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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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the reason is that in the obvious issues of the city , there are many decision-making factors, which is really difficult to coordinate. you see, we have a unified management , we have a coordinated urban management. now, in housing, in a discussion like housing, housing is a challenge for big cities, but housing is 17 up to the institution and organization. it interferes with housing management. collecting these is a project in itself. in our historical context, we finally have a valuable historical context. you have a very, very strong identity, many of whom were really challenged because of our shortcomings. well, for example, the management of our city is the municipality. management dimension context of the ministry of cultural heritage. they never have a common language, they have conflicts and interests. then he comes. in the end, he goes to violate, you see, after
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a while, that fabric became a challenge in the field of your culture, 50% of the traffic that is now in our big cities, we must buy buses , we must buy electric buses, we must prepare urban infrastructure, we must do this. let's do it, but the travel factor. in the city of tehran, it is two and a half times as much as city trips in other countries. the reason is that many tasks cannot be done with one institution and organization. you have to travel a lot during the day. do it. 50 city traffic is affected by driving culture. well, for example , mr. zakani doesn't have any training sources to tell him, sir , for example, you should use this time today
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, for example, today, without any effort. for example, if your driver comes at 10 o'clock, he has to go to the government. tell him to beg now, thank god, the government of mr. raisi, mr. zakani is going to go to the government, let me have a relationship, it's good, some of this will be solved, say that in these 8 days, for example, our working hours should change, if this happens, i remember there was a lot of traffic at one time, me too at that time i was the traffic secretary of the country's cities the work of the office in tehran has changed, the whole traffic. he found that today's soft management is the tool of culture in the hands of the ministry of education. for example, in the discussion of urban health , the tools of health are in the hands of the ministry of health. but it is really embarrassing to give an example, maybe some friends will say that this is an obvious example, let's go out of tehran. in
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a city, for example, in the city of sanandesh, a building has a case in the municipality where its work is over there is the birth certificate of the owner, probably, and some other documents. it has a file for all the institutions that this house should receive services from. well , there is an archive there, a place has been made. so , circulate this all over the world. they do not invent 100 times the successful urban management of developed countries. it shows in all countries that the government insists that the municipalities do not have the ability to run the cities right now, they do not have the budget , well, one of them said in the law that you leave the duty you feel, so this is the issue of our experience. . it has shown that
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it will come when a council called the city and village council is formed that is, the last link of democracy in the democratic system of the country, that is, you, for example, the council of experts for leadership , for example, the president of the islamic city council, where he wants to talk to the people on the street, the city council , if you give these powers to the city council, there is no need for the government to be accountable. the people themselves will answer their representatives. if they don't have the power , they will change where we can practice . believe in the power of the people. if the government takes this risk, for example, now, for example, so that he is not afraid, give an example, sir , for example, the cities of tehran, tabriz, mashhad, shiraz, qom, ahvaz. give kermanshah karaj the same duties to the city for a trial period of 3 years. give it to the city council
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. i disagree, mr. doctor. boldly, the city council should have a supervisory role. let's talk about the mayor or the city council . we don't talk about individuals . we don't look at legal entities . we don't look at reality. we look at law . at in fact, you mentioned a fabric and urban harmony and a discussion of participation, mr. doctor, these three words. in iran, luxen words. these three words remained as words. in iran, we understand that the government has no authority. allow me. this is not the case in the world. managing an urban unit does not mean that the government
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gives all its powers and duties to an institution. this is corrupt excellence, and it has no ability to manage the city from the people. it works better than the government. no, i don't mean that. managing an urban unit means strengthening the authority of an institution that can be the leader of an orchestra can he create this coordination? in iran , we have not even practiced this issue, even in most of our cases, i strongly agree that the role of the municipality, the institution of urban management , should be strengthened. the environment has a cultural duty, it has security, it has education , it has social duties, the law says that, sir, the approvals of the islamic city council
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should be put in the ministry of housing and institutions. in the ledge when the office the government doesn't do it. for example, think about it. let's be honest, because he wants to see a minister, he can't see him . he says that you were doing what you are doing. from 1980 to the year 2000, cities
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could be managed. urban management was from 2000 onwards. in the global system, it was a valid city rule. in the city administration , that is what it is. this is what we have now. they are no longer answerable to anyone, for example, she tells the doctor that if blame everyone on the municipality, corruption will be done, by the way , corruption will be eradicated, of course, i didn't say that corruption will be done, i said that it is still corrupt. if they talk to someone, their participation is weak, which means that basically the city administration and the people are not able to participate. for example, for example, let 's tell our people that tomorrow, which is saturday , after the eid al-fitr prayer, do not drive 50% of your cars
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. how many people will listen on the street tomorrow if all the tasks should be at the disposal of the city council he can discipline you and say, "i told you not to bring a car today, maybe you can't." doctor, i told you, no, no representation from the doctor at all . by the way, let me complete my presentation in my municipality. mr. doctor, the city council has legal duties in these areas. why can't it be done ? i have worked in this area for 22 years. it is a direct area with the municipality. i worked, when we want to go, build a school, build a clinic , and in fact make the development of the pen public. the council of green space and waste collection and approval of the city budget, which is not there, the city council is responsible for citizen security , responsible for the city's environment, but now, mr. doctor, now
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only the municipal council, mr. doctor . actually, democracy is not democracy. we are both in the city council area in iran and in the yaarii council area that the first experience actually started with the appearance of an urban narrative ruling from the tehran municipality. we have the same structure of tehran municipality, we have a city council, a mayor, a district mayor, a district mayor, and a councilor, right? we we didn't come to develop the discussion of hakkam rawai in connection with people's participation. we have added a smaller circle in the localities area, we have added a bureaucratic circle to the office, this is what dr. sarimi is talking about, he says that we did not give the tools.
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we should not look at the success that will be achieved in this period in black and white, for example, and think , well, all these social harms of working children. if the success in this round does not go above 90%, see that the municipality has the power to run the city, because in every dear house there is a janitor who has been watching that house since morning, the municipality is living under the skin of the city, it knows the city, it has its power, but when he wants to make a decision, we have to talk to him. let us come to the conclusion that the constitution is the constitution. it is very clear. after all, our covenant is the
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constitution. sir, the promotion of educational, cultural , health, and economic affairs of your city is necessary for your cities to be competitive cities, why today, for example , the cities of the persian gulf region have an increase in their expansion indicators. because the city is competitive with other cities, he pointed out a very good point , what does competitiveness mean? see, all the cities in the world have an urban development strategy, that is, this city. where is his destination, where does he want to go ? what is the difference between tehran and shiraz in terms of the territory of this country ? where is shiraz and isfahan? move, there is a strategy, the tool is in the hand, mr. doctor , there is no strategy . umm al-qarai of the islamic world, what are its strategic requirements
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, where are its duties, when we say this, it does not mean that tehran municipality has all these requirements, that is, the entire system. i don't know, the chamber of commerce, the guilds, the governor's office, the municipality, the government, all of them, in fact , the role of tehran, whether on a local scale or on a regional scale. barcelona, ​​which is looked at today as barcelona, ​​how did barcelona become, in fact , it is a city that plays a leading role in world sports events, which means that all the citizens of this city, all its trades, all the private sector of its economy are already eating bread and making a living. doctor
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, what you say will happen if the powers are in the hands of the government or not? sarmi, like dr. sarmi , uses keywords that are derived from his managerial experience, and i basically only talk about the requirements of the researcher when you see that you should go and check the country's urban management programs. for example, do we say, for example, that i am a persian province, for example , the city of shiraz, is the city of shiraz a cultural city, a city of medical services, and actually a tourist therapy city ? the reality of our cities is not known, this city is the destination at all where is it, as an expert, i will tell you. if the government takes this risk, if the governments take this risk of
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giving all their powers to the municipality, the rate of expansion of the cities will be much faster than now. ahvazm reached kermanshah, the reason is the doctor , the reason is that the management of the urban unit is not the comprehensive plans of the city. the city of rora produces excellent , in which city of the country have 30% of these projects been implemented? joint urban management. for example , he has a separate goal compared to urban management. he has set a framework for all the cities of the country. he said that the guide for the detailed community plans is to prepare based on this. then when it comes to implementation , he will see that it cannot be implemented, nor is the language
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a common language. no, he knows the capabilities of the municipality. he said, for example, widen kerman street , 100 streets in tehran, he said widen shushu street, it has been 55 years since one of these streets has not been widened, if he had given it, he would have told the municipality, sir, there is no reason why he wants the street. let it be defined, by the way, mr. doctor, this issue, this issue, you also want the plan, in fact, the society tomorrow , sir, from today , prepare the detailed plan for the society of the cities of the country. by the way , i am totally against comprehensiveness. at all, the point of great deviation in the field of fashion is that of society, is it comprehensive? look now, i once had an international responsibility, now due to the same issue, i went on many foreign trips, from south east asia, i don't know, i went to europe, i went to
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central asia, i went everywhere. incidentally, their missions and structures are the same it is plans. no, the financial resources are known, that is, the financial resources are known. what do you know now? actually, one of the main challenges of the non-fulfillment of urban development plans is that the government prepares them. now, i am asking you to see an urban development plan, physical management, physical physical management of cities, issues such as poverty, political divisions, mr.
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doctor. you see, our ministry of the interior is a little bit different from us as the ministry of the interior. you see, now the ministry of interior is in charge of the issue of divisions, in fact the issue of managing cities in the field of political divisions, the ministry of roads and urban development is in charge of the preparation of community plans or plans in the field of physical management. these two don't go together. you just need to go from the city limits of tehran and enter the city limits like islam . i really need to help you, mr. doctor , don't you dare to see the friends you see in the ministry of roads and the ministry of interior regarding the issues of the engineering system . the minister of the interior
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said at the time that they cannot solve their own problems by themselves. look, no, mr. doctor, in the field of the experience of the successful cities of the world, it shows that urban management should be a single management. i was reading the successful experiences of prominent mayors of the world. look, we make things difficult and complicated, then we can't do it
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. what i'm saying is, give us one more for ourselves, that is, for those of us who serve the people , give a few hundred or maybe a thousand people because their cities don't have a place to do business. come by car to work in tehran with different numbers he should sleep in the car at night too, sir, mashallah , what else can the municipality do? the municipality is not a driver's guide, that is to say that , sir, for example, in this matter, for example, cars whose number plates are not tehran plates, these are the rules. to have the regulations means to see what has happened in the world. incidentally, in iran, this role works the other way around. mr. doctor, if my car does not have a tehran license plate tomorrow, well. the first thing i do is to get myself to tehran. either i should live in farse of tehran or i should live in the suburbs of tehran. because i have a problem that he actually has
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the issue of employment and employment. ok. by the way, you are in the same field of transportation that we actually mentioned. i'm done talking about sharia development projects. when we talk about the community plan, the community plan is only the construction regulations of the city management in the current situation. the issue of context management. the issue is the privacy of the city. question. this means that there is a need for a lot more laws in the area of ​​assignment, that the issue of land management should be assigned to the municipalities. now it's me, yes , then you have to go to jihad for agriculture and resources, of course, they don't listen to the municipality and the government. see, people are making their moves, for example, you say, sir. range tehran should not increase, yes, yes, it should not increase, but you, 20 meters in the zal shenoob of tehran, a place is formed called. mortadagerd , whose population now, for example, i think has crossed 100,000, which means it is equivalent to more than 120 cities. if you look at each other in tehran, well, you
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don't give the management of territorial boundaries to the city, he was a villager . but it was formed there, those are our dear citizens, citizens who were forced out of necessity to ask you about it. the city administration did not want to build electricity without permission the hardness of the water is hard, finally, this population flow , the flow of population changes , could be better controlled by the city administration. it has been neglected that today the suburbanization in the city of tehran has brought disaster to the city of tehran, and those servants of god themselves have brought their jobs to tehran and are sitting in the suburbs. he lives every day early in the morning, he has to get in the car at 5:30 a.m. to take himself to his place of work. mr. doctor, every day from the entry and exit points of tehran city , from azadegan, from qom highway, saze road, from karaj and from
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fardis, we should have 2 million traffic. you point out that by the way, we should hand over these issues in the discussion, he says tehran's privacy, mr. n , it shows that the whole city of tehran, the tehran urban complex, has allocated a territorial area of ​​the country to itself , but the population of my country is 14. with the same urban management structure
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of tehran, we are faced with this phenomenon. here, the plan and actually the harim plan is not responsible. here , the role of the urban management capacity of tehran should be connected to the extent that it can manage the large area. and this needs the government's support, and i want to have this discussion with the doctor now let's not talk about tehran too much , let's look at it more nationally. now, dr. sarmi's experience, i gave a few examples from foreign countries. i want to say that we are in our own country, these are free areas. in fact, azad zone, the ceo of this azad zone, how was this experience there, that is , when we handed over the authority
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, he had a different position. the model of success is a model of success, but how many years did mr. doctor's culture last for 5 years? why isn't the year abadane? why is abadan and arvand region newly liberated ? i went to this humble free region for a few days for training. these areas are free, that is , as soon as you see the country , mr. doctor, i think we have 3 minutes until the end of the program. i said that the government should trust the municipality of zahedan to the municipality of kerman, to the municipality of bam, to the municipality
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, for example, the scene of manshah province, be sure , be sure that the city councils , their decision-making power in the field is far more than an institution that sits in tehran . at that time, the council means your council. today, when you want us, something has to happen. the council, which was mentioned in the constitution as the city council, has now become a municipal council without transparency. only the municipal council should have half of its powers, our city council should be the local government let's believe in local governance, let's do it , the country will be saved. thank you very much, mr. rusta jamandi. i think that a very good discussion was raised. the point that mr. dr. sarmi pointed out at the end is absolutely correct. i said yes from the beginning.
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he compared the cities with chabar now . as a summary of this program, i believe that as an expert who has worked in the field for years , dr. sarmi and other loved ones, in my opinion , we in the field of urban management should definitely leave this departure. government tenure affairs to city management. we need to have a plan and do the necessary capacity building at the same time. we have to start from one point, we have to test the experience of our employees, and finally, the issue of management is actually one fabric or unit management of one fabric and unit of compliance with the rules. and these plans of the municipality means that the government should make policies and the municipalities
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should plan these policies in the absence of plans. anyway, this issue was in the seventh plan, but unfortunately the parliament opposed it. now , god willing, let's see what the new parliament's approach will be to this issue. laws should actually be passed may it be good for all people. well , i would also like to thank mr. omidreza sarbi, deputy director of architecture in tehran, who agreed to participate in this program. you followed our end, until we meet again, happy days and times.
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the second phase of the plan to explain milk to primary schools will start today, saturday. the secretary of the milk committee of the ministry of education said that at this stage, each student will receive 15 times of milk until the end of the school year . i would like to ask you that the 52 sessions that have been planned should be made available to the students and will not be removed in any way. of course, i would like to say that it is necessary for the cooperation of the dairy companies and this nationwide coverage . even from next week, there will be 3 to 4 sessions of explanation. the remaining turns are at the disposal of danesh students should be placed, i would say that we have laid the foundation for this year's education.


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