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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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the ceasefire resolution of the security council does not work and there are thousands of missing people who are still present under the rubble. more than 34 thousand people were martyred or are missing under the rubble . martyrdom has arrived and there are many under the rubble, which is very large. the gaza strip is out of order and they cannot actually treat the wounded. the wounded must be taken out of the gaza strip, which is not possible for them. relief forces are targeted by the zionist regime. since the beginning of the war, more than 176 people from androa employees in the gaza strip at the hands of the zionist regime. to the gaza strip, and also
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the war of hunger and starvation in the north of the gaza strip is killing more and more residents of this area, the condition of journalists and hospitals in the gaza strip is dire, the occupying forces prevent the media from helping them. they can't reach the north of the gaza strip. as i said, more than 176 people from andrua's forces have been killed since the beginning of the war , so we thank mr. mohammad al-hamz, our reporter from deir al-balah in the center of the gaza strip.
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the iranian embassy in syria coincides with the international quds day it will be held in tehran. the funeral ceremony will start at 10:00 a.m. at the same time as the world quds day march begins, and in tehran, the ceremony will start from ferdowsi square. although the path the east
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will extend from imam hossein square to ferdowsi square and finally tehran university, but that is the main route of the funeral so that other routes can also reach the origin of the funeral at ferdowsi square , scheduled for 10 o'clock on friday, mr. ramadan sharif also said. quds day starts from the main squares of the cities and the day up to and in total in 2000 places in the country and continues until the friday prayers. more than 2,000 points of the world quds day march will be held this year. more than 500 cultural programs were planned in the country , most of them have been implemented, and until the international
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quds day, that is, within today and tomorrow, 1500 sums will be implemented to explain the latest situation on the eve of the international quds day to the major cities of the country. we have organized very fruitful meetings with the presence of sunni clerics and shia clerics in the respective provinces. numerous cultural and sports programs have been planned to honor the athletes who are present on the field during the confrontation with the zionist athletes. not going is one of these programs that will be carried out in the centers of different provinces. the bodies of the martyrs of the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy were sent to the country after the official send-off in damascus. chiefs the defender of the shrine, mohammad reza zahedi and mohammad hadi
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haji rahimi, and five other advisors of the irgc were martyred in the attack of the zionist regime on the consulate section of the iranian embassy in damascus on april 13. these are pictures of the seven martyrs in the shrine of hazrat ruqiya. iranian advisers who were martyred on the 13th of farvardin following the attack of the zionist regime on the consulate of the iranian embassy in syria. these are the faces of the same people is. sardar mohammad reza zahedi and sardar mohammad hadi haj rahimi from the senior military advisors and five accompanying officers, including mohsen sadaqat ali salehi seyed mehdi jaladati hossein amanollahi and martyr ali agha babaei
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. iran is mourning. hussain was a gentleman, he was really unobtrusive , he was a sincere kid, gannam was a very down-to-earth kid , he was the first person who always took the lead in everything. i told him, uncle, if you can , don't go, it
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's dangerous . hadhrat ruqiya was saying where he was mom, as soon as i have a chance, i will quickly go to the shrine of mrs. mom , every day i go to mrs. to hazrat ruqiya, to hazrat zainab. this crime committed by the zionist regime was a struggle to preserve its existence, which, god willing, will soon be destroyed. this flag will not fall to the ground with the death of one martyr and dozens of martyrs, the plan was to defend the shrine and establish israel, and these seven martyrs are supposed to be on friday at the same time as quds day. people to participate in the march to defend the palestinian ideals and condemn the crimes of the
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zionist regime and america's support for this regime. they get ready. do this and save them from this trouble. muslims should definitely not
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remain silent in the face of this cruelty that has been committed in gaza. on friday, i will participate in the quds day procession with my family , and i invite all people to defend themselves. from the people of mazloume farstin , those who participate in this march , who participate on the last friday of ramadan, must show that the muslims are not separate from each other, they must be together, considering the situation this year and the crime of the zionist regime in gaza, i invite all the dignitaries who, god willing. on this great dear day in this way. one fabric of the islamic ummah, all together with the slogan of death to israel, death to zionism, death to america , let us declare our disgust, let us show that we all
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stand united against the criminal israel and their supporters. people will gather on this quds day and the great global coalition. the traffic arrangements for quds day were announced in tehran . the head of the greater tehran traffic police said that this restriction will start at 8:00 am on friday and will continue until the end of this ceremony . will be done from the north side of keshavarz blvd. to the
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inside, from the east side of valieh taal street to the inside , and kargar street from the west side to the inside, and shahid nazari to the south of elginal street , to the inside of 100 d. according to the traffic conditions in the continuation of the second circle of mehdit, the traffic from the north of dr. fatemi street , from the east side of sepeh street, qarani, or ferdowsi square, from the south side of jumoori street, and from the west side , taqata azadi gharib or zare meritmon, towards the inside to lighten up. we will do traffic load. leaders of the resistance in the al-quds pulpit conference
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they emphasized support for the palestinian nation and resistance. in this conference, a video conference was held on the occasion of the world quds day. the secretary general of the hezbollah movement said that the al-aqsa storm operation has brought the zionist regime to the brink and lebanon's support for the people of gaza will continue. ziyad nakhale, secretary general. the palestinian islamic jihad movement called iran's role in supporting the palestinian resistance historic and said that gaza will remain with its residents and resistance and will win. ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, also said that the al-aqsa storm is a myth that the zionist regime created he destroyed the army and the capabilities he had built and united the islamic ummah with the support of iran. abdul malik yemen also said in this conference: "the only efficient option to deal with the zionist enemy
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is to fight, and yemen is trying to support the palestinian nation more." hadi al-amiri, the head of iraqi fatah coalition , called the international quts day the day of renewing the covenant with the al-aqsa mosque and the palestinian nation and said that the brave people of the region will not leave the residents of gaza alone. sheikh akram al-kaabi, the secretary general of the iraqi nojowa movement, also said that the anti-zionist operation of the iraqi resistance will be expanded and important places in the occupied territories. will be targeted. lebanon's hezbollah announced today in five operations targeting the gathering and positions of zionist soldiers in the north of the occupied territories. what areas in southern lebanon did he attack with my colleague on the lebanese border with occupied palestine
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? mrs. hosseinzadeh, dear viewers, hello, good evening. lebanese hezbollah in these five operations, three gatherings, one base and also one command headquarters of the zionist military. he targeted the occupied territories in the north. this morning, lebanon's hezbollah fired a rocket at a gathering of zionist soldiers at the malikiya base in the northwest of the occupied territories he targeted himself. hizbollah targeted another gathering of zionist soldiers, which it had identified with its drones in khulat warde area, with its guided missiles . and inside the marj military base, hizbullah also targeted it with its own mortars. hezbollah
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announced that a number of zionist soldiers were killed and wounded during these three operations. also , the fortifications of the roysat alam military base are the largest zionist military base in mazara heights the occupation of shabaa and the occupation of kafr shuba were also targeted by hizbollah mortars today. hezbollah also has a headquarters. javed and the series of zionist soldiers that he had identified behind branit barracks today targeted the zionist regime's fighters with his own missiles. they attacked the heights of habariyeh and kafr hamam in the southeast of lebanon. the zionist regime's artillery also attacked 6 areas in southern lebanon, including hammas and bilida. the media of the zionist regime also reported the sound of the danger in 8 military settlements the zionists in the west galilee and upper galilee areas
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reported the shooting of a drone penetration missile from southern lebanon towards those areas. well, a lot. thank you, my colleague, mr. azimzadeh, from the border of lebanon with occupied palestine, the president stated that the statistics presented on nowruz trips and the use of more than 8 million people in different public transport sectors are hopeful and among the signs of social vitality . also strengthen. the constructions in the field of tourism and the efforts of the institutions to provide better services to the people were demanded. in this meeting, some members of the government delegation gave a report of they presented the actions taken in their field of work . report of the minister of roads and urban development on nowruz trips: more than 5,800,000 people use the road network, about
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one and a half million people use the rail network . now these are all from. there are people who go back and forth, in some places, in some places, i made more than 2,960,000 air trips. with all the problems we have, making 25,000 flights in the country's airport networks is not a small thing. a very good thing happened in the sea, almost 6 million trips in the continuation of this meeting, minister of economic affairs and finance, mariya also gave a report on the amount of foreign and domestic debt of the government compared to others. every country, in some countries, this number is very low, for example, in the case of kuwait , afghanistan, and turkmenistan, and these are below 78 percent of their debt to total gid. for some countries, this number is also very high, for example, in the case of
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italy, it is 145 percent, that is, of the total gid. their debt ratio is also higher. in the case of america, it is close to 1,299 , in the case of japan, it is 264, and iran is 29%. what about the other debts of the government, our new debt collection of the government and state-owned companies, i said here , let my colleagues calculate and compare, our number is 29. he presented a report on the favorable control of liquidity growth in the government. last year, our liquidity growth rate was 24 %. this is the lowest liquidity growth rate after 1997. we had
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a liquidity growth of less than 25% for a few years. tehran from the table. as mr. zakani said, tehran's green space was another part of the government board meeting after the past. that revolution has increased more than 12 times. razi momeni radio news agency. hello, dear viewers, have a good night . the new year started with two draws. in a match delayed since the 16th week, and in the most sensitive game tonight, tractor settled for a goalless draw in the yadgar imam stadium in tabriz against sepahan, isfahan. tractor settled for a goalless draw with 39 points. still in the third place, sepahan
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is in the fourth place with 38 points . our country was established with the presence of the large sports community this morning at the place of the shooting federation. there was a shooting in the federation compound today. gogo for the arrival of a guest, he is one of the martyrs who
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died in iraq between zarbatieh and chel qandi region, a guest who has returned to his home after more than 40 years . many young people sacrificed their lives for this country. that the young people who live in islamic iran today should appreciate this opportunity and know that the unknown martyr of 8 years of holy defense was shot at the hands of the sports community and the eternal guest of the people. our dear ones and the martyrs and veterans are closed now this unknown martyr has sportsman friends who reach out to him for their success. i hope that from now on we will be able to have friendship with this honorable martyr
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, and we will always remember them as martyrs. sports has rested in its eternal grave, seyyed mehdipourhosseini , sports federation of sports shooting. tomorrow's morning call to prayer in tehran at 4:20 a.m. and the length of the sun is 46.5 minutes, and now tonight's special news interview and my colleague mrs. emami, please say hello, kham hosseinzadeh, i greet you, god bless you, i wish all my colleagues well. and broadcast the news of sima. hello and good time. i also say to the respected viewers of national media channel one tv and news network, who are accompanying us in this conversation tonight as in previous nights
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, allow us to announce the topic , introduce the guests and the viewers of the channel. let's say goodbye, tonight's special news talk about the supreme leader of the islamic revolution's speech in the meeting with the officials of the regime is dedicated to the investigation of the zionist regime's crimes in gaza and, of course, the duty muslim nations against this crime, genocide and brutality, two guests accompany us in the studio , mr. dr. hossein roibran, an expert on west asian issues, along with mr. mohsen mahdian , a media activist. until this moment, i would like to thank you and invite you to join us in the beginning of the discussion on the khabar network.
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the leader of the islamic revolution said in a meeting with the workers of the system this evening that the failure of the zionist regime in gaza will continue. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that there is a possibility of saving the zionists from the trap they have fallen into. no, they added that the zionist regime will become weaker and closer to decay and dismemberment. at the same time, 6 months have passed since the beginning of the bombing of gaza and of course the massacre of 33,000 people of the palestinian land. muslim those who did. and the work agenda that should be followed more seriously among muslim countries, mr. dr. hossein roibran, i greet you , you are very welcome, stay alive, stay healthy, me too.
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to you, dear guest, dear viewers , i offer my courtesy and greetings. i wish you to accept the taatar. thank you very much , mr. mahdian. thank you very much for appearing in the studio of the special news interview. greetings and respect to you, dear viewers of the program. dear guest , mr. mahdian, in today's meeting with the supreme leader of the islamic revolution. one of the important issues and axes that he mentioned with the regime workers was the issue of the crimes of the zionist regime and of course the duties of the muslim nations, and which axes were emphasized by the supreme leader of the revolution in this meeting. yes , in my opinion, there are several key axes between the talks the speaker and there were statements of the leader of the revolution that are significant and can be addressed. the first issue was that it was the same as in the past. we also said and emphasized for the first time the first position regarding the issue of the zionist regime's criminal attack on gaza that
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what happened as the storm of al-aqsa is irreparable and it is basically impossible for israel to recover from the defeat that happened to it at the starting point. take it out and i think this issue is important and may not have been paid attention to and may be forgotten and then explain that the intelligence and military operation that took place he asked how he could break the peace and the awe of the zionist regime. the second issue that was mentioned in this meeting was that even today israel is the final loser in the field and explaining that everything that was put forward as a goal setting program at the beginning of israel's work and moved towards it, none of it has been realized. in last year's speech, before nowruz
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, you mentioned that three goals, which are probably your questions, are three basic goals that israel was pursuing, none of which was achieved . well, another issue that was mentioned. the change of the calculation system in the region is important because basically it can be said that it is one of the works and one of the blessings of the resistance of the people of gaza, both in the arab governments and in the region . . another issue that can be said is also important, and it can be said that the final point was that the leader of the revolution raised international outrage on quds day and said that unlike in the past, iran may have been the main axis in the quds day march, but this year we are witnessing a there will be an international uproar in this matter, and of course, we will also mention the issue of revenge
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it's hard to say. the israelis want to talk about the incident of the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. very well, mr. dr. royuran, the supervisor of the topic that mr. mahdian mentioned in the speech of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution today in the meeting with the agents of the regime, emphasizing the irreparability of the regime's failure. zionist in al-aqsa storm and we see that the sinister and fake zionist regime after the al-aqsa storm is now trying to make up for its failures with terror and terrorist attacks, and it even committed yesterday's incident, which is the attack on a diplomatic place of the iranian consulate in see damascus in connection with the first axis of resistance, allahu rahman al rahim has succeeded in inventing a model of war that
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is known in the world under the name of the famous war. arab and in front of the palestine liberation organization. but since the victory of the iranian islamic revolution , the islamic resistance in the region was formed in the framework of the axis of resistance. we are witnessing a new model of war . in the classic american war, one nuclear bomb hits two nuclear bombs, japan surrenders in the war. asymmetrical conditions are different. the winning side is a relative winner. unlike there, there is a defeated side.
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relativity means not the one who won has completely lost the will to fight, the indicator of victory in this new model is the achievement of the goals of the resistance, the goals have been achieved , the zionist regime has not succeeded in realizing its goals, so the main loser of the zionist regime is if let 's take a closer look in the winograd report of the 33-day war in 2006. we can see that the winograd report of the zionist regime, 70 people, political experts , international relations, sociologists, psychologists, i don't know , strategic sciences, collected all of these from these. asking israel's body to answer questions one by one is superior, but why did it fail? i


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