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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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let's have it because of the next election, after almost a decade and a half , nearly 19,000 educational coaches, counselors, and physical therapists will come to schools. it is the final test to strengthen public schools, and the quality of them is increasing. there are no more pamphlets, the textbooks belong to the children , the teachers will surprise the students this year, along with other evaluations that will be done by the teachers and the students themselves, that this should also happen. know the noble nation in iran, the priority communicated to me by mr. president in this year ahead of us is to improve the quality of education and strengthen public schools, and for this purpose a bill is being prepared . the title of the public school support bill or school support regulations. government
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, all this work has happened, god willing, so that the quality of these schools will increase even more, emphasizing the point that i said at the beginning of my presentation, one of the pests of the authorities, one of whom is my slave, and of course, the journalists of tehran think that something is happening in tehran. look at the decision to give iran a pass, mr. doctor , we have almost 18,000 private schools and 16,700 public schools. really, when we look at the quality of schools , this has happened in a certain number of schools, but we have the same quality in other public schools. we have higher ranks, some people tell me that public schools, then when they talk, they say don't sympathize, it is the state sympath, the entire budget of the sympath is given by the government. there is a president who wants to diversify schools we have a public school and a private school.
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you changed the title of a school building workshop to a school building construction workshop and you are changing it. how is the situation now? how many schools were built and in 1403 ? the 13th president of iran said to the sisi school workshop, it is a good sentence , it is a good sentence, it has an example, mr. doctor, since the beginning of the government , until now, nearly 6900 schools have been completed, equipped or built, that is, some of these were from the previous government, we completed them from the previous governments in the fact that we have stopped is one of
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the spirits of mr. ayatollah raisi. this emphasis on completion has an atmosphere of completion. for example , it makes us want to pick up when we have half-finished vegetables. mr. doctor, a significant number of schools. it has been at least 5 years since the restoration of 690 schools in sime has been stopped, that is , 8 schools have been built every 8 days in the country, working days and whether this workshop has been built or not . i would like to thank each and every one of these well-thinking future builders and all the people of iran i invite you to join the group of benefactors to build a school and of course help for our needs. i invited the benefactors to take over a laboratory , build a laboratory inside a school, and build a workshop in the conservatory based on the needs supported by the government. the government said that whatever good is brought, i will bring it now. there is no good in pushing the government forward, because
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the government will close the budget and it will no longer be possible to develop . masha allah, they are the benefactors in the past year , more than twice what they promised to bring in 1403, by god's grace, if our credits are secured, which we hope this happened to my government we will enter about 2,800 new schools into the education system and, god willing, the space and equipment sub-system, which is one of the 6 sub-systems , is in a very good condition. thanks to the governors. they should work
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and thank the education councils of the provinces . all this is coming hand in hand, and god willing , this process will continue with strength . let's build it. in the seventh program, we mentioned that we should build 200 large schools, that is, a school that has a laboratory, a prayer room , a mosque, i don't know, a sports hall, and everything should be together. the neighborhood education law should be all over the place, dr. amash, school building for education, it is clear in which of these provinces or in which of these cities schools are most needed and should be built. yes, to be precise , we have a system .
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sir, here we want a school, we tell them there, let us move forward according to the plan . five to three or groups. what is the current situation in this debate that was raised about the reduction of high school courses from the field? look, these are ideas of transformation that have been proposed by experts for years. it has been brought up in our course and we will definitely check them carefully. the reality is that the children are demanding from us. look, mr. doctor, math and
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experimental are only 4 hours apart in the 10th grade. people don't know this. in the 11th grade, they are only 7 hours apart. it's different at 12:00, it's 20:00. well, the kids themselves tell us that you've been here since morning. school, class, class, tomorrow, we will say it again , school, classroom, exam, school, classroom, exam , so what will happen to the education environment, what will happen to the teachers that the children need, what will happen to this matter, it is a very important matter , it is a national matter, the supreme council of education of the country has it. research institute of educational studies is bringing global studies, what we have now, from global studies, specialization in secondary education has almost disappeared in the world, we must find life skills for our students . the middle school course should be the corridor of children's lives, not the corridor of the university, the university is also good , but everyone needs to go to the university , that's why we strengthened the conservatories, mr. doctor. going to art school today , the average passing grade to art school in tehran
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many provinces have reached above 19. today, 398 tenths of students of the second intermediate level of theory in the whole country are going to the conservatory today. naturally, no decision can be made until a detailed study has taken place, and let these studies be done , the creative mind of the education specialist will express his creativity. show me, sometimes they say that there is a group that immediately attacks, sir, why do you say this, father, let them think , let the thought be expressed, this statement should be written , checked, validated, if it is performed well , the performances will be difficult. run, for example, to change the strings
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badi will definitely have some difficulties , but in general, we need to strengthen our skills and reduce diversity, this is the overall opinion, but until these studies come out, it will not come out until the higher councils of msp. if it is not approved, naturally, no decision will be made. inshallah, this project to identify students who have dropped out of school has started. did you reach the right number and how is the situation now ? of course , if you have been to the whole world, you can see that the literacy index decreased after corona. a lot of people being that they could not study because it became electronic , the equipment was not available to everyone during the corona period, education has honestly taken a worthy effort, the school of iran has been improved, how did the radio and television help
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? mahmoud vand, we started, 911,000 students were identified , then we investigated the reasons why they were left behind, you know that we take the birth rate per year, then we take the school entry rate . well, some of them stay because of disability there were times when he could not study at all , unfortunately, he died in the fight against immigration , but the main reasons were cultural, economic, and livelihood issues, in some of our border provinces, where village children were left behind. what the government did was that, first of all , we started working on the schools in the central village, which they had in the past. i personally have the experience of living in these schools. there are primary schools in different villages, then the children are assigned to the first round . well, you can't in every village , there are no more than 10 teachers in that school. dr. iftikhar dolat is proud
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that i now have about 3,000 teachers who move with their families. their students are under 20. well, when they want to say that this school is a secondary school, we can no longer send 13 teachers for each student, so we started schools. strengthening the central village and dinner and shaban rozi from mustazfan foundation , right here in front of you, on behalf of the noble nation of iran , i thank the president of this foundation for helping us start his schools. let's make money for these areas so that they can be shepherds , we will give them food, we will help them so that these children can speak up and start working. in these two years, we were able to send a total of about 134,000 children back to school. our formal training. the movement itself is going separately from the age of 10 onwards , because all the things we are saying
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are left over from the education of the doctor, not all of them are 6 years old . it is possible to start a movement, several new transformational works there is a way to bring them back to education , and of course, the issue of literacy and new indicators of literacy is also in terms of our new movement, which is being pursued, but what is certain is that it is our special concern in those seven projects. the national project that i told in the presence of dr. mokhbar was approved. one of them is the national project of preventing material illiteracy and returning people who have failed to study . dr. mokhbar has assumed the leadership of this project as his first deputy. this establishment and the foundation of the employees and the executive staff came to help from the end god willing, we will follow this work. another camp from the islamic revolutionary guard corps is also helping, for which i thank them all , our imam hassan jihadi camp.
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you checked to see what is the cause of this rise and fall in the field of education. first of all, what did this government do in the area of ​​elite education in the entire government, which is prohibited. the position of scientific deputy of the president is honestly like a star in the sky . we give gifts, that is, president, once upon a time in this country, we used to go and give gold here and there, and now we go , we give lab equipment, we give scientific equipment , we are building and repairing airplane engines, our friends in their side, so the government
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in this direction, the regulation of support for scientists has gone in this direction, which has been assigned to all institutions, but what did education do? it did two important things. first, the sampad of its organization , alhamdulillah, returned again at the end of the previous government because it was completely destroyed. it came back in this government, and it did two good things for it. it happened once in sampad he completed it, that is, he said that he had a 6-year study period, and in 6 years of his education, a big thing happened . we have 700 sampad schools in the whole country , we have more than 130,000 students . what we did was, we took the regulations, we said to the government , if the children of deprived areas are accepted , the president will personally pay one to four of their expenses, that is , you know that it was given from these budgets because it was not foreseen, mr. president. the president had ordered the former minister to follow the line i did when i brought the government.
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it is comparable to 6-4 to 6 years of the previous government, which rome should pay attention to. maintaining this position is our duty. ups and downs are natural. competition, they say, reaching the top is one thing. that we were historical, we brought about 19-20 gold orbits, it was because many big countries of the world were involved in corona, for example, england , america did not participate
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, china did not participate at all. it fell. besides, our dear academics, our elites have a house, our academics have new olympiads i don't know persian language and literature. i don't know persian language and literature olympiad. philosophy and logic olympiad. god willing, we will follow this path . i also request dear parents to send their children to olympiads. i'm worried about the final exams, because your children may miss the final exams. if not, we will arrange it. thank you very much, mr. dr. sahrai, minister of education, and thanks to you , dear viewers, be great in the way of god.
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dear viewers, hello, good night . the un security council approved the resolution of an urgent ceasefire in gaza for the month of ramadan and the release of prisoners. he agreed and proposed . i will discuss this with my colleague mr. rajabi from new york . hello mr. rajabi, please tell me what are the most important details of this resolution . gaza and that the number of dead people in gaza has exceeded 32 thousand people and the number of displaced people has also exceeded 74 thousand people. the resolution was approved at the suggestion of 10
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non-permanent members of the security council, that is, two non-permanent members of south korea and rapun were not the proposers of this resolution. only 10 proposing members the resolution of the four-point resolution is actually the main focus of establishing an immediate ceasefire in the month of ramadan , even though we are almost halfway through the month of ramadan. in this resolution, it emphasizes that the zionist regime's attacks on gaza must stop during the month of ramadan. i am a copy of i have this resolution in my hand, i am referring to these four clauses, which are short . about this first paragraph, i would like to point out that before voting on this russian resolution, actually he asked for time to speak and announced that the first text that was made available to the countries in the past days in order for them to actually review and
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prepare their opinion on this draft for today, had a permanent interpretation in it, which is this interpretation in today's text. permanent was removed and it is not. in the end, this request and protest of russia was not fulfilled and the text that was interpreted does not contain the clause that the ceasefire should be permanent. the resolution demanding freedom is actually demanding immediate and unconditional freedom the condition of all hostages, as well as in guaranteeing humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs, and that the parties act according to international law in relation to all persons who are detained, in fact, this clause refers to the release of prisoners.
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accordingly, the council should make necessary preparations to meet the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian aid and strengthen the protection of civilians in the entire gaza strip. and in the fourth paragraph, it is emphasized that in the framework of the implementation of the two previous resolutions regarding the issue of oaths 28 12 and 27 20, the obstacles that existed to help the humanitarian message will be destroyed after this resolution was shown, first of all, i would like to point out that 14 of the 15 members of the security council, both permanent and non -permanent, voted in favor of this, and only the united states abstained after the approval of this resolution . the whole organization of the united nations immediately issued a short message, while it is present in the west asia region these days and was present in the islamic republic of iran, its message
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was that the resolution must be implemented and the failure of the security council to implement this resolution will be unforgivable. well, the permanent representative of russia after the approval of this resolution in the council meeting the security executed was that when the permanent interpretation of the cease-fire is in front of the cease-fire. deleted this can lead to different interpretations of this and lead to abuse by the zionist regime regarding the continuation of attacks on the people of gaza that it has been said that it should be stopped in the month of ramadan, well there are two weeks left of ramadan and this can be by abusing these possible interpretations of this text, after this, genocidal attacks may continue, however, the members of the security council are actually taking advantage of this opportunity. counting to stop the attacks on the people of gaza. thank you very much, mr. rajabi, for
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the opportunity you gave us and for the relationship we had, dear and precious viewer . god bless you. at the beginning of the war, they were out of food supply. the raising of the palestinian issue in hundreds of mosques in the cities and villages of indonesia during the month of ramadan is in line with the movements and official and popular solidarity with the struggle of the palestinians in many fields. in one of muhammadiyah universities, this official about. he spoke about the importance of raising awareness in the society about what is happening in palestine , he emphasized against the scenes of killings gaza, the fall of values ​​and laws was revealed. he
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reminded the elected president of indonesia of his responsibility in this regard. the foreign policy of the elected president should be more decisive. along with the efforts made by the ministry of foreign affairs , more efforts should be made because the problem in gaza is getting more complicated. according to consumer organizations , campaigns for economic sanctions have changed people's behavior and encouraged them to buy domestically produced goods. the owners of some shops and stores refuse to buy raw materials from companies whose names are on the sanctions list and instead use products made in indonesia in about 200 of their branches. this action is carried out in the framework of a fatwa issued by indonesian scholars on sanctions. we were using the products of an international company that has doubts
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about its connection with israel. it was mentioned that about a third of our sales were from this company's products . we were initially worried that if we stop cooperating with that international company, our business activity will be harmed, but this issue goes beyond business, calling for invitations to trade sanctions and sending aid. finance for palestinians among the main invitations it was in dozens of demonstrations that were held in different cities of indonesia during the past months.
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the great celebration of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets
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continues for us this time, and the balance of the secret of continuity and movement is the flow of the first ones . happy new year. we have to put whatever we have in the middle for the work. my new job is more money , how come we barely provided the ruby ​​base, the middle ruby, you had ruby ​​and you didn't tell me.
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yaqut, let's go safely , what should we do? we just need to go to the credit institution of the nations, apply for more than what we put in and start the work, just as easily, the prosperity will help the nations, the ruby ​​project of the nations is special for the businesses of the credit institution of the nations. do you have a guest near me? now, my daughter is tea, she is, it was another time, nothing, nothing, ladies and gentlemen from sarai irani, they are our guests , this is the carpet, of course , there are two other carpets, they are getting old, so let's go and see them. irani renovate the old furniture of your home in a large
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iranian house with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable and exclusive purchase until 2:00 am in tehran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, dear viewers , i am at your service at 20:30 with some news. afghan citizens living in iran can use health insurance services. the social vice president of the national migration organization said: the people who participate in this plan must have a unique identity. according to mr. moradi, foreign journalists can identify themselves by referring to the sama system, referring to all offices of the immigration organization and governorates.
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