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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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why is this money going out of the pockets of the government and the people ? our club has income that can be used from these sources, so if they implement it, i will say that they are sick. now there are several important questions . if this law is revived, what should be done to better implement it. whether the implementation of the players' contract ceiling will help to improve the financial situation of the clubs or not? mehdi ali moradi , sadaus news agency. we saw the report together. if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this debate . please watch us on the news channel. thank you.
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well, i want permission to do the program with mr. nasirzadeh let's start and ask mr. nasirzadeh what is the reason for your agreement to set the contract ceiling. in the name of allah, rahman, and rahim, i would like to tell you that, basically, football and football players are very hard sports and football players are under a lot of physical and mental pressure. and right now we are on vacation, very close to the family. contrary to popular opinion, i think that players get very easy money, this is not the case, they work a lot, they suffer a lot of physical injuries , and that's why the money they get is money for their hard work, but there is an important issue. after banks and insurance, the most money is in sports , especially in football, in america, in basketball, and this money that exists in football must
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be managed in some way, and in fact, we want to have a mechanism, we need to have consistency in the clubs. let's say that when the club enters the competition, they enter with a discrepancy. that discrepancy is usually in the sports regulations and in fact, the entrance of the game is the club's entry into the tournament . it comes for me and we are uploading it for afc and we are showing if the year it is possible that these are going to be broken , as we looked at the growth of player prices, we saw that they were saying that we are going to be broken. you see, during the corona era, all the clubs in the world, including the world league , had their prices come down, except for iran , which was apparently one of the limited countries. china, whose prices have gone up , this increase in prices was an alarm for the professional licensing department of fisson football. in
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a meeting, he said, "if it continues like this , the 4002, 403 season that we are in now , the clubs will be completely bankrupt next year, and they say that we will we can't do anything and they find problems , that's why we have to go forward with a work structure , we have to have a series of restrictions to be able to stop these incidents, which led to the creation of a budget ceiling and saying that the clubs that are actually in the league are superior but they are present in asia , the first few charts can spend, for example, 325 billion, other clubs, for example, 270, 80, and then one of them added 10% to that, they said that they need it because they enter asian competitions , they said, spend this much. it doesn't matter who you want to give this money to the expenses of the club are not only 325, you have a flight, you have a hotel, you have a restaurant, you have a lot of expenses for administration. you have a stadium, the competitions
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you have, the percentages you give to the federation, they say that you only spend 325 billion on players, say that this is how much i want to spend on players, and a club, for example, league one, say 150 billion, and you, we want us to spend this money and that's why. don't spend more than this. they wanted everyone to go together . of course, one or two clubs had more expenses . when these things came together, those who gave money to this club said that sir, this money that you give is also a little bit of my book account for which we have to pay back. in the world, usually the organizations organizing the competition have the right to come in and say, sir, let me see your documents, how much did you spend, how much did you earn, how much did you spend, we have not done this until now. they said that you should spend so much that the restrictions you set may be low, but it was good to start with . be healthy
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, what is the reason for your opposition, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings, politeness and respect for the presence of good people my kind and proud land of iran, my condolences . and congratulations on the arrival of the holy month of ramadan and nowruz in the year 143 , i will start the first topic with the condition that mr. nasirzadeh said that 325 for foreigners and 270 for domestics . see, mr. nasirzadeh confused the discussion of the financial threshold with the contract ceiling. the discussion of financial fairplay is a discussion which means that clubs can spend some of it regardless of how much they earn, for example, if a club has 100 billion in revenue
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, it can spend the same amount or 60% or 65% according to the law, which is exactly what happened. it is falling in the europa league, i'm sorry, how long have i been serving you, the incomes are completely clear. the costs are also completely clear and specific, so this is an important issue that is wrongly pointed out. we did not have the foundation before the implementation of the law , that is, we came and implemented a law at once without providing any foundation for it. we were in the late 80s, if you remember. congratulations, when our good brother azizullah mohammadi came to be in the league organization , we implemented this law in almost the same conditions, which due to the fact that the sources of expenditure did not match and the contracts became twofold. the contract was written, and the events of real estate, cars, and black money were exchanged under the table. those contracts
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reached a point where the plan failed completely, and when a plan fails completely , it will usually have an elasticity, that is, because you will repeat the issue. want activity you have to have something new in it, you have to have a new structure in it, you have to prepare the minds completely and that every law that is enacted usually follows two very important points . first, what can be the goals of this law in the short and long term, the second discussion. what is the enforcement guarantee for the implementation of this law now? we implement the executive guarantee, which is the most important pillar of this and this law . the club that the disciplinary committee and
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the appeals committee entered into action, the disciplinary committee voted to deduct the financial penalty points and amend the contract, and after several clubs complained, it was again assigned to the class. disciplinary committee, some of them were upheld and some of them were vetoed, that is, a financial penalty was taken into account and the deduction of points was forgiven and they said that no, it is not like that. the result of the game is determined on the field. i did not understand that the result of the game is determined on the field. what does it mean that the legislator did not understand that the result of the game is determined on the field? what does it mean that a player who has seen tens of billions or hundreds of thousands of dollars or just more than one million dollars has been seen in teams. well, he is making an impact, or a coach who is more expensive is making an impact. well, i mean, when you said to some teams, according to the promise of his highness, whom
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you interviewed some time ago, with this method, some teams are training opponents of some teams, so what happened now? we came to the source. we have introduced finance to the clubs. now, with this inflation and with the things that are happening these days, hotel rates , flight rates, food, clothing, and everything you can imagine , the inflation is so high now, have we considered the financial resources for them? the clubs are on their own. they are going to find financial resources , which team has received the most sponsors, has it received more than 10 billion, no, it cannot be more than 10. remember, i will stop talking at this point, and if there is anything to say, yes, mr. nasirzadeh, please see if we are out of line here at the interface. we don't talk. basically, this example of mr. nekisadeh is related to the past years
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. it was actually a contract page. here we have the budget queue . we are talking. good luck to 3 people. give whatever you want, it means that the club had full authority to give this money to anyone. there was no problem with this feeling at all. another thing is that we are the guarantee of the implementation of this law. well, because it is a law. it was new, in fact, china had followed it because they had followed the chinese contract once seeing them, the price has increased a lot in asia . it was a little bit like our country. they came to say that, well , anyone who does not implement the regulations of the football federation may face fines and other issues such as these crimes that actually exist . these crimes were actually a deterrent to some extent because you saw that many players of a certain club that we will not name were told that you cannot play until you amend this contract. this can prevent the increase in prices, which is also in the club's favor. besides, your
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club is one of the clubs, except for there was a club that did not suffer any damage from this incident , which means that i think that the budget that the transfer committee specified for you was much more than the budget that you were given by the club, which means that you had no problem with this feeling at all. i mean, you could even spend more than that, the example i gave was not for domestic foreigner , it could have been 3225. although i will say once again that we don't have anything to do with hotels, flights, restaurants, etc., except for this story, we only want to spend them to buy players, see, we don't have the income in football that you want. don't worry about it , there are four ways to make money in football. one is selling tickets, which many clubs now sell free of charge for fans to come to the stadium. one is actually selling products . you can buy products. you can sell yourself, in fact, clothes and old clothes, 11 types of goods, hats, calendar keys
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, pillowcases, from your own club, and i can say that manchester has sold 12 million pounds just because of its clothes and another one is a sponsor. look at the advertising billboards in the city. it tells you how the state of the economy is when billboards are empty of product advertisements the economy is not in such a shape that's why we can't get sponsors , we can't sell our products, we can't sell our tickets, we can't sell tv broadcast rights, which i don't know if i say you will invite me next time or this tv broadcast rights is close to 16 thousand billion for the games the independence of persepolis is at least 30 thousand billion in the case of the programs that are produced alongside it, for example this program. in addition to that , it can be produced, it may be one of the incomes of radio and television, and the right
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to broadcast it in the budget of the whole country . this is not the case, by the way, this is the issue that mr. tarmi recently came, mr. parveen came, and coming to the program and taking the lead is a good thing . it means that something new has come, because every new thing is met with resistance. basically, the germans say, do what you know for free. don't give me, are we going to use our information in tv programs, use his face, but not charge any fee for it? well, for the advertisement of the radio, you have to pay for it. for example, in many countries, for example , in germany, you are you are sitting at home saying what tv whether you have it or not, antif says you have to pay 205 euros. we who actually have it at home do this for free, but the income part of tv that we can't hide , we are also part of this collection. you have a very good income, well, i agree, and sada and vasima, yes, its forces are too much, the entertainment department is in
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the hands of sada and vasima, but public entertainment and healthy entertainment are in the hands of sada and vasima, but we are the ones who spend 500,600 billion on players , we send them to the field if you come. play the picture then don't give him a riyal. well, when esteghlal persepolis is under pressure now, for example, esteghlal has debts abroad, it should be solved today. police pressure is the same, and we have 500, 600 billion from the pocket of mr. zuno, for example, and we spend it . we send it to you. earth, you broadcast the same images , see ads, pay a rial, at least i can't be a tool for you to generate income, you don't give me that money, of course, i told you that this is an important topic of discussion, and it is discussed in different dimensions. can i talk to the ministry of sports, what will the ministry of sports do? they are saying that business law clubs are lining up for these issues. they are a completely private collection. that i am working on the field and generating income for you and you give me the right to broadcast tv and lastly sell and play
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the only thing in the country that generates income for the club is to sell and play. it is interesting to tell you that in fact england has 625 million pounds and spain 324 million pounds, only players sold, we are selling players to each other and this player's value has gone up. very high. and this control that actually existed in our country, in line with mr. nakisa's update, please tell me that your club did not suffer much at all, and i told you. your excellency, let me go ahead. you said that you dealt with what , and with whom you dealt with. you said that it was the decision of the disciplinary committee, which included a financial penalty, deduction of points and amendment of the contract . the teams that you are considering now, and
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you have not named them, and i will not name them, how were the contracts obtained, how did you reach a financial tolerance? and how was it dismissed? there was a discussion about establishing a law on the ceiling of contracts or the ceiling that you are saying. see, there is complete discrimination in the speech of his highness, that is , when i come, i will determine the budget ceiling. i may buy a player for 50 billion. i will buy a player for 2 billion from tomorrow. between the players, my price is 50 billion, your price is 2 billion. i need a better place , i need a better car. i will bring my management lowering my risk factors, i will not let the risk factors of our management go up so much that tomorrow it will involve me so much. look, you said that there was a punishment, what kind
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of punishment was there ? it's not in our interest, it's not in our interest, because the rich club, the wealthy club, and the club that comes to use the surplus financial resources , it rubs on the tension of the financial fine of the federation . 50 billion tomans of the federation from two team
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for returning their points deduction to them, i hope no one is upset with me , you see, we came to do a pathology, a law that still does not have an executive identity, it still has no implementation reason, this law has many bucks in it, you see, we did not spend money because we did not have a budget because we didn't have resources, because economically, due to the influence of the country's economy , it will decline or saudi . it has been in the past many years, now and now. see our annual assembly for 19 teams and the club's own administration with about 60-70 personnel. this number has been approved. well, it is clear that in many places, i don't have access to a multi-billion dollar player your analogy is a complete analogy. here, it means discrimination between players worth several tens of billions, perhaps hundreds of billions, with the code of car ownership and the events we are seeing and witnessing. you see, there are doubts in the amendment of the contract when
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a player or coach if he cuts the contract, he will add a syrian amendment to his contract. if he receives 30% or 50 %, he will terminate his contract, right? well, what transparency have we seen in this one-way contract termination and contract modification? still , the amendment of contracts for football fans has not been clarified clearly, so there is a strange paradox. what happened in the votes of the disciplinary committee and the appeals committee when those violations were taken? well, if there is a violation. the honorable president of the federation, the honorable vice president of the federation , mr. qambrarz, how many people were you in that team ? you, mr. noorshaq , mr. khateer, made the law. i would like to ask you , mr. qamberzadeh, that you created an executive guarantee for him, mr. nasirzadeh. the infrastructures
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were not ready. one thing was to point out the implementation guarantee and the violations that have been committed. mr. infrastructure didn't want to pay a certain amount, he said no. spend, don't go too far, why are you saying that? see the prints of a ray sepahan, his place in the table before he came to the disciplinary committee, and then he went to the disciplinary committee. look at the appeal, you see, many of their player's contracts were amended, why do you say it was not amended, why should it be amended, an oath has been taken , no, no, very well, amend it, no, it should not
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be amended, it must be a plurality of points, i tell you the law , look, something new, in fact, you there was a country in relation to the excess of points, this is not the point of deducting points. they don't tell him to go away. we are talking to each other about a topic. besides, you have more dignity as a footballer than me. you were in the national team . you were a footballer. you know that in a position like this , to run a club, you must have money . mr. nakisa, money is the best ceo. irane, yes , everyone who has money says that i am the best ceo. what are these men who have a history of spending championships ? it happened with the money, who did the money belong to the system , that is, this management didn't want you to leave the money, it will go forward, and the players don't have a problem with taking their money, because money is the best ceo. iran, they can become champions, then they will tell
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me that i am a very good ceo, now let him promote me, i want to go to another club , see, so this is the issue that i am telling you , he did not want to put a ceiling on the infrastructure thing, the infrastructure should be infrastructure, i mean infrastructure i think, yes, if we do the following, but we do this, i think that even though every law that is written may have problems, in fact , we should not ignore its positive effects, because its positive effects are that it has brought the price of players down now. from our time to the player now we have said that we should not have 20% . actually, when we come to this issue, there is an option or advantage. for 20%, one of the interesting points is
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that, in the end, football is a western phenomenon , it is not iranian, with iranian thoughts, it is not possible. in fact, he managed it in a certain way , that's why they were forced to control this budget limit . now, the report that fifa has given in team s says that the money for the players until 2022 has increased to almost 65. the control in tms says 65. . the money of the players has gone up . i am saying this because of concern for the club's management, not the issue look, now it's 325, which is 20% to add to four clubs that
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are actually in asian clubs, and this is also a part of bringing up next year, mr. nakisa, if 20% goes again, 20, 40, 302, no one will come to your club. they go there, that is, they all go to the club where they are paying money, that is, you and the fans are together in the morning , naft abadan, esteghlal khuzestan, etc. , all of them are going to be empty . you just did the same thing, mr. nene. what is the argument when you create restrictions, you say here that we it's like we opened the door, dad , what is this program for ? it's to create another limit. we created a limit, a limit that was created in the federation . if this restriction was not created, many players, in fact , the same four teams, four clubs, mr. nasirzadeh
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, would be registered in other countries, houses, cars, passwords, and any other issues that they use as contract amendments, but here as the tabletop can be used. it is used here . this is the perception of other financial matters. you have come to see a difference of 100 billion. you brought it to your work group. between the four teams that participate in the afc champions league and the domestic teams that participate, well, first of all, the number of 100 billion in today's dollars is about , for example, the money of one and a half players who can do the job for you in the afc champions league. that is, if i have one million dollars, you want to give it to an ordinary player to take the job of a coach on the field in the asian champions league community that you have with the country. you are on the side of the persian gulf region, which is very wealthy, very rich, and 100 billion does not have the ability to compete with those numbers. it should have been more.
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it should have been more. there is a legal bug here , no, please allow me to see that every article you write has an introduction, an introduction, a statement of the problem, and finally , a conclusion , a conclusion. i apologize, dear, but see what it is, this is us and the difference may not help you in the asiad clubs league, the asian champions league, but in your domestic league , you are ahead of other clubs by 100 billion, 100 billion, according to the law. a player who is in the league of clubs you use asia, the champion of asia, and you also use it in the domestic league, so there is a strange distinction of superiority in the four teams that have this 100 billion license compared to those clubs that do not have this 100 billion license, so it happens like this. as you look at 130
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and 98, because they have the same budget, they can use a different capacity , they get better players. if they don't succeed, they will succeed in our domestic league . why did they use better quality players ? a limitation that is easy to bypass. and with the delinquent clubs can definitely make many other things happen with money. if the test was a mistake, mr. nasirzadeh, you are a teacher . i have taken advice from you many times in the management space and i have to learn a lot to reach you and other great people like you. if there was an error test in the late 80s and early 90s, this error test should have been removed. the law should
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have come and if today you reopen a case that had a failed executive order, you should definitely consider the methods of identifying and remedying the damage at that time. you took my last chance to see for these 5 minutes, you actually came this year as well to see the same four wealthy , modern and rich teams. you have created a better environment for other teams to become training opponents . now, the only team that can use a double extra capacity, the sailor can use that heroic quota. yes , he gets a good player for free. and how happy i am, i am truly happy from the bottom of my heart for the people of gilan region and the people of anzali, because
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they have a lot of passion and love for their team, and god bless them, may this law be halal for them. how much the law makes my sailors happy because the people of anzali are happy, the people of gilan are happy, but we can't say that because we left , we did the correction. it is given, so if the points are deducted, it will be returned. the billions that were generated from these two teams, so you can see this year , let me give you a number, mr. nasirzadeh, in relation to the recipe for new transfers, you mentioned that this criticism is wrong criticism, it was already done without study last year, when you interviewed. you said that 270 billion tomans were spent in lake , of which 1200 billion tomans belonged to three or
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four players. it's the same now, it's the same now. look at the number that i got. the number that i got was 4500 billion tomans. it was just last year's income . consider that each team spent an average of 250 to 300 billion to the league organization according to the law of two and a half percent. give 5% to the football federation. if there is a women's team , it includes a special legal system. now , i have a different opinion, that is, if there are 16 teams multiplied by let's take 280 billion as a minimum, the average budget floor will amount to 4500 billion , which means the financial turnover of our league this year is about 4500 billion, only contracts, which is two and a half percent.


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