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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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the nation's credit institution sincerely congratulates all iranians on the arrival of the ancient nowruz and its parallel with the holy month of ramadan, the month of god 's feast .
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germany helped israel to transport orphaned children from gaza. but why this action may be considered a war crime? according to arts and spiegel, on march 11, 2024, germany, in cooperation with israeli authorities , carried out a secret operation to evacuate 68 palestinian children from an orphanage in gaza to the west bank. kurds with the help of the german children's embassy employees and their families were transferred to baitullah thanks to sos international institute. the words of the israeli and german media about the transfer of these children as a humanitarian act angered the extreme right-wing in israel. but a german expert in international law says: this action may be a crime.
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according to spiegel magazine, the german foreign minister participated in the negotiations with the israelis on his numerous trips to the middle east regarding the transfer of these children based on the request of the sos institute, which germany finances. spiegel said this diplomatic mission was sensitive. in terms of palestinians, this action is possible.
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could be considered as the beginning of the process of evacuating or expelling people from gaza, and the zionists could also say that the american focus is on the fate of palestinian children rather than on the fate of israeli hostages , in order to determine whether the transfer of these children is against international law. there are several questions . the first question is where and where these children were taken from. according to the genocide prohibition agreement , the forced transfer of children from one group to another is considered a type of genocide, according to article 49 of the geneva convention, collective or individual forced transfer. people or their deportation from the occupied areas to the occupying country or the territory of any other country is prohibited.
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if you say that the west bank is a different land from gaza , if you say that israel is the occupying force, and if that is the case, it can be said that the transfer of these children was not legal, because according to international humanitarian law, you can only take children out of the occupied territory for health reasons. transfer and for security reasons you can't do this. second question, will this end of combat operations return to the previous area. the german embassy in israel announced that the evacuation of orphaned children is a temporary measure to save them from extreme danger and it was not an attempt to transfer them permanently. any type of transfer of people is legal only if it is temporary. now the question is, can these 68 children
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return to gaza if they want to? i doubt these children will ever return to gaza because. the transfer of these children has cooperated with germany , the sos institute also says that it had received the consent of the parents of these children according to the international laws of transferring children during wars only for reasons related to health and
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the 31st international exhibition of the holy quran. which is on the sidelines for the best implementation allah's verses have been set up about covering, o prophet, tell your wives about marriage, and tell your daughters, and the women of the believers , tell them clearly when you come out of the house.
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priced tailors should be 15% lower than the outside price, and if someone feels that they have bought a higher price, it can be followed up . last years, it was 260 karafa. we brought the manufacturer. how was the exhibition? great, did you buy something? it seems to be very good. both in terms of diversity and now the creations that it's really good to spend money on their designs . i'm a picky person myself and i really like the products of this store. what do you think? this year is better than last year when we came and went around and didn't buy anything. we really liked it this
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year. it was different, the work was done, it was always excellent. we try to price all our purchases in the exhibition. if you want to calculate the prices for outerwear, coats, etc. , the price is always better for afaf and hijab. really, compared to the size of the fabric it takes, the prices are very good, and the variety of products is great. well, their abaya tents have a lot of variety, then their national tents , which i saw in the variety in different prices and different varieties. did you like it ? yes, you bought it. for now, no, the variety is great. for example , the brands i know in tehran are all gathered here and it is very easy to choose. the visitors and producers also criticize the high price of some products, the price of a tent is more than one million, you can't find a tent at all. i came from isfahan. it's my first time here
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. i swear to buy a tent, but with such high prices. i want to see how it is here unfortunately, the clothes that we like are very few in the market, especially now that my daughter has just reached the age of duty , i would like to buy various and beautiful clothes. it's really expensive to buy, we try to offer it with the minimum profit. in terms of making a scarf, there has been a decline in the work of making a scarf and the way it is implemented. there has been a slight decline due to the lack of a structure to set up permanent exhibitions of afaf products and hijab in a permanent store. it is really necessary because we have polar islamic countries that are interested in this type coverage, but nothing can be done for them, and even we who are working in this direction, there is no support at all for our work. do you have a permanent store in the city or
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we had seasonal and temporary stores, but unfortunately we have to due to the issue of rents. let's close it down and now have a place somewhere else only for production . the stalls for the supply of iranian islamic clothing located in the western portico of the international holy quran exhibition will be open to the interested parties until the 14th of april, which coincides with the 22nd of the holy month of ramadan. motahra mehrabi of sed and cima news agency.
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in the name of god, welcome to the due date program. today's special nowruz program is being hosted by the deputy minister and the head of the country's geological and mineral exploration organization. greetings and courtesy to you , doctor. here you are. greetings in the name of god. and i respect your service and dear viewers and i congratulate the viewers on the new year . welcome to mr. doctor's program. as the viewers have heard many times, our dear country , iran, is a country with very rich mineral reserves and 81 types of minerals. so far, it has actually been discovered in the last year of the program what were the discoveries we had to develop? well, one of the main tasks of the geological and mineral exploration organization of the country
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is to produce basic geological and exploration information in the country, and we have produced more than 1,500 information layers, of which 40% of these information layers are location-based. that is, you can easily determine what mineral or geological information you need with the coordinates and easily access them. iran is a country located on the metallogenic belt of alpimalya and has a special position in terms of minerals. the risks of this belt have caused us to have a variety of risks in the country , about 34 of the 43 risks that have happened in the world are happening in iran, which is very high , and in terms of minerals, it has caused us to have a great variety of minerals. as you mentioned
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, there are 121 minerals in the world that have economic value , which means they are being used. in iran, we have been able to discover about 81 minerals so far. we don't have any other minerals, maybe other minerals exist, but currently it is not possible to process it and it is not economical, in any case, we have a variety of materials. it is very much. it can be said that since the beginning of the 13th government, the geological organization started a project under the name of the project of the transformation of the country's geology and exploration of minerals. the goal was that in this project we would actually come and create the country's mineral information bank. let's complete it. well, we have changed the scale of our preparation, now it is the scale of the geological organization for the different layers of information it contains. it can be prepared, we will use the scale of 1/50 thousandth yes, it means that on the scale of 1/50 thousandth, each unit cell
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is 1 50 thousandth equal to 625 square kilometers . we came and predicted that for the seventh five-year plan, god willing , we will come and produce about 420 cells of 1 50 thousandth in different layers. geology of geshim layer. and the economic geological layer, fortunately, in these two years , we have completed about 88 layers, and we are working in different provinces, and we hope that at this stage , we will actually be able to find the remains of minerals, especially metallic and strategic minerals. it is needed by the country whether we explore in pleasure or in depth. and for the exploration of hidden reserves, that is, reserves that exist deep in the earth and
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there are no traces of them on the surface of the earth , we have airborne geophysics , in fact we use them. we found that the area of ​​the country is about 20,22,000 square kilometers, and fortunately, in some provinces , for example, kurdistan province, we were able to explore underground reserves. the past in some provinces in fact, if you have implemented it, please let us know the promising results. we have actually carried out this plan in several provinces, for example, in south khorasan province, where we found more than 117 mineral indices in this area. for the first time, for example , we were able to discover the strategic element of nickel, so
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it is a very big task, and we carried out activities in kurdistan province of west azerbaijan. in kurdistan province, we were able to have very good surface and subsurface discoveries regarding iron and gold. this year we also did activities in central qom and isfahan provinces, the results of which are yet to come actually, it is discussed in the laboratory and it has not been published yet, but the evidence shows that it has a very good potential in terms of minerals in yazdam province , which is a mineral province, and we expect that we will be able to discuss metal minerals, especially iron. to have good discoveries, in fact, the selection of the places where we are working has been very smart based on the information of 60 years of production of the geological organization of these areas, and fortunately, the results we are getting show that where the children go, the colleagues go. they are going to work, they are coming back with full hands
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we hope that we will be able to move forward in the same way with the same speed, and in the seventh five-year plan , as i told you, approx. we have 260,000 square kilometers of the country, which in total is more than 700,000 square kilometers , we are doing exploration work in that geological and economic geological layer, and i think that we can increase the country's reserves by a significant percentage this year in 1403 plan. how is it, which provinces will you go to? in the continuation of this transformation plan, we actually had a prioritization between the different provinces of the country. in the province , we have a new project that we are doing in in south khorasan province , we are actually continuing our work, and in isfahan province and nayin region, one of our newest projects will actually start. it is said that the achilles heel of mining is probably the exploration itself, no doubt.
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please tell me how iran's exploration rate compares to the world now, and in general, the territorial issue. in fact, exploration is the first link of the mining cycle , and exploration itself consists of four stages : exploration, exploration, general exploration, and detailed exploration . actually, we scanned the surface parts of the country, now we have a complete information of scale one. we have 250,000ths of the country, which means we know completely what kind of information there is on the scale of 125,000ths of the country , what kind of minerals are actually available in the country at the scale of 100,000ths. with this 50,000th scale that we started with, we are actually
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increasing the accuracy of our exploration, which means that we are coming and using a higher resolution. in the 1980s, it can almost be said that we did a project in the geological organization of mineral exploration we had the country under the name of the first and second twenty zones , we came to observe about 950 thousand square kilometers of the country , we actually prepared the geological and geochemical layers of the country in the scale of one hundred thousandth in that time period and for 40 elements we did an analysis and we published an atlas , which is actually a sampling for every square kilometer, we identified 40 elements , but now this development plan has happened, we actually came and increased the resolution of our work and the accuracy of our work. we increased it and in each sample we have about 57 elements under investigation
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we assume that this is on a pip scale, that is, we specify parts per billion. now, it is possible that some of the elements that we have now are not economic at the moment, but they will surely become economic in the coming years with the advancement of technology and processing in the country. are in the seventh plan to reach 13% growth for the mining sector without a doubt. the focus on the exploration sector should be much more than the country's progress in this field, so planning should be done. how is it and is it for your and the organization's budget? you have no problem with explorations. one of the obstacles that actually exists in the realization of this goal, in my opinion, is that exploration budgets
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are not appropriate for the type of activity that they want to do. for example , in 1401, the resources we received were not enough. i have said many times that now if we want to increase the speed of discovery without compromising the quality of the work. to make an impact because the quality of the work is important to us , especially in the exploration work we do, we have to reduce the risk of exploration, so we have to we should use the right equipment and tools , we can actually have the devices that we need, and now, along with the existing expert manpower, we can have
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this data at our disposal at a speed that is suitable for the realization of that goal. 13. the ministry of oil, like the atomic energy organization, should provide positions to the ministry. has this happened? actually , we have several upstream laws in this field. one is a note on article 5 of the mining law, which clearly states that all organizations that or the ministry of home affairs those who are in the discussion of producing geological and exploration information they should provide their own information to the ministry . it is also mentioned in the statute of the geological organization. in fact, in a way, all organizations must submit their information to the geological organization . accordingly, in 2013, the national database
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of geosciences of the country was created in the earth organization. the science was actually opened because this happened , unfortunately, as we are talking , it has not yet been realized, although we recently had meetings at the level of our home ministry with the ministry of petroleum and the atomic energy organization. in order to be able to gather this information in the community base earth sciences, which has recently been renamed because its use is becoming more diverse, we hope that by accomplishing this goal , this collection of information will actually help so that we don't have to spend money again in an area where exploration work is in past done not done and in fact. all public and private collections can make the most of this collection of information. mr. dr. final speech , if you have
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any special program to focus on this year for the new year, please let me know . please, we have about 5,800 km of coastline, which can actually be said so far we did not produce basic geological information on our coasts. since this year , we have actually carried out 9 projects in the provinces of gilan and mazandaran. let's put marine geology on our agenda as a new layer of information production. apart from the mining works that i just told you about, we also do a lot of geological work . for example, one of its indicators is the updating of national maps. . like subsidence that with the water crisis is actually related to the issue of climate change, we are doing both national and international work. in the issue of floods, landslides and other
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hazards , we have done a very good job. in the last 50 years, our temperature has increased by about one to one and a half degrees , that is, typically in good conditions. my request is that, in fact, consumption management should be done well by the people so that we can live well in this situation. it is the same way, the number of plains that are involved in subsidence is very high. out of our 608 plains , about 400 of our plains are in a red state and you should try. to pass through this difficult time with the management that is happening now by the managers in the executive discussions and by the dear people who will be used in the management, thank you. mr.
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doctor, thank you for coming to this year's program , god willing, like last years , you will have good mineral news about the new precious reserves of our country . thank you , thank you for watching the program today.
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happy annual festival of the city of household appliances and city of rugs, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from city of home appliances and city of fard.
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continuity and movement of the first ones are streamers. avila nowruz 1403 with haft sin and haft sarai, full of variety and discounts in iran's great sarai. table seven
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9:00 pm
welcome to news 21. about half of the country's reservoirs have been filled due to the recent rains. the spokesperson of the country's water industry is still facing an 8% decrease compared to last year .
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you have to wait from sunday.


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