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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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sarh yaqut mills, special for businesses of mills credit institution. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , i am at your service at 20:30 with some news. last year, iran and afghanistan had more than 2 billion dollars in trade exchanges. the spokesman of the ministry of industry and trade of the taliban announced the exact figure of the value of trade exchanges between afghanistan and iran last year at 2 billion and 25 million dollars . mr. abdulsalam javad akhundzadeh considered chabahar port to be the gateway to afghanistan's trade with the region and the world and said that the majority of
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afghanistan's exports and imports take place through iran's chabahar port. take the city of qom and the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him, hosted many immigrants living in iran and pilgrims from afghanistan during nowruz. after mashhad, qom is the second pilgrimage destination for afghan immigrants. the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon them, is the host these days.
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they traveled to iran for a pilgrimage, we came to qom for a pilgrimage, god willing , from here, we will go back to herat, after qom , i want to go to mashhad, from mashhad, we want to go to afghanistan. the people of afghanistan have a special devotion to imams, they like to express the peace they have in the holy place. and they like to take from this place and mr. mousavi from the badakhshan province of afghanistan also says that the hospitality of the iranian people is a tradition of thousands of years, which has been held with a very good welcome among us persian-speaking people, and can be visited in any province , whether its own citizens or immigrants, if they have traveled to iran. they say that many people gave a good reception and the wish of afghans in the coming year , god willing, is that there will be a complete peace, peace and security, and finally the people will be able to return to.
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here, we present most of the topics for you to read the quran, get prizes, read poetry for us, and during these discussions, we will be able to impart religious knowledge, god willing. let's teach our loved ones. also, the recitation ceremony of the holy quran will be held every day until the end of the holy month of ramadan for the residents and visitors of the karima ahl al-bayt shrine in qom. alireza sharifi, sada news agency.
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thanks to the efforts of imam javad (peace be upon him) charity organization for afghan immigrants in khorasan rezawi, 2,500 packages of livelihood assistance in the form of a consolation and empathy plan among afghan immigrants living in mashhad. according to the director of imam javad charity institute, during the holy month of ramadan, more than 1,000 packages of sympathy and support were distributed in kabul and 3,000 packages in herat. thanks to the institute. charity of imam javad peace be upon the afghan immigrants in khorasan razavi and ayatollah sistani's office, a large number of livelihood packages were prepared and explained among the poor afghan families in the suburbs of mashhad. 23 points on the outskirts of mashhad, we explain that these packages contain 13 items of food, the value
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of each package is 1,400,000 tomans. we have 35,000 bags of hot food in herat and 20,000 bags of hot food in mashhad until the end of the holy month of ramadan. let's give stew and chicken stew to these families god willing, people's weddings will not be missed. also, this institute has explained 1000 packages of livelihood basket in kabul and 3000 packages in herat, afghanistan. charity institute of imam javad, peace be upon him, afghan immigrants living in mashhad. in the past year, to prepare livelihood packages and create employment for more than 60 afghan immigrants.
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this monastery is located in the middle of 30 acres in the balkh province of afghanistan. more than this , taliban officials and humanitarian organizations had warned about the destruction of afghanistan's antiquities. the general manager of sisistan labor and social welfare exchange an increase in the amount of fines for the employment of foreign workers without a work permit was announced in the new year. mr. salami added that any employer who uses unauthorized foreign labor or engages in jobs other than those specified in the work permit will be fined 5 times the minimum wage for each day of employment. general manager tawan labor and social welfare of sistan added that if the employer refuses to pay this fine, according to article 181 of the labor law , it will be presented to the courts. the head of the general department
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of press affairs and foreign immigrants of tehran governorate said that the plan to collect unauthorized prints from the resort tehran will continue until the end of nowruz holiday. follower of matches since the beginning of 1403, tehran provincial government and the provincial supply council have taken action to collect unauthorized prints from the market places of tehran province with the cooperation of faraja, and more than 4 thousand people have been handed over to the care camp of tehran province for legal procedures. here i request all the immigrants of the province to carry the original valid residence document in order to move around the province. take action traditional wrestling, popular sport of afghans. the killing competitions of afghans living in iran coincide with the holidays nowruz was held on the outskirts of qaim town in qom. this competition
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is a combination of jedo and wrestling in free weight. it has been held in a friendly manner with the presence of afghan participants living in iran. and chief of the office of the deputy counter narcotics. narcotics the ministry of interior of the taliban said that about 1,250 large and small drug factories have been destroyed in afghanistan. according to haseebullah ahmadi, the taliban government is committed to fighting drugs and smuggling, and the cultivation and processing of drugs in afghanistan has reached zero. thank you for your attention, god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i greet you all you dear and respected viewers are welcome to sarras program. i congratulate you on the spring of nature and on the blessed month of ramadan. we are happy that you are now watching the scheduled program and we are at the service of dr. salehi, deputy researcher of the ministry of science. i congratulate you, dr. eid. i hope that your prayer and worship will be accepted. welcome to the program. in the name of allah, the merciful. i also greet you and your colleagues as well as dear viewers. i congratulate the arrival of the new year and hope that the year 1403 will be a year for my dear people in iran may it be memorable and full of success, dr. the past year was very busy and full of activities for the research assistant of the ministry of science. if possible
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, please give us a summary of the indicators of the work you did last year . well, we are in research. for the first time in the country, in 1402, we raised the issue of independent researchers. in the government's transformation document, it was mentioned that we should create a field for independent researchers to work in research projects, whether research projects of universities and research institutes or those related to institutions . in fact, it is feasible to provide it fortunately, with the very good approvals of the supreme council of science, research and technology and with the notification of the honorable president, the discussion of independent researchers was one of the strengths of the activities in 1402. they can work as collaborators in researches and
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this work is considered as a job for them. another activity that i can mention, in my opinion , one of the strengths of the activities of 1402 in the research field of the ministry of science, research and technology was the indexing of scientific journals. you have a reminder that we are approx 1500 scientific and research journals are published in our country in different disciplines in different fields. it is very important that we try to make the articles that are produced inside the country read by the majority of people in the world. this method is possible through international indexing . we also have persian magazines. the issue of spreading the persian language is one of our main programs, as emphasized by the supreme leader, fortunately, the year 1402 is a good year for the spread of the persian language at the international level. and it was for drama, if you allow me to give statistics let me assume that until the beginning of the 13th government
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in the ministry of science, 11 journals were displayed in scopus, which means that in twenty years, 11 journals have been added to these journals. in these two years, 63 journals have been added to these journals. it is interesting to tell you. which is now one of the 164 magazines that we have created in the display system. we have an international exhibition, 32 of them are farsi. another problem is that we have another index called duaaj, which is related to open access magazines . fortunately, today, all the magazines in the world, the ones that are open access or have open access, are also there. that i serve i am you, with a very significant growth of the persian language from the 11th rank to the 9th language within a year. it means that among the 80 common languages ​​of the world that are indexed in dowaj magazines
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, persian is the ninth language and iran ranks seventh in the world with more than 800 indexed journals. communication with society and industry there are exactly 112 plans for communication with society and industry in our universities and research institutes in the ministry of science and technology. they say that the amount of these contracts is something like 6 thousand billion tomans industrial companies in the industry sector, you agree, it's a very good question, see how many good things have happened , first of all, we have to thank the honorable parliament for the knowledge-based production leap law, this law is very much about commercialization and support for knowledge-based companies, but some clauses this law specifically aims. the expansion of academic research has been with the society and industry. i should specifically
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point to article 13 of this law, which states that if any public or private sector signs a research and development contract with a university or a research institute, this actually includes a tax incentive, that is, instead of that if he wants to spend from the current budget or the research budget , it will be deducted from his tax. well, this is a unique law in the history of our country. so what is going to happen? different industries, both public and private sectors, are going to sign contracts with universities and research institutes and this will be obtained from their taxes. there is always this concern, well, one of the main revenue sectors of the government is taxes, but this number cannot create a gap in the total taxes. so we say even if 3% 2% this is 830 thousand
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a billion tomans should go towards university contracts , the problems of the industry will be solved, and this number is not too big for the country's taxes, which will cause a disruption in the government's income . executive regulations were approved, that is, 402 executive regulations were approved in 1402. the so-called site is actually a platform that should have been created . it is now available to all our industries, so the discussion of tax incentives for the industry can greatly increase the effectiveness of research to solve the problem of the industry in 1403, god willing. now, for some of our researchers, the sacred service of the military might have created a gap in their research work. i think we have taken some measures for this, fortunately with the approval of the supreme leader, who deserves to be thanked for
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always supporting the discussion of research and development. and thanks to the general staff of the armed forces for providing these preparations. every year, 500 people who have a doctorate degree and do not go to the military can still go to the military in the form of a post-doctorate in the fields that i have presented to you, so our industry can do it today. from our phd graduates to they can use the title of military order without necessarily wanting to hire them, only this two-year post-doctoral course. or spend more time in the industry and use the services of our phd graduates. we have now gained the scientific authority of the region. what can we do to increase scientific research
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? in the ministry of science, science and technology diplomacy is one of the priorities of the honorable minister. it is done quickly, and in 1403 we have several cases of science and technology diplomacy. the first case is that the meeting of oec 15, which will be the top 15 countries of the organization of the islamic conference , will be held in iran, hosted by iran, that is, 15 countries in june. the top 15 countries of the organization of the islamic conference will be held in iran . i think there are 61 countries. as far as i can remember, 15 of the top countries have their meetings held in iran . we also have a meeting of the ministers of science of islamic countries. islamic meeting held in iran this year is it possible that both of these are in the direction of expanding our relations, our scientific relations, and the same issue that i mentioned
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, scientific diplomacy, the financial budget will be increased in the seventh program, it is foreseen in the program that the share of the technological research budget should be from the total budget of the universities in each period in each financial year, at least 15% . yes, if this number is correct, in my opinion, some of our universities are higher than 15%. the ones that have economic income are dedicated and related to industry , but most of our universities are far from this number, so this is a legal requirement. my opinion , god willing, with the cooperation of legislative institutions and that those who have a small budget can help our university to have a good leap in scientific outputs. let me tell you something . regarding the investment we made in technology research, sometimes 4% of gdp and gdp came from research, this output is unparalleled in the world, that is, if you
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check the relationship between financial investment and research output in each of us. we did it in single. check the individual countries of the world, iran has the first rank, and i call this scientific jihad, which means that we came with an investment, the number of which i may have told you, this is the output. this is a scientific jihad that is related to the extraordinary and unique forces that we have in iran, at the student level, at the professor level, and what we call scientific assistants, that is , the employees who work in the field of technological research in the country , dr. role. how much are women in the production of excellent research? how much can we actually count on the results of the research that women do? now you mentioned one of iran's strengths. first, let me say that i discussed the activities of iranian women at the unesco meeting. you have the request of the highest unesco assembly
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it is generally held at the highest level once every two years and i was honored to be there as a representative of the islamic republic and give a speech . the index in the world means that you should compare with many advanced countries, this number is not more than 50% of the students we have more than 3 million students now, 50% of our students are women and i tell you that finally after 28 years of working with i tell you that these students in the university are wonderful. are all of our students, especially the women , have a very good work behind them, they spend a lot of time in different fields, so i tell you that in many of our latest researches , you will rarely find a research that does not have a woman's name in it in iran and as i said , if you go and look at our 79,000 articles, you will see that most of
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them are women's names with pride, and this is very interesting for countries in the world that we in iran pay so much attention to the presence of women, whether in our universities or in another field in the work environment in the field of health and treatment in the field of health in all domains therefore. it is one of our strengths , what is our biggest challenge now in our research field, now is the time of our chinese cluster. let's see, every time i give you an example, we went from 56th in the world to 15th in 20 years. in scientific productions, this is a very good thing, so we are going to get close to the top. the last steps are always more difficult . don't doubt that it means to rank 56, maybe 40.
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it would be easier, but it is very difficult to rank 15 to 14. i will tell you this, so it must be one of the essentials for this work, except for the extraordinary human resources. . it is not a problem, but we are suffering from wear and tear of our research organizations and equipment . our laboratory has been greatly strengthened. let's reach gdp with that factor the predicted growth, i promise you that we will be able to go through these steps much faster in the future, so the discussion. allocation of financial resources and the discussion of exhaustion, in fact, our research infrastructure is one of the biggest problems and so-called challenges that we are facing today. thank you for
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giving us your time, i congratulate you again. i hope we have a good year. i am sincerely grateful to your colleagues and dear people for paying attention to this program. i hope the year 1403 will be a great year for all iranian people. very good and we taste let's make people taste the research in such a way that i will feel the presence of research on their tables , god willing. they came to hear the musical accompaniment, but the sound
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of gunfire prevailed. these pictures sat on the silver screen in front of the audience four years ago. but a group of moscow residents saw these images live and directly. he had drawn a picture. the terrorist incident in the capital of russia that left more than 200 dead and wounded. although the english media and the american released a statement and attributed this attack to isis. but the russian authorities deny it . less than 20 hours after this incident, the branch of fake statement that western media. they held hands and it was repeated in cyberspace. a group of people in the virtual world also used the hashtag of israel as isis , and they made the words america and israel hot.
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isis is a terrorist organization supported by mossad and founded by america. zionism is terrorism. zionism is the creator of isis. zionism is the cause of crime in moscow. there is also a question among persian language users. why isis had no terrorist operations. he did not do it in the occupied territories. the only place where isis did not carry out any operations was in israel and america. it should be remembered that the american embassy had warned its citizens in russia about terrorist operations before the attack. they write that isis is a zionist. has isis ever attacked israel? the zionist forces of isis, which have the ability to attack russia, have not thrown a single shoe at israel. because the purpose of this terrorist group is to fight against the enemies of zionism. some people also think that america and the zionist regime are the same
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time to ask someone to attack. their terrorists have nothing to do, they are using the same tactic, isis was not fought, was not sanctioned, assassination is the usual formula this time in russia.
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ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household goods. i don't have a check . goodbye, everyone. goodbye. no, madam, i don't want a check . will you be my guarantor? i don't want a guarantor . actually, the city of household appliances doesn't want an advance payment. it's
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a special purchase. for dear retirees , social security from the city of household appliances and its properties. nowadays, safflower egg shampoo has all these properties. take care of your hair . we made sera safflower egg shampoo for you to come and see. this is called installment purchase . various accessories of each model, show the name, don't worry about buying. various prices, come to the house, come to the house, come to sarad. it has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you like. it has cool items, so why not buy in installments as you want. big iranian houses in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2 o'clock. : morning in
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tehran. the tradition of the nations is enough.
9:00 pm
welcome to news 21. rescue devices and service providers are ready, at the same time as the warning. red meteorology for parts of the west and south-west, widespread rain showers from tonight to most parts of the country. in view of the red level warning and the risk of flooding in our areas of zagros , we kindly ask our dear compatriots to refrain from driving and stopping by the river and canals.


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