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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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i don't know about this special conversation, there are several programs , at least i saw it myself, numerous news reports, they repeatedly gave a deadline, said one more month, two more months . yes, we should have consulted with the ministry of communications according to the decree of the ministry of communications . sir, this decree was promulgated two years ago, mr. doctor, you did it all, but the people and the medical community should not weigh in on these issues. look at it like it. it has also been seen on electronic commerce platforms. well, they are apparently, they are doing their work, but it should not be done until these complete rules have been determined. it has been seen on the internet that the drug was ordered and taken, but it was not a drug, yes, i
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will explain, mr. doctor. look, this should be monitored anyway. we have extensive advertising for online drug ordering. we have fully developed the advertising of medical and pharmaceutical affairs and health services . the law is also characteristic of the organization of the medical system with the help of the ministry of health and some institutions. it should organize this, but unfortunately there is no inter-departmental cooperation when it is not. we can't go that fast let's say platforms, platforms, you do your job , we want to write a four-line order for two years, in any case, people should not be harmed. we can't because of the financial issues of some people, the life issues of many of our people. i apologize. in the countries
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of the region, the countries with which we compete anyway are the same as us, which countries, for example, do you think that the countries around us are like india? countries that may be one step ahead, such as japan, south korea, etc., the situation of ordering medicine online. how are you doing in russia? only non-prescription drugs can be ordered in south korea. is it completely prohibited in south korea? is their internet speed lower than ours? are they behind us in terms of technology? is it possible to operate in countries that we feel to some extent in terms of technology, i think that yes, there is a delay, maybe more than a bit , but on the other hand, we are growing from there.
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now, because it has not been done, there are no rules. for now , the platforms should do their work. no, we are against this issue. actually, i think, mr. bozoran, that we should actually talk about a phenomenon that i think is a partial issue, many issues beyond the fact that we are dealing with a very clear issue is obvious, it has a resolution , it has a legal duty for the executive body to be undecided for a year, it is several years , and this is a number. to improve the business environment, popularize the knowledge base this year, the economy has been repeated several times to complain that every year, sir, we say business environment improvement, but nothing happens, mr. doctor .
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an area that the government has not regulated yet , cannot ban it. you go and write your duties as soon as possible . the people of the special department have written, even if no one can sell any drug on the internet, mr. doctor, it is not okay that i am quoting the text of the law. unfortunately , i would like to say that, logically and obviously, when the government has not done its duty, it can
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what about the rest of the first world countries? the rule of law is not our personal opinion. it has been almost a year and a half now . the meeting was held again and a letter of reprimand was written. sir, we are complaining in writing to the organization for not doing its legal duty, but unfortunately, i said so. we are facing a phenomenon, mr. doctor. i am not talking about this issue at all. i have been serving you since the time when you were in charge. in general, we must see the consumer's side as well, otherwise this growth will be a temporary growth, not a continuous 10-15-year process, but
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where is the problem , the problem is here. a delegation from the board of compliance of government agreements with their laws . now, in the last step, what to say, say no, we are creating a system, well, this is exactly the opposite of what the leadership says, sir, your lack of intervention , do your monitoring, well, it won't work, then it's interesting, the food and drug organization, the commission of principle 90 he said that if i read the letter, in fact , please forgive me, it is such a harsh letter that it means mr. justice organization has to fulfill his legal duty before you read the letter. finance, for example, segko, and now those people who are working in this field , you understand the answer, we are in all fields of platforms, now this field of health is an important field, that's why
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we specified that we only sell other goods through pharmacies. we did not write anywhere that the same license from the ministry of tradition in the field of e-commerce they think it is enough, but no one here has said such a thing yet, but one more time. one of the stories in which the same thing happened to me was this . my friends put forward a wrong idea and illusion that no one has said such a thing outside the four branches of the pharmacies until now . sir, you questioned yourself by not editing . i will also tell you your answer about the financial benefit. look at the platform itself and the nature of the business in general is a continuous nature . forgive me. definitely not. whether that business is in the field of internet taxi, whether it is in the field of goods, whether it is in the field of medicine, he sees the continuation of his business, and in any case, he definitely welcomes the framework of the rules in the united meetings and a program that the same radio and television he had arranged two or three of his own platforms, saying, sir, by the way, we are studying, they are writing frequently, but the problem is
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that when the government does not do its duty , there is this need after onur, pay attention when there is a need, it means the people now, for example, someone whose medicine is equal to their own doctor, a person who is sick there is a traffic problem , this volume of traffic, this pollution, and this phenomenon that mr. bozor installs. in the field of trade, in the field of commerce, in the field of taxation , almost all of our country's problems are that we have a series of clear and expert issues on the table, but due to the omission and in fact the lack of action by a few managers at the lower levels, they are not responsible. he stays and takes the country's time instead of us going further in the supervisory layers of mr the doctor rightly said, let's move forward, many issues show themselves in the implementation, just as in
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the security category, we cannot leave everything to the private sector, in the health sector, the government should take responsibility and have excessive supervision and sensitivity. . dr. dehkurdi said that there are a number of managers who are procrastinating. i also believe that it could have been done much earlier than this. the case was urgent and they should have put more energy. but the work is not that simple. we saw how different the experts' opinions were. why is a country like south korea so tall? or a country like pam only accepts non-prescription drugs for delivery over the internet . the reason is that the work is very, very complicated. from the first point, the doctor's identity and qualifications must be determined. does the prescription belong to that doctor? not a fake copy. requests should not be induced. we
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are giving a government offer for medicine. how do you know that tens and hundreds of counterfeit copies are available on the internet? do not make an appointment. and these drugs should not be smuggled outside and financial abuse should not be done. in addition, from which company and from which pharmacy can it be purchased, something that cannot be found at all now? well, if this drug is not original. if this drug is counterfeit, only if it has the right packaging, then what will happen to the patient ? who was the technical officer? if there is a platform , it works at the national level. it costs several thousand per prescription . how many technical officers should he have ? are these prescriptions checked by the technical officer? can these drugs be checked? well, all these factors will cause some work to be delayed. and to his falling behind, which has a lot to complain about, we can't say that because the rule has not come, so now
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let's agree to do this , that's all i'm saying, and the medical system organization is also active. the association and the friends i was talking to in the pharmaceutical association are in favor of the regulated sale of drugs on the internet. one thing about supplements and, for example, vitamins and such things, which were sold on the internet until recently. well , they used to say that until now, for example , there might not be much of a problem. sometimes they say that there have been problems in person. and it must be under the supervision of the technical officer, which means that even non-prescription drugs, if sold, is not the right thing to do it should be my rule in mr. salarin's points that there might be a conflict of interest or, for example , that
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we are talking about a legal duty, that is, with that paragraph b of article 6, yes, that is not at all, that is about the indisputability of mr. doctor, yes, at all, exactly the point. this is where we now have a resolution and a legal obligation. the solutions are quite specific in the banking field, in the foreign exchange field, in the commercial field , in the tax field, in the insurance field, but what is the problem is that the first person in the country is the leader, they emphasize that the president and the first vice president will come and go, but in practice we see that, for example, an obvious problem and simple for several years, several deputy ministers. president , expert, we are all hitting each other's heads for what? because that person is
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basing his personal opinion on the law and the legal duty, sir , you are obliged to do your legal duty, are you the authority for the application of the laws to the laws, while this was inquired from the legal deputy, you yourself know that in the government's laws, the authority to interpret the law is the real deputy. the presidency and the legal vice theory are also valid for the eviction system. there is a difference here , but i still don't know the explanation of this discussion. these scientific discussions let's go to scientific discussions, now we have a legal obligation, and what is the most important thing now? the more important thing is that when we analyze the back of this case , we see its dimensions, the first license that was exclusively issued, the letter that the original commission sent and protested why you gave an exclusive license, and then clearly wrote that it was late. i have the letter that the head of the article 90 commission sent to the minister of health on 8/16/1402, complaining about the delay in drafting this procedure.
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it is necessary to point out that it is the government and any violation occurred during this period due to the omission of the senior minister of the ministry under the order of his excellency. the case of dereliction of duty in the commission is being completed, so i believe this was the case of tower 8. now, after this, the commission held a meeting in the evening with the presence of the minister of health and the head of the judicial organization there again. a deadline of one month to give this minutes of the meeting was notified on 29 9 , there will be a deadline of one month, tower 10, the four months of the meeting have already passed the deadline, all these approvals have been passed, nothing has happened, there was one person who was wrong , and we gave him a permission to leave in several meetings. the officials who are now coming and interviewing us, sir, are drafting the rules for us in the meetings sir, i have a copy of the rules that have been compiled , there is an attachment to their letter, so where is the problem, the problem is that we unfortunately have to say now with the intention behind this case, and even though i want to judge people, i will say the result of my discussion , the result is this. unfortunately, we
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are at a standstill in the obvious and simple issues in the country, and in fact , we are slow and lax, and instead of going through these issues and getting to the more important issues and the regulatory layers and the next issues, there is smuggling that may take place. now, there may be a connection between the platform and drug distribution companies, this is the answer it was also about foreign experience . in fact, a telegram from mr. doctor about foreign experience . this is the uae itself. we have many companies. now, maybe you can look at esterpharmacy or other companies that sell drugs online. right now, amazon is selling in all the countries of the persian gulf. the internet has a report that actually by the conflict of our interests with the experience that we encountered in other business areas and in other e-commerce coins, which
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is similar in a similar way. from a traditional atmosphere to a modern space. sorry for lack of information, i don't want to accuse anyone. they accept it and waste the country's time and time at different levels and officials, radio and television, and the people's time for an issue that is obvious and clear, and no one has claimed that medicine should be offered outside the framework of drug stores . then you said why associations do not have a conflict of interest, they worry when they see the government something says that the verse will not be compiled, the regulations will not be issued
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, the parliament says something, i am definitely worried, why should there be a conflict of interest, when in the end , they buy from the pharmacy, because it is not possible to buy, i am definitely worried, and to be honest, a person has gone to study to become a pharmacist. it has become a pharmaceutical company, then a company will come up with a platform , and it will make thousands of copies a day from its warehouse. it may not be known from where it is being sent, it will not be edited, it will not be monitored . do they also sell? we can free the sale of weapons in our country . you see, we have to monitor our own system with the culture of our own system, and unfortunately, because there is no such monitoring now, this space is a space of freedom and freedom. mr. sir
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, it doesn't hurt that we don't hold hands, let's say it is forbidden from the beginning, and our pharmacist and our people, thank you to both guests of the program, all the good viewers of the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment, this issue will definitely be on our agenda. may god take care of you, you are better than me.
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bushehr is an important and strategic province , it is on the coast of the persian gulf, it has a fishing industry, its oil and gas reserves , its transportation consulting language is unique , its export and import by sea is the size of a sea, and it has a power plant whose name is universal, bushe nuclear power plant. the corner of the city is also the firsts, the first stone printing house in the country, the first city where electricity flowed, and even the first ice factory called bushehri, but bushehr has been thirsty since ancient times, it is a neighbor of the sea, but it is on fire and has no water. the inhabitants of the land of bright sunshine
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have always struggled to provide sustenance. water industry developed, population increased, dry more and more every year. water is a vital need for the cities and villages of this city. but armaghani is on the way to solve this hundreds-year-old problem of building a 70,000 cubic meter desalination plant. of course, he told the people about the promise of 10 years. it passed until 1400 when the president of the 13th government set foot in bushehr , it was very important for him to solve this problem of the people, he ordered and put the task of implementing it on the shoulders of the atomic energy organization, saying that this is the social responsibility of the nuclear power plant. the head of the atomic energy organization
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announced on the third of july 1401 in bushehr. the start of desalination construction in the near future. this capacity is 70 thousand meters fortunately, mr. president confirmed and emphasized the cube and it has been communicated to us. we are also head. considering what the end result is, we started designing and building it, and with god's help , we will start its implementation as soon as the contractor is appointed , so that this long-standing demand of the dear people of busheh province will be fulfilled, and we will not be in debt any more and we will not be ashamed. we hope that it was a rightful demand, god willing. we can achieve this earlier than the scheduled date in the program, and 3 months later, the plan was started and the name of martyr raees
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ali delwari was also called to prayer. construction of fresh water bushehr nuclear power plant with a daily production of 70,000 cubic meters of water in an area of ​​9 hectares should be implemented and commissioned. it sweetens three and a half cubic meters of sea water every second. october 1402, the 10th year of commercial operation of bousher nuclear power plant. and the head of the organization. atomic energy in bousher inquired about the progress of the desalination project of martyr rais ali delbari. we will do our best to
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implement the promises you made to start this water unit in the next two years, and we need your help to do this. promise to expand up to 100,000 cubic meters of items what
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is the living condition of the people in this region of the country and bushehr , where you are working.
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the works have progressed well, sea and land geotechnical studies, hydrographic services and land leveling operations , fencing of the site and 130,000 cubic meters of excavation. it has been done and construction operations are being carried out at a fast pace. this project started with a cost of more than 4 thousand billion tomans and in the future it will be developed with up to 100 thousand cubic meters per day. abashnik of the main martyr of delvari bushe in two phases of 70 thousand cubic meters in shaaban rooz and development plan 15. 15,000 cubic meters will be collected per shaban day, the method of taking water from the sea is direct which is gravity from a depth of 1200 meters.
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the beach enters the water pump area. the progress of the project has been about 15% so far. according to the two-year schedule, we promised the people, the officials, and the high office of the president that we will establish this industry within two years, god willing. . we hope to be able to move within this framework, even though it will take us more than 10 months every time this order was issued. we made preparations and administrative follow-ups to secure the land for this project. we hope that no more delays will be imposed on us and considering the project will be one of the prestigious industrial projects and one of the largest water desalination capacities in the country . god willing, we will be able to implement it in the schedule we promised and present it to the dear and kind people of bushehr.
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the comprehensive strategic document of iran's nuclear knowledge predicts the production of 10,000 megawatts of new electricity only in the southern coasts of the country, and wherever a nuclear power plant is built, desalination plants must be built next to it to use sea water for the internal processes of the power plant. it should be used and water and electricity for the residents of the area should be provided at the same time, if possible. with setting up a water softener, this problem will be solved one day when the water is cut off, but my people should really save money. i hope that it will get better with the installation of desalination water and that the aqueducts will start working here and our water
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will be better like our electricity, god willing. let the water problem be solved, god
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willing, ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city , put away your household supplies. i don't have a check, bye everyone, bye, no, madam, i don't want a checkbook , will you be my guarantor, i don't want to be a guarantor. you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we have come to sarai
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irani to buy a cooler. this time of the year has started with this rush and special sale of air conditioners in the great iranian sarai with exceptional conditions. private sale without advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian mansion until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the sports news of the second week of the premier league. tonight , it ends with two games. last night, foulad.


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