's why we say employment is low, then you come and let's see how much empty capacity the industrial towns around tehran and alborz have. there is no workforce to go to work. well, maybe the minimum wage is what the ministry of labor determines sometimes for our more professional and technical specialties.
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play a role. fainted, but it became nothing, because before there was a welfare fund that the government came to and deposited its quota , now it is all the responsibility of the employer, here we expect that considering that the ministry of social welfare, social welfare is also in its own hands and is entrusted in its own country. come to the goods department , leave the labor department, and tell me, sir, one to 10 tithes i will give you the help of his livelihood in the area of his health . look at what the livelihood basket includes. one of them is health. well, this health is happening in insurance. the other one is in the matter of travel. well, mr. government, you yourself have many of these hotels and places like trains
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. this ministry owns it. it's a house, you can give it to the workers for free, you can give it to the workers with a huge subsidy and help them, everything in that wage should not be tangible, the worker's house, for example , i have the travel, you mention these things, not that. there is another discussion, the government itself can come here for example, when entering a pensioner, they say, "sir, i'll give you a loan, i'll give you a trip to mashhad, i'll give you dignity , i'll give you a quota, i'll give you inflation, i'll take it, so this can have an impact on the government sector for the rest of the workers, see what happens from the point of view of economists, prospective wages and expected inflation." they say, sir, you just said that it is 30 percent, so everyone will go because
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next year. in addition to the deficit that the government has approved in the government budget, which itself creates inflation , we already have the expected inflation. in this way, if we came and checked the country's inflation rate from 1360 to last year 1401 and the rate of increase of the minimum wage, but since this story is being blown, especially by the media, which probably does not know the essence of this story , it causes that we have more problems. thank you , mr. seifi. this concern has always existed on the part of the workers . you mentioned the issue of regional wages, which may be
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