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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and may his death be speedy. greetings, courtesy, and respect for your presence , dear and respected compatriots, i invite you to join us with the news at 12 o'clock. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a message on the occasion of the beginning of 1403, while congratulating the iranian nation on nowruz, especially the families of martyrs and all nations that honor nowruz, called the new year a leap year. production with the participation of the people named.
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the leader of the islamic revolution cherished the memory and names of the martyrs and the imam of the martyrs and wished the iranian nation to benefit from the two springs of nature and spirituality. they had the sweetness and bitterness of the year 1402 and said: among the sweetness and good news of the past year, remarkable scientific and technological advances, infrastructure production, the epic presence of people in various gatherings, especially on quds day and 22 bahman day, safe and healthy celebration it was the election of isfahand month and the international movement of the government in various economic and political fields. ayatollah khamenei read the economic and livelihood problems of the people among the bitter news of 1402 and added: the bitter incident in kerman on the martyr's anniversary.
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baluchistan flood agreement and the side effects that happened to security guards in recent months there were other bitter incidents of last year, but the gaza incident should be considered the most bitter incident . referring to last year's slogan, the leader of the islamic revolution evaluated the work done in the field of curbing inflation and production growth as good, but not to the desired extent , and emphasizing that do not expect. such an important issue should be realized within a year. they said: in the new year, the main issue of the country is still the economy, because the main weakness of the country is in this area, and it should be active in this field. ayatollah khamenei emphasized: the summary of the opinions of our economic experts leads to this conclusion he pointed out that the key to solving economic problems, including inflation, employment, and the value of the national currency, is the issue of production, and for
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this reason , he has relied on the issue of production in the past few years. he added: accordingly, in the new year, we are also relying on the issue of production, and we expect a leap in the issue of production. the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized that a jump in production is not possible without the presence of people in the economy and in the field of production. they showed that the obstacles to people's participation in the production sector should be removed and the people's great capacities should be activated. ayatollah khamenei said that in view of this issue, the slogan of the year 143 is the leap in production. it has been placed with the participation of the people and we hope that with the proper planning of the country's planners in the cooperation of experts and active practical participation
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, the realization of this slogan will be provided in the best way. he also offered the khazane salam to the presence of hazrat baqitullah, may allah bless him and grant him peace , and prayed for the success of the great and dear nation of iran. according to the announcement of the ministry of cultural heritage , tourism and industries, category 16 of nowruz traditional rituals have been registered in the list of national works of the country. tekam gardani is one of these rituals that in the northwestern regions of the country with the arrival of nowruz in rural areas runs. tekam gardani is a traditional ritual in the villages of north-west iran, which is held before nowruz in this.
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today, one of these rituals is performed in villages. teke is a famous mountain goat that lives in the highlands of gohistan . that's why in the past, the villagers believed that teke is the first animal that we see the rising of the sun. for this reason, they believed that teke is a symbol of enthusiasm, light and hope in life, and every day tekemchi came to su and abadi to announce the arrival of spring by singing happy local poems. they understood that there should be a person with tekemchi who collects all the names of the people . they call this person anamchi. everyone who makes an intention
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gives a name to that same anamchi, or like this anamchi , it brings a lot of blessings to their homes. the village fits the dialect and culture. that region is implemented, where the revival of this ritual and traditional ceremonies, such as tekam gerdani in the villages, will increase the life expectancy of shur, shab and nishad among the rural community, as well as the revival of these traditions. causing the prosperity of rural tourism and the prosperity of the rural economy in 1390, the traditional ritual of takum gerdani will be registered in the list of intangible heritage of the country's national monuments
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. according to cultural heritage experts, preparations for its global registration are also underway. alireza shaukati , sed and sima news agency. 20 more diseases were added to the list of diseases covered by special and incurable patients fund in 1403. the managing director of the health insurance organization said that so far more than 2 million people of special and rare patients have benefited from the services of this fund with insurance coverage. d of new metabolic diseases have also entered the system. and drugs that are special for cancer patients. i am sick he was diabetic and entered the system in 1401. 401 and 402 entered
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the system in 1403. we also have a more detailed program. with the scientific groups, this work is almost finished, these will be announced and will be announced in our year, so that there is no need for provincial committees and payments outside the so-called inclusion criteria, they will be calculated and paid by themselves. thousands of danish people in support of the palestinian people and in condemning the crimes the zionist regime demonstrated in gaza. demonstrators held palestinian flags and slogans in support of gaza. and they called palestine. the jordanians also announced their support for the palestinian resistance in gaza by holding a rally in the city of recife. the demonstrators held the palestinian flag and
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chanted slogans condemning the zionist regime and supporting the resistance. a bus accident in northern china left 14 dead and 37 injured. this bus was carrying 51 passengers and hit the inner wall of the big road tunnel. the cause of this incident has not yet been announced. at the beginning of asmand, in the accident in the southeast in china, more than a dozen cars collided with each other , as a result of which dozens of people were injured. have a nice day, dear fellow countrymen.
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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god , the light, in the name of god, the light.
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on light in the name of god, light on light in the name of god, light on light in the name of god, light on god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great, i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. but allah
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is the witness of allah. hai ali al salah hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah god bless you for
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good work. god bless you for good work akbar allah
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, o allah, grant me a share in your mercy. bring it to your lips, and i will remain to your patients, the community, with your love or the hope of those who are eager.
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the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, in the eyes of a martyr, in the name of allah, the most
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merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good night, dear viewers of khabar network. we are pleased to present the last program of the first page in 1402 to your presence, and tonight , as in the previous evenings , we will talk with the people's elected officials in the twelfth period of the islamic council elections, and in tonight's program there will be a party we don't have a studio and we will talk with three guests from three constituencies via video link . the first guest we will talk to is the chosen noble people of the holy city of mashhad and klad, mr. maisham zahoorian, who is at their service from khorasan razavi studio. hello, mr. zahoorian . good evening. happy eid in advance and may your prayers be accepted in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful. greetings. i am at your service , guests of the program and dear viewers, and the arrival of the new year . i congratulate you, gentlemen i am at your service, thank you very much, mr. zahourian , could you tell me what happened that made you decide to become a representative for the parliament and did you enter this arena with a specific reason or not? please let me know how you entered the selection ceremony. the experience that i had in the environment of think tanks of the country in the policy-making environment and the executive experience that i had in different organizations made me feel that the set of capabilities is suitable for the environment of the islamic council and the policy-making environment of the country. i tried
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to write down my views in the form of a detailed document of programs and views, a total of 41 programs under 8 specialized headings in various fields of economics , governance, cultural and social discussions, which i tried to compile all of my views, incidentally, in the edge issues of the country's policymaking field. the ability to be evaluated by my people in the four-year period, which i will serve as a representative of the honorable people of mashhad and kalat, god willing, and from now on you have chosen which commission to be a member of , considering both my field of study and my executive record, mainly in the field of program and there is a budget, well, my first commission is the budget plan. the second commission, god willing, if we are not successful , we will be in the budget plan commission . open industry commission, considering the experience they have in the field of industry and the relative nobility i have in relation to the country's industrial issues network, and my third priority is the social commission.
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inshallah, very well, allow us to present an introduction from your excellency to the presence of the esteemed viewers so that they can get to know you better, and then we will return to continue this conversation . children of three children of the field. mashhad selection , career records, director of development and transformation of astan quds razavi, director of khorasan razavi regional development think tank. head of cultural and social studies office of mashhad municipality, vice president of karamat razavi foundation planning, mr. zahorian
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, how much do you believe in transparency and do you have any exceptions for this transparency ? i don't think it makes much sense for a representative to say, "i don't want to know, for example, my client doesn't want to know what i voted for, what i did in i had a parliament, for this reason, in my opinion, everything in the field of transparency, other than now, there are issues that have to be considered, in terms of security issues, in terms of defense issues , in my opinion, it does not make much sense that we want the relationship between the representatives to be focused on the transparency of votes, in my opinion, in one area those that are harmful in the atmosphere of the parliament, such as the transparency of gifts and the transparency
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of letters of recommendation, especially large letters of recommendation that are in the banking and horizontal fields, etc., surely we can have laws that increase the trust and social capital between the representatives and the people, god willing. give means if the legal mechanism is also for become clear if there are no votes of the representatives or , for example, transparency in the area of ​​the recommendation letters that he mentioned or the gifts, do you know that you are required to personally make them transparent? we talk about the transparency of votes, which is definitely about the transparency of gifts, as well as about the transparency of letters of recommendation. in my opinion, it definitely needs an infrastructure, because after all, the parliament should provide an infrastructure that the letters that the representatives write for recommendations, especially in large areas. it should be available to the people, maybe if they want to send letters one by one, for example, the representative himself will upload them it is a bit difficult to put the automation system somewhere, but
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even in a voluntary way, if the parliament provides the ground for a representative to do this , i will definitely be one of the first people to join this space, and do you think that at the end of 4 years , you will be the representative that you are in charge of? even if something happens in the parliament because of you. you will be satisfied with yourself that you fulfilled your mission in this term of the parliament. i presented a collection, i had compiled a view and plans, which naturally, my effort is to be able to implement this view as much as possible during the 4 years that we have been here. let's implement the plans. of course, we have to take into account the fact that the parliament also has a political and social atmosphere. it doesn't mean that a representative has an opinion. he is going to the parliament , for example, there is a button to push all these views to be implemented, naturally, there should be an interaction in the atmosphere of the parliament with other representatives , the representative can accept his views
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, be successful in terms of persuading other representatives, and a social attachment and demands. rome, the representative must be able to put a media connection of rome's social demand behind his own point of view, god willing it is possible that this will be implemented if i can finally implement these plans. i once said that we have 290 representatives in the parliament, if each of them in their 4-year term can pass a good and mature law, the country may be able to implement the law or a law that is left on the ground, because we are a group. we have some good laws in the country that sometimes cannot be implemented. well , many of the country's issues can be solved by the parliament . god willing , what will be your focus on the implementation of these laws or the passing of a useful law? one of the things that i i had mentioned in our election programs and in recent days, we finally had a media event
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discussing the revival of salary laws, specifically article 41 of the labor law, which emphasizes that workers' salaries should be increased at least by the rate of inflation, article 125 of the civil service law, which again, in the discussion of the riyal coefficient of salaries, the emphasis is that it should be at least as much as inflation increases on an annual basis. these are laws that, especially from 2017 onwards, the parliament government will not implement one of the laws that i think will be among the priorities. we had the 6th plan, which is of course not valid now , but god willing, i will try to implement the issue of the transparency of the country's managers' rights . it was extended for one year, but it was not implemented. in my opinion, the parliament should follow up on this type of law to make it effective. now, in the budget laws , i think that this note should
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be added to this law. now, in the discussion of the salary that you mentioned, you know that you mentioned that there is an appropriate law, the standard and the size of it has been specified, which is very clear, that is, the responsibility of the government. it is characteristic to determine the salary, but every year, at least in the field of workers, we see that in the last days of the year, numerous and intensive meetings are held, and finally, sometimes with frustration and dissatisfaction, finally, an agreement is forced. it will be achieved and there are complaints for mainly the workers. what do you see as the main challenge , even though there is an approved and clear law, but it is still a matter that every year the workers have to wait in the tripartite board that consists of there is a decision from the representative of the employer, workers and the government. do you have a specific proposal? what do you think is the challenge? look, we clearly
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have a problem called inflation in our economy. inflation has various factors. it is a money creation issue that happens especially in the field of private banks, and because we do not have credit guidance in the field of private banks, that is. mainly, the loans and facilities of private banks are given to the non-productive sectors of the economy, sometimes to related parties and legal entities of the banks' affiliated companies, and a major part of these facilities are given to the employees of the banks themselves, so part of this inflation the reason for this is credit management. and create money banks finally, the nature of the government's actions in the field of expenditure is that the government sector is not willing to control its own expenditure in areas other than salaries, practically because the government has sufficient will to control inflation through the restoration of the authority of the central bank and the restoration of some kind of control that the government can he doesn't have much control over money creation.
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the burden has been thrown on the shoulders of workers and employees, and in my opinion, the government should definitely enter in other areas , including one of the dark houses of the country's economy. it gives the government about 180 hemat in terms of the asset exchange rate index, which is a very low number. it is one of the areas that can increase the resources of the government's budget and help the budget happen. one of the accounting of government companies and specifically based on the programs that i emphasized is the method of monitoring economic indicators such as the rate of return on assets of government companies, which helps to improve the resources of the government budget, and from this point of view, the pressure is taken into account they reduce the budget deficit from the government , which means you believe that if the government's resources are provided, it will be a challenge to determine.
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we will not have handouts every year, at least for our workers. basically, our budget is our budgeting system in the country . it is only focused on budget expenditures, that is, we are looking for the allocation of resources for the kurds, while one of the parts that should be paid attention to in the budget is the resources themselves. that we have a large amount of resources at the disposal of the government , 18,000 assets are not a small amount, which can be managed well. naturally, in terms of our resources, we can have a jump. obviously, i mentioned that the issue of state companies is a very important area. we connected the pattern we encountered public companies with existing problems have been a model of privatization. it is also in a form of transfer and sale, which not only did not solve the issue of using the government's assets, but also led to other purposes, the issue of unemployment of workers, the issue of changing
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the use of these companies from productive uses. in addition to unproductive labor relations, etc., one of the ideas that we focused on during the elections was the discussion of changing the model of privatization . exactly based on the age of 44 laws it is also fundamental. obviously, if the company keeps the ownership in a state-owned enterprise but leaves its management to the people, it will be a leap for us to benefit from this. and by the way, the issue of popularization, which is one of the slogans of the current government, popularization basically means the transfer of management, not what is mentioned in article 5 of the seventh plan bill, which again brought up the same issue of transfer and the sale of state-owned companies. despite the bitter experience


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