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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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well, i fundamentally disagree with this issue and with this point of view. now i will explain in the continuation of my discussion why i disagree with the prioritization of countries in the development of the foreign narrative of the opponents. you mention opening up relations with the russians or the chinese instead of the european countries. or the removal of tension with the united states of america, then because you say that the relations are friendly and good, after that statement of future cooperation in the economic, political and security fields between the days and the countries of the gulf region, there is a gap. you will be shocked. it is not a small issue, this issue of seganeh islands is part of iran's vital and territorial interests. so, how can we transmit this behavior?
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let's clarify and explain. i am not denying the good relations of the russians in some fields, such as the field of military and economic exchanges. similarly, i do not want to deny it, to confirm this, but i want to understand this paradox of behavior in theoretical and theoretical formats. we can explain and say what is the reason for this story, the reason for this position of the chinese and russians regarding our vital and territorial interests. well, the answer i have about it is that we in order to understand the world today , we need new conceptual tools, that is , we cannot explain and interpret the realities of today's world in the form of strategic alliances, stable and exclusive partnerships, blocking, and words such as multilateralism. new words are used by some theories
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to some extent. the new facts and realities of the systematists of international relations can be brought up to explain the international and the region, explain why the russians and the chinese take a position against the vital and territorial interests of iran despite the good relations they have with iran in some areas. they explain to us how is it possible for saudi arabia to have an alliance with the so-called it has a long-standing alliance with the united states of america and has very extensive and good relations with china and russia . how is it possible that russia, which has good relations with us , has better relations with israel and china with israel ? the things i have explained to you a decade ago and two decades ago
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, it was completely unimaginable that saudi arabia would enter into extensive economic relations with some of america's global competitors, such as china, and even in the field of military and security issues. ok, but this is happening today . there are a few words. i'll skip over them soon , i'll just explain them. we have a latin word called cide procius, which means something against something, that is, us. we give concessions, we give up , we ask for something in return. today's international order , today's regional order is strongly transaction-oriented , that is why ideology as an element and variable that was previously normal is suspended and what determines the depth and level of the relationship and the quality of the relationship. the only thing that can define. the price for an actor
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the transaction is willing to pay. that is, if we see that china and russia take a stance on our vital interests, because the price of this stance is paid by the countries of the persian gulf cooperation council to the russians and the chinese. for this reason, the relationship in the regional sphere and in the international sphere is strongly based on the elementary school of transaction-oriented, very short-term, merciless relations, and i am sorry for your presence. explain and we can know new facts through this conceptual tool. it is a word that post-modern, post-structuralists use it , it has an english version, maltese now, maltese now , now i have. paying attention to the text that he had and
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translating these to the order or quasi-order of polyalignment, which is completely different from unity, because they believe that this category of theory. in today's world, we are facing the erosion of the category of stable alliances, exclusive partnerships, and blocking. thank you, mr. pakani . well, look at some of the issues raised by our brother, mr. khadershahi. look at the new concepts . it means together do not disagree. but when the dispute is in the area of ​​vital and territorial interests, it can no longer be called a dispute. you see, the issue of taiwan
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is a vital issue for china, which is a common issue. well, see the relationship between china and the united states. he invested in america. the us considers china as an enemy in its strategic document, and mrs. nancy pelosi will go and be present in taiwan as the president of the us congress. so, are china and the united states going to change their relations with the united states?
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in relation to the discussion of what the uae did in the two meetings you mentioned russia and china are coming, and from the uae's point of view , they are asking iran to negotiate with the emirates over the three kharij islands of fars . well, did we go because of this position that , as you said, the trade that happened between saudi arabia and china or the uae and china, that you confirmed that trade, that is, china came based on its own interests and signed this
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statement . it was collective, not bilateral. well , is it necessary for us to disturb our friendship with china? monk's relations. i don't have the same saudi arabia that you mentioned. saudi arabia has a very good relationship with the united states, but in the area of ​​russia , syria, the west asian region , it has disagreements with russia and china. should
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they disrupt their relations or cut them off, should their documents be made unenforceable? they want ambassadors and ambassadors . look, i want to say this as one. first of all, i will discuss the ideology in another place . you see, as an era, friendly countries have differences, because every country has a foreign ministry. he could not find a diplomat who goes and talks and reduces these differences and increases commonalities . we have strategic relations with china and russia . yes, yes. they are unhappy. the leaders are unhappy that we support the integrity of ukraine's currency in international forums and want an end to this war. we
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do not have similar positions with the russians in the caucasus region, but we are friends. you sit down and talk to each other, we will move forward with my work. regarding china, we have differences of opinion with the chinese in some parts of the world. but this does not mean that friendship with china is sidelined mr. khosrowshan, let me tell you that again, i am against the false dichotomies that the chinese and the russians are taking a stand on the vital and territorial interests of iran and we will return our relations to the level of enmity because of this stand. my argument was that in the circumstances that the islamic republic of iran has declared that these saghane islands are part of the horizontal integrity and vital and territorial interests of iran, the support of china and russia is necessary. this issue
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is surprising to international assemblies or the international court of justice, but i am talking about understanding these behaviors. the contradiction and paradox of my discussion refers to the fact that the relationships that exist today are relationships based on exchange of relationships from the structural state to the functional state. in other words, relationships are formed on the basis of relative position or thematic and case relationships , which is why alliances in the new system are very unstable and fluid both in the regional and international spheres. therefore, in this sense , i am referring to the fact that we must get out of these dualities in the form of these conceptual tools of
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today's world and see and recognize again that mr. ideology, in the state of delaying our order or quasi-order, is a there is a multi-aligned quasi-order, the level of depth and quality of relationships is determined by the price that the actors are willing to pay for it. if we accept these things, actually prioritizing a regional issue over an international issue , giving priority to some countries over some other countries , is fundamentally harmful and detrimental to national interests , because you are living in a regional situation that saudi arabia is from. the set of these parallel relations and simultaneous partnerships with competitors can make the most of the competition between
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china, russia and the united states of america and other countries. europeans should take necessary advantage, but because of the cancellations that are actually happening before the order , most of the cancellations seem to be ideological cancellations, you are removing yourself from part of the relations and competitions. if the world was bipolar and we had strategic and strategic alliances with the russians, i would definitely accept your argument . you also mentioned the neighborhood policy and the priorities that should exist. ok , what is your assessment, how much should we focus on the development of the neighborhood policy in the relationship international and relationship. as a foreigner, countries like china and russia
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have always defended the lateral integrity of the islamic republic of iran and have declared this many times, which means that if the arab countries of the bass gulf region pay the price , they will support the uae's position in the sagheh region. i would like to explain this so that you can see that there is a debate in bilateral communication, which usually and always defends the transverse integrity of the islamic republic of iran, but in multilateral summits , a statement is usually prepared by the host, perhaps one country with all the contents of that statement he doesn't agree, but he accepts the whole statement out of respect for the host and the other members of that assembly, and then announces a reservation, which means reservation and then instead of announcing. for example, i disagreed with this paragraph. for example, we in the organization
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of islamic cooperation recently issued a statement that the symbol of the unity of the countries of israel. the palestinian government is an israeli government, which we disagreed with today's simple opinion, but we did not reject the principle of the statement. we did not say because of this whole issue we do not accept the statement because it would threaten the unity of the islamic world. we accepted the statement, then immediately announced our reservation , he said. in our opinion, there is a question of holding a referendum in the occupied territories of resistance to the referendum with the presence of christians, jews, muslims, which you already know the story, so this does not mean that the country has deviated from its position, not for an expediency. at some point in a meeting
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, he decides to accept that statement. the statement of the persian gulf cooperation council is also accepted by china and russia. he also mentioned and the benefits he has, well, but then he announced that we defend the integrity of the currency of the islamic republic of iran. this is a second discussion about the neighbors that you mentioned. a country is a priority in the foreign policy of any country, that is, if they say that the foreigner of a certain country has been successful, they look to see how this country's relationship with its neighbors has been. to have, not to, not with syria, not with iraq, not with armenia and in this way now russia definitely
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gives priority to iran than to the philippines. it is characteristic of china to give priority to pakistan in its foreign relations . for sri lanka, this is a natural thing. well , considering this issue, we are looking for this. ok, for us and cooperation, let's set it up in various political, security, economic and cultural fields. that's why we raised the issue of regional security in the persian gulf in the field of security. we believe that our neighboring countries in the persian gulf can maintain the security of the region with the help of each other they don't have a trans-region either. we have the same issue in the caucasus of central asia. we are raising the issue that without the interference of foreign countries, the countries in the caucasus in central asia, especially after the karabakh war, can sit together and
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ensure the security of the region, like the meeting of 3 the addition of three that we held in iran and many of our neighbors also welcome this issue. in the countries in the economic field, most of our neighboring countries are also looking to strengthen the economy, they are also looking to create diversity. in the economic field, we cooperate with them in these areas i would like to mention one or two points before entering the topic of the region, which i forgot to present in other discussions. let's see, when we talk about a multi-aligned order whose basis is functional relations instead of structural relations, basically there is no more polarity, whether we call it east or west, in fact we have a kind of non-polarity in the international system. the world
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is witnessing in such a situation one of the axes that mr. pakain also mentioned. placing high-level documents that are neither eastern nor western policies are fundamentally incompatible with today's fluid and dynamic world we can understand the realities of today's world with this principle and with these glasses and make decisions based on it. when you can be neither eastern nor western, when you can have a lack of commitment or spend negatively, that is a bipolar system. ok, this bipolar system, of course, seems to have been a flexible bipolar system during the cold war, in which non-commitments could play a role in between these two poles, but in a world where there is no polarity, neutrality and non-commitment basically mean nothing.
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this is our first point, our second point , in a situation where this and dynamic and fluid relationships and partnerships are lost instead of exclusive and stable partnerships, we should put all our efforts and aim at diversifying our foreign policy portfolio instead of the trend of one relationship and another , that is, as far as possible, our relations , especially with big. where there are good relations in terms of quality and quantity , let's make a difference between east and west. in my opinion , in our current situation, spread your politics. and not the west , we have to turn it into an eastern and western policy , that is, today's world is a world that, due to the lack
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of polarity in it, we definitely cannot, by looking at if we decide about it in the past, if we do not diversify our foreign policy portfolio , iran's dignity and value in both regional and international relations will be harmed, god forbid. it happened because the great powers are considering actors in the competition among themselves and are willing to increase the price of the relationship and pay the price, so that they feel that the only options for that actor, i.e. iran, for example, are not ours in our foreign policy in the current situation. in a way or in a situation that the russians and chinese know about, we are in this city. our conditions are not like saudi arabia, we are not like the uae our only options in the current situation where we are facing the unilateral us sanctions regime
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are russia and china, and this can cause abuse, but in the regional area, i am open to conceptual changes. i would like to point out that liberals have already undergone qualitative and little changes in the regional field, basically the concept of convergence and what liberals consider in international relations. basically, we cannot base the future of regional relations on convergence. we will weigh because if we want to analyze on the basis of convergence, the economies of these countries are not economies that complete each other, so convergence
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in the sense that the liberals say will never be formed among regional actors. in fact , the new issue or new proposition that we can propose for iran's regional doctrine is the regional connection chain, which is in this regional connection chain. the geography and historical and civilizational connections of iran are very important. based on this geography and the historical connections of iranian civilization , it can actually reach the four subsystems and subsystems of eurasia, the persian gulf, and south asia. there is transit, that is, to another word is the regional transfer of goods and politics, on this basis, iran can
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turn its geopolitical, geographical and historical potentials into practical issues and its sphere of influence and determination to eastern europe, central europe, and north africa . we have 6 minutes, 3 minutes for you and 3 minutes for the international system. we did not face the lack of a pole. at one point, we had two poles during the cold war , when the world was america and the soviet union, and no change in the world could take place unless one of these two qutb should announce his opinion and announce the issue. after the collapse of the soviet union, the americans said that the world has become unipolar, which means that there is no more east. the only pole is against america, and the whole world must be subject to america's policies or aggression and domination.
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the islamic revolution disrupted this game and announced that we should seek multilateralism . let's seek to present a polar opposite to american unilateralism , and this issue is now one of the characteristics of the new world order, in which the occurrence of one of the characteristics of the transition period is undeniable. and all my experts believe that there is a multilateral front, in contrast to a one -sided pole, that is, the united states, which has several important axes, russia, iran, china, and some non-aligned countries, latin american countries , african countries that these everyone is a follower of multilateralism, so we can't say, because now america is an absolute pole, so we have to treat russia as a friend as we do with russia. we
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have a friendly relationship with china, just like with the american who has sanctioned us and is doing all kinds of hostilities against us, we should do the same. let's establish a relationship with the united states. this is not logical at all. you see, libya thought the same . the libyans thought that the only pole in the world and the leader is the united states. therefore , applying the opinions of the united states, the opinions given by the united states are what your missile system tells us. eliminate the influence of the eaton area from b. when america did this , it attacked this country as there is no democracy in libya. should we repeat this experience ? mr. khosrowsh, i agree with your summary. your presence when we talk about multilateralism we are talking
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about the one-sidedness in the world in which there is a lack of polarity in the practice of domination and hegemony and one-sidedness is on the decline. this is an exceptional situation in the history of international relations . on top of that, if there was a polarity today , china would have provided military assistance to the russians. china has a relative position in not providing military assistance to russia. certainly, if it was a polarity and it was the unipolarity of america, today india would not buy oil from russia in any way, china would not buy it. he was loyal to the 11,000 sanctions of the united states of america and
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followed it, but. in the current situation, we are actually witnessing the escape and flight of great powers such as india and china from the ring of western and united states sanctions against russia. if the world had a polarity, today saudi arabia is deepening its relations with the russians and the chinese, similar to its relations with the united states. i do not forgive, thank you, thank you very much to both guests of the program. all good viewers of the program higher than you have accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, or ali, higher than hero , or higher today, wherever we are, tell us the truth.
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2:00 am
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