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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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mr. madbar, the time for this conversation is over, but i have one question that i cannot ignore, and that is the issue of israel, which we witnessed before the terrorist incident in moscow, that in the security council of russia and china, the american resolution on the zionist regime was vetoed and then this happened , it may be relevant in the virtual space and users. there has been a lot of talk about this issue . let me tell you something very short . we do not deny that the relations between russia and the zionist regime are now at their coldest and even the message that the russian foreign ministry gave to the zionist regime. it was a very cold and sarcastic message to the russians , and the russians are seriously criticizing the zionist regime in the gaza issue, always in front of their resolutions , especially the recent resolution, which is in their favor.
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it was the zionist regime that vetoed it, but if we want to relate this directly, it may not be relevant, but from one point of view, why, because then again, these extreme terrorist groups, which are under the name of isis anyway, are any other group, these are under the command of america and the zionist regime means that this is undeniable, this is the same proxy argument that he spoke at the beginning. yes, this means that it is clear that isis is also under command in syria. it was the zionist regime, and these are not unrelated here , and especially that the zionist regime is fighting in ukraine alongside ukraine and against russia, and has sent various groups, and we can say that the israelis are not upset about what happened in moscow, and this the russians know, thank you very much, mr. ruhollah modbar, an expert on russian issues , who were guests of the world today, but in the wake of the attack.
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the people of moscow saw these images live and directly, and their eyes lit up. it's like 4 years ago, christopher nolan attacked the concert hall tonight he had portrayed russia in the film tent. a terrorist incident in the capital of russia that left more than 200 dead and injured. although the british and american media published a statement and attributed this attack to isis, the russian authorities
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deny it. less than 20 hours after this incident, the claim that the statement taken by the western media was fake was repeated in cyberspace. a group of people in the virtual world also used the hashtag of israel as isis, and they made the words america and israel hot. isis is a terrorist organization supported by mossad and founded by america done. zionism is terrorism. zionism is the creator of isis. zionism is the cause. the crime is in moscow . there is also a question among persian speaking users, why isis has not carried out any terrorist operations in the occupied territories. the only place where isis did not carry out any operations was in israel and america. it should be remembered that the american embassy had warned its citizens in russia about terrorist operations before the attack. they write that isis is a zionist. so far, isis has come to israel. they have the ability to attack russia
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, so far they have thrown a shoe to israel they did not because the purpose of this terrorist group is to fight against the enemies of zionism. some people are of the same opinion that america and the zionist regime use the same tactic whenever they want someone to have nothing to do with their terrorist attacks, isis, there was no war, there was no sanctions, the assassination is the same formula. as usual, this time in russia, fatemeh sharifi of sada and sima news agency , let's go to the second case of the world. today, the new crime of the zionist regime in gaza. the zionists attacked the al-quit square in the south of gaza and killed the palestinians who were waiting to receive humanitarian aid. the exact statistics of martyrs and wounded in this unannounced terrorist attack. this crime
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happened at the same time as the secretary general of the united nations was present at the rafah crossing on the egyptian border. during this visit, mr. guterres called for a humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. have been. the secretary general of the united nations also visited the wounded of the gaza war in al-arish hospital in egypt and expressed his regret for the severity of their injuries. i am talking about this with mr. alireza taqvinia , an expert on west asian issues, who is a guest of the world today. welcome mr. taqvinia. it seems that the crime of elkuit square can be a new leaf in the crimes of the zionist regime, which the people who they came to receive humanitarian aid while the secretary general of the united nations was also present in the region to help the people to rebel. such a crime is happening on behalf of the zionist regime
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. what do you think is the reason? in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and greetings to you, ms. shabiri, and all my dear viewers, and i congratulate you on the new year. see also the days of the holy month of ramadan. i would like to give a few minutes of my background on what happened to israel and what happened to america's plans in the region and why israel. he is committing these crimes . let me tell you some news. the first news that happened a while ago was that israel announced that it wants to hire 7,500 soldiers and military forces for its army to repair the damage it suffered. gaza. in terms of humanity , what does it mean to rebuild his army? it means that the israeli army has lost 7500 soldiers in gaza. now they are either killed or injured in some way so that they no longer have the ability to continue the war. it is interesting to know that about 200 people
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only announced their readiness to join the army , which means the process of joining the occupying zionists and the army. it has slowed down a lot because they realized what trouble is going to happen to them in gaza or on the lebanese front. the second thing i have to say is that the zionist regime has suffered 70 billion dollars in damages. this is the official statistic. yes , the economic institutions of the zionist regime have published that they have suffered nearly 70 billion dollars in damages in these six months of war because tourism has stopped. it is noteworthy that the reserve units that came to fight in the case were those who were working in the israeli industry and in the israeli economy. another thing i have to say is that the government of israel has officially announced that the haredim must present a military statement, that is, they must present a military statement, because the haredim are always exempted. by the way, one of the criticisms that right-wing secularists always had against netanyahu was why
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he exempts the haredim or the zionist religious clergy from military service. even mr. ovikdor lieberman did not come to bataan for the same reason in the last elections. make an alliance. i want to tell what situation israel is in. haart made a news 3 days ago that i also posted on my channel. the text of the news is that harj marj is a great disaster. what is this scandal? was? for gaza, israel has turned to the bullets of the 1950s, that is, 70 years ago, during eisenhower's presidency, for its own training in gaza . it has eroded, well, have these , it means that israel has been hit economically , it has also eroded in terms of weapons, which turned to bullets 70 years ago, and this is officially announced by haaretz, which is one of the most reliable publications of the zionist regime, on the other hand, in terms of
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the military has not achieved any of its achievements, that is, the zionist regime has not achieved any of its achievements the things he had announced, including the destruction of hamas and the elimination of hamas leaders , did not achieve the release of prisoners. at one time , israel released more than a thousand palestinian captives for gil atashalit, why is israel not ready to exchange themes despite having 130 or 40 hostages captured by hamas ? i have their own statistics and i will tell you why israel does not agree to the exchange because israel is feeling the danger of survival, that is, the past wars of israel have several characteristics of one being short, two being from the land of israel. the occupied territory of palestine, or what they know as the territory of israel, was far away, and thirdly, the war was short, now all the equations are messed up , mr. netanyahu, you have a question, mr. putin, you asked a good question from the previous expert. yes, in
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your first discussion, mr. putin. after the moscow attack , he said an important thing, saying that no matter how much you hit us, we will support the people. we don't give up on palestine and we don't regret the resolution we vetoed. well, why do you americans associate the terrorist incident in moscow with the veto of the resolution of the american plans? see why america came. he presented a draft resolution for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, because america realized that israel would not win this war again, why was america not doing this 3 months ago ? it realized that, of course, the ceasefire had many conditions. it was in the interest of israel, but the united states did not agree to this, because the united states has realized that the gaza war will not lead to victory for israel. america can no longer
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support israel like in the past. the priority is ukrainian. the priority of the ukrainian front. estimates say that russia will launch an attack in the next two to three months it will carry out a large scale and that is why you see that mr. macron, the german government, the american government are strongly talking about sending troops to ukraine and the danger of expanding russian influence and victory in ukraine. so i have a general summary: israel has not won the war, america has realized that israel will not win and wants to stop the war. but netanyahu did not fall under the burden, because netanyahu and 60% of the israeli society in general still support the war. i am waiting to hear your results about the crime in elkoit square. he is going there now so america can no longer tolerate israel in its military goals. it didn't succeed, so what should israel do to somehow achieve a victory? it should
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increase the pressure and hunger on the people of the gaza strip so much that they come to the conclusion that they will stop supporting hamas, which means the policy of scorched earth, the policy of killing the people. sin, civilians, and politics, that they can force the people to flee from gaza , separate the people, that's why israel is committing these crimes, because it has not reached its goals, and america is also putting pressure on it. it's true, i have a question, one is that this happened when the secretary general of the united nations was in the region in rafah. the attitude of the zionist regime to an international organization, the united nations, does not increase
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. you see, israel has already passed this stage . you see, when you feel the danger of survival, the highest danger that a country can feel is the danger of survival. when it feels the danger of survival, it gives up. no matter what he does , the international condemnations of the world's public opinion do not matter to him. after the al-aqsa storm operation, israel felt the danger of survival. any result of this war except the destruction of hamas is a defeat for israel it will be great. right now, israel sees more than one million zionists who are waiting for the end of the war to migrate abroad. hundreds of thousands of people are displaced from around nuwara eliya, gaza, and around the lebanese border, and israel has not yet been able to create this security for them. make up your mind that we can win , no one trusts this army and this government anymore, mr. taqvini, let me ask a final question. i would also like to ask that he is overseeing the visit of the us foreign minister to the region and the meeting
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he had with the egyptian authorities. some media , including the lebanese newspaper al-akhbar, wrote that in this the talks talked about the fact that if there is no ceasefire in gaza, an attack on rafah can happen, and in a way , they know that the us ceasefire is for the attack on rafah , on the other hand, well, you also mentioned that the us wants a ceasefire, that there is no more war. don't spread this. but in any case, israel is a strategic ally of the united states. if it makes a decision without the permission of the united states , the united states cannot stand up to that decision decisively. do not accept the threat, but
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this truce is accepted by netanyahu and the rightists israel was not extremist, why was it not because if the war stops, those forces against netanyahu will be active again, you see, in the meantime , despite the fact that israel is in the war, mrs. prime minister and mrs. netanyahu will be taken for questioning because of that past court case. tezi pilioni, who was once the minister of foreign affairs of the zionist regime, came and testified against netanyahu . this means that the israeli political forces and the judicial system are seriously planning to remove and deal with netanyahu. therefore, if the war stops, it will be against netanyahu netanyahu is trying to continue the war in any way , even if it is to the detriment of israel's interests. i am very grateful to you, mr. alireza taqvinia, an expert on west asian issues, who was a guest of the world today, but
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british students in the universities of this country for exposing the crimes of the occupation. the zionists are trying to stop the war in gaza. according to al jazeera , english students started their movements since the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of gaza, but there is news from indonesia about the solidarity of indonesian muslims with the people of gaza during the holy month of ramadan. al jazeera network campaigns for economic sanctions against the regime zionism has caused the people of indonesia to stop buying goods made by this regime and use local goods. official and public charities in indonesia
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are hosting dozens of imams from palestinian congregations living abroad or residents of gaza during this year's ramadan. they were outside the gaza strip when the war started. the issue of palestine is raised in hundreds of mosques in the cities and villages of indonesia during the month of ramadan along with official and popular movements and solidarity with the struggle of palestinians in many fields. in one of muhammadiyah universities, this official talked about the importance of raising awareness in the society about what palestine happens, he said. he emphasized that he
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has changed people's behavior in front of the scenes and encouraged them to buy domestically produced goods. the owners of some shops and stores refuse to buy raw materials from companies whose names are on the sanctions list and instead use indonesian-made goods in their 200 branches . this action is carried out in the framework of a fatwa issued by the council of indonesian ulama on the ban . at first, we were worried that if we stopped working with that international company, our business activity would suffer, but this issue went beyond business calls for
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trade sanctions and sending financial aid to the palestinians among the main calls in dozens of demonstrations. which was held in different cities of indonesia during the past months. some other news from palestine, the army of the occupying regime has executed some of the medical staff of shafa hospital. according to the announcement of the information office of the palestinian government in gaza, four palestinian patients died due to the interruption of treatment. earlier, the information office of the palestinian government in gaza announced: the zionist regime has sent some children to the shifa meshmir hospital in tir launched and made them martyrs. the ministry of health of gaza also announced that the zionist regime has arrested about 240 patients and their companions and 10 people from the medical team at shefa hospital. the siege and bombardment of the areas
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around shafa hospital continues after 6 days. and a number of palestinian supporters in puerto rico burned the american flag. supporters of palestine gathered in the city of san juan to protest against the visit of vice president kamla harris to the city. the demonstrators chanted the slogan of free palestine and we don't want the vice president. protesters also put up signs condemning more than 14 thousand testimonies. the children were in their hands in gaza, but british students in the universities of this country are trying to expose the crimes of regime three and stop the war in gaza. according to al jazeera network, english students have started their movements since the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of gaza.
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students occupied this class at the london college . they coordinate the details of their movements in support of palestine. these students to hold the ceremony of the week against racism. to inform the students and staff of the university about the struggle of palestinians for freedom and to in this way, we are putting pressure on the university to end its collaboration with the genocide. in its solidarity with palestine, british universities are in collaboration with the zionist occupation. these universities are in contact with the zionist occupation and invest in companies that the zionist regime cooperates. the value of these
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investments reaches more than 400 million pounds. here at goldsmith university, students started their movements since the zionist invasion of gaza. after the university did not show up , the students' demand about the condemnation of the genocide and sanctions against the regime accept zionism. they occupied an entire building in the university. i started my career as a lawyer in the field of human rights and i teach human rights. the attack coincided with the beginning of the new academic year. i said to my student , how can i teach human rights in this situation? students believe that celebrating the week of opposition to the racism of the zionist regime in british universities is a kind of struggle. soft against the occupation is expensive . their goal is also to put pressure on universities to cut off any kind of connection with companies that cooperate with the zionist regime. we have this building
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we occupied because the university administration did not listen to our demands during the last few months. we decided to expand our movements because demonstrations and attributions are no longer useful. these pressures for these students and their classmates. it is paying off because the university administration decided to provide the ground for dialogue and this is not the first step in a difficult and long road and the news from the us of a new attack on us congressional staff has increased concerns about the rise of political violence in this country. . according to cbs, these employees left the building two days ago. congress they were attacked with cold weapons, which led to the injury of one of them. two weeks ago, a person who tried to enter the congress with a cold weapon
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was arrested after a fight with the officers. last year , 8,000 threats against the us congress were recorded. the violence has increased since election protests three years ago that led to an attack on the congress building. trump. a week ago , he warned that if he is not elected, there will be a bloodbath. the former american president later said that he meant the damage to the economy due to the presence of chinese companies, but some media reported trump's main goal has been to warn about the political violence of his supporters. we have reached the end of the world today. from:
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the opinions of experts on this issue, i come to the conclusion that a key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of domestic production and national production. that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. .
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the sound of the foot of spring, the flowers come a thousand thousand with the sound of the foot of spring and the eid, the night of eid, and at the same time the days of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan, like march and atish, kara goes fast before the foot of the seventh.
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this singing has been performed in different corners of the city and among the people who are spending and reading these days. hossein haghighi has also published his latest work. there is a feeling that the distance between us is getting smaller and seeing your eyes. in my part, you can also with the mood of these days and of course, don't remember imam zaman , the year will not be delivered at all, like a fish, it's like i'm locked in a glass, come to sleep next to you in the music video of my month, come back from travel with a poem by seyyed javad parriz. night
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and leave until dawn, my dear, please come back from your trip, mahsa khavari, sed and sima news agency.
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maxi in gando service guarantee. a gift for every purchase from sarai irani get. a gift for every iranian . washlet prize draw festival. have a blessed home. the prize for the first place is a two-bedroom apartment, a
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... in the name of allah, the most merciful . hello, welcome to the football magazine program . we will start the program very quickly with news from iran 's football. today, training in two parts, in the first part, the players in the
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training set of the physical supplies pack.


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