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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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the fabric of the country , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and peace be upon them. dear viewers , i invite you to stay with us with economic news in line with the elimination of deprivation and with the aim of civil development and development of the villages of kurdistan province . according to the announcement of the housing foundation of the islamic revolution of kurdistan province, this plan was implemented in 270 villages of the province. . the implementation of hadi project in kurdistan since
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the validity year of niazeh compared to the average of the country which is 62% , we have almost 13 laggards in this area, the main reason for this we can also be the difficult topography of the villages of the province, especially in the west of the province. on the other hand , we can mention the lack of resources to implement a plan. in the past one year, the face of 270 villages in the province has completely changed due to cleanliness . it is not the rainy season
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and we should add that hadi's plan develops a development plan for all villages. in the framework of hadi plan, we implement the roads of the village in the form of cobblestones, and the roads in the village, which are more open and we can resolve conflicts within the village , are done in the form of asphalt and tabulation. in 49 percent of the villages of kurdistan province, for example this same village is the leader's plan. implemented by dalia mohammadi , broadcasting of arendan samandadj village , watershed management operations have been carried out in 30% of the watersheds of the flooded areas in nowruz this year. according to the director general of the flood and watershed control office of the natural resources organization, approximately 66 watershed budgets were paid last year. the activity
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of the bs koni system was completely destroyed. we had nearly 3 million hectares of rainfall. we had the lowest rainfall in fars with 20 mm and the highest in stanam with 138 mm . we had more rainfall during nowruz than nowruz. 2 billion cubic meters of water was produced, which was managed with watershed measures in about 2 million hectares, more than 700 million cubic meters of water. 20 to 75 discussions.
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we had the performance of these water reservoir projects during the recent rains, including in ilam, which had the highest amount of rain in nowruz . last year, the street was completely flooded for a week, but this year, even though it rained twice as much as parna, there was no damage. and the people from yasush to kermanshah and kurd city say that they benefited from these rains without any damage from the floods. the aquifers of the country were given the first priority of the ministry of agricultural jihad . in the real sense, water production
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controls floods. watershed management is a serious activity to prevent valuable soil erosion. due to the drought in the country , flood control measures have been implemented to reduce the amount of flood damage this year compared to the previous nowruz, which was in 2018, by 65%. haratian , sed and broadcasting news agency. the chairman of the parliament's program and budget committee said that in this year's budget, 31 thousand billion tomans are intended to pay for production jump facilities it is taken that it should be allocated as 100. take these in the form of babanka combination. that is, multiply 31 by 3. with the combination of baban. this profit is zero.
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yes. 70 % of it is available to the governorates. 30% is provided to the government in a national form. that means 31 is 93 thousand billion tomans. we want to open the blind knots of production in the hands of the government, which will be managed funds that will become enterprises . the construction of gas pressure boosting platforms in south parsi field will start this winter. according to the design manager of these platforms, each platform was built with an increased capacity of one thousand million cubic feet of gas per day will be. construction will begin this winter. from the ability of domestic manufacturers and domestic contractors, these are the same contractors that we signed a contract with. the same phases were built in south pars. we exploit. its design has started and
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it is waiting for the infrastructure to be completed. gas pressure boosting platforms for south pars field. each pressure boosting platform has a pressure boosting capacity of one thousand million standard cubic feet. it is designed from gas per day and weighs approximately 10,000 to 15,000 tomans. it has three main arches and due to its size and weight , it is placed on eight-legged jackets. the twentieth this contract was signed in march last year. there is a contract with an investment value of 20 billion dollars, which is actually going to provide a 14% share of oil from the national development fund. the construction of these huge structures requires the development of the existing infrastructure . one of the strengths of this plan is the allocation of a part of the investment for this purpose. the infrastructure may be rails, it may be civil engineering discussions , or even the addition of heavy cranes suitable for that work. strengthening and increasing the bed in the construction site
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of the platform by the sea by various methods, such as the implementation of botoni grease, including the requirements the infrastructure of this project. south pars it produces 70% of the country's energy and 50% of the feed for refineries, and with the construction of these new platforms , the production capacity in this complex will increase to prevent pressure drop in some seasons. we will extract 90 trillion more cubic feet of gas from this field with the increasing pressure, more than 2 billion barrels of gas intermediates will be extracted. more than 900 billion dollars will be collected from this field . according to this contract, 14 gas pressure boosting platforms will be designed for south pars phases. and be installed reza safari of the radio and television news agency , the specialists of a scientific company managed
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to design and localize an optical spectrometer device to determine the concentration of soluble substances in water and wastewater. this product is portable and in the chemical industry of darus. and food has many uses. the water we drink, we use in agriculture, or even the waste water we settle, must be in accordance with health and environmental standards in terms of the concentration of minerals, substances and heavy metals. one of the most up-to-date methods of checking and determining the error of water-soluble substances is the use of optical spectrometer devices, which the specialists of a company the knowledge base for the success of the new generation is this. design and manufacture the device in the country. this device is a lightweight and compact optical spectrometer that uses the interaction of light and matter to determine the properties and characteristics of matter . the task of this device is to check the concentration of cations and anions in water, such as
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sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, metal ions such as iron and it is manganese and c audi as well. a product that is used in various industries such as petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and chemical. it is used. this device can be presented in two desktop and portable models , so it can be used in water and wastewater laboratories urban water in power plants in the environment department. in the same way, in the health reference laboratories of the ministry of health and in the production lines and factories , the device that was previously imported with difficulty from countries like england and germany is now being used by iranian researchers after 3 years of research and development. this product was localized in the past, and it was only produced in the united states and england. this product was produced with the same quality as foreign samples, but at a third of the price of foreign samples. we produced about 2000 per piece.
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to be cheaper price, warranty and after-sales service are only part of the advantages of this product based on iranian knowledge. the advantage of this product is that it is small and portable, in addition to its more up-to-date technical specifications, for example, the multi-purpose cell holder that we used for this, or the communication ports that have been added to it, as well as the localized software that makes the device very user-friendly. according to the officials of this company, in addition to determining the concentration of soluble substances in water, this optical spectrometer has the ability to determine the color of liquids, which is used in the food industry. in order to support the stock market, sima was prohibited from sending sell orders and selling shares for all market operators, according to the announcement of the operations management. from today, saturday, april 25, until further notice
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, it is prohibited to send sell orders and sell stocks in all symbols of the market management in the first, second, and basic markets of iran. also , based on this announcement, the sale of shares in retail and wholesale does not include these prohibitions. the disclosure of another senior employee of boeing has put this american company under new pressure, according to cn, the engineer of the quality department of this company in a letter to the us federal aviation administration has said that boeing used dangerous shortcuts in the construction of the 777 and 787 dreamliner wide-body jets. this problem exists in a thousand airplanes in use. in the letter of boeing's quality department engineer , it was emphasized that this company
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ignores 33-60% of defects. in recent months, boeing planes have faced dozens of accidents, such as the door being ripped off or the engine cover and wheel being detached during flight. another boeing whistleblower died suspiciously last month. john barnett, who was the director of boeing's quality department for many years, said boeing senior officials. they ignore his warnings about the quality of the planes. we have reached the end of the economic news. have a good day, god bless you.
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hello again, dear compatriots , according to the latest image received from the meteorological satellite , we are currently witnessing rain in some parts of north khorasan province. today, we expect the rains to continue on the eastern shores of the caspian sea, the central and eastern slopes of albort, and in the eastern parts of our country for the provinces of north khorasan, razavi khorasan, south khorasan, sisistan balochistan. plus we are witnessing these rains in the central and southern slopes of the zagros for the skies of chaharmahal bakhtiari, which by the mercy of the northern regions of fars province, the southern parts of isfahan province, yazd and kerman
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. we predict floods in the provinces of north khorasan, razavi khorasan, south khorasan and the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, and we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of rivers and rivers tomorrow, sunday. continued rains in parts of the eastern belt in addition, the country continues. from the afternoon of sunday, the barisai system will enter the country from the north-west side, due to the arrival of this system , the rains will gradually start in west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan and ardabil provinces. on monday, we are witnessing the rains in the northwestern parts, the southern parts of the southern slopes of the central slopes of the zagros and also in the southeastern parts of the country in sistan baluchistan province. gradually , from the afternoon of this day due to the influence of another system from the southern parts of the rains will start in busher and fars provinces. day three
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on saturday, the system expanded. the rains will strengthen in the northwestern parts of the southern slopes of zarborz . but we are witnessing the intensity of these rains in the southern part of the country, which due to the intensity of the rains in the provinces of sistan baluchistan, kerman and hormozgan, the flooding of public roads, the rise in the water level of rivers and canals in these areas is a normal phenomenon. on this day, dear compatriots, we ask you to avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals. on wednesday, the rains will continue in the southern half of the country and the southern slopes of alworth. is in on wednesday , we are witnessing the intensity in the provinces of kerman, hormozgan, and also in the province of sistan and baluchistan. due to the wind, the eastern parts of the caspian sea will be rough today, and today and tomorrow , due to the wind in the persian gulf , it is expected to be rough in the hormoz region and the oman sea. thanks.
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le cortamos la calle si cortamos, los estu
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don't go back to the last topic. we will address the issue of iran's response and reaction. many people ask what was iran's response? why has iran's response changed so much? i say brother, this is not a small issue and iran is investigating this is the problem of checking goals. when ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, says that israel has made a mistake and will regret it, it means that iran is preparing for this. now the army. iran is on high alert because iran has been attacked, we should sympathize with this country . this means that they attacked the embassy of this country and killed its commanders. rape and coercion, this work should not go unpunished, the important issue is that israel is currently engaged in a psychological war, in my opinion, even if
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iran does not carry out an operation, it will win the psychological war. it happened because israel is in a situation that needs to be cried over, the israeli army is on high alert, the zionist residents are in long lines of supermarkets buying food. the current psychological war is more dangerous than the war shows, it is much more dangerous than the war of the blow, but why are you trying to be like us? waiting for the execution of the sentence is much more difficult and painful than executing it. the death sentence is executed within a few seconds, but you may
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have to wait for years or months for the execution of that sentence, and this is a pain the suffering is real and real. the same situation for israel and israel is facing the same crisis. what will be iran's response? iran has clearly said that our response will not be direct and through our allies. iran tells us. you attacked our embassy like the moon . as a result, we have the right to attack, and the world and international laws give us such a right. i do not know when this attack will be. currently, 28 israeli embassies in the world have been evacuated. because these embassies may be attacked and they are afraid of this issue. maybe the israeli embassy abroad or a country arabic to be the target of an attack. i heard that the head of the iranian revolutionary guard corps said: the presence of israelis in the uae is a threat. the presence of israelis in the uae
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is not for trade or the world, but for security and military reasons, and this is a threat. is the purpose of these words of the official of the iranian revolutionary guard corps to point to something? we do not know. the important thing is that israel is in a situation where we should cry for them , because maybe there will not be an attack even later. an attack on the embassy of a country that is protected by the geneva laws should not go unanswered. an attack on the embassy should not go unanswered. a country based on the geneva laws of protection it has remained unanswered, of course, according to some news reports, if iran stops attacking
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the gaza strip and israel completely withdraws from the gaza strip, it will renounce the attack of its gold seekers. we say that if iran achieves this important goal, we are with this country. we demand the withdrawal of israel and its defeat. at present, the hamas movement has returned to khanyounes with strength. israel withdrew all its forces from khanyounes after four months and was defeated by khanyounes after these four months.
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come back, laura, or shabab, come back, laura , washed, or dr. turkeba, khalas hat, hatba
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al-ada, salam al-gaza al-samadin, peace be upon you and my soul. dekem ahdna al-sarat al-mustaqim, sarat al-dhaje, which
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touches the eyes and the soul. the lasting history of the qom silk carpet. the unique variety of the patterned tabriz carpet. the originality of the pattern of the kashan carpet. an authentic iranian male in a large iranian house until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran, you are my host, will you be my guarantor, no, i don't know what's going on, go out , go, money, body, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet , sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet , sheet, sheet, sheet, sheet let's go and get it for you . please count in any way in the city of household appliances
12:00 pm
all in all, you are a winner in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salaam, the 12 o'clock news section , in an hourly attack in front of a person with a weapon. cold in sydney, australia, at least 6 people were killed and several others were injured. the attack took place in a shopping mall. the assailant was seen with a large blade in a sydney shopping mall and was shot after injuring and killing several people. it is said that the attacker had a firearm with him.


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