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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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masoum ezzati of radio and television news agency, in the name of allah, rahman and raheem, the owners of this photo , our honda is taking a step in the path of morteza , but the truth is that it is a path that mixes art with knowledge and elevates morteza. without an organizational mission, before anyone asked him, davini was sure that he should do this work to narrate the international effects of the islamic revolution. rezvan hall of basij national media hosted the second gathering on morteza road. a gathering that started with the memory of the martyrs of tariq al-quds. to the servant's childhood. and
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it continued with the memory of the resistant people of gaza. branches the palestinians are under attack. now the palestinian people are facing a crime, and in fact , they are facing a real massacre, which is actually illustrated , and the whole world is seeing it. the second meeting of morteza path was an opportunity. find god's hand and feet in different scenes and see what god has planned for the future, then align yourself with god's plans, the true reflection of the facts and events of the society, especially the gaza incident, which , in my opinion, is the theme of all his efforts.
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it can be done in the field of information, but actually , there is an effort at the world level, which is as it should be it is necessary and as it is right, it should not be transferred to the international community. i think that if martyr avini was alive now, he would be a justice in the global dimension , that is, the issue of gaza and palestine. and also in the internal dimension, defending the hero and the oppressed, confronting windfalls, rents, and profiteering that still exist in our economy, and discrimination, injustice, and class gaps that still exist. what is the capacity of all media to better introduce the islamic revolution and dear islamic republic and islam, we can use it . and
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i would like to introduce a worthy and lovely figure from islam and the islamic revolution, like the brilliant era of the holy defense, when they put cameras on their shoulders and went to record and record the pure images of our holy defense. it was passing by and with their eloquent and sweet words and that strange and magical pen, they must have narrated the oppression and bravery of ghazra, the thing that the films of martyr avini must have been concerned with was bringing the media to the place it should be , a brave media, a truth-seeking media, a committed and committed media. the demanding media is the media that is proud of this it should have the ability to take on the role of cultural leadership in the community, a media that can deserve it. to be described
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as a sanatorium is the benefit of life and eyes from the beauty of art. artists and media people also signed a statement in defense of the palestinian people. the meeting on the path of morteza is an opportunity to reread the path taken by seyyed shahidan ahl al-qalam for those who took this path. sahar kwanati broadcast news when you visit the central bank website and enter the statistics and data section and the bank statistics option. you will see information that may be strange to you. the first item is the information of large-scale studies whose names were so secret until a while ago
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that this secrecy became a source of humor. mr. a. you are accused that with the help of mr. sinjim k from dalzal institute, you are a sinshi preacher. and the names of a few of them were used as a tool to collect votes because mr. raisi announced that you gave them. i am giving the list of 11 people right now to mr. raisi, if he is responsible, give him this list, why are you in this debate now? he wants to give, but now all these names, even most of them, have been made available to the public. the story is related to the budget law of 1401. note 16 of this law obliged the central bank to publish the information on the education of the major banks on its website immediately after the end of each quarter, an event that , although with some shortcomings and a little irregularity , it finally achieved its result
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. the past led to the disclosure of information about half of the total education balance of the banking network , which was unprecedented in itself. the issue of transparency in higher education continued in 1402. but with a change, the central bank was given a 3-week deadline to update the information on the banks' macro education after the end of each season. the information, again with some seasoning of disorganization, was done again. but the matter does not end only with the publication of this information, but also with the investigation of economic corruption cases. the people named in the food system and dragging them to the trial table is another effect of revealing the names of the students of the big education . they were sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined
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about 725,164. that bank they gave to related persons, from the parents of people who have a relationship with the bank managers to the companies in which the bank is a shareholder. this information was published quarterly in central bank tanmay since 1401. the transparency that continued in 1402 and will continue this year. the next item is the education information paid by banks to their own companies. in last year's budget law, the members of the islamic council obliged the central bank to publish the information on the loans given by the banks to their own companies. the assignment that early it was done in august and it turned out that banks
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lent more than 2015 thousand billion tomans to their own companies. this clarification process continued. now it's time for the facilities that people talked about a lot. this amount that their employees are lending is not fair , it is not really fair. dissemination of bank loan information to their employees for the first time in a situation where ordinary people had to go through haft khan rostam to get a loan . i went several times. the loan payment has not yet arrived at the beginning of the year. at the end of the year, they say , because at the end of the year, nadim said, you will not be a guarantor, the employee says that his salary is low, you bring a document , you say that it is not valid, you bring a business license, he says, i don't know, it is not valid , they will open your head in a way that you say this yourself, i don't want this, the report of the central bank that was published in early june showed.
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banks lent a total of more than 164 thousand billion tomans to their employees, which means on average about 800 million tomans per employee . take a loan and people go to the bank like this and sit in the bank for four days, for example , bring a copy to the bank, and in the end, nothing will happen. transparency in loans paid to bank employees did not end there. it should have been determined in what form and by what rule these loans are paid to bank employees? in the budget law of 1402, the islamic council has a rule to make it clear and the amount has a limit. the clause to move towards justice placed an obligation on the central bank to prepare and notify the regulations for the facilities of bank employees, as a result of which the education regulations paid to bank employees were published, another example of this transparency in the field of shareholding amount
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directly or indirectly, banks are in host companies, according to the budget law of 1402, the central bank was obliged to provide transparent information, which, although delayed, did its work initially by publishing information 8. the bank started providing information, which of course is still incomplete, but this was not the end of the story, but another clause that was added for the first time to the budget law of 1402 related to the release of information on immovable property of banks. immovable property is property that can be transferred. there is no place where the central bank put the information of these properties on its website for the first time in august of last year. the information about the unreasonable assets of the banks was published for the first time, but the last case was 2 years
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in prison because of the accusation. and only the deadline for their repayment is extended. one of the things that banks used to do in the past , maybe they are doing now, is to promote education. they renew, for example, let's say it's overdue, they renew it again, it's overdue , they renew it again. in a way, maybe this will cause those institutions to somehow lose their ability to repay , the definition of which is called the possibility of facilities, which in the past no information was available and the exact amount of which could not be estimated , but becoming a release this information is a legal clause in the budget law of the year. and its publication by the central bank
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put an end to the existing uncertainties in this field, but with the end of the life of the budget law of 1402 and closing it, the life of these transparencies in the banking system does not end, but with the re-approval of these items in the budget law of 1403 this the story continues. sara fazli , sed and sima news agency. bushehr is an important and strategic province , it is on the coast of the persian gulf, it has a fishing industry, oil and gas reserves , its transportation agriculture is unique , its export and import by sea is the size of a sea, and it has a power plant whose name is world-class.
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bushe nuclear power plant. bushehr is also the first city. the country's first stone printing house, the first city where electricity flowed. and even the first ice factory called bushehri. but bushehr has been thirsty for a long time. it is next to the sea, but it has fire. it has no water. the inhabitants of the land of the shining sun have always suffered and to provide sustenance. water. developed industry. increased population. drought is more and more every year. water is a vital need for the cities and villages of this city. but armaghani is coming. on. the solution to this hundreds-year-old problem is to build a desalination plant of 70,000 cubic meters. of course
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, 10 years have passed since the promise to the people, until 1400, when the president of the 13th government set foot in bushehr , it was very important for him to solve this problem of the people, and he ordered the implementation of the mission to he said that this is the social responsibility of the nuclear power plant. head of the atomic energy organization on the third of july 1401 in bushehr it was announced that the operation of desalination plants will start in the near future . fortunately, mr. president confirmed and emphasized this capacity of 70,000 cubic meters. with the help of god , we will start the executive operation as soon as the contract is determined , so that this long-standing demand of the dear people of bushe province
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will be fulfilled, and we will not be in debt any more and we will not be ashamed that a demand was right. this is an annual project, we hope we can do it earlier than that time , the plan was started and the name of martyr rais ali delwari was called to prayer. the desalination plant of bushehr nuclear power plant, with daily production of 70,000 cubic meters of water in an area of ​​9 hectares , should be implemented and started every second
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. in the month of 1402, the tenth year of commercial operation of the bushar nuclear power plant and the head of the atomic energy organization in bushar inquired about the progress of the water desalination project of shahid raisali delvari. it will be implemented in the next two years, god willing, and your help is greatly needed. everything that is needed in terms of construction and civil engineering is seen, i.e. water tank for 100,000, filter documents, all these things are seen for 100,000, only the purchase of
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mechanical equipment, which is added according to the need, construction work from the building school. all those who are trying to work, the contractor who prepared the work here , executed the wall of the area, this work seems to be a simple work, for example, a water project, but it is a work that, in my opinion, is 20 times more important and in a way
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it also has sanctity because you are in the service of the people, that is , you are working for the quality of life of the people and the improvement of the living conditions of the people in this region of the country and in bushehr. this is extremely valuable . as mr. atai himself said, delhi is also interested in this issue, the works are well advanced, geotechnical studies. sea and land, hydrographic services, land leveling operations, site fencing and 130 thousand cubic meters of excavation have been done. and construction operations are being carried out at a fast pace. this project with a cost of more than 4 thousand billion toman has started. and in the future expandable with up to
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100. the method of extracting water from the sea is direct extraction, which is gravity-fed from a depth of 1,200 meters from the shore into the basin of the water intake pump house. the progress of the project has been about 15% so far, which is according to the schedule. which is considered for two years, we promised the people, the officials and the high office of the president that god willing we will create this industry within two years, we hope to be able to move within this framework, even though it was 10 months ago since this the order was issued , we spent the preparations and administrative follow-up
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we hope that we will be able to secure the land for this project. it should not be imposed, and considering that the project will be one of the prestigious industrial projects and one of the largest water desalination capacities in the country, we will be able to implement it, god willing, in the schedule we promised , and present it to the dear and honorable people of bushehr. let's do the document of iran's nuclear knowledge strategic community to produce 10 thousand megawatts of new electricity only in the southern coasts. the country has predicted that wherever a nuclear power plant is built, a desalination plant should be built next to it in order to use sea water for the internal processes of the power plant should be used and the water and electricity of the residents of the area should be provided at the same time. what if it happens? god willing,
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this problem will be solved one day when the water is cut off by starting a water softener. but people should really save money. some people treat water very badly. the current water situation, for example, we have water for 14-15 hours. 10 12 hours of water. we don't have it. i hope that it will get better with the installation of the waterfall and that the aqueduct will work here and our water will improve like our electricity, god willing. water storage and we won't be here for a week or four days, now maybe someone doesn't come to get water today , he has to remember or not, it may be a travel house tomorrow , there will be no water, there will be no water for three days, four days , there will be a problem, so our electricity problem has been solved atami bosher, god willing, sweeten the water , my power plant will start, and the water problem will be solved, god willing , the people will not have any problems
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. in 1401, a law was passed to save government costs and reduce people's visits to the departments , the budget law obliges the executive bodies. by the end of september 1041, at least one third of their services should be provided through the window of their smart government service unit, and by the end of december of the same year , they should connect their unit window to the national window of smart government services.
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no need for frequent authentication to receive documents. the purpose of this task is to bring the device to a level where the user can access all the services of the device with a single authentication. oil and its related agencies followed this law . the headquarters of the ministry of oil previously, that is, since march 1400, some of its widely used services, including approval in principle of petrochemical and petrochemical refinery and refinery projects, as well as permission to build liquid fuel and cng stations through the port. national issued the permits, which is still ongoing, and now the link is also available in the window of the ministry of petroleum headquarters
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. the sedef system and other systems that were used by the people in relation to the people, and the registration of applications and many other cases was the duty of the law. by the end of the month, the executive body should connect at least one third of their most used executive processes to the single window. alhamdulillah, we have done almost two thirds of this process, and some others are a few days before the end of the legal and incomplete deadline from the 19th of month, and we actually we were able to connect to the port, how to calculate the gas price, that is, based on the control number, you can calculate the gas bill , the gas debt amount based on the subscription number
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, the debt amount based on the serial number of the meter, registering a complaint in the inspection and responding to the complaint and following up the complaints of these five services. we could actually count in fact, let's provide the people with a single window for the account . for the rest of the services, we are seeking permission from the presidential office and non-operating defense. in fact , let's give a single window to the people, the headquarters of the ministry of petroleum, which provides a third of its most used services, and the subsidiaries of the national oil products distribution company, almost all of its services. and the national gas company has also provided its widely used services, and god willing, the national petroleum refining and distribution company has also provided them until the end. shahrivar will be connected to this unit window.
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the budget law of 1402 obliged the executive bodies to provide all their frequently used services through the national window of smart government services by the end of november 1402, so that at least 20% of these services can be performed completely intelligently without any human intervention. when the deadline of this law expired, some institutions affiliated to the ministry of oil had incomplete performance. the parent company of refining broadcasting has provided 100 services. national oil products distribution company 100%, national petrochemical industry company 60%. the headquarters of the ministry of oil 40, research institute the oil industry has 25% and the national gas company has 13% of the commitments related to this issue in the sunset oil research institute. we almost completely fulfilled our commitments.
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there are infrastructure issues that, god willing, will be resolved . we are fully at the service of the audience related to this department. now, which department is connecting the laboratory services? the public services we have will also be connected soon. i don't say because this is a commitment, the reality and i must be precise about 28 services of national gas company in the system we have prepared and are currently conducting cyber security checks. after the regulatory bodies give us cyber security approval, we will immediately publish 28 services on the new system and people can benefit from these services . well, we predict that we will be able to provide these services to the people in the next month. the oil minister explained the reason as follows. all our companies are trying their best to connect . well, if some departments in some of our companies
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are not connected, it is not a factor in the defense discussion . inshallah, friends are consulting , otherwise, there is no problem from the ministry of oil's point of view , the minister of communications, but he said that these talks are an excuse, mr. chairman of the north, in the meeting of the intelligence council, ordered that the devices that really use the excuse of security or have reasons , their reasons are in ministry of communications. it should be investigated if the security detection authority in the country, which is the supreme council of cyberspace, is not included , then it should be sent to the cyberspace center, as we have not had a single case to be submitted to the national center of cyberspace. this excuse and these reasons seem to be illogical. that the deadline for the implementation of the budget law of 1402 has expired , according to the statements of the vice president of planning of the ministry of petroleum , national petrochemical industry company and
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oil industry research institute. finally, they provided their services in full , but the performance of the headquarters of the ministry of oil and the national gas company is still incomplete. at the level of the headquarters of the ministry of oil , four services are considered, of which three services are actually connected to the national window, and one service is being carried out at the level of the national gas company . national is actually connected and this work continues, the government has actually set a target that this year we will actually make at least 20% of the services smart, which fortunately has been done at the level of the companies that i have mentioned. the desired in this field, god willing.
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let's find ruqiyeh hoyda, radio news agency at 5 o'clock. in order to manage electricity consumption, the working hours of offices will be changed from 15th of june to 15th of september. the spokesperson of the electricity industry said that based on the approval of the council of ministers last year, the working hours of offices were changed in order to manage electricity consumption in the hot season of the year. this plan will be implemented this year as well, based on last year's plan, the working hours of the offices will be


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