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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we came to sarai irani to buy air conditioners. this time of the year , the special sale of gas air conditioners in iran's big sarai has started with exceptional conditions . i will host you until 2:00 am in tehran. by purchasing any of sam's refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and 43-inch tvs and above, win one of sam's ideal prizes. a big prize every month until may 1400.
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good time, dear viewers , welcome to the economy and market news of the glass market hall on the second day something to in monday's trading, although the supply increased slightly in the final minutes, the indicators were growing. experts consider the difference between the semi-free and free exchange rates and the effect of this rate on export-oriented companies and the placement of the total index in a technically sensitive range as factors of the stock market's growth. . another point, if we want to point it out, is actually global prices and commodities, which actually
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has a growing trend and can have a positive effect on many of our companies. that's a lot of points it is an attractive fact and it is almost at the bottom of last year's total of 160 billion dollars . let us see that these points are of the same shape.
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according to the basic conditions that i have presented to you, the director of the primary market supervision of the stock exchange organization announced a 27% growth in the number and 70% in the value of issuance of capital increase licenses of stock exchange companies worth about 500 thousand billion tomans in 1402 . according to mr. roshan gharb, with the final approval of the production financing plan, the process of capital increase from the place cash receipts and claims, which is an example of people's participation in production, will decrease by about two months. have you ever invested in the stock market? yes, what year was 1400? the first time was 1398. it became the most prominent infrastructure for the presence and activity of 50 million iranians.
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they are participating directly and indirectly in this market. the capital market is a market that can be used as the well-known saying of the economy of the country's economy, and the capital market is a suitable method in that capital is provided to companies. and the discussion of cash financing that people enter the capital market with their transactions is injected into the economic cycle of the production body. economic growth needs provision. the financing of production units is one of the methods of financing that we are currently developing in the stock exchange, especially collective financing , according to the statistics of the ministry of economy, during the year 1402 , production facilities worth more than 60 thousand billion tomans are financed by various means through the stock exchange. they did professional investor market, helping the primary market and directing liquidity to companies and projects. proceed to release request
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make these papers and specify the uses of the paper , on what basis and where it will be spent. in recent years, the capital market has been able to provide the basis for the strong presence of economic entities in investment , more important than the development of upstream and downstream industry , but the maximum increase of people's participation in this productive market requires the reduction of entrepreneurship and privatization, as well as the facilitation of the competitive environment. according to the experts , the capital market has suitable capital for people's participation in production, so that according to the official statistics, financing from the capital market last year was 30% more than the year was 1401, maryam fadaei of sedav and sima news agency, all the indices of the glass hall
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were green on the second day of trading of the new year. in monday's trading, 66 of the symbols of the market were positive, and with the continued entry of real money into the market, more than 545 billion tomans entered in two days. it was listed. the glass hall passed the second trading day of 1403 in saudi arabia and the total index was 17256 units higher than the previous working day and reached the level of 2 million 253605 units to end this day with a positive return of 77 percent. on this day, small and medium symbols received more attention from shareholders, and finally the equal weight index with a positive return of 18 hundred percent , it had the best position compared to the total index, and on this day, with a growth of 1,894 units, it stood at 7,671 units. for the second
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consecutive day, the net change of legal ownership to real market was positive, and 45 billion tomans of real money entered the stock exchange. in this way, in two trading days of the new year, a total of 545 billion tomans of real money entered the stock exchange. on this day, about 15 billion tomans of real money was also entered into fixed income funds. the stock market experienced heavy trading and good trading value on the second day, and more than 9 billion and 100 million stocks and financial bonds were traded in 465 a thousand times with a value of 560 billion tomans were traded. optical stretch symbols. bo ali and tapiko had the most positive impact on the stock market index, and compared to the family symbols of the persians, shetran and be sadhir, they prevented further increase of the total index. during monday's transactions, the largest inflow of real money was allocated to computer products, computers and oil products, while the largest outflow of
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real money was made from the groups of stock funds, banks and multi-disciplinary industries. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 58 symbols. there were positive and 259 negative symbols until the witness glass hall positive 66 is one of its symbols. also, 88 icons were facing the buy page and 40 icons were facing the sell page. the total value of purchase pages is 20 billion tomans , and the value of sales queues is 184 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. dear viewers , we are approaching the horizon of tehran at the moment of maghrib call to prayer. after the call to prayer , we will continue the news from the news section at 18:00
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. there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad
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is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al salah hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah god
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bless god , god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. with the hope of your acceptance, dear ones , we will continue to follow the news. the head of the stock exchange organization said that last year more
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than 470 thousand billion tomans were financed in the industry and development projects were completed in the capital market. according to mr. eshghi, this financing is done by using the tools available in the capital market and through the issuance of sukuk to increase the financing capital collective and the formation of a joint-stock company of that project took place. the head of the stock exchange organization as well. the initial offering of profitable companies focusing on knowledge-based companies is one of the capital market opportunities, according to mr. eshghi, last year more than 30 new companies entered the capital market with initial offerings. 262 small and medium-scale projects were financed in the over-the-counter market. this news and more in today's package of baha bazar news. valiullah jafari, director of the supervision of publishers of the securities and exchange organization, amending
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the executive order, disclosure of publisher rating information, continuation of holding the industry table, amending the order of transactions with related parties and developing the guidelines for the valuation of securities are among the actions that are on the agenda in 1403. ali akbar iranshahi, head of nizam center. your opinion on the investment funds of the stock exchange organization. this year, the regulations of the risk hedging fund will be drafted. according to the current conditions, the regulations drafted for some funds need serious revision. ali naqvi, managing director of the iran energy exchange, for 1403 , we have on the agenda the launch of distributed generation power plant transactions, energy consumption optimization market, and wastewater transactions. mohammad ali shirazi, managing director of farbours in 1402, in the field of financing small and
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medium-scale projects, 262 projects were carried out in the context of collective financing, which was accompanied by more than 325% growth compared to 1401. the product website of the bureau of development of petrochemical complementary industries is the base price of petrochemical products for supply. announced in the commodity exchange. seyed hamid jamaldini , legal deputy of the ministry of health, by defining funds in hospitals and medical centers and introducing them to the stock market, we can achieve a model for providing capital and working capital. majid fouladgar, deputy minister of industry, mines and trade, it is necessary to get people's participation and using the capacity of knowledge bases on financing tools through the capital market should be done more. the head of the iran stone association
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says that our country has the annual production capacity of 30 million tons of building stone, but half of this capacity remains empty. according to mr. shakuri , using all the capacity of this industry can bring 5 billion dollars to the country . coming out of the heart of the mountains, its design is eye-catching. decorative or building stones that have 20% of their reserves in the world in iran. but
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in the country, we can use it better the development of these god-given capacities and the completion of their value chain with modern equipment and machinery is achieved. in the past , there was a total ban on the entry of machinery. now, fortunately, in this government , facilities have actually been created and some openings have been created, but the reality is this. there is that with this in fact the type of people. our denial is that with these prices that are actually available in the market, it is not economical for us to go and buy a new car and pay heavy expenses for it. the secretary of the iran stone association says that benefiting from all the capacities of this document can generate 5 billion bring dollars to the country. with the effort
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that if the economic activists themselves do and the help that the government as a policy maker anyway. do it with appropriate policy and sufficient support for this industry and the law will actually be passed in the parliament, in the shadow of this policy or these protective laws and finally the economic peers themselves, if we can actually create a good market for our product , this is actually the stone industry can earn at least 5 billion dollars for this country . the financial value of decorative stones in the world by 203 is about 54 billion it is not far from the expectation that the targeted dollar has taken an acceptable share of the world markets considering the capacity and variety of decorative stones in the country. mohsen qalagazli of sed and sima news agency. thank you for your cooperation with this
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god-guarded news section.
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my father used to grow wheat . we continued the same method. now we are mostly farming wheat . we are thinking about the people's table. we should not extend our hands in front of the people. it is our country. when wheat is imported , we will be taken as farmers. this year their production has more than doubled. god has blessed us . i am happy to help the production of my country this year it has gotten better every year , thank god, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, wheat production in the country reached 13.5 million tons in 1402. the most important reasons for this increase in production, we can
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point to the short balanced consumption of chemicals, pest and disease management, and the use of modified bazar. some provinces were leaders in wheat production. we managed to buy nearly 1 million 350 thousand tons of wheat , which is one of the very good records of khuzestan province in the last two decades, despite the good year conditions and the 21 decrease in rainfall. we have the first record in the country and the highest amount of purchases khuzestan province has allocated wheat guarantee among the provinces of the country. we were able to minimize water consumption by actually observing the planting date and using new methods
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. so far , we have purchased more than 1450 tons of wheat from our dear farmers, which is an increase of 52-53% compared to the same period of the previous year . from dear farmers, we have the guaranteed purchase of wheat, which grew twice as compared to last year. the guaranteed purchase statistics also indicate an increase in production . in 1402 compared to 1400, 114 guaranteed purchases of wheat from dear farmers increased . in 1400, the price of wheat was about 22% , and this year it was 15.6% of the value of money paid
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. experts say that in addition to the timely provision of institutions needed by farmers, the revision of the guaranteed purchase price of wheat was not ineffective in increasing production , and the revision of the guaranteed purchase rate which increased , led to the promotion of the farmers, for the continuation of the crop, the government emphasized on the payment of the demands of the farmers in addition to the price correction. duty the government is very necessary to pay the wheat farmers. i emphasize that the organization of the budget program and those departments related to the central bank should cooperate with the ministry of jihad, god willing. claims that were completely settled according to article 33 layers. oilseeds and sugar plants
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are emphasized. 10 million and 35 thousand tons of wheat were purchased, which, alhamdulillah , provided bread for 100 countries this year. we are trying to establish our program, god willing. the officials should be in such a way that they help maintain production and increase it. ministry plans the direction of agriculture is to continue to increase production in the future. due to the good follow-up and the measures taken at the country level, including the revised explanation, the implementation of the production jump plan in the development rainlands. mechanized crops for the management of harez disease pests. we hope that this year's production will grow significantly compared to last year
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. according to the statistics of the ministry of agriculture, in recent years, wheat production has been in saudi trend , so that we have reached 1.5 million tons from the purchase of 4 million tons in 1400. alireza shaukati news agency. this young yazdi man with a benevolent intention has won the hearts of a number of young people we cheered and visited their houses, one of them didn't have a refrigerator, one didn't have a freezer, we just got these . anyway, they were empty handed and we helped them. now you guys are coming here. we said, if you don't have money, come and play here.
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we introduce them and these clients express here everything they need , clothes , bags, shoes, like a grocery store . we need a jihadi force because everything we are doing is jihad in every part of the city if there are loved ones. that hosseini, mosques, houses, corners, parking lots, shops, anything can be used as a clothing house of maram mahdavi, we can use them. we are pure on our own and we will come and do the work , i hope that this will be a step on the path of our haj qasim
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. in the form of jihadi groups, we identify the needy and solve their needs through benefactors, or these jihadist doctors who, for god's sake, seek to arrest there are less fortunate people, thank you , don't hurt your hand, we give free medicine here, our doctor washes the medicine, then yes, the patients are here, we also deliver the medicine. we want people 's peace to bring peace to me and i am very happy to be able to serve them. god has left a science for us to move forward and be a part of.
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movement for free in 6 departments of medicine, midwifery, psychology in the name of radiography medicine. the jihad that comes from the heart is in the heart, just like the love of god belongs to the family in the heart of a person, don't go out . that's enough for me. many times when i had a problem in my life, i was helped from a place that i didn't really know. more than 20 doctors and more than 100 specialists in various fields are present in jihadimon, some of them university graduates. in various fields of consulting, there are legal services and legal experts . in addition to medical services , we also provide consultation and legal services to citizens. we and god is one of the main concerns of jihadi groups is to identify families who are underprivileged. we try to come to the outskirts of cities and villages to identify the families , check their needs, and as far as possible give them
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a square or card number 4 60 37 99 79. 042 aid committee to reach out to the less privileged compatriots, yazidi installation of sed and sima news agency.
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the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from the city of home appliances and the city.
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we will all go to the line of my leadership, the polytheists, laharan la la laah ahlah ahlah welcome hello lazara lazara


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