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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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dardi muharram, you are a strange secret, you are so charming , you make my moments like a story. i love you more than myself, as long as i live, i love you, i love you, i believe in you , i will rain your love.
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well, there are almost 6 minutes left until the year of handing over, we also offered our devotion to imam reza (peace be upon him), let's go to west azarbaijan and continue our conversation with mr. ahmadpour. did you become the chosen teacher of this year? yes let me tell you that i am about 18 years old and i am working in the border and isha'i village of glaz in west azarbaijan province
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, ashnoye city. its people mostly do agriculture and my 18-year-old servant is working in the village of glas, and during this time, with the help of my honorable colleagues, i was able to return many students who had dropped out of school to the cycle of education. a busy task i am writing a book on the history of education in ashnawi city, which has several volumes and, god willing, in the future it will become a jewel of medicine . can you tell us how many students you have provided the possibility of literacy education for them, and this possibility that you say is provided from the financial aspect. is it spiritual? yes, let me tell you
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, i was in the second year of my service in the village of glaz, when i noticed that some students dropped out of school and when i asked about it, i asked my colleagues, i asked the parents and i asked the students who had dropped out, i was able to find out about the students who dropped out with the help of my colleagues. i want to find my honorable one, and those causes are the traditional society and the customs that govern it, the economic problems of the families later, the parents and the schools being strangers to my school, the early marriage of the girls, the girls, the children later, sending the boys to work , the school not being attractive for knowledge. students and also don't have a role model who is an employee and that child.
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look at him and say that our future will be like him and us with the help of my dear colleagues, we were able to, during these 18 years , with all kinds of initiatives and actions that we took . the village priest is the most talkative of the people. we used to tell them that they should talk about the importance of science and knowledge from the point of view of islam in the sermons of friday prayers. the research that i had done, my research got the top rank in the country, and
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we also identified students who, for example, had material problems due to economic problems, could not attend anna's school, and covered them with the help of honorable donors. thank you very much, mr. ahmadpour. you say goodbye to colleagues. i am very grateful to west azarbaijan, mr. hosseini , you are not in our hearts anymore, what is not in our hearts anymore ? we are really not in your hearts anymore. let's have a good and blessed start, we and all the viewers of the honorable nation of islamic iran, god willing. i think that 6,36 minutes and 26 seconds will be the moment of the handover of the year that we should start to start the prayer
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let's go to the message of the supreme leader of the revolution. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, or the all-knower of the hearts, or the all-foreigner of the night, or the all-mortar of the night
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, or the all-mortaring of all things, i congratulate all the dear people of iran. it is associated with the holy month of ramadan and spring of heart and spring of spirituality. special congratulations to the families to the martyrs and to all other nations who celebrate nowruz, i remember the dear martyrs and the imam of the martyrs who opened this way for the iranian nation. i wish the iranian nation to benefit from
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both the spring and the spring of nature. and also the spring of spirituality . let's look at the year 1402, when this moment has ended . this year, let's look at the year we entered . the year 1402, like all other years of life , was written from the sweet and bitter, from the desired and the unwanted . this is the nature of the world and the nature of life. there is
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progress in the internal affairs of the country. scientific breakthroughs, technological advances, infrastructure productions that are all over the world country. it has been done, this was among the sweets and it was good news. on the other hand, the economic and livelihood problems of the people were among the bitter news. the epic presence of people in the quds day gatherings. on the 22nd of bahman
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, the safe holding of this large demonstration, the safe and healthy holding of the end-of-year elections and other public appearances were among the good news and sweet wishes of the past year. tel incident. baluchistan flood at the end of the year, the events that happened to the security officers and security guards during these months were among the bitter events. the most famous was the incident in gaza, which is one of
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our most important international issues. the international mobility of the government in various economic and political fields. it was one of the sweet news and favorable events, and the gaza incident that we mentioned was one of the bitterest events, but also the most bitter events of our foreign affairs. we ask the almighty god to compensate for the bitterness and continue to grant the sweet to the nation of iran, the muslim nations, and
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to bless them with what is the best and blessing of the islamic nation and the source of good and blessing for the nation of iran. in the year 1402, which consisted of curbing inflation and production growth, good things were done in both parts of the slogan, things were done, there were also improvements. it happened, of course, not to the desired extent, and now , god willing , i will tell the details of them in today's speech to the people of iran and what has been done was good, but it must continue, and this
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slogan is not a slogan that we can expect to somehow achieve in one year. it should be done well. this slogan will continue . there are many things to do in the year ahead of us and we have entered it. which must be done and we must commit ourselves to it, both the officials of the country, the governments, the parliament , the judiciary and others, and the people, we must commit ourselves to those tasks in the field but this year the main issue of the country is the economy. the main weakness of the country is the issue of economy. we must
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be active in these areas. servant by studying the opinions of experts on this issue, i come to the conclusion that a basic key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of production, domestic production of national production. that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. if the growth of production and the forward movement in national production is carried out in a favorable manner , many important economic problems such as inflation, employment, and the value of the national currency will be solved. the basic issues of the economy
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will go well towards solving the problem of production, so it is an important issue. and for this reason , i am relying on the issue of production this year, and i expect that, god willing, a leap in production will happen this year, and i strongly believe that this leap will take place without participation. the people will not happen without the people's presence. if we want to have a jump in production, we must popularize the economy
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. gave in this these capacities should be activated and they should be used for the benefit of the country and the people. therefore, on this occasion, i have made this year's slogan : production leap with people's participation. this year's slogan is this year's slogan . country planners planning. let the experts cooperate intellectually and let the economic activists participate in this work in a practical way, god willing. i pray to the almighty god for the success of the great and dear nation of iran, and we humbly offer our humble greetings to the presence of hazrat baqit allah, the sacrifice of our souls
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, and may god hasten the death of the noble one who it is humanity's destiny to ask questions. greetings, how are you, mr. hosseini, year 1403? yes, the jump in production with the participation of the people. congratulations to you . congratulations to all the people of iran . god willing, if we see people's participation in all fields, especially the field of production, we must be ready. the president's message on the occasion of the beginning of the year 143, let's see
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and hear together, in the name of god , i sincerely congratulate the veterans and sacrificers, as well as eid to all the nations that celebrate nowruz. iranian national rituals are the most moral and purest rituals in history. our people have been keeping nowruz for centuries. nowruz in
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iran is psychologically mixed with human manners such as peace and mercy. one of the characteristics of our dear people is that they associate nowruz with reciting the quran , praying and supplicating. this year's spring has also found symmetry with the spring of quran and fasting. therefore, the manifestation of the spirituality of kindness of the iranian nation has a more special form. in the delivery prayer. we ask god to grant us a better transformation. the best way is to be able to overcome the shortcomings and weaknesses. convert strength god willing, thanks to this symmetry and prayers, the new year
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will be a year of success and pride for the iranian nation in all fields. god willing 1402 was a prosperous year and along with important events, there were sweets and surprises. and some bitter events. but the result of the events of the year. the growth and prosperity of dear iran was in all sectors. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution named 1402 the year of production growth and inflation skill. all efforts of the government were concentrated to realize this slogan. economic growth in total in 1402 according to the statistics center. that the country is experiencing growth rates of over 40,
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while the average economic growth in the 1990s was less than 1%. in addition to the growth of production , the slogan of the year was to curb inflation. you remember that from the beginning of this government and at different times, some people claimed that the inflation will reach three digits, but today, i am at your service, dear people, not only those pessimistic predictions did not come true, on the contrary, inflation is on a downward path, point by point inflation is around 55 at the beginning of this year, the percentage decreased to 35% in the last month, and the total inflation will be around 40% , which means that in one year, inflation has decreased by 20 points
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. and we chose the right one for sustainable reduction of inflation and sustainable economic growth, of course people our understanding is that this did not mean that the price of goods did not increase, the number is still high and people , especially the weaker sections, are under the pressure of livelihoods, but besides the issue of production growth and inflation skills, the employment situation improved last year. the unemployment rate in the fall of 1402 had a record low and it entered the 7d channel . the unemployment rate for the whole year will be lower from 1401. the part. among the jobs created in the form of the movement to revive the closed and semi -closed manufacturing plants across the country, the number of which today has exceeded 7 thousand production units, not
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only the investment and completion of projects in this sima did not stop, but iran became a workshop of construction, progress and hope . as in the past , we did not lack these bitter experiences and burning development for the country. but according to the wise interpretation of the wise leader of the islamic revolution, the government did not let the future of the country become a sacrifice for days and did not sacrifice tomorrow for today. allow me to remind and review some examples of basic works. i
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went to khuzestan in 1400, 2 days after the initiation ceremony and the most important issue and concern. people in ahvaz and some cities of khuzestan had a water problem, and this was not in khuzestan, in sistan baluchistan, in karwan bushar, even in hamadan kurdistan. the issue of the people was the issue of water. iran's ill-wishers advertise that in the future, important and sensitive parts of the country will not be habitable due to the discovery. today you can see how many important water projects have been completed in the country in these thirty months . among these measures, the project of transferring water from the persian gulf and the sea of ​​oman to the eastern provinces and the plateau central country. jihad plan to supply water to villages
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has reached 5 thousand villages today. and by the end of the government , 5 thousand other villages will be supplied with water, god willing. the next issue is housing. at the beginning of this government, the housing issue had become a knot, there was also a delay in construction. also uncertainty. after going back and forth, several governments still had not delivered 240,000 housing units. it was a commitment for the government. today, more than 2,400,000 houses are being built in the country. half of the mehr housings have been handed over to the people, and the other half, god willing, is in the process of being handed over soon it will be our dear people. significant measures have been taken in electricity production and gas production, as well as in the issue of housing. our government is proud to
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be known as the people's government, it is among the people and with the people. in the last 30 months of the government's existence, 45 provincial trips have been made. the priority of these trips was to pay attention to people's demands and finish important and half-finished projects. the year 1402, along with progress and development in terms of the implementation of justice- oriented programs and projects of the same year. it was special. plans and measures such as electronic goods, free health insurance for 12 million people from low income groups. completion and development rural roads, delivering water, electricity and gas to villages. here , i emphasize to all the managers and servants of the people in the government that all decisions should be made this year as well.
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let's be together in the middle of justice. but in the new year. accelerating the completion of half-finished projects is one of the main approaches of the government. we should direct the funds towards development and infrastructure works. and at the same time make up for the backwardness of the 90s. i assure you, with trust in god almighty and with you, dear people. sharif year 1403, the year of more prosperity of production and economy, more reduction of inflation rate and services it will be widely distributed to dear people. in these two years, efforts are being made to complete half-finished projects and to achieve large projects in various sectors such as health, communication, culture, education
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, water, electricity, gas, road, science and technology, environment and support for you see, these services will increase this year. god willing in the past two years , you have noticed that many half-finished hospitals were put into operation in the country. and people's access to health services became fair. this year , god willing, the addition of 900 new beds to medical centers is one of the government's plans the electrification of the urban transport fleet will witness a transformation. in the field of internet , the plan is to continue equipping the country with optical fiber, and high-speed internet for cities and villages, especially for villages with more than 20 households, and in terms of space since
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the beginning of this government, as a whole. 13 years ago, a space launch was carried out with success this year, and this rapid process will continue, god willing, dear noble people of iran, all that we have done together in these two and a half years for the progress of the country, and everything that will be done in the future with your support and cooperation . all success is due to you. he is the lord and the strength and help of our beloved people. you people are the main heroes of this field. if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power.


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