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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:00am-8:31am IRST

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welcome to 8 am news. a critical look, along with a proud look at the progress, the leader of the revolution demanded in the meeting with the students to start the third phase of the electronic product plan, starting today, the first to seventh income deciles will buy 11 items with a discount of 220 thousand tomans and supply the width.
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we provide everyone's legal needs through the exchange center. al-rahim, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning. i am here with you , dear and respected compatriots. i invite you to stay with us until the end of this hour. supreme leader of the islamic revolution in a two and a half hour meeting with about 3,000 students representing political, social, cultural and scientific organizations of universities, they called a better tomorrow than today as the main purpose of the country and the system, and with the call of students and student organizations to present innovative solutions.
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in order to realize this basic goal and progress without material and spiritual setbacks of the country, they said: educating the world to produce knowledge and giving direction to these two rationalities are the three main duties of the university. he described the nature of the student environment as happy, lively, exciting, demanding and enthusiastic, pointing to the need to follow up on the topics raised by the representatives of the organizations. in this meeting they said: every proposal should be realistic and ripe while having analytical and intellectual depth and help to solve problems. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, in response to the speech of one of the representatives of the organizations , emphasized the difference between his view on justice and 81: the difference is that my servant's insistence on justice has increased
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. among the religious leaders in the community, they read the popularity of the recitation sessions of the month and advised the students to maintain the purity and enlightenment achieved in this month. they added: the main way to achieve this goal is to avoid sin. revolution leader in islam, neglecting the sin of some actions is considered the cause of committing them. and they said: some words and writings in cyberspace, which are done without careful research and attention, are an example of careless sin and a person must be accountable before god. he added: of course , we do not recommend criticizing or objecting to conservatism in any way, but we must be careful in every word and action. hazrat ayatollah khamenei
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described the student as a young, powerful, motivated, knowledgeable and forward-thinking element and said: considering these characteristics, students are expected to be active and sensitive to the future. he read the problems in the society and the country much more than the topics raised by the students in this meeting and added: if the student community, with thinking and planning for the future of the country , sets up a work and value system and defines the path towards it. 5 years later, the existing problems will definitely be less. the leader of the revolution enumerated the fulfillment of the things they have expressed in the student meetings of the past years , including the leadership's expectations from the organizations and said: as it has been said many times, the main task of knowledge. but besides that, looking at people and society
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providing solutions to problems is one of the mandatory duties of students. ayatollah khamenei called a better tomorrow than today as the great and main purpose of the country and the system and emphasized that we must define specific ideals to realize this basic goal. the leader of the revolution considered the understanding of the current situation of the country as the first step to move towards the ideal and the realization of a better tomorrow and said: today's young student should know that in a revolutionary system he has opened his eyes and grown to become a student who has reached the scientific environment so far. in this revolutionary system
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, we must know this first, many people are unaware of this system what does a revolutionary mean, a system that was created after a series of difficult and complex struggles with bitter realities, that is, a system that was created by struggle. these are the main facts of our life now. the system is a revolutionary system. he added, of course, many goals of the revolution have not yet been realized, but continuous attention to the revolutionary nature of the system and the understanding of yesterday's realities should always be the attention of the student community in order to have a correct judgment about today. in explaining
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the facts of the corrupt, traitorous and dependent pahlavi regime, the leader of the revolution said: at that time, at the head of a country as great as iran, a humble family with all kinds of corruption ruled over the people, while in terms of the management of the society, there was absolute tyranny, and unlike today, the people did not participate in the affairs of the country and were not counted. you have political representation and obedience to foreigners while oppressing and oppressing the people, the pettiness of the western cultural remnants, the extreme class gap. the meaninglessness of justice, extreme discrimination, and the contempt of all officials and those related to the court were other facts before the revolution that ayatollah khamenei mentioned. he added: scientifically
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even though there were good and efficient professors in the universities, scientific, industrial and technological products that could be developed in the universities could not be obtained, and the misconception of iranian jamaat's inability to reach the frontiers of world science was one of the mental certainty of the rulers of the taghut era. in terms of collective identity, ayatollah khamenei called iran during the pahlavi era as the political, social, economic and cultural satellites of foreigners, and calling that situation shameful, he said: fighting against that reality: very bitter since the early 20s with the presence of people with different opinions. it started, the peak of which was the oil nationalization movement, which was also with the american coup english was defeated on august 28 with the help of arazel abash , the defeat of the national movement with the coup d'etat of arazel abash
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was actually a humiliation of the iranian nation. ayatollah khamenei is an evolved form of these struggles. the people, with the encouragement of religious scholars and the leadership of the honorable imam, called the regime against the regime and said that the imam mobilized the people in the form of a religious and national movement and the revolution came about in such a way that this is the historical birth certificate of the iranian nation. he considered the text of the revolution to be republicanism and islamism, and referring to the vote of almost all people, even non-ma'at. they pointed to islam in the islamic republic at the same time doubts were raised about the possibility of the compatibility of the people of sali and the people's vote with the framework of islam, and
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prominent jurists gave clear answers to these doubts. in summary, the first title is the administration of the country in an islamic way, the second title. second , presenting a model to the people of the world for the good administration of a country. these are the two ideals. you should strive for these two ideals. they are the indicators of the administration of the country in the islamic way in the statements of nahj al-balaqah, such as the command of the amir al-mu'minin to malik ashtar mutbalur. they knew and added: governing the country in the islamic way means being on the path
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of non-stop material and spiritual progress without turning back. they enumerated the main chapters of material progress and said that justice, which must be understood correctly, means the negation of class differences in the use of public opportunities and placing equal opportunities within the reach of the people, because creating special privileges in the use of opportunities is injustice and against justice. is. he published the article in the virtual space against people who do not have the opportunity to respond for any reason, it is an example of the lack of equal opportunity and for this reason. they called it against justice and added: justice is not only in financial matters, but
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also in matters of reputation, job and dignity. the leader of the revolution also listed ethics, religiosity, cooperation, islamic lifestyle and self-sacrifice among the headings of spiritual progress and said: the realization of all these components and the material and spiritual headings of need. that the student community should continue to work and strive in this field in addition to the concern of their demands. the second goal of the islamic republic is to provide they considered the model of statehood to the world to be compassion and benevolence for the people of the world, and they said that this ideal has been achieved to some extent and that many of the events that excite the youth and
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are proud of at the regional and world level are related to your country, society and revolution. in another part of his speech, ayatollah khamenei called knowledge the main pillar of university and added. the three main tasks in there is a university. i ask the friends of the university officials to pay attention. you students should also pay attention. it has three main tasks: first, to educate scientists, second, to produce science, and third, to the education of the world and the production of science give direction, this is the world now. the universities of the world train scholars and produce science, but in this third pillar
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, what will be the result? the result will be that the product of science education and the production of science and the education of scientists will become the tools of the zionist powers and the arrogant powers of their world, emphasizing the necessity attention of all members. the university , including administrators, professors, and students of textbooks , considered these three important tasks to be an important part of iran's global reputation as the basis of the country's scientific and technological progress and added: we must enrich the country scientifically by maintaining this reputation, of course, the power arrogant people do not like this power and prestige for iran. the leader of the revolution in the final part of his speech. some advice to student organizations: my expectations from the organizations are too
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high. you should know how much i expect from you, what you said about expecting from the government, i don't know, the system and the lowly person, etc. expectations from organizations are too much. the first expectation is that you should make an impact in the student environment. this effect cannot be seen, it is rarely seen. organizations should look at it first. be inside the university. you mostly look outside the university. have an opinion on the outside of the university , as i said, be careful, criticize , have problems, offer a solution, this is good , but even better than this, it is more necessary that you look inside the university
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, work on the university, our organizations. reduce it in the university. there is this deficiency, he pointed out that there are efforts in universities for iranian students to know their identity in search of turning away from the west, and noted that student organizations should actively stand in front of these efforts. the leader of the revolution invited the members of the student organizations to strengthening intellectual supports. and they recommended an opinion and said that revolutionary thinking cannot be spread without a strong intellectual support, while the organizations themselves may collapse due to this weakness, which has also happened in some cases, and under the title of islam , work and notices have been given against islamic thought. .
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he criticized the lack of color in the country's progress in the minds and positions of students. addressing them , they emphasized that while having a critical view , they should also have a proud view of the numerous developments in different parts of the country and be proud of these developments. hazrat ayatollah khamenei organizations they called a student one of the great opportunities of the country and said: there is nothing wrong with differences of opinion and differences between organizations. but still emphasized at the beginning of the year. and i repeated that differences of opinion and thought should not lead to fights and disputes at any level of society and institutions. at the beginning of this meeting , 6 representatives of student organizations, mr. hamed abdul hosseini, union of
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islamic azad university students, amir hossein seyed rahimzadeh, student justice movement, hossein kanawati , union of islamic associations of independent students, mohammad mehdi ahmadi, union of islamic students pouria assar basij student and mrs. fatemeh sadat houshmand mirhosseini from tahkeem vahdat office union expressed their opinions, criticisms and suggestions about the issues of the country. linking the increase of social capital funds to solving livelihood and welfare problems, the need to facilitate people's role-playing and reduce government entrepreneurship, criticism of the process of devaluation of the national currency, people's expectations from the various forces in order to create economic transformation, the need to redefine
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the position of justice in among the priorities of the country, the necessity of restoration. social gaps with the central role of the national media, criticism of learning in the advancement of the macro national economic projects, including the makaran coastal development plan, the need to strengthen education and organizational politicking, in order to strengthen participation, criticism of the lack of a favorable increase in workers' wages, the need to regulate all institutions and systems, serious support. from the elites and reforming the process of recruiting professors in universities , policymakers' correct understanding of women's capabilities and the need to use the great drive of iranian muslim women's agency in various issues of the country, the need to diligently pursue educational justice, support the oppressed people of gaza, and
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criticize the passive positions of arab islamic rulers and lack of desired unity of the islamic world against genocide in gaza, one of the issues raised by the representatives of the student organizations in the meeting with ayatollah khamenei was the beginning of the third phase of the fajrane kalab project. from today, in the form of this scheme , the first to seventh income deciles can buy electronic items with a discount of 220 thousand tomans. meat, chicken and eggs, pasta, vegetable oil, rice, sugar, beans, cheese, yogurt and milk. these
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are the 11 product items of the electronic product plan. 11 items of goods that are offered to the beneficiaries with a discount in the third and last stage of the electronic product. this stage is like two qibla stages for each person 220 tomans will be given to the family. decimals 1 to 7 are included in this farjaneh plan. you have now purchased all these 11 pens. yes, that's right . how much did the 743 toman collection cost? how much is 523 tomans? the difference is 220,000 tomans, a discount. i have 220 tomans that are credited. now someone did not want to buy all 11 kholms. he asked us to buy some of these 11 kholms. how do i want to buy dairy milk? i will receive 15 thousand tomans credit. the discount is actually yes, i want to buy a cheese discount of 8 tomans, i get a discount of 75 tomans if i want to buy meat i will receive a toman discount. if i want
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to buy three pens, i will get a three-point discount. if i want to buy all 11 pens , i will receive a 220,000 toman discount. this means that each pen purchased will receive its own discount, and the total of these discounts will be 220,000 tomans. 60 million. people are subject to the electronic product catalog plan, who can receive services related to this plan from 220,000 stores nationwide. this is the last stage of the electronic goods sale, which continues until the 18th of may, and it will be decided that after this date, the electronic goods plan will be how will it continue? farzad azaribaga of sed and cima news agency. in a conversation with khabar 21, while announcing the statistics of
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the decrease in liquidity growth last year and the positive trade balance of the country, the governor general of the central bank said that there is no shortage of foreign currency for the import of basic goods or any type of import of legal goods and services. they put the unofficial market price on a board and present it as a disturbance and they are trying to reflect this in the price of goods . we have nothing to do with the rates of those channels we don't have an informal market, we ourselves constantly announce that anyone who has any legal needs should come, we will supply them at the exchange center at a rate below 40 tomans. we offered close to 50 billion dollars for the import of all other goods, which means that anyone legally wanted to import goods in the country
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and even wanted to use a service, they could use a currency with a rate of 28 , which will continue this year. we will give our exchange center, the price of which is about 40 tomans, now we may try to reflect fluctuations in one channel , but this channel is 2, 3, 4, what is more than what we if we constantly use that price as a basis in the market of goods and services, this gives false signals and creates fear in the market, mr. farzin also pointed to the political developments in the region and the increase in the global price of metals in the last few weeks, and said that the exchange rate in the informal market is fleeting. and it will decrease soon with the intervention of the central bank. the minister of foreign affairs, who visited muscat , said in a meeting with amani's counterpart: "the zionist regime's terrorist attack in damascus
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is an attempt by this regime to expand the war in the region." oman is the first destination of the regional trip of the minister of foreign affairs, mr. amir abdullahiyan, which is to be carried out a bilateral meeting with amani officials at the head of a high-ranking political delegation traveled to muscat and was welcomed by the officials of the sultanate's ministry of foreign affairs upon arrival. it was arranged to meet with mr. mohammad abd al-salaam , the chief negotiator of the national government of yemen, the first program of the head of our country's diplomacy in his trip to oman , mr. amir abdullahian, in this meeting, he announced the support of the islamic republic of iran for the peace talks in yemen, and violated the us and british attacks on yemen. the sovereignty and transverse integrity of this country and in the framework of their full support for the continuation of the zionist regime's crime against the oppressed palestinian nation. did the chief negotiator of the government. the yemeni national race also considered the support of the oppressed palestinian nation to have islamic, moral and human dimensions and emphasized on continuing to support the palestinian people. we have to attack
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. israeli ships and ships destined for israel will continue until the crime of the israeli regime against the people of gaza is stopped . a meeting with oman's foreign minister badr al-busaidi was the next program of the foreign minister's visit to muscat. the foreign ministers of the two countries, while emphasizing the strengthening of bilateral relations , announced the beginning of a new momentum in the relations between the two countries they gave. mr. amir abdollahian while referring to the capture of the zionist regime in gaza said that the zionists are seeking to expand the war in the region. the israeli regime's terrorist and missile attack on the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus is a new page of this regime's warmongering and efforts to develop war in the region and drag others into conflict and war.
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it is mostly in the region. the foreign minister of oman expressed his concern about israel's genocidal war crime in gaza and the west bank, and emphasized the collective action of islamic countries to stop the killing of women and children in gaza. the whole world is witnessing israel's crimes against the people of gaza. we should cooperate with all islamic countries to stop the genocide of israelis in gaza as soon as possible . in a meeting with his omani counterpart, the foreign minister of our country praised the action of the sultanate of oman for the treatment of palestinian children. mojtaba shah soni correspondent of masgad broadcasting news agency. well, we have come to examine the state of the country's atmosphere with the presence of an expert from the meteorological organization, mr. zarrabi , who is with us today. mr. zarrabi, good morning.
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we will have a good spring in parts of our country, but today there are conditions for rain in parts of west and east azerbaijan. ordville, of course, there are also rains, areas of the caspian coastal provinces, parts of the west of the country, such as kurdistan and kermanshah, hamadan, the foothills of the zagros, such as lorestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, will be ready. in the central heights of albarz, the conditions for rain in tehran province are not far off in the afternoon. the concentration of today's rains, which has assigned an orange warning to itself , can bring flooding in some places in west and east azerbaijan. we do not recommend going to your height at all. serve. thank you very much, mr. zarabi, we say goodbye to you. head of the supervision office airports, companies and aviation institutions of the
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civil aviation organization from registration. according to mr. sediq nia, the new schedule for the transportation of nowruz passengers by plane has been announced. according to mr. sediq nia, the average delay of flights during nowruz has been reduced to 15 minutes , and there are 2,261 seats and requests in domestic and international flights, with this number of flights being 2 million and 76,279 people. we were serving the air passenger. and moving with our flights , if we want to present the performance statistics in a comparative way, compared to the same period last year, we had 6 growth in the number of boardings and departures and 5% growth in passenger movement. we are very grateful for your attention and companionship with this news series, dear and respected compatriots.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers , good morning, welcome to the news of the stock market. the first foreign gold treasury started working in the country's capital market. with the start of this treasury in the commodity exchange, the amount of gold stock in the treasury of the iran commodity exchange exceeded 6 tons. with the activity of gold investment funds, futures contracts, options and certificates of deposit.


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