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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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first, sunnis say that between the men of ali and the women of fatimah, the holy prophet did not love two people, not only because of the family relationship, but they were other sons-in-law , other cousins, this is another interpretation. excellency. muhammad bin abu bakr, who is the son of abu bakr, the first caliph, yes, and he is one of the special shiites of ali bin abi taleba, you know that in the war of jamal , muhammad bin abu bakr and his brother were on the side of ali, their sister ayesha was on the other side, that is, the brother of the side against the sister of that side, how many times muhammad bin abu bakr is the brother of ayesha he goes to negotiate with them, for example
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if there is no war, then they will be defeated , amir al-mu'minin says to take aisha with respect, and even though this was not right , he has a letter after a long time, muhammad son of abu bakr, muhammad bin abu bakr, to muawiyah, do you know about ali? muawiyah and omar asas are martyred in egypt and the body of muhammad son of abu bakr is buried in the skin. he says to muawiya, who are you fighting with , who did you stand in front of? see, muhammad, the son of abu bakr khalifa i , has written a letter to muawiya. in defense of ali, this
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is in sunni sources, he says, "don't you know who doesn't know that ali was the first person to tell the prophet he believed. who does not know that the prophet was his first candidate and candidate in all important affairs. who does not know that no one sacrificed as much for the prophet as ali. muhammad abu bakr says to muawiyah, who does not know that in the most difficult and frightening ali's condition was that he sacrificed himself to the prophet, when everyone was afraid or doubted, ali was neither afraid nor hesitant. ali had no equal. now it has come to a point where you, mu'awiyah , have brought yourself to ali's side, and you are standing in ali's view.
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in front of ali, then he enumerates the virtues of amir al-mu'minin, ali bin abi talib, that ali is this this is scientifically, practically, morally, the record of courage , spirituality, later muhammad abu bakr says to muawiyah, this is ali, but you and your father are both cursed , you were cursed by god and his prophet, he says to muawiyah, you and your father wanted abu sufyan. always lower the flag of islam and extinguish the light of the holy prophet. you always wanted to light the flames of war . raise the fuse and lower the light of god. your father died at this time. your father abu sufyan died even though he apparently said he was a muslim. he was not a muslim. this is what muhammad bin abi bakr says to muawiya, and now we are continuing in your father's line, you are like him and this is a witness. those who surrounded you against ali
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, which one of these are really religious ? where did they take the test? they always pretend to be muslims . it is a simple thing, but in practice they are not . those who surrounded you are now removing the flag of islam and the tradition of the prophet. surrounding you are the remnants of the same parties who fought with the prophet before, these are the remnants of his leaders. you hypocrites, your front is pretending to be islam , you came with islamic poets to the war of pure islam, who is called muawiyah, but the evidence of ali's dignity is greater than his virtues, his companions and disciples, are you a supporter? if we compare ali and kiya with the power of these people , it will become clear who you are, who they are , another statement in another interpretation. abu hurairah abu hurairah
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does not have a good relationship with amir al-mu'minin and abu hurairah does not accept speaking against him. he says that the tradition narrates that mu'az bin jabal and some of the prophet's companions looked at ali a lot. whenever they came to the mosque , he was opposite to ali. why do they look at ali so much for a while? i asked moaz why all this is so much ali is looking at you as if you are seeing him for the first time . you and so-and-so are looking at each other as if you have never seen ali before. why did he say that because the holy prophet
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said so many times in our presence that looking at ali's face is worship to anyone who wants to? may god be close to god, look at ali , that is, ali is your role model, look at him , learn the way of servitude. the great sunni commentator says that the companions used to say that whenever ali came, it was the time of the prophet when he was young. for how many years, 30 years old, the people were those who had just arrived and the others were not on their own, everyone liked to look at him , he was very bright, he was desirable, his manners, his behavior
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were lovely. do you like him? it is said in the sources that when he came, many people would say "there is no god but god". how bright this young man is, how demanding , how high his status is, how patient and strong , how bright and how brave he is, don't be afraid, and they say that everyone who sees ali, willfully or unwillingly, remembers god. when we saw ali, we wanted to be good people. we had a friend who was martyred. he was younger than us. whenever we saw him, for example, on the front or in mashhad, he would come to this point , so we would put our hands together, that is, because he was a moral and good person, we also became very polite and moral people. at the bottom, but it wasn't like that
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, every time , for example, we used to doze and talk to each other. when you remember god, you remember morality, you remember humanity, and it says that wherever ali comes, you remember to love him. good traits are mentioned in many narrations in hakeem neshaburi, mostadrak haythami, majma ibn hajar, al-asabah, and many other sources. i would like to say that in another interpretation, mr. tirmidhi from the sunnis, from the authentic sources of the sunnis, tirmidhi narrates that on the day of taif, jabir said that we all the companions of the prophet ali were sitting, always waiting for ali
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, where is he, when will he come, and ali's voice was coming. he used to come to the prophet and he would talk to the prophet privately with ali other than the conversations with ali and whisper quietly. some of the companions said that how much the prophet whispers to ali, what do they say to each other, prophet? saying that it is not only me who whispers to ali , god also whispers to ali, god in my narration also tells us from amir that god can whisper to you all if the flesh of your soul's ears is awake , whether it is open or not. god is talking to you through your intellect, understanding and nature, you don't hear yourself, you don't want to hear the prophet in the sources of the sunnis, they say, "why is the prophet whispering to ali?" umar bin khattab, his excellency umar
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, the second caliph, this is in sahih tirmidhi , it is in kanz al-umal. various sources of mr. ahmed hanbal, that these are all women, and as you can see, omar ibn khattab quotes another example from the prophet , he says that the holy prophet said, and i myself have heard from the prophet several times that no one has gathered all the virtues in him like ali, that is, some of you are
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the prophet. to say this about ali and anyone who looks at ali can be sure that he will not lose his way, so look at this from ayesha to omar until when in sunni sources , look at ali and about ali ahmad. hanbal ismail bin ishaq and others say hadiths about virtues. ali narrated from the prophet about no one the other one is not mentioned, which means that among the companions of the prophet , there is only ali whom everyone accepts, that is , there is no islamic religion that does not accept ali. the rest of the companions are different. the famous interpretation of the prophet saying that i
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will put two weights between you until the anchor of saqqal, yes, these two will not be separated . well, some brothers who are not shia say that the prophet said my book and my sunnah. because the tradition of saying the tradition of the perfumed hand in the future.
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or they think that imams are equal to prophets the prophet and the imams are at the same time, there are nine imams at their head, ali, who says, "i am a servant of muhammad's servants, i am his disciple, i am proud. this is ali and fatimah, the disciples of the prophet. now i am thinking about that inner spiritual guardianship. tonight , if there was another time, i would not have the opportunity." minutes
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according to sunni sources, whoever does not have friendship with fatimah, hasan, and hussein is not a muslim. anyone who has hatred for ali, fatimah, hassan, and hussein is not a muslim. this is in sunni sources. one of the signs of faith in god and his messenger is the love of ali, fatima, and hasnia. therefore, these wahhabis are not ahl al-bayt , especially nasbiya, the new wahhabis, not all wahhabis. not all of them are part of the wahhabis, some part of the wahhabis are takfiris, yes, even the takfiris are not even nasibis, they are like this, that is, we have those who consider the shia of rome to be deviant and infidels, but they love ali, fatimah, hassan, and hussain, so they are still deviant. the names of the 12 shiite imams
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are still written around the lives of the masjid al-nabi above . in general, the ottomans, who had a fight with these wahhabis , even the wahhabis did not destroy them in the end. what is the interpretation? shia and sunni say that we all agree that the prophet saying what ali says, angel means if there is a difference, who is the prophet, what is their opinion , what is the meaning of this verse in the qur'an, shia and sunni, a hadith that is quoted for everyone to see what ali says, and
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it is in mustadrak al-hakim and in other sources, and the last thing i will say is ibn hajar naqal either from ibn abbas, who used the word shia as shia ali, some people think that they made it after ghadir, for example, or now some who are more ignorant say that the word came from the safavid era, such and such, or albuyeh, not that we have this word shia ali in shia and sunni traditions. the prophet himself is like the one who is the light of my pulpit and shia ali.
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the prophet said that ali is your enemy in the presence of god on the day of resurrection. and whoever comes with his neck will fall into hell and hell, that is, sunni sources say that anyone who speaks against ali and is an enemy of ali, whether he is at this time or until now, and forever, shia and sunni sources say that this is hell, it is the wrath of god, and the prophet said ibn hajar ibn abbas narrates that when the prophet came to the seventh verse of surah al-baynah, he said, "what is the good of al-bariah, or what is the evil of al-bariyya?" who are the best and worst people? the prophet said that this verse came about ali, that the measure of the best and worst people is the scale, and that is ali's scale. anyone who is with ali is against anyone on this page ali and ali's enemy are you in this issue, so which muslim is your enemy? some muslims may not know the virtues of ali
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, they may not accept this, but ali is not an enemy of anyone of any age, they are not sunnis. the prophet said to ali, the meaning of this verse, which says that the best good of al-bariyyah, you and your shia, are those who follow you after me or before . ibn asaker narrates from the prophet that there is a spring in heaven, that what and what and what kind of attributes does it have after saying that there is a flower in that spring that i mean the prophet and my family were created from that flower means that our substance is from there. when we entered the world later the prophet said, "our shiites are also those who are truly followers of mine, who claim to be shiites in their birth certificates. shia means truly followers of us. they are also created from the same flower . those who live and die like us, they are also like us."
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this is the fault of zamakhshli, the great commentator of the sunnis, the prophet once said to ali, "whoever will cling to me on the day of resurrection, under the grace of god , then you will cling to me . my hand is in god's lap. ali's hand is in my lap. the hands of your children are in the ahlul bayt." your lap is the hands of the shiites and my followers ahl al-bayt. it is ahl al-bayt and you will see that where will god take us together on the day of resurrection , and this shia definitely does not mean the birth certificate, those who follow islam and cross this line, here are the sources, friends, they can believe that both faith and good deeds are in every nation, what are the sources now
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, so ali mal is human one ali is the property of all muslims, all muslims agree with the difference in degrees of these two discussions that we briefly discussed that night and tonight. yes, thank you very much, sir. with your permission, a verse by ibn ab al-hadid also came to my mind, he says that my religion is ``itza'', but every i love someone who is your shia, now it's interesting this wahhabi trend, every sunni scholar who talks like this, they say that they are not sunnis, shia. it is very interesting . yes, thank you very much, mr. rahimpour, for accepting our invitation
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. god willing, we will also use your presence tomorrow night. for the imam , for the martyrs, for our rights, our teachers, for all those who are god's guardians, for our teachers, for our father , our martyred brother, and all those who have rights for us and you, may god bless you, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, for watching this conversation. thank you.
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we thank the special reporter for presenting the report . six months have passed since israel's attack on gaza , the number of martyrs has reached more than 32 thousand, most of whom are women and children. thousands of people have also been injured in these attacks. it uses people as a tactic and prevents people from accessing humanitarian aid. we cannot be silent on this matter. the international community must rise above the double standards and put an end to the genocide perpetrated by the israeli war machine. gulf cooperation council member states. fars any justification to continue they rejected israeli aggression. we ask the international community to
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take all measures to end this war and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions. we appreciate the efforts of the special rapporteur in documenting the crimes and violations committed by the occupying israeli regime. we condemn any attempt to prevent his actions and ask him to continue his mission . thank you. pakistan thanks the special rapporteur for submitting a proper report and reiterates its support for his mission. despite the challenges very exhausting, the special reporter was able to demonstrate professional integrity. show acceptance to document the crimes that are committed against the besieged palestinians. like the special rapporteur, we are also concerned about the crimes that
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are a clear violation of international law in the palestinian territories and are associated with the masonization of the occupying forces. the events of the last few months revealed the extent of the commitment of many countries to the so-called rules-based international order. selective approach and partiality. it has been shown by some governments to support israel's colonial projects in parallel with this it has allowed him to continue his racist policy and commit any crime without fear of accountability. the ominous announcements by israeli leaders about a possible attack on rafah should shake our collective human conscience, and the international community should do everything in its power to prevent this from happening. use. pakistan condemns the continuous violation of international law by israeli occupying forces and extremist settlers in the occupied west bank. the racist
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regime has unleashed terror against the defenseless palestinian people, which has resulted in the deaths of innocent people their injury has resulted. we repeat our request in several sections. establishing an immediate ceasefire and ending hostilities. implementation of actions.
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palestinians must be held accountable. impunity must end. justice must be done. we look forward to speedy progress in the proceedings of this matter at the international court of justice and the international criminal court. and in the meantime , we want the full implementation of the temporary measures considered by the court. resolution 27. the 8th united nations security council is a positive step, but it must be fully implemented, especially by the occupying power of israel. furthermore, we still need a permanent ceasefire to end the atrocities and pave the way for a political solution. the international community is legally, politically and morally obliged to
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adopt a united position for this purpose. an independent and unified palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital is the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace in the middle east. in the end, we reiterate that attention should be paid to the special reporter of the research commission. and the staff of the office of the special representative should have the possibility of access for the purpose of monitoring documents and researching about everyone have crimes committed in palestine and against palestinians, including reports of torture and rape of palestinian women prisoners, which are mentioned in the statements of special reporters.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah , peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten the viewers. hello , welcome to this news section. the holy shrines of the athar imams, mosques, and takaya across the country hosted mourners and celebrants at the same time as the second night of qadr and the night of martyrdom of maul al-muhaddin, peace be upon him. at the same time as the martyrdom of imam (peace be upon him), his shrine in najaf ashraf also hosts pilgrims and mourners from iraq and other countries.


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