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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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from the airline agency, in fact , you either have this quota with which you can buy tickets, this goes back to the airline industry, or through leasing, from leasing to buy airplanes, through facilities for importing airplane parts, all these 35, don't bother for the tehran metro parvez, come to the airline industry itself. but we are giving up on this now because of the hypothesis that if the price goes up , we will have a decrease in demand, which is discussed in the discussion.
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let's see the report. my colleague in the energy group of sada vasima news agency has prepared a report. we will see it together. we will come back and follow the debate. azar this year and the public's reaction to the release of the news of the annual allocation of 35 thousand billion tomans in subsidies for airplane fuel , 35 thousand billion tomans were actually burned. it gives a subsidy for airplane fuel . i wish we didn't say that, it will really be regrettable. the amount of subsidy that is being paid does not really reach the middle and lower class. then they give that subsidy to those who don't have it, not to those who have it. the candidates of the twelfth term of the islamic council elections have become. is airplane gasoline subsidized or at the fob price of the persian gulf? at the price of social justice in the persian gulf
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it is necessary that the subsidy should definitely not be given to our panzand, domestic trips should be subsidized, and foreign trips to the persian gulf should be subsidized so that all sections of the society can use it. before the election, an expert debate was held on this topic, especially for the higher election program. it is possible that a flight that now costs 1 million, for example, will reach 2 million to 3 million and more when the market does not have traction , the service producer cannot raise the price that much . see their opinion about allocation they stated the subsidy for airplane fuel and the impact of these programs in this way . there should be a subsidy that
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everyone can use. most of the people can't fly, so it must be removed to its original price. well, it's better for the gulf and the persian gulf. it's much better than many people, considering the skyrocketing prices of plane tickets. it's a kind of discrimination and injustice. i agree with non-iranani about the gas fuel thing. those candidates who talk about this particular thing are on your list or not . yes, we saw the report together, a colleague's report mrs. haweida, mr. bayati, one point that you mentioned was that the prices, the discussion about the prices also mentioned that people, if this change happens, it is possible that many people who are using airplanes will not be able to use this transportation anymore . why? what is your reasoning and how much do you think the price will change, because the demand is extremely high now, the supply of chairs is relatively low, and naturally the demand is high.
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this is our belief that the market size will be small. we should not worry. no, we are not worried. yes, we are not worried about this. but if the size of the market becomes small , what is the size of the market now, not small, what do you call the size of the market? the so-called "i am not harmed" means that what i am saying is my personal opinion. now, some of the thoughts that accompany us are that the companies will not be harmed . they say they have an excuse to release their rates. their own goals, but we believe in our domestic flight network from the national point of view and the interests of the people and the country there may be damage in the setting.
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our air transportation system, our employment system, has not been developed and strategic during the last three or four decades. naturally, if this happens, the market share they have means that the largest market share they have will be in 10% of the country's airports. the same 17,500,000 people who were transferred in domestic flights last year will be in 5 airports. the main airport is about 12 to 13 million passengers in these 5 airports. well, i am an airline company, when that demand is relatively low , mashhad now. on the other hand, we see that in it if it happens to the airline companies , because the size of our air fleet
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is not suitable for our flight routes and the possibility of establishing high-frequency and high-frequency flights now. the high number of flights per week and per day , which is one of the important indicators of development, so that we can increase the frequency of our flights daily and weekly to provide access at different times for that area so that this connection can be established with that place in that province or that. the area of ​​anything here will definitely decrease, and this size of the fleet, because of our size, 70% of our air fleet is over 100.
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there is a seat, this method here will cause the airplane to be deprived of its use and efficiency for a series of routes that people need, and here the role of the government is vital , if it wants to reduce this subsidy with a slow slope, see the explanation with better justice and accuracy. look at this case with the so-called advanced and modern program, not that now our friends said that the so-called helpers came and were removed, we took the people to themselves and these were the events that happened in 2010 because of the purpose of the subsidy, what happened now, nothing means what the people have a comfort from this hidden subsidy now for example , we see comfort in a part of the society, but in the aviation sector specifically, our goal is to develop the fleet, our goal is to
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improve the fleet, our goal is better quality, our goal is to create more and more diverse businesses in the aviation sector and in the airlines sector , the number of companies can increase so much that it becomes a competition, and this competition is ultimately against the people because they can compete with each other in the pricing of their services . this is not the time to do this, because iran's aviation industry is at the forefront the embargo is at the forefront of international struggles, and in the meantime, we have a problem with the currency, just like the so-called. rial revenues in the domestic network , on the other hand, foreign currency expenses, nearly 70% of the airplane expenses are being spent in that sector. it is a side of the internal bureaucracy to provide our width. i
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would like to ask you three short questions, because i want to ask my master, how much effect does the change in the price of the plane ticket have, that is, the number you see in life now? for a body with 130 seats, the share of fuel consumption is 600 tomans with 2% that we airline companies give to the country's airport company as refueling monitoring fees . because it is the occupancy rate that increases and decreases the cost of the seats, if you say decisively that each person is that much, you do not know the impact of the seat occupancy. how much is the fixed cost of the flight , if i take 100 people and divide it into 100 people , it becomes 50 people? this fixed cost is divided into 50 people , so in one hour of flight, which is a calculation index for the operating cost, it is approximately 22 for flights for narrow body aircraft with around 130 and 40 seats, if we convert this to
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persian gulf fob, which is 66 cents now, with the same 27,000 tomans, this number reaches 54 to 55. the cost of this part of the total operating costs of the ticket that reaches the people, how much does it cost in one hour of flight? i can calculate it for you. at least it can add up to 650 to 70 thousand tomans in one hour, that is, for example, tehran. mashhad, which is almost an hour away, now it is an hour more than tehran , mashhad, because of the proximity plan, yes, it can be said that it can add almost 900 thousand tomans to the cost of this flight. but now he divides 9000 with a narrowbody plane that has 140 seats , you divide this 900 thousand tomans by 14 thousand and the number shows itself, you divide 914 thousand tomans by 140 seats, you get 940 thousand tomans, sorry, 940 thousand toman per seat, each seat in one hour of flight is about 2 million tomans, with 600 tomans
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, if we sell a fob, it will be 27 thousand tomans, 89 million tomans, so for a flight, it can be close to 9000 tomans, the current number can be added to it for the whole flight. from harriet, every seat, every hour, every seat, now the ticket depends on the air we have given an example of seats in mashhad now. there are 9000 seats in an hour, about 650,000 to 60,000 to 700,000 tomans . how much has the ticket changed now? tehran mashhad is not in my mind right now, 1, 300, 1, 400, now everyone has a price , but probably any number is now, tehran mashhad, if 27,000 tomans, this can add 800 to 900,000 tomans to the cost of this route from tehran to mashhad . another point. even if i say that now the discussion is in the economic commission, now i don't know if it is a sub-commission or the main commission in the government, the problem is to set a percentage of the above, that is, say 30%, 20%, 40%. compared to the above
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, it means to be more clear, see that each person has 40 liters of fuel per hour . in fact, we have a fuel consumption of 24 to 40. it is different in which plane. liter multiplied by 600, 24 thousand tomans divided for the same width of verse on the route, yes, so now 2% of the plane ticket is allocated to fuel, and every plane that goes from tehran to mashhad, for example, as you said , the cost of fuel is total. by your presence , let's do the math. if he sells two seats, the cost
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of fuel will be included. so, if even the price of fuel is two if it is equal, it will be 600 tomans, 120 tomans, which means another 600 tomans will be added to the operating costs of the plane, which means that it is not a numerical value, that is, 2% should be added to the ticket cost, if we want to take all of it from the passenger, if it is 10 times, i would like to meet you. we can say that it should be 40 times more than 600 tomans . it should be 27 thousand tomans. it should be 40 times 2%, which means 80 times the increase in cost. and the market volume will not follow . business trips are very low price elasticity foreign trips and trips that have a long distance and there is no substitute for it, the party cannot be on the road for 9 hours and 10 hours
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, he has to use the plane. as i said , the top three deciles are using this, 4% of the society is using it, and 6% of their household expenses are for industry. actually , it depends on the air travel, again, this doubling of the ticket will not have any effect on the family's expenses, on inflation and other issues, so now that let's go back to the discussion we had, maybe there will be a misunderstanding in the mind of the audience that we offer the solution in price liberalization , this is not the case at all.
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we are not in favor of shock therapy and price liberalization, but there is no problem with some of the carriers such as lpg or liquefied gas, and in fact airplane fuel , whose target society is very small. people can explain, i told you how we can have a point also, what i have to say is that if i ask you to come here , it will be a mental approximation, you see, we came to make bread smart in the ministry of economy. we got an interesting statistic, we saw that 2% of the bank cards in the country buy 20% of the country's bread, that is, in society, or 2% of the cards , 20% of the electricity, almost 20% of the consumers are bad users and they consume 80 sources of electricity. so, for example, in bread, maybe
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we should target only this 2%, why involve the whole society. let's add that there is a deficit and the problems of smuggling and all this will be solved with this there is a problem with airplane fuel, in the same way, now 85 or actually 4 percent of the population use airplanes. if we double these , there will be no problem with their prices, and i said that the resources created can be spent on the development of the tourism and aviation industry. ok, you have mentioned a reasonable incident, how much is that game in your opinion , it should be 5 years old, and again here we have to reach the same fab price for two cars, because i said that any kind of underselling and selling fuel at a lower price than in reality export cost or export price is hidden subsidy or hidden subsidy
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the result is not hidden in the government's budget . we became an importer of gasoline in a few years . we will be the first country with oil and gas reserves in the world . let's import it to replace the decline in south pars production. 30 billion dollar import of liquid fuel means that not only the islamic republic but also the iranian civilization is exposed to collapse and danger , it is not possible at all. we have to change the rails. thank you very much, mr. biad, we have about 3 minutes for them. of course, this topic that mr. doctor said shows from
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it is that we do not have a strategic policy in consumption. an important point that is also important for us. that if the airline wants to be freed, we should be able to control the consumption, and of course, if the price of this subsidy wants to be freed, the ticket price wants to be freed . it is not a decision that can be taken unilaterally . this decision involves several devices and its effects must be fully seen. in the end, i believe that the increase in operating costs will shrink the market and cause the aviation business not to form. it should not be developed in the conditions of embargo, where the economy has no power, somehow, and finally we built so many airports in the country's regions, the costs must be taken from elsewhere, the government will provide for it, and the outcome of this story is that this is the opportunity cost that you said, against 35,000 hemti. that 35
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thousand billion tomans that are being given year after year, which i believe somehow the government is selling its gasoline to the government. in the budget , the budget organization takes the program to the parliament for approval it means that it is selling the government goods to the government itself, and we say that you should tell me the final price, how much is my share, how much is the government's share , how much is left , whatever is left, in the name of god, go ahead and sell it to whatever number you want, it is in the persian gulf fob. for now, we should see this as a supportive view for the airline companies so that the companies can endure the pain of the embargo and finally the quality of expression of the four percent that you say , we should do 40, we should do 50% and this deregulation that has formed here , things become automatic, business becomes diversified and business new airline models are being formed like the low-cost companies in the world, and anyone can
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become a customer of air transportation, for example, the less fortunate students , thank you. both the guests of the program are good, especially the higher program, as you have accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you or ali is higher than bard or higher today, whatever we are , i will be higher tomorrow.
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the big festival of city of home appliances and city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from city of home appliances and city of carpets. where are you you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we have come to sarai irani, cooler, cooler. this time of the year , the special sale of air conditioners has started in iran's big sarai with exceptional conditions. the special sale is free of charge. without guarantor , i am your host in iran's large palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran.
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the body of the 22 martyrs of the holy defense era entered the country yesterday from shalamcheh border. the bodies of these martyrs have recently been found in the operational areas of feke majnoon, east of the tigris, and shalamcheh, iraq. on the other side of the shalamcheh border in iraq , the coffins of 21 newly honored martyrs of the holy defense era are being prepared to enter the country. arif who is from isfahan he had reached the border , he was waiting for them, the witness should say here, the white-clad
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navy of the islamic republic of iran army began the welcoming ceremony of the old mothers who had come to the border, their words were the same, we came in place of their mothers, we came in place of their sisters, and the young people who they wanted their message to be in the media. 22 martyrs have been discussed in the operational areas of feke majnoon, east of the tigris, and shalamcheh, iraq. the 40th tehran international short film festival
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has reached its final stage. the winners were introduced in the national and international sections. gold leaf and diploma of honor to the winners in fiction, documentary, animated and experimental arrived. the 10-year-old movie from the look. after five days of competition, here at the milad tower , the 40th tehran international short film festival is closing. these golden leaves were presented to the palestinian people. on behalf of the best in the international sector. also from the chosen ones in the national section of the festival. i dedicate this work to after the appreciation, he was like this with the people of gaza. the
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gaza strip will never be torn. further, the minister of culture and islamic guidance said about the characteristics of iranian cinema: the call of the oppressed people of the world must be heard in this cinema. chief maker
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the best in the categories of animated documentary, film fiction and experimental film competed. it was a festival that was very well received, in fact, and even in some places it was received so much that they added sansai. the chosen ones of the festival will receive the support of the young cinema society to make films. expanding cooperation between iran and oman in the fields of postal and technical infrastructure. information technology the minister of communications and information technology during a trip to muscat, oman and in a meeting with saeed bin hammoud, the minister of communications and transport of this country, referring to the progress of the islamic republic of iran in the field of communications and information technology, said that in the field of data exchange and in the sector in terms of infrastructure, plans for cooperation have been formulated and in the field of information technology
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, we have good experience in the field of e-government and setting up digital services that we can have good cooperation in these fields. the minister of communications and transportation of oman also announced the country's readiness for joint investment to establish data centers in iran and oman, and added that in the past , joint cooperation has been carried out in areas such as marine cables, and oman is ready for such cooperation. expand east asian office of development organization. tejarat said iran's proposals in the first meeting ministers of the shanghai cooperation organization in kyrgyzstan were welcomed by other members of this organization, mr. deliri added that some of the documents of this organization, including in the field of energy and e-commerce , are close to becoming operational. one of the most important topics that was raised was the issue of logistics capacity in trade discussions. well, the point that was raised and the documents that
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were there are discussions of e-commerce , buyer-seller platform, holding online meetings between the buyer and the seller, all of which are almost related to the operational side, which is in the field of trade , was held in this meeting, which means that the decision was discussed many of the financial documents that the organization has had in the past year and those that have been approved by the prime ministers were taken. ministers the twelfth period of readiness evaluation of emergency power generators of vital and sensitive centers of the country started at the same time as the non-operational defense week. the thing that started today as actually the information about the work of 211 to our center , we had today in this exercise that
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it came online in the circuit. this training course that we we were going to evaluate their performance , this is a continuous work, it is a continuous work, and now these 21 symbolic ones are today until next year, and in fact , before the beginning of the so-called peak consumption period , we will re-control more than 17 thousand, the reports will be periodically monitored. the head of the non-operating defense organization of the country said that all protected centers should have an emergency zone so as not to cause disruption in services, considering that this year , the law on the formation of the non-operating defense organization guarantees the implementation of the non-operating defense and dealing with those who complain about it. the law provides for article 576 of the islamic penal code was used , so one of our first decrees is the electricity decree regarding the electrical electricity, which the al-qaeda organizations
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are obliged to comply with this law, and those who fail in this field and are recognized , can naturally be followed up with. took legal action. people's referrals to the real estate and housing system increased, according to the adviser to the minister of roads and urban development , the cooperation between the ministry of education and the central bank to complete the information of the real estate and housing system has been good . mr. nowrozi added that this year, with the cooperation of the ministry of education, for the first time, registration in schools from the real estate and accommodation system was completed, until the end of 1401 , there were about 3 million referrals to the system, in the last 7 months alone , we had nearly 4 million new referrals, that is, the whole 3 years before 1401, on the one hand, in the last 7 months, more than 4 million supervisors according to the ceo of the iranian national oil company, the plan to increase pressure.


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