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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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it is as if the cry of amir al-mu'minin ali (peace be upon him) is still in the eternal expanse of history , where are those people who were raised to fight with the enemy and responded with enthusiasm and enthusiasm? stay with us , i will be with you after the news segment at 7 o'clock with the continuation of the program. in the name of god. hello, good morning. the holy shrines of imam attar, peace be upon him, mosques and takiyas in iran and iraq host believers. they were on the first night of ramadan. sahn
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sarai razavi also hosted pilgrims on qadr nights. iranians have the biggest shab al-qadr ceremony in the shrine motahar razavi was held. according to the announcement of the head of the administrative and employment affairs organization of the country , the government offices will start working on the days after the night of qadr on saturday, the 11th of april and on wednesday, the 15th of april. it will be 9 am. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah on friday night, in his speech on the occasion of shab al-qadr, called for the widespread participation of the lebanese people and the muslims of the world in the world quds day. seyyed hassan nasrallah said that this year quds day is coming in completely different and tense conditions, and today those who offer martyrs day and night on this way hope that the presence of muslims will be wider. the secretary all of lebanon's hezbollah added that the people of gaza
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are witnessing all kinds of heinous crimes by the zionist regime these days, including killing, starvation, destruction and displacement, and on the other hand, in other fields, the resistance fighters are resisting and persevering against the occupiers. seyyed hassan nasrallah asked the muslims to pray and fast for the success of the people of palestine, lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen and all those who are exposed to aggressive attacks. they go through difficult circumstances to pray before god. leaders of hamas and palestinian islamic jihad once again on the conditions of resistance in the gaza ceasefire negotiations and also on necessity they emphasized the intensification of resistance in all its forms. at the end of the meeting, ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of hamas , and ziad nakhale, the secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad,
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in tehran, both sides emphasized that the success of any indirect negotiation depends on the cessation of the war in gaza, the complete withdrawal of the zionist occupation from this region, the return of the refugees, the provision of aid to the palestinian people, and the exchange of prisoners. the two palestinian movements support operations of the resistance axis in the fronts of iraq and southern lebanon, which proves the unity of the resistance fronts and that the palestinian people are not alone in confronting the occupying regime and its allies. leaders praised hamas and islamic jihad also appreciated the decisive positions and strategic support of the islamic republic of iran to the resistance and the palestinian people in supporting their national rights . hashte shaabi of iraq continues to help the syrian people, including the residents of aleppo. according to al-alam network, the number of families covered by these aids is more than 300.
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we continue to support the syrian brothers. we have been here since the earthquake in syria. in the holy month of ramadan, we will continue with these supports . tuy continues to provide assistance to the families affected by the earthquake in aleppo and this assistance during the month of ramadan increased to cover thousands of needy families. especially after international organizations cut off their aid to these families. in the back alleys of
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the old neighborhoods of dizd, people break their fast with the help of long tables. these tables have been hosting about 2,000 fasting people during the nights of ramadan. around iftar, the back alleys of a historical neighborhood in yazd, which is known as an anthology for the children of the neighborhood, strive every year to host the fasting people.
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it's really fun to walk in the straw streets under the historical windmills from the same period the people of peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad, one of the manifestations of this kindness is these iftar tables, full of love, full of simplicity and full of purity, which are actually held in the alleys of old neighborhoods . it is really good that this becomes a tradition in in other places , god willing, it will be implemented. yes, blessed are those who, in addition to understanding the sweet moment of breaking the fast
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, understand the sweetness of breaking the fast. in the virtue of breaking the fast, it is enough that hazrat muhammad, peace and blessings of god be upon him, said that whoever breaks the fast is like that. mir tahari of the sed and sima news agency has ordered the construction of more than 10 new vessels domestic collections according to the head of the secretariat of the supreme council of the maritime industry , 13 billion dollars of investment is needed to modernize the marine fleet . a medium-sized cargo ship of 3050 tons is a multi-purpose roro or a 500 vehicle carrier. and dredgers are among the vessels that are going to be built in the country this year. in fact , we have received an order for four ships. the friends of the ships of the islamic republic of iran have done this, and according to the promise we made to our friends, two of these four ships will be delivered before the
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end. we will deliver 1403, god willing, and we will deliver the next two planes 1404 dear ones first march 1402 an in-house aluminum float that is a marine ambulance was built for bomosa island. due to the type of boat body, which is a catamaran , it has more balance and stability than other boats. and it has the ability to perform rescue operations in weather conditions of level 3 and 4. according to marine industry activists , the construction and repair of vessels is one of the most employment-generating industries. there are 2,630 people working in this complex , of course, this capacity can be increased very much . let's employ manpower in this complex that has this infrastructure. thank god that
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it is a project. we have halal bread for our wife and children . may 142, the meeting of the supreme council of marine industries was held for the first time with the presence of the president. and the modernization of the naval fleet was put on the agenda for the modernization of the program that we have estimated according to the approval, to make it zero , the country must build or supply 4 thousand medium and large vessels , which totals 13 billion dollars. with the activation of maritime companies, the general policy of the sea-oriented economy, which oversees the facilitation and development internal investment and participation is implemented . reza safari, radio and television news agency. thank you very much for your companion. have a nice day . god bless you.
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all the angels, all the shias, all come and follow the lord.
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everyone, everyone, come to hai in a prayer, what a glory to god the great, what a prayer, what a glory to god, and the greatness everywhere, the remembrance of mola allahu akbar , fatima has come, the praise of
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god the great. they are the guests of this part of the program. you are very welcome, mr. pomein. greetings i am serving your highness and dear viewers in the name of god subhan, may your obedience and worship be accepted and our dear believing people, i am happy to be at your service . the qur'an exhibition will be held in the presence of our honorable president ayatollah raisi. i hope it will be a good ceremony, god willing. the twenty-ninth period that you mentioned means that this ritual is a little far from the qur'an center and the periods of the qur'an center. yes , it is the thirty-first center. we will hold the 31st, yes of course, due to corona, the exhibition
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has not been held for two years, and also the ritual of honoring the servants of the quran, and basically the ritual of honoring the servants of the quran was formed a few years after the establishment of the quran exhibition, which we are proud to hold the 29th edition of today. the formation of this ritual. what 's up, let's pay tribute to our qur'anic patrons. next, who will be selected and introduced in this tradition and how will they be selected? yes, first of all, i would like to thank you for this good opportunity that you have given us, and since you accepted the invitation, we came to serve you with full pleasure. your presence i agree that it is a theological tradition to honor those who serve the holy qur'an is a divine matter and a religious tradition, and on the other hand, the supreme
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leader said years ago in a statement that in order to protect and cherish the holy quran, it should be kept in front of you . the elders of this field should be honored and appreciated so that they can set a suitable model for the society, well, in different fields. we were also successful in establishing this association in the ministry of culture and islamic development. we formed it, its structure is completely a people's structure , and those who are members of this structure are all servants of the qur'an, by the choice of the servants of the qur'an. the central core or supreme council of the holy quran khadiman association has been formed and since 1993, the association
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has been formed, but with the specific title and name of the khadiman association. we did not have a quran, which was formed in 1993 according to the order of the minister at the time of his honorable deputy. this central core has a detailed structure, regulations and behaviors. it has different disciplines and in the fields of memorizing and reciting the quran, education and artistic management and media subjects, which include there is publication and virtual activities and advertising and promotion. in conclusion, the topic of research is one of our main topics, so far 300 people
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have been selected in the country during these 29 years. approximately 10 people per year, and of course we have many candidates because we call every year to different provinces of cultural centers and quranic centers through the media of your good colleagues, especially in quranic programs , we request people who are equal to the regulations we have to be introduced and various committees are formed to investigate exactly. it is done and people's works are taken and every year different candidates are introduced and about 10 to 12 people are selected from among the candidates. this year, with the kindness of the honorable minister of culture and islamic education and your honorable deputy, dr. firouzian
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, 15 people will be selected in the ministry of culture and islamic education this year, which is a happy place for us , and it will reduce the number of requests and candidates that we have, and it is a very precious day for us. and congratulations , we usually held it earlier than these days, and due to seasonal reasons and the symmetry of the spring of nature and the spring of the qur'an , this program changed a little this year, but thanks to the grace of god and the special love and care of mr. president, fortunately today. it is so detailed that
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it is not possible to explain it here now, but we have five main fields that are missing. for these fields that i have mentioned, we have set indicators, for example, in the field of management, people who have years of experience in planning, managing, and implementing quranic activities and have left important traces of their activities can be included in our candidates' jirga. or assume in the field . it must have been good games and
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produced good series that we had various examples in the country and... and respected calligraphers who have written beautiful qurans. the same goes for those who are qur'an professors are mentioned in the fields of education , in the fields of arbitration, and in the field of media, as well as publishers and those who did media activities to provide good information. we have a selection from all over the country, and considering the size of the population, i would like to say that considering the size of the population , we have the largest number from tehran, then khorasan, razavi,
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qom province, and isfahan. we have tabriz , and then we have other provinces , we have almost all provinces, and out of this number , we lost a dear friend just a few days ago. before we lost mr. hushang batpa, who lived for more than 90 years and had a very blessed life and was in the service of the quran for more than 60 years, and he was in the field of teaching the quran and teaching and learning about 35 of these dear ones, by god's mercy 265 people as servants of the qur'an in five working groups of saman. we have given and we hope that we will be able to hold another public meeting in the near future in order to make more serious decisions in this forum, god willing
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, i wanted to convey this point to you that the people who are introduced as servants of the qur'an and are honored. and they will be honored. later, you will maintain this relationship with them in the association and this relationship will be continuous . the group is chosen by those friends themselves, for example , mr. sarabi, who is the secretary of our association, is in the management working group as the head of this group and i am the secretary of this group, so these five working groups are 10 members of the planning and main members. there are other members. they are introduced as the center group or that field and they cooperate
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. we are called as executive boards. they don't approve people, they don't give final approval , they don't get included in the selection circle, and fortunately , people's attention and professional attention have been paid to this issue. and right now, mr. hosseini , we have more than a thousand candidates that we want to choose, of course , we call every year and we pay attention to receiving reports from all over the country . we are doing this, i am inviting all the dear ones who feel that they have served the holy area of ​​the quran, and maybe it is far from our sight and we have not seen or heard, definitely with the association of quran servants. they can correspond with the ministry of culture and islamic witness and
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they can correspond with the secretariat of the vice-chancellor of the qur'an , call them and send their resumes . we will definitely check and god willing, we will be able to be of service to
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them. the sky is crying, the earth is confused and surprised, i don't know if this is sadness or mourning , that the world has become a place of worship, it is not kufa, the helper of mullah ali, the scheming and the hilts, what did he do to ali's life tonight, cursed scholar ibn muljam.
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the angels of hair and hair are the voice of the intercessors of the supplicants in every altar and door, begging to the right door. do the seas are roaring and the mountains are trembling, and gabriel is crying and mikael is afraid, begging the singing birds of ali's daughter to surround her and her son-in-law.
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he preceded ali on the way to the mihrab and pulpit , as if the time had come for ali and his god to meet, and in this meeting, both of them are eager to see him fight with a sword. the lion of malice and malice beats on the dignity of man and makes the world empty of human honor . zeinab baba haidel's restless mosque tonight. your eyes are close
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, my sky is pouring blood, father haider haider haider haider hey, there was blood on the feet of the altar of kufa, to the god of the kaaba, ali redeemed me like ali in this the world should not be my master like ali in this world . if there is no example of him, if there is no example of him
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. the hatred and envy of the family of iblis will burn towards ali and his children, if the merciful lord in our destiny , god willing, will make mahdi destined to continue our lives. greetings to you , dear viewers, today , a watershed project is scheduled to be used in bahar city of hamedan province, for this reason, in this part of the program, we have a look at the watershed projects that are being pursued in the country, mr. hassan vahid, vice president watershed management and desert affairs of the organization of natural resources and watershed management of the country are our guests, sir , welcome, in the name of allah , the most merciful,
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the most merciful band. during the conversation, we will also communicate with hamedan province, and the officials of hamedan province will also explain about the project that will be implemented in hamedan. it means managing the biological resources of the watershed with an emphasis on preserving soil water and vegetation that ultimately leads to we can achieve sustainability and health in our watershed. what is the impact of the watershed project ? it can have many different effects. one of the most important effects it can have is that we can reduce soil erosion by up to 9 tons in the implementation of the watershed project. it will decrease , it will reach its natural opportunities, and also, well , the production in november is about 530 cubic meters .


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