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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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he was trampled and he himself was martyred by the occupiers. today, more than 30 rockets were fired from southern lebanon towards al-jalil in the north of the occupied territories. after these attacks, alarm bells were sounded in this area several times in a row. the islamic resistance of iraq also announced a drone attack on haifa airport in the occupied territories and announced that this attack was carried out in response to the crimes of the zionist regime. also, local sources reported the occurrence of an explosion near one of the power transmission lines of the zionist regime in the east of qalqilya. the zionist media's involvement in the deliberate killing of the people of gaza, the zionist newspaper harithas in response to the targeting of seven members of an aid organization in the gaza strip, he wrote that palestinians have been targeted several times before.
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politico magazine also quoted an american official as reporting that the israeli attack on foreign aid workers in the gaza strip was intentional. this american official , stating that the attack was carried out with three bombs , is skeptical of any attempt to hold israel accountable for this incident. the european union also condemned the crime of the zionist regime in targeting the members of an aid organization in the gaza strip and killing them. he described the horrific attack two days ago the occupying regime of quds killed the aid workers of this non -governmental organization. seven aid workers from australia, america, canada , palestine, poland and england were killed. referring to the british government's support for the zionist regime, civil activists evaluate london's actions as a show to reduce internal pressures. australia, in response to
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the death of one of its citizens in this attack, had warned the ambassador of the zionist regime. some sources in ebrizaban report the occurrence of a massive explosion in the occupied territories of palestine. it is said that this explosion in one of the power transmission lines of the occupying regime happened near the west bank. in some zionist settlements, including kisofim, there are alarm bells. the spy camera equipment of the occupying forces was destroyed along the border strip between lebanon and occupied palestine. i will go with my colleague who is stationed at the border of lebanon with occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh. hizbollah has had several operations so far and specifically this one.
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targeted spy equipment. mrs. hosseini, dear viewers. hello, have a good time. hezbollah in lebanon in the last 6 months in more than 300 operations, camera and the spying equipment of the zionist military in the bases , barracks and different areas along the 100 km strip of the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. at least one thousand cameras and spying equipment of the zionist military have been completely destroyed during these 300 operations after hezbollah targeted the spy cameras of the zionist military in their bases and border barracks and destroyed the cameras of the zionist military. their own spying on the high mountains in different border areas in the southwest. west and south-eastern lebanon
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deploying hezbollah again using rockets its own guided missiles, its first generation cornets , targeted and destroyed most of these spy cameras, and also hezbollah used its own guided missiles to target the zionist military's spy and radar systems, which at the same time moving towards the target until the moment of the attack, the images are also published . hezbollah once targeted the dome of the radar system of the jalal al-alam base, the largest base of the zionist military in the border strip and the northwest of the occupied territories, and also once the radar system of the base. sea on the coast of the mediterranean sea hezbollah targeted the north of the occupied territories with its own missiles. hezbollah has issued two statements since this morning. in
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iran time , it targeted a gathering of zionist soldiers in rahab base, also at 9:50 local time. 10-20 minutes iran time , the new command headquarters and the series of zionist soldiers behind branit barracks have been targeted by hezbollah with its own missiles , and the zionist regime's artillery has been firing phosphorous bombs at ramieh and ita shaab since this morning. southwest lebanon has had attacks. thank you very much, sir azimzadeh, a reporter of sed and sima news agency, on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. thousands of jordanians protested the crimes of this regime in gaza by besieging the embassy of the zionist regime in amman for the tenth night in a row. the jordanian demonstrators chanted slogans in
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support of the fighters of the qassam battalions and asked the palestinian people to continue resisting the zionist enemy. demonstrators. they also demanded the cancellation of all agreements between jordan and the zionist regime. supporters of palestine gathered in front of the white house to demand an end to the siege of gaza. this gathering coincides with the invitation of the president of the united states of america some arab, muslim and american personalities were held for the iftar ceremony. condemning the crimes committed by the zionist regime in the gaza strip, the participants of this rally declared: the words and actions of the american government regarding the gaza war are not honest. last night , biden invited some of these personalities to the white house iftar party, but they left the party in protest of america's support for the zionist regime's crimes in palestine. these figures said they could not
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attend such a ceremony while people were being killed in gaza . a group of activists and supporters. palestine vs the national organization of health services in england held a rally against the zionist regime. the participants in this rally chanted the slogan of the freedom of palestine. the demonstrators also demanded the cancellation of this organization's contract with the palantir company, which provides advanced technology to the israeli army. michael rorab, a retired american soldier who
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had supported the popular resistance of hamas in a demonstration in england, was arrested and sentenced to pay a fine. the independent newspaper wrote that this 77 -year-old retired soldier 6 months ago. along with about 500 other people in the demonstration in favor of palestine and hamas against the municipality of sheffield, england, was sentenced to pay a fine of 2,300 pounds. this former us army pilot held a placard in his hand at an anti-zionist demonstration in london that read , "stand by hamas, destroy israel , and palestine must be freed." the president
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cited the statistics presented on nowruz trips and the use of more than 8 million people in different public transport sectors as promising and signs of social vitality. to serve people better in this meeting, some of the government delegation presented a report on the actions taken in their field of work. report of the minister of roads and urban development on nowruz trips. more than 5,800,000 people use the road network, and about one and a half million people use the rail network . now, these are all from people who go and return, in some places it is a single trip. more than 2 million 960 thousand air trips were made. all the problems we have, making 25,000 flights in the country's airport networks, is not a small incident that happened in the maritime sector in these 20 days of nowruz. it was a very good thing, nearly 6 million cruises. in the continuation of this meeting, the minister of economic affairs and finance also
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presented a report on the amount of foreign and domestic debt of the government compared to other countries. we have an index called the debt-to-gdi ratio of each country. in some countries, this is very low, for example , in the case of kuwait, afghanistan, and turkmenistan, and these are below 78 of their debt-to-total gdi ratio for some countries. this number is also very high, for example, in the case of italy it is 145, which means that their ratio is higher than the total gdp. you saw the debt of our country, so what are the bonds that the government publishes as borrowings , what are the other debts of the government, our new debt collection , the government and the state companies, i said here , my colleagues should calculate and compare, our number
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is 29 percent and the level it is not too high. the governor of the central bank also presented a report on the favorable control of liquidity growth in the government . the report of the mayor of tehran on the amount of green space created in the last two and a half years is another part of the board meeting it was the government, as mr. zakani said , tehran's green space has increased more than 12 times after the revolution. razi momeni of sed and sima news agency, the oil minister said that in the new year of 2015, refueling operations will be done only with a personal fuel card. mr. oji said that this action
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is in accordance with the law. the budget for the new year will be implemented and more details will be announced in this regard. according to the minister of oil, the decision to increase the price of gasoline is not an issue and the government uses non-price methods to reduce fuel consumption , including making it mandatory to use a personal fuel card . using khodrova fuel card in 2015 according to the legal and correct duty, the lawmaker has correctly recognized that in order to manage the consumption of gasoline, god willing , dear compatriots , take this point seriously in the new year and refuel with the car's fuel card, as it was reported in the news, the oil minister said. in the coming weeks, with the aim of fuel consumption management, refueling will be done only with a personal fuel card. to find out more details about this news, i will talk to
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the ceo of iran's national petroleum refining and distribution company, mr. sali nasib. greetings to you. when the platform for the implementation of this decision will be provided, salaam alaikum greetings to you and dear compatriots, as the honorable minister of oil emphasized that the use of a personal card is mandatory, we have had this duty since 1402 according to the law, and it has been fully informed that dear people should use a personal card. farhande was also completed, the necessary cards were prepared, issued, produced and sent. therefore , it is necessary that the legislator obliges the government and the ministry of petroleum to accept the 90-95% explanation of fuel based on the personal card according to the law. of course, we still have a limited number of emergency cards. we will have places for those who have cards it hasn't arrived, or
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they may have problems accessing the card, but this requirement is 90 to 95 legal. and cima through the media that dear people must go to the supply channels with their personal card to get their fuel. and this farhan, the preparations have been prepared , the card is being prepared, of course, we have a close cooperation with faraja in order to produce the fuel card within a week and deliver it to the dear people. thank you very much, mr. salari nasib, the ceo of iran's national petroleum refining and distribution company, sistan-baluchistan province, padideh tourism, became the minister of heritage this year. by announcing this news, the ministry of culture, tourism and handicrafts
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announced the number of visits to historical sites and cultural heritage buildings by 6 million people until the 13th of april. sistan baluchistan is truly a province with a 14% growth in traffic and 128% growth in accommodation while road casualties have decreased by 40%. one point that stands out is that this year , due to the coincidence with the holy month, especially at the beginning, we had a decrease in travel, which the further we went to increase. we will sum up the final statistics of travelers and tourists at the end of the holy month with regard to those three days specially for eid al-fitr and announce our latest statistics regarding visits to historical sites and
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cultural heritage buildings. by the end of april 13, there were 6 million people. the biggest night of qadr gathering with the presence of pilgrims took place in the razavi shrine, at the same time as the third and last night of qadr
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in ramadan this year, the biggest event of the nights of qadr. on this night of qadr, we ask god to solve all the problems of these muslims and solve the problems of the people of gaza. either i am the fate or i am the destiny.
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palestine and congregational prayer in al-aqsa mosque almighty god wants the destiny of all of us to be written well. muhammad olin.
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the head of the broadcasting organization met with a group of artists. in this meeting, peyman jabali
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considered the artists to be the owners of the broadcasting organization and helpers of a new era of transformation in the national media. in the field of culture, you took your honor in the palm of your hand. talks that were openly discussed. you have a script crisis. we strongly disagree, not on tv, but everywhere, if you produce the most important content , if it is not entertaining, no one will see it and it will not have an impact, and the headlines that are accurately expressed , if we are going to have something to say to our society. the best place to come and work is the islamic republic of iran tv, a nowruz ramadan visit full of words. i really want to say a special thank you to mr. jabali, because i was involved in the land for 15 years.
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please support the women who want to enter the fields of writing and directing now, and give this opportunity to my beloved artists, some of them are old and some are young. some of them were seen in the national media last year. thank god, 1402 was a very good year. well, i was involved in self-modification, i had the terrorist series in the year 402, and some delivered it in the spring of 1403. now we are at that age, but it is not strange to expect something from us. i am very, very hopeful that 1403 is for all my colleagues. may the year be easier and more productive. it
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was about the germination of innovative plans to create better and more productive days for the national media. in the eid programs , i saw one or two programs that attracted me. the party program itself. the head of the broadcasting organization also spoke about saudi arabia's approach to the national media in the past months. autumn last year. the ratio of the audience of audio and television in the summer of 14026, the number of viewers increased. in winter, 5% more than autumn, i.e. the end of winter, we had 11 more audience increase than summer. this year , our nowruz eid programs had more audiences than last year, 88 in the first week alone. the end of this meeting was a picture frame, in this meeting, the talk of increasing the audience of the national media in nowruz 1403 was aimed at showing the seeds of transformation, an event that
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will increase with the holding of more such meetings and meetings. sahar zwanati of sed and sima news agency. specialists of a company of scientists succeeded in indicating design and produce colon cancer diagnostics. colon cancer is the third most common cancer and the second cause of death from cancer. more than 13,000 people are infected with this disease every year , which made the country's technologists think to produce a kit or a marker with the help of nano technology that can detect the disease in just 10 minutes. with this kit, which is very simple and non-invasive, in fact , it can be tested with a sample. within 10 minutes, at a low cost
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, we can come to a very large statistical population, we will screen and take people who are prone to that cancer for more detailed tests, such as a colonoscopy. do it can be a product of scientists who are now helping the treatment staff to treat colon cancer among people over 50 years old. there is a screening plan, in fact , the ministry of home affairs is doing it. the ministry of health is conducting colon cancer screening for 3 million people , which is actually carrying out this plan with our company. the main purpose of this product is to use it. it is simple and convenient. by using this marker , people no longer need to visit the clinic when the appropriate sample is taken. actually, inside the tests , there are a series of buffer applicators that look like chopsticks it can
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be placed in several points of the air conditioning inside the air conditioning. and after that it goes into the buffer , we put three drops of that buffer into the test and the test starts. in fact, the sample on the movement test is done in 5 minutes . the technicians of danesh banyan company say that this is their national product 40% it is cheaper than the similar foreign model produced and sold on the market . the published images of the moment and the occurrence of the earthquake show its intensity.看起來 is in
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it caused extensive damage to vehicles and public facilities, and cut off electricity and internet in large parts of taiwan. taiwanese officials say this is the strongest earthquake in the island in the last 25 years. the earth shakes it also caused a tsunami warning to be issued in taiwan and nearby countries including japan and the philippines. in the name of god, hello, have a good time . sitting volleyball, paralympic selection of paris women's national team
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. in this competition, which started today in china , our country's women's sitting volleyball team faced japan in the first match and the national women's team won 3-0. posh of our country will go to the host team tomorrow and will meet with the teams of mongolia, thailand, slovenia, germany and ukraine. the body of the unknown martyr in the shooting federation. prepared simultaneously with the days of martyrdom of amirmanan hazrat (peace be upon him), the pure body of the anonymous martyr was buried at the shooting federation site. in this ceremony, a group of commanders of the armed forces, heads of sports federations, some of the former football players of the national shooting team were present. and premier league football in the
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new year tonight with two games. the match starts from the 18th week of this competition and from 19:15 in arak arak aluminum and hawadar are facing each other . aluminum is in the seventh place with 28 points and hawadar is in the 13th place with 19 points. in the remaining match from the 16th week, the two sepahan tractor teams will play at 1930 minutes at yadgar imam stadium in tabriz. tractor goes to the distance with 38 points in the third place and sepahan with 37 points is fourth
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. in tehran, the sunset is at 18:00 and maghrib azan is at 186:00 . thank you very much for your support, dear viewers. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram with the country is playing, why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question . we don't want to be a football player on the board of directors. we don't agree with any kind of treatment .


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