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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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this is due to the erosion of the other side in order to determine who will receive the blow . i think their calculations are messed up. yes, you see , there is a debate in the international community, as they say that the power of the threat is more dangerous than the threat itself . america once used an atomic bomb. the whole world is making fun of him once, sir , we have been afraid of him, well, we have proven over the years that we do what we say, sir, and as you know, this fear is far more deadly than it is my own action, and if you allow me , i would like to answer about the features in the future let me speak, one of the characteristics is that it should not be such that they say that was it, that is, the characteristic should be that no, there is fear, and this fear should remain in their existence, and this answer is a very important point, but in my opinion, this fear is a function. it has a sinus, which means that this fear increased from somewhere.
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he said that we are in a situation, now we have to ask netanyahu why this action. he did that we are not ready for such a situation right now, that is, the madness of the moment, that is, see, let me give you an example . people are fighting, the first person hits me, the second person burns me, the second person gets up after being beaten and says, look, this is the story from now on. now this is the story. see, when they wanted to enter gaza by land. well, logic said
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that you shouldn't enter, you entered a flow of someone who is an underground guerilla force trained in guerilla warfare, well, you enter, but you failed. now, regarding lebanon, i'm almost sure that they will attack lebanon, but it's crazy. why are they doing this because it is necessary, that is , now netanyahu has this sentence it destroys israel, and israel is destroying the west, that is, it is drowning because of madness and desperation. for example, a movie came out some time ago, he is preparing himself for a speech , how desperate is this person, so he is doing something like this, and this action is definitely now in iran's court, and iran knows where to hit it and where to hit it. my request is that we should not make the atmosphere emotional to some extent . there are two important components . last week someone who two of
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he has lost his commanders, he has lost siderzi , he has lost haj sadiq, which means he has lost both his support force and his intelligence force. well , you know this trust in them. i will say a key word. they are monitoring our content , our last meeting, and it made a lot of noise in the israeli media . we eat , but our process, our path, our thinking does not change. you killed in palestine, you killed in lebanon , you killed amaq emad mughniyeh, you killed haj qasim, he you hit ver rentisi, but you didn't get results. so trust our commanders, you should know that there are many others to do the job instead of mr. zahedi. two patiences. this patience helps us. i would like to ask that those who own the media do not change our strength in the public opinion.
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let them trust our weak point. this sinusoidal function reaches its peak somewhere, it reaches its peak somewhere, and then it comes down to the maqavand front. in my opinion, there, first of all, it should keep it at its peak as long as it can, because the psychological pressure on israel is the most important and the most fatal blow that can be inflicted on them is this psychological pressure a picture has been published. i have now brought the picture in the program. we are ready. our colleagues can broadcast it at the same time. one of these settlers is exactly the same picture. he published the picture from himself. i will give an explanation of the method. he wrote a text under his post saying that iran is ready. then he holds a gun in his hand , well this is the focal point of the picture, well , he is pointing towards iran and says, "we are ready. now he is coming down, he has put on a generator, put on gasoline , and prepared the box. yes, it means this paradoxical picture, where we see a gun at the top, but
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at the bottom." talking about the shelter, yes, it is something like this, yes now it is the focal point . it is said that golani brigade with one man can fight against 13 airborne commandos before the war before the 33 days war, and then i remember that in one of the operations, two to two of the boys of rizvan brigade killed a whole group of boys of golani brigade.
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i was stunned and everyone was massacred there by the children of hezbollah in lebanon. i heard this myself . they said that they had seen the children of the basij in a meeting, sir , before that, nothing at all . being seen in the greatness of this, they say this, i want to say that a company of a battalion children of the victors, only basij is enough to collect this collection, so i think these pictures will help a lot in that censorship, you should know that israel is severely censored, that is, they won't let it now, maybe it's out of their hands to post such a picture, but it's scary. thank you very much. we are at the end of our conversation . if there are any points left and these are at your service, i will give you a few points . look, i will give you seven points. iran's response must have seven characteristics. first of all, the process. it should not disturb us, the process is in our favor, my america in detail, several people from think tanks, several thinkers and
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several thinkers say that mr. israel is victorious in tactics, but in the failed strategy, the trend is in our favor, iran's response should not be such that it disturbs the trend, that is, the same trend that the zionists lead in gaza. it will end with the liberation of quds . you have seen the unity of the hours. the collective command is being formed. one process must not be destroyed. two, not only the process must be destroyed, but this answer must also be the foundation of the process, that is, we must do something to support the process. i can interpret that the leadership is regretful. the third is that with initiative and surprise ok, let's not be calculable, that is, let's hit a place where they remember that sine graph in front of us, when they don't think about it, they should be hit , also the interpretation you had that , for example, our reactions and our expectations regarding
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our armed forces should be like this. ok, so that they can be exactly in a normal atmosphere, on time , yes, we shouldn't, the thoughts of those who have the media , our commanders are responsible. take a human being, he must have a sound, so that they don't make a sound like this, that there was a place where he was hit, and i will finally explain the sine function that i mentioned. my last point is that the accuracy of this answer is much more important than the speed , and it is more important than the speed, and the acceleration should not be rushed, no, it should be very fast, we should strike at a precisely calculated time. now let's see, i think one more fear. in this conversation, we mentioned several zionist fears. i think there was one left. this is your last word that
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they don't know exactly what they are facing . there are many options. yes, and which scenario is on the executive table. do the commander's opinion. he knows that we all have confidence in them and this is the presence of the man back to my first point, this is our presence in the field. i , as a people's force, tell the commanders that the people are behind you, with strength, with precision, with speed , with reasonable acceleration. thank you, mr. turabi, for your presence in the world.
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and now, according to the routine of the world, today we want to present to you the latest developments and pictures that we had of the food in the last 24 hours. praise be to god, the lord of the worlds, the messenger of god, hai ali aziz of egypt. likewise, allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has no place in the earth, and also no place for those who are not free
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peace be upon you
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every four hours. palestinian children are martyred. the palestinian central statistics organization has announced that 44 of the total martyrs of the past six months were children. also, during this period, at least 28 palestinian children died due to hunger. a member of the save the children group says that in the coverage of gaza news and among the many damages of the disaster for children, children are more terrifying.
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they became serious psychologically that they need help, like mohammad who is very lonely, he says. ramadan is very sad for me this year. my parents were martyred in the bombings.
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my brother was also martyred. i wish my family back. but i know they won't come back like selva, none of his family members survived . the gaza ministry of education has also announced that 620,000 male and female students will drop out this year due to the zionist regime's war against gaza. deprived flood. but some children in gaza took responsibility for their siblings. like muhammad my mother was martyred and my father went to take my mother out from under the rubble. he didn't come back and we don't have any news about him. i am responsible for maintaining all this. but this sister of mine is six months old and it is more difficult to take care of her than the others. zakaria also came to the field and serves as a paramedic at al-aqsa martyrs hospital in the center of gaza. zakaria may
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he says: i like children more. i learned a lot from the doctors of this hospital. i want to become a doctor. the palestinian statistics center announced in a report on april 5, palestinian children's day: since the start of the zionist military attack on gaza, more than 14,000 palestinian children have been martyred in gaza. 44 of the total martyrs of the gaza strip in this period. now the second case of the world today. united nations human rights council. the ban on sending weapons to israel was approved by a majority vote. this resolution was approved with 28 votes in favor, 6 votes against and 13 abstentions. draft resolution pakistan had offered to stop arms sales to israel. the representative of south africa in the human rights council has also announced: the perpetrators of the genocide in the
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gaza strip must be punished and israel must be punished. international court of justice to implement the decision of the international court of justice required the zionist regime to fully cooperate with the united nations, which includes stopping the genocide and sending unlimited humanitarian aid to the target area. now, to further examine today's resolution of the un human rights council , i would like to talk to mr. mohammad hadi zakir hossein, professor of international criminal law, mr. zakir hussain, hello, hello to you and all viewers and observers, good evening . first of all , what is your analysis of this resolution of the human rights council? yes, as you mentioned, today is the last
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day of the 55th session of the united nations human rights council. in connection with palestine and the crimes and crimes of the zionist regime, it was approved , the draft of which was presented by the government of pakistan on behalf of islamic countries. the simultaneity of this event with the international quds day should really be taken as a good omen . united nations human rights council to the crimes of the zionist regime as well as the reaction of the people of iran and shadow. the nations of the world to these unimaginable crimes , both products are actually the fulfillment of the recommendations and realization of the doctrines of international criminal law, because the international criminal justice system believes that every international crime that happens in an organized manner, such as what
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we are witnessing in the gaza strip these days and the zionist regime is a showcase for committing all crimes. from genocide and crimes against humanity to war crimes, the international community has put it in front of the eyes of the world community in such context and context, criminals seek to deny the crime and distort the reality, therefore , the development of international criminal law is that all the actors of the world community, from governments to international organizations to even civil society and nations of different nations, are against crime. do not be silent, reaction. show that they should put aside this indifference and fulfill their own responsibility. this presence of people in the streets on the international day of the pole, which has been the flag bearer and pioneer of the iranian nation for many years, in any case, was able to bring about an awakening today. to make a mark at the world level and international organizations, including
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the human rights council, should also move and react. therefore , i think that these trees were very circumcised at the same time, but what happened today , as i said, the human rights council passed three resolutions, one in it was related to the right to self-determination of the palestinian nation , the other was related to the issue of settlements and the third resolution, which in my opinion was the most important, and the resolution is very detailed and related to the issue of justice and accountability, and holding perpetrators of international crimes accountable in the occupied territories. the human rights council in this resolution enumerates a long list of crimes of human rights violations and humanitarian rights committed by the zionist regime, such as actually starving civilians as a weapon of war, mistreating palestinian prisoners, palestinian artifacts and torturing them, building settlements and destroying palestinian property and housing
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, and palestinians' homes and possession of their lands , illegal transfer of the palestinian population. from their illegal settlements to other areas , he actually raised this long list above, and in the meantime , he also discussed the trial of children in israeli courts, violations of children's rights, and violations of the convention on the rights of the child. he pointed to two important issues and emphasized two important points. one was the issue of accountability and the need to answer those who lack human rights and humanitarian rights in the occupied territories, that is, in addition to his description of these criminal behaviors , the action of the criminal court between he praised and thanked the international community for carrying out investigations into the crimes committed in palestine and emphasized it, he also praised the actual performance of the commission of inquiry of the united nations human rights council in relation to palestine and requested the secretary general of the united nations to provide
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financial resources. provide more to the commission able to document human rights defects mr. zakir hossein, you mentioned the important dimensions of this resolution, but one question that may arise in everyone's mind is how many hundreds have been against the zionist regime so far. decisions and cases raised in international forums, here we have a problem that they do not provide a guarantee of implementation and there is no guarantee for the implementation of international laws . stop or stop the people from pouring food. with this in mind, is it still today's resolution of the human rights council or some of the you know this hand is useful. in my opinion, the answer to this question was hidden in your question, and that is that this resolution itself is actually a benefit and an achievement for the legal war against
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the zionist regime, for the activism that existed before , the international criminal law of the criminal justice system. jahani's most important function is the expressive function of recording the truth, preventing the realization of fake narratives in the narrative war that exists. the issue of political isolation of the zionist regime is the issue of making the support of this regime costly and in fact the fall of the regime's supporters, which will go on and on in the scope of these legal measures. as we are witnessing a special development in this resolution, some western governments such as the finnish government, as well as luxembourg and the belgian government , are voting in favor of this anti-zionist resolution , a resolution that binds all governments. it actually uses their legal and national capacities based on the four geneva conventions and actually
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brings the violators of humanitarian rights to trial and also emphasizes that all governments should avoid selling military weapons to the zionist regime in order to deputy in the commission of war crimes means you say that regardless of the issue of guarantee of execution the perceived benefit is one that it makes the previous zionist cases heavier, and two, in any case , there is a psychological aspect that it can have , which in fact incites public opinion against the sahih zionist regime, and it will be the beginning of a domino of other rights measures. it is definitely an effective executive guarantee, which of course takes time, but it will not come to fruition over time. thank you. i also have a final question, but before that, we had an interesting reaction after
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the approval of this resolution. after the resolution against the zionist regime was approved we saw mr. zakir hussain next to these 28 positive votes. 6 countries also voted against, including the united states and germany, which seem to be against stopping the export of arms to the zionist regime. could this
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negative vote be an attempt to prevent the consequences of participating in the genocide for such countries that gave weapons to the zionists? you see, in the international criminal justice system , it is not only the perpetrators of crime who are responsible, but also the supporters of crime. they have responsibility, and a part of this responsibility will be due to the support of those governments that remain silent in the face of crime and do not take any action. in order to fulfill the obligation to prevent international crimes, governments like germany and the united states of america, as economic and military allies of the zionist regime , should definitely be held accountable for their own behavior, voting against legal measures and up to now having and helping the zionist regime with do those melee weapons.
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this same negative vote today creates a kind of responsibility , it is exactly like that, it was a positive action and this is an action that actually does not support the preventive legal measures taken by the colombian government today in the continuation of the south african lawsuit against the regime. the zionist entered this dispute as a third party and in the declaration it issued, it declared that it is doing this based on the belief that it can use the capacities of international law. be a preventive measure, well, a government that does not use these measures and obstructs these legal measures, such as the resolutions of the united nations human rights council, is actually not doing a turkish elephant, but it is doing so in a positive way. it supports the actions of the zionist regime. allow me to say this . now, reopen the discussion of colombia's action and initiative the government of colombia came forward in line with the legal war that
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south africa had started against the zionist regime. indeed, in this awakening that has taken place in the international community, the consensus that is formed in it is against the zionist regime and the international rights capacities of the iranian government are expected to be activated. he should be more active than before. we are still waiting for our foreign policy apparatus, the vice president's law office, to decide to enter south africa's lawsuit against the zionist regime as a third government, and actually strengthen this legal war that has started against the regime. thank you. do with mr. mohammad hadi zakir hossein, i talked to you, professor of international criminal law, and now the end of the world today part of the closed world according to the narration of the picture.
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well, we are coming to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. community course for the empowerment of mental health professionals, students and graduates of psychology and counseling fields, mental health professionals, in order to achieve educational justice, under the supervision of lecturers
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