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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, we send greetings and blessings upon muhammad and the family of muhammad. dear viewers , hello to the world. today, welcome to the world. congratulations on the birth of imam hassan mojtabi. kurdish four the country
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voted in favor of this resolution and the united states, unlike the previous times when it had vetoed three drafts of the resolution , voted gratefully this time. this resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire in the month of ramadan and emphasizes the increase of humanitarian aid and the protection of civilians in the entire gaza strip. zionist media before the meeting informed that netanyahu was pressuring washington to veto this resolution and threatened to prevent the israeli delegation from visiting washington if the resolution is passed. in this connection, we are having a conversation with mr. moslehzadeh , an international relations expert. mr. moslehzadeh , please tell me what happened that the united states, after vetoing the ceasefire resolution three times, voted this time.
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it was to be able to create a victory for israel first, and for this reason , he provided all the facilities for israel, and in addition to the visit of the american president to israel, the presidents of france, england and germany also supported him. fully provided by israel.
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both arms support and diplomatic support, which called israel's attacks under the title of defense, but this process did not bring any victory for israel . it is true that it was able to capture gaza according to the first scenario , but even with the heavy rains that broke the record of rains in the entire war. in the last few decades, the world failed to win again, the reason is that it could not destroy hamas and it could not mobilize the people of gaza . to transfer the people of gaza to egypt, jordan and
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other arab countries and be able to do it forever as it always seems to say that there is a guarantee that there will be no attack on israel from gaza, well, this is america's strategy, a complete concealment of gaza from the people in order to destroy hamas. and israel is relieved from its western border, but this did not happen, even though i mentioned that the first scenario was realized that it was able to take the north of gaza, but the second scenario that i mentioned was the evacuation of the people and the destruction of hamas, this was not realized. the third
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strategy means that the third side of this triangle strategy, which was to gain the israeli era, has not been completed. except for those cases that hamas itself released that initial exchange during the initial ceasefire did not materialize, so now the only thing israel is doing and the only way left for it is to increase the pressure so much that the people of gaza now that they are not ready to hide, at least surrender, when they surrender, it is actually hamas. surrender too. well, this is israel's only hope. you can see the pressure that israel is putting on the people of gaza . we can almost say that
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it is unprecedented not only in the last 70 years, but also during the first and second world wars . it has been approved by the world health organization in addition to the lack of electricity, the lack of clean water , the lack of security from bombings, the lack of gasoline, and a series of factors that we don't have the time to address now , he has used all these tools, some of which are just to bomb people with bombs. now. he killed at least 32,000 people. now, except for those whose photos are left under the buildings, that's right , moslehzadeh
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, i apologize. what is its importance now and what effect does it have? the process of developments in gaza will allow the zionist regime to leave, and that is freedom. this is where it is connected to the resolution. why did america, despite giving you three cease-fire resolutions , not give you this resolution now? the reason is that america has given up hope that israel can
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free the prisoners through war, and please note that this american strategy is very sensitive on this point . it does not matter if tens of thousands of people are killed , it does not matter if millions of people or hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger or are tortured. the important thing for america is that those hundreds of israeli captives are freed. this it is a very important point, the secret of america's strategy and diplomacy is that at this point, the minimum victory over israel is to get these prisoners free , so the reason why you understand how america voted is because of this minimum, that is, now. that israel will not achieve any of those triangular goals, at least with this truce it hopes that the israelis will be freed , that is the most important part of america's remaining strategy . the distance tries
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to show a second face of itself, that is, this the main face of america is america. america always has two different faces. everywhere in vietnam , the same in iran, the same in iraq, in afghanistan. everywhere , america has two faces. it has one real face. it is where it imposes sanctions in iran . it kills hundreds of thousands of people in afghanistan. the same in vietnam , the same in palestine, this is the real face of america, but america has a second face, and it is the second face that it tries to show . food that daily bomb the american is thrown on his head, then a few food items are also thrown so that the people of the world can see the second face of america next to the first face
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and not to forget and not to think that america, for example , has abandoned that face of its philanthropists, not this face of its philanthropists, america should show this resolution. so to this. the reason has been established, but the fact that america itself will adhere to this resolution has one condition, and i said that the prisoners must be freed, this is america's minimum strategic demand. basically, the american strategy
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is being implemented in this war, not israel's strategy. israel is only working to push the american strategy for this reason, america is waiting to see that according to this resolution, of course, you can see that the resolution is two-sided, that is, it advises both sides to comply with international regulations, and both sides advise that compliance, for example, suppose that it frees the prisoners, means whatever it says. two-way, it says between the criminal who did these actions that the icj almost accepted the crimes of israel, now with a hint and also recommended the close killing that you should not prevent. may israel not commit war crimes, on this basis the pressure of isis and the pressure of yemen on
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the red sea and the pressure of hezbollah on the north of israel and you and the same pressures that, in my opinion , are a quadrilateral, the pressure is now on israel, which in fact is on america, which is the fourth side of this pressure, many people's demonstrations in the world, especially in europe, which is not at all believable, this demonstration of this quadrilateral is causing pressure on america. that the united states should try to push this resolution and on the condition that the prisoners are released as soon as possible mr. moslehzadeh , you did not explain to us very briefly about the pressure levers and the guarantee of the implementation of the resolution. will it be on the zionist regime? first of all, this is not the first resolution that
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has been passed in the history of israel, and if israel does not implement any of it or partially implements it and does not implement half of it, is this the first resolution? has israel implemented resolution 338? has israel implemented resolution 248? israel has implemented dozens of other resolutions that you think are implementation guarantees. it is possible to do something about israel, but of course, according to the procedure started by isis and until now , isis had not focused on israel for 75 years, and it had nothing to do with what crimes israel is committing and implementing the resolutions. doesn't it mean that the only hope that will force both america and israel to implement this resolution is the fear of being tried in the icj, thank you very much. first of all, it will be long and there is no guarantee of implementation, considering the power
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that america has in international institutions . are members. this organization announced that due to the continuous attacks of the zionist regime on me. he submits that the war is over and he is out for treatment to travel
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i saw very sad things during the war against gaza. the severity of the injuries and the level of disability are unprecedented. a large number of children in gaza have been injured in the eye area. dozens of wounded are hospitalized in the eye-damaged section. all these patients are waiting for medicine and surgical equipment. the ministry of health of gaza announced that the occupying forces to there are no laboratories for blood, parasitology and diseases . the united nations children's fund announced that in nearly 6 months of war against gaza, more than 13,000 children were killed and thousands of children were injured. at
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gaza witnessed it in no other conflict anywhere in the world so far. america and germany are the main suppliers of weapons to kill the people of gaza, the zionist newspaper the times of israel wrote , according to 99 statistics , america and germany supply the weapons imported to israel. 30% is from germany and 9% is from italy. at the same time , the requests around the world to limit the sale of weapons to the zionist regime are increasing day by day due to the killing of civilians. special design
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a light for gaza was launched in malaysia. this plan is implemented with the aim of supporting the nation and the government of malaysia to help the defenseless refugees of the gaza strip at the same time as the holy month of ramadan in this islamic country.
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the families of the martyrs, the wounded and the helpless refugees in the gaza strip have asked for the support of islamic countries and human rights organizations to establish a ceasefire and prevent the continuation of the crimes of the zionist regime in the mass killing of civilians. the various programs of the fasting people, which range from the boom in collecting cash and non-cash donations to holding anti-zionist gatherings and so on the ongoing embargoes of goods related to companies supporting the zionist regime in the form of nationwide campaigns in this country is telling. we have gathered here to declare the solidarity of the malaysian nation and government with the palestinian muslims . we are witnessing the killing of civilians every minute. that you even
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fire at hungry children and women in the queue to receive food and water. leaders of islamic countries , we emphasize the immense cruelty and genocide of the occupying regime in gaza . as a small member of malaysia, i am happy that one of the active supporters i am palestine cultural foundation of palestine by presenting plaques of thanks to activists in the field of defense gaza has glorified ismael pouraji of the kolamber radio and
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television news agency, the killing of civilians and children is their nature , this is also
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their nature. the city of ramadan, of course, means carrying water naturally to our homes, and even with difficulty, it means separate from effort and hardship, even though i am the peak of life, even in food, and we are not ready to carry water, so what about the children of the poor, women, and the elderly
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, the inhabitants of the holy land, allah wills us , israel and america at the same time, oh, what can i give? endowment the firing of all of our guns is without prejudice to the goal of the first paragraph of the end of the shooting of prisoners, etc., and other israelis. we will change the paragraphs that will happen and what israel agrees on. the people of pakistan have once again
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condemned in islamabad the continued silence of the international community regarding the killing of the people of gaza. they also demanded the creation of a route to send humanitarian aid to the people of this region. a large number of social activists and muslims. fasting by holding a rally in the capital of pakistan , protest against the continued killing of children and the women in gaza announced that my reason for participating in this demonstration, even while fasting, is to express my true sympathy with the palestinian brothers and sisters who are under siege these days . in this rally, the silence of the international community towards the killing of muslims is certain.
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participants in this anti-zionist rally also asked their country's government to play its role by warning the ambassadors of the countries that support the zionist regime to stop the crimes in palestine . of people
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in this meeting, they also announced the complete blockade of gaza in this area. which was known as a prison in the past has turned into a large cemetery in the world. the participants in this ceremony, while strongly condemning the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza, called for reopening the way to help the oppressed and defenseless people of palestine. majid hashemi , sed and broadcasting news agency. hundreds of montenegrins demonstrated in support of the palestinian people . according to al jazeera network, the demonstrators chanted slogans and
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called for an end to the genocide in gaza. a large number of residents the capital city of montenegro gathered to express their support and solidarity with the palestinian people. they gathered near the capital plaza shopping center, which is owned by an israeli company, and then went to the montenegrin parliament , gathered near the american embassy and shouted "stop the genocide" . demonstrators from montenegrin politicians. they asked to vote in favor of a resolution that condemns israel's crimes in gaza and calls for an immediate ceasefire. more than 7,000 people signed a petition and demanded the approval of this resolution in less than 48 hours. this number may seem small. but for a country as small as montenegro , it is a very significant figure. currently, only two political parties have announced that they will vote positively for this resolution
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, and if it remains the same , the number of positive votes will not be enough to approve this resolution, because 41 people are needed to approve any document in the montenegrin assembly. members of the parliament vote for it . demonstrators who were present in this protest movement were active in this field since the beginning of the gaza war. so far, they have held several support rallies and organized humanitarian aid they collected and demanded boycott of products and companies. according to ukrainian sources , the building of the intelligence and security forces of ukraine was targeted in kiev. the air force of ukraine announced that two russian ballistic missiles targeted a three-story building in kiev. it is said that this building belonged to the intelligence and security service of ukraine . this attack
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was carried out 3 days after the terrorist attack in moscow, in which at least 137 people were killed and more than 180 people were injured in the attack on the music hall in the west of moscow. according to unofficial sources, the number of victims of this terrorist attack is 182 people it has gone beyond. western sources say isis was responsible for the attack, but moscow says ukraine was linked to the terrorist operation . the russian people appreciate the sacrifice of a teenager in the terrorist attack in moscow. russian media reported that two teenagers who helped save a group of spectators on the day of the attack on the krakast theater were honored at their school today. it showed a young muslim named islam
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leading the crowd towards the exits of the complex . the media say that with this action he will do more more than 100 people were saved from the terrorist attack. more than 130 people were killed and 180 were injured in the friday night attack. you are watching the world today program about today's attack. russia to ukraine . this attack that he carried out today said that the intelligence and security headquarters of ukraine were targeted, please tell me clearly what
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this attack has coordinates, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings, respect and congratulations on the birthday of imam hassan mojtabi, peace be upon him. today , the russian federation attacked the headquarters of his name, the information security organization of ukraine, which is located on chersk kiev street, for two reasons. the main reason is this. the attack is that the russians believe that ukrainian embassies in different countries of the world, especially in central asia and parties to the vienna convention, tried to recruit soldiers for the war against russia, and some of these terrorists who committed terrorist acts in the embassy in the recent operations in russia. tajikistan embassy ukraine was absorbed in tajikistan and it was a clear message that today moscow sent kinzhal missiles to the headquarters of esbo, which
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was the 25th anniversary of the establishment of this intelligence organization.


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