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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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[000:00:24;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, you are accompanying us to the news section at 12 o'clock. 600 people died and 18,479 people were injured in the accidents of the last 18 days. according to sardar momeni, the biggest causes of accidents are fatigue, sleepiness and illegal speed, which accounted for
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about 40% of accidents last year. moon was due to not paying attention to the front, but this year this number has become alarming and has reached 44, that is, 44% of accidents are due to not paying attention to the front, a major part of which is the use of mobile phones, and again, sleep fatigue. pollution is also included, and in terms of the type of accidents on our roads, 30% of our accidents are rollovers, which is again worrying. either the cause of overturning is mainly fatigue and sleepiness, or illegal speed. if our compatriots drive at the permitted speed and do not drive with fatigue and sleepiness, god willing, we can witness good things in the field of accidents. planning to double the optical fiber coverage in the new year, according to the minister of communications and information technology , optical fiber coverage in 1403 to about 14 million
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family. will receive. it was december 1400 when the minister of communications promised to implement the national fiber network development plan by the end of the 13th government. we put fiber to homes or fiber to ftx points on the agenda so that, god willing, we can launch 20 million high-speed ports all over the country. implementation of this project since march 1400 and more than so far. 7 million households are covered, our effort is to double this number by the end of 1403, god willing. currently, 10 communication companies include iran telecommunication company, irancell, rightel, shuttle, fanap, asiatech, hivib, pishgaman, sebant mebinnet are participating in its implementation and each province and city in the country have taken over. the regulatory and radio communications organization also supervises the implementation of this plan
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. if an operator does not fulfill his commitment , those commitments will be taken away and given to another operator. the commitment of 20 million covers in the 13th government is the first step and is foreseen in the 7th plan. by the end of the seventh program , we will have 20 million connections. therefore, the first step in all countries of the world is that the first step is to create a cover , the second step is to convert the covers into connections. implementation of this plan is an increase. the internet speed is stable and the internet load is reduced, and people have been satisfied. the tower is fiber optic and it has been very good since the beginning . we are completely satisfied with its speed. work at manazel for more detailed information on how to cover
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optical fiber to the website at the address of iran. provide them with this service for a month , mostly they only charge the modem fee from the operator from our dear people, who sometimes count with them in installments. mehdi naqvi radio news agency. the 10th flag honoring event was held simultaneously with the 12th of farvard, the islamic republic day, in the tourist area of ​​abbas abad , tehran. in this event, dozens of foreign ambassadors and guests from different countries were present. 46 meters is equivalent to 124
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square meters in the area of ​​jan shirin , the enemy likes you to the left of banggard, when will i leave ? palestine supporters in different countries have always demonstrated in palestine on the occasion of earth day in support of the gaza strip. the 3rd of march
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is called earth day in the palestinian calendar. for decades. but in germany, the german police attacked pro-palestinian activists who had come to berlin rahen station to declare their support for the people of gaza, and
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we arrested a number of them. in washington, supporters of palestine condemned the continuation of american aid to the zionist regime. the city in south maghreb witnessed massive demonstrations in support of the palestinian people. maghreb security forces confronted the demonstrators and suppressed them. thousands of jordanians chanted the slogan of labik or aqsa to stop the aggression of the zionists . thank you very much for your support.
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have a nice day, god bless you in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, the light. in the name of god, god is great. god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger
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of god . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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hai ali al falah hai ali al falah hai ali khair al-alam hai or ali khair al-alam allah is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god
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, there is no god but god. o allah, open for me the doors of paradise and create doors for me in it, and make me successful in reading the qur'an
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or the abode of al-sukina in the hearts of the believers. raise your shoulders, the first page of the first row serving the people is your stronghold, your stronghold is this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , you are the eyes of a martyr, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. peace be upon you, my dear compatriots. welcome to the home page.
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i offer my condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, and god willing , may all believers and muslims be accepted by god in the nights of great obedience, worship, and secret and need. tonight we have a party from the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran , mr. dr. kolivand raees. jamiat jamiat hilal hamar is one of the institutions that, although it has a national function , has international influences and is an international institution it is considered that wherever there is an unexpected natural or unnatural accident or where help is needed, the forces of the red crescent society are present. from
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the roads to arba'in, from the floods in the flooded areas to the places where god has made an earthquake, and people need help. welcome to the front page program, dr. klivand. in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to you and all my dear compatriots. i offer my condolences for the days of mourning for the amir al-mu'minin , peace be upon him, and one of the manifestations that happened in the last days of last year was the flood of sistan baluchistan. what happened in this flood and what did the red crescent community do and we will talk later.
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where was the crowd more serious last year? well, yes, last year we witnessed a flood in sistan baluchistan province, in chabahar and its surrounding cities. to be fair, i must first thank the meteorological organization for the messages it sends out on time and the things we need to do based on we are preparing this and a special thanks to the crisis management organization and dear dr. nami, who almost managed to create a single management in times of crisis and the rest. the authorities should help in the flood of sistan baluchistan. well , it started almost two days before the elections, and i
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was serving the honorable representative of their city, mr. saeedi, and we immediately started helping from that moment, sending and having the presence of red crescent forces in the field. boss. the services that needed to be provided were provided, and our honorable secretary general was sent to the region, the head of our air operations was present in the region, and we started providing aid from several axes . both heart and mind and the cooperation they are doing with us, we started to provide services by land with the good and strong cars we had and the ambulances we had, we were able to provide services by boat and by air with helicopters. their access to the main areas of the city
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was lost, some money was destroyed , some roads were closed, electricity was cut off, water was cut off, and the rest of the devices were fairly good. the work was done very quickly, the electricity was connected , the water supply operation was done very quickly by the honorable minister of energy and our colleague dr. we have a report about we can see this unity among all the relief forces in the flooded area, then we will talk about one or two issues about this issue first. last month, the flood engulfed the south of sistan-baluchistan province, my house was here, and 889 villages were surrounded by the flood. we have been in the water for four or five days, until we arrived at home in lai. red crescent rescuers
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started the aid operation from the very first moments , my fellow countrymen, we are with you, you are not alone, we are red crescent rescuers, brothers and sisters of sistan. we will not leave balochistan alone, aid workers and the rescuers of the five provinces of sistan and baluchistan were also sent to provide assistance. 794 people were helped in the form of 1704 households . 658 people were also accommodated in the form of 1456 households. also, 12 people were injured in floods and waterlogging. who were rescued with the help of rescuers. among these dear ones, there was an accident, 1,446 relief tents were also explained, and 17,145 judicial and livelihood baskets are being provided to the flood-affected areas by
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the red crescent society with the help of donors. delivery due to multiplicity. the events that happen in the country every year, all the institutions have reached a maturity of cooperation in such a way that from the ministry of interior , crisis management, army, basij corps, even the benefactors of the red crescent society and other organizations that may not send troops there themselves, and help others. what has happened to the body that we are witnessing that as soon as an event or an incident occurs , everyone unites to solve that crisis. yes , it is true, you have given the right message, hazrat ali , we have regular meetings before the incidents. these meetings have many pathologies
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we talked together and tried to prevent the past injuries from happening again, for example in this incident. or sardar hajizadeh is fully prepared to provide assistance, mr. dr. dehghan had given orders to the alavi foundation that you can provide any assistance you want through the halal red crescent society and many jihadist groups and charities. we will also come next to the red crescent , we will be next to the red crescent, this synergy. it made a lot of expenses not wasted and it was effective, it was effective and honestly it was managed very well. and for jihadi groups, for benefactors, for all
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those who want to help, this has been recognized and accepted. this shows that a very great social capital has been created for the red crescent community. it means that people trust, this trust is earned and trust for example, a charitable gentleman named mr. rezazadeh came and donated 22 shops to the red crescent. it would cost around 700 billion tomans. your reporter asked him why mr. rezazeh is doing this. he said, "when i monitor the red crescent news, i look at it with performance , which is accompanied and true, so the decision has been made." i asked him to help the red crescent and i didn't have any eyes. we asked him to come and tell the people to follow this in the help that can be given in crises. in fairness, this is how we try to be an intermediary between power. the able-bodied and the needs of the needy, whatever the people intend and say to help, we will do it in the same way and very quickly, well, very good measures are also done
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, there are very good capacities in the red crescent, there are very good volunteer forces, mr. dr. ma now we have 3 million volunteers, these 3 million are from all walks of life i know, there are students, there are engineers, there are doctors, there are all kinds of expertise in this volunteer group, there are 140,000 of us. they are elite people who help us in such matters, they know that they are men , they know that they are men and they are willing to help , they are even willing to stay in the field for a week and sometimes up to a month, and they serve us in sistan baluchistan until their condition is stable, they leave the people alone. we didn't let it go and we did so many aid measures that the people of pakistan helped them , our own people gave aid to the pakistanis in rome, if you have a blessed memory. okay, in pakistan, about 50 people have lost their lives it is our border and our people, despite
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the fact that aid was provided to themselves, have the courage to help their neighbors across the border and they express it very easily, and this courage and brotherhood is very valuable, it means that the aid is good aid is being done, it is being done well, although the region needs serious help, the poor need to be helped more economically, but in the issues that happen like floods and earthquakes, we are mostly looking for emergency solutions so that their conditions become stable and they return to themselves and that create their own normal conditions and do this for them sistan belichistan , we did it with the efforts of all the dear ones and with the help of all the devices , and we had a very good satisfaction from their dear people . last
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year, there was the arbaeen debate, which had a serious presence both inside the country and across the borders on the march route and from the border to the intersections of the red crescent community. as far as the western and southwestern borders, we have covered the transportation axes, as well as our presence in the direction of the relief of najad, the aid that is for the health issue and there are many services that the red crescent society should provide , especially for housing the loved ones who love hazrat abu abdeh and who want to cross the country from neighboring countries and help them . we know and helped both our dear people who are transported by car
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and loved ones who are transported by air , but in iraq, our main work was in iraq because inside the country, well, all the devices are there and they work well, alhamdulillah. they are working very well inside iraq iraq hashd shaabi red crescent and the people's forces that help in iraq in erbin , we had detailed meetings with these dear ones, and therefore, this year , that is, the past arbaeen , we did many more valuable and effective activities than the previous arbaeen. synergy should be created and our expenses should be kept better than the zero point of our border. we camped there, that is, at the point where iraqi territory begins, we camped there and established health and rescue stations
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. may it be sent to najaf from your service as chabadah to najaf from mehran we tried to reach najaf from the northern borders to najaf, almost every 100 kilometers we set up a rescue station, we set up a health center, now we cover these routes either with an ambulance bus or with nejad vehicles or with our own ambulance, and even the places where there were accidents with the iraqi police. and especially with the cooperation of the ministry of interior of iraq , we were trying to strengthen that axis to prevent traffic accidents in the city of najaf itself, in addition to the imam hospital, which belongs to the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran, and the clinics that are regularly during the year , we have held many therapeutic processions and iraqi hospitals one of the very good things that was done this year with the iraqi ministry of health is that our wounded can be
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operated on in iraqi hospitals, and the minister of health will help them. alhamdulillah, iraq accepted both in karbala and najaf . we had about 4,500 medical teams with me. i had a medical group with me, all of whom were volunteers without a koran . until karbala, we had 32 health centers , we had 4 hospitals, 4 hospitals on the way from najaf to karbala, one of our hospitals got sick. there is a field that is established there by the executive headquarters of the order of the imam, and it is a very excellent structure in terms of medical and hospital equipment . shahid abu mahdi hospital is an engineer . there is an operational hospital. there is a heydarieh hospital. only four additional hospitals on top of the 30- odd procession we had in the city of karbala, as well as
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the hospitals that were given to us and our troops there. to settle there , we did whatever was necessary, it was not like saying , for example, this is not our duty, this is our duty. for example, it is another device, and this caused a very, very effective move to be made, and almost two months ago, we had a meeting in iraq, and we appreciated the iraqi workers who helped us during arbaeen . this was the first time this happened. their spirit will be much higher, this spirit of cooperation will be much better and we will have more detailed planning for our future arbaeen , so that god willing, we will be able to provide a good service in the matter of health care and especially environmental health, the management of infectious diseases, the help provided by the iraqi ministry of health. it was to the forces we were issued an iraqi id card and in all the processions we supervised the preparation
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of food and the observance of health issues because we did not have a history of infectious diseases this year and the processionists also. they listen to our supervisors and also to the words of the health advisors on the management of communicable diseases. this is remarkable, and these cooperations , these sympathies, ensure the health of the pilgrims . the salary we received was the prayers of the pilgrims. last year, there was also an earthquake in west azerbaijan. and also the discussion of the terrorist explosion that happened in kerman because wherever an incident happens, the red crescent forces are also present. i remember these two , and besides these, what did jamiat
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hilal ahmad do in these cases ? look now. ahmad. there is a peace of mind with the people. for dear people, see for example, regarding the tragic incident on the anniversary of the martyrdom of our dear martyr soleimani , two of our young volunteers were martyred , two young people who were really like a bouquet of flowers, one mr. mahani, who was one of those who arbaeen hosseini come to do electrical work. the facilities of the processions or the martyr of ms. mukarmeh hosseini, for example, the suitor went to her the night before


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