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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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well, it is a feeling of pride for another person, it feels very good, a sense of power, after all, this is our honor, our security, whoever gets any secret , whatever he wants to do, no stone will be left unturned, that he must defend iran 's soil. we stopped, do you dare to come here , we were all waiting, i mean we were really waiting for something like this. at this time of the night, we bring good news to the noble nation of iran. we wish god the best. the leadership announced some time ago that the era of women is over. finally, iran is in a position to answer them. we have been waiting for hours and days. we are waiting for this kind of news, and we are praying for the armed forces to know that the people of iran are on our side. they are you, and my israel will not do anything wrong
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. the forces in charge should know that this nation is behind them . i was very happy to be really happy . it hurts our children . we should have answered these people. i can only say that they are doing the best work, it is indescribable, thank god , it was the first, if israel wants to continue, what are we doing, we will not be less. we are iranians , we are iranians, and iran has to give a hard answer he was giving israel a strong response, so i gave them a nice answer. they really don't have to do a good job . they made us happy. do you still support iran? yes, 100. why do you support it? because i love iran, we are.
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israel is nothing, there is no country that can stand in front of us . we are very happy. alhamdulillah, enough is enough. in your opinion, the more severe the better. i am very happy. god willing, israel will be destroyed soon and nothing will be left of it except dust. if iran only complains to the legal courts , it would be enough, or this attack was needed, not needed. we should have taken revenge . what would have happened if iran had not given this answer? they would definitely have become more insolent. i was very happy that they did this and it was really expected that such a thing would be done faster. i am really happy that iran answered this. israel's attacks should continue and our harsh revenge if he is taken and this becomes a punishment for his child israel, we are happy because they are the children of qaz. i am also
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happy, i am very happy and i hope that these attacks will continue until the destruction of israel. i am really very happy. we have been waiting for this news for a long time , oh, the missiles, until 1362, that is, 3 years after the start of the war, the trend of rockets in different cities of iran continues unceasingly. it makes the authorities of the country aware of the importance of missile power, but there are no missiles or even rocket launchers. for this reason , the supreme national security council decided that 13 people from the irgc artillery unit under the command of hassan tehrani send moghadam to syria to launch iran's first missile unit after completing the training courses. at the same time, the first shipment of libyan scodby missiles arrived. and a few months later, on
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march 21, 1963, the first rocket was fired towards the oil-producing city of kirkuk. after the arrival of the last part of the missile shipment to iran, the libyan officers stopped working on gaddafi's order and took parts of the missile and the launch pad with them to libya to disable iran's missile power. this is where tehrani moghadam and his team entered the field. and starts the activities to fire the missile. next after 24 hours of efforts, only 17 days passed , the first scud missile was fired by iranian forces. nearly 200 iraqi commanders were killed when a missile hit the iraqi army officers' club. in 1364, hassan tehrani moghadam was promoted to the position of missile commander due to his special abilities. the irgc air force is assigned. in
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1966, nazeat was built as the first iranian missile with a range of 150 km and was maintained until the end of the war. the manufacture of rockets becomes national. the development of the missile industry in the years after the war made iran one of the few leading countries in the region and the world in the field the manufacturing and production of all kinds of medium-range, long-range and ballistic missile systems has changed and a close look at the characteristics of iranian missiles shows the special strength of the resistance front. in the meantime, the shahab family of missiles should be used. the most famous iranian missiles in the world. medium-range and long-range missiles, the last type of which is shahab 3, with a range of more than 100 km, 15 meters in height and more than 15 tons of weight, was tested in 1377. in 2005, sejil ghol
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, a 23 ton iranian, with a weight of 650 kg and a range of 200. it roars for miles. this rocket is ready within a few minutes due to the use of solid fuel it is launched and after firing, the launcher quickly leaves the place. this feature minimizes the possibility of destruction before launch. also, the record speed is very high, which is approx. built and will destroy its targets in the occupied territories in less than 7 minutes. fateh 110 short-range missile, 300 km range,
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500 kg warhead weight. fateh 110 in 86 tests, and as the most accurate point missile. a large number of iranians were placed in the hands of the hezbollah resistance forces, and they are in their crosshairs from lebanon to the southernmost point of the occupied territories. furthermore with the possession of the persian gulf missile, which is a naval type of the fatih class, all warships of the zionist regime will also face a severe and fragile threat. the threat that with weaker and cruise missiles in the 33-day nafcheh war destroyed the rest of the army of this regime in the mediterranean waters, in the open sea in front of beirut, look forward to
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the uprising on august 29, 1389, with a range of 800 meters of liquid fuel and 645 kg. the weight of the warhead is unveiled with the aim of destroying american military bases. the most obvious feature of qiyam, which has received more attention, is not having a bulkhead that can be launched from it has created special silos for launchers and submarines for this missile. fall 2014 preparing another long-range ballistic missile. iran has a range of 1,700 km, which, unlike other missiles, is able to control four levels of aerodynamics, and equipping it with a guidance system allows it to be guided until it hits the target. but in the meantime
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, fajr 3 and 5 rockets with a range of approximately 80 km have made it possible for the palestinian mujahideen to attack various cities of the zionist regime. put yourself the pentagon, in its last report of the year, this kind of danger of iran's military power they listen to american officials. iran has a significant stockpile of missiles capable of hitting anywhere in the region, including us and israeli military bases.
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good morning, dear viewers of khabar network, from the first question. the beginning of the islamic republic of iran's drone and missile attack on the occupied territories , we were at your service with a special analysis program of this event and we tried to analyze different dimensions. let's review and analyze different aspects of this operation, but at this moment we will look at the story from another perspective and let us communicate with a different guest. let's talk mr. afshin ala about famous and contemporary poets of our country. hello and good morning. hello, don't be tired. good morning . thank you very much. mr. allam. ask. how do you look at this operation? like you and all the members of the nation, i
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did not sleep last night and i was sitting at the tv watching the news channel and i felt that a new chapter in the history of resistance and the history of the islamic revolution of iran has been made. and i was proud with all my heart and that hemene poshali west in front of the uprising the original nation of iran collapsed in this way, something that the leader of the revolution repeatedly warned was the end of the world, but many people may not believe it or believe this myth of the invincibility of israel and, in fact, the western world, which stood behind it overnight. it really collapsed under the powerful hands of our military forces . i congratulate you on this great victory and
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i am proud. thank you very much. usually, the night you live for poets can bring a product like poetry . was last night an exception for you or a literary product? you were alive after this night and this happened usually after the events of this such epics that are created by our beloved ones in defense of our islamic homeland , well, i play a role, but last night was an exception, that is , from the very beginning of this great epic , there was a sense of pride and honor that unconsciously at the same time. at the beginning, i will present some verses to my loved ones. i am all the free people of the world and
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all those who may still not believe that it is possible to stand against oppression, even if he was alone, even if he was under sanctions, and even if he had many hardships , but if the intention is the divine intention and the goal is to preserve the integrity and authority of our beloved country. may iran be a great civilization. we we will definitely win. it is possible that you will invite the audience of the khabar network and us to this new composition that you had in the last hour. please, with honor. thank you. how was the slave interpreted as israel's nightmare? look at how israel's nightmare was interpreted. he trembled at himself. the haunted figure of israel
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omari pretended to be on the internet, but iran lifted the veil of israel's salus, and the siren of danger repeats its own death song every time. israel is incomplete , you have fallen from your feet, you are the sellers of the enemy's stature, so stop playing with israel, what are you afraid of, you leaders, it is nothing but a spider with arms of the glory of god.
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no mercy should be shown to these butchers when child killing is a pride in the dictionary. israel, the sun of the east rises above the curtain, because it is already reaching pat pat
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. . you see, it means that it is completely from two different worlds, but this happened a lot in our country and to the taste and village of our poets and poets. at our struggle in the cultural front, if there is a shortcoming, this victory and this city will not be sweet , it will not be perfect. in the cultural front , soldiers and generals who feel the commitment and belonging to this holy islamic movement must join the military forces in the cultural front. i think that
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our battlefield is a new discovery. there are various and up-to-date themes regarding the incident that is happening to the islamic nation , especially to the oppressed nation of palestine and ghazda, which is our testing ground and definitely one day we will have to answer in history. we wrote that hand and we raised saddam, and he thinks how much capacity we have in this area inside the country and how much this capacity can help our literature of resistance infinitely because, well, i have always repeated this, we iranians are the biggest capital and the wealth that we have, contrary to the opinion of many people who point to land resources or oil and iran , our wealth is our literature
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in terms of the themes and teachings that are hidden in persian literature from the past centuries to the present day. its importance and greatness cannot be compared with any other civilization and society, it can be boldly claimed. so there is plenty of capacity. self the revolution also gave many lessons. the holy defense, the defense of the shrine and the epic that the martyrs created, in addition to the fact that we have a leader that everyone knows whether he is a friend or an enemy, he is the leader of various cultural fields, especially literature. i think it is enough for poets, writers and artists to pay attention to the well-thought-out themes of their words, and their presence and the saga of the martyrs, whose pure bodies reach our country, will inspire us. these martyrdoms have a lot of impact, artists, poets and
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writers can be proud of these martyrs and from their family. get inspired , let me not take up too much of your time here, i would be remiss not to remember the noble martyr, sardar shahid tehrani moghadam, who i have been sending my greetings to his great soul since last night, when i first heard this news, and said that maybe many people will think of him. it should not be that we owe this power today to the blood of martyrs like tehrani moghadam, otherwise we would be a country like the rest. the shackled countries of the region, who remained silent in front of all of israel's wickedness and crimes, and are not taking any steps, but iran was able, with the support of its missile and defense power, to it is owed to the blood of the martyrs to create such an epic today that not only iranians, but all muslims, all arabs, palestinians, especially the oppressed palestinians
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, the people of lebanon and all countries and all the free people of the world will be happy today. thank you very much and it is very interesting that it was reported in the news that some people of tehran spent last night at the grave of tehrani martyr moghadam in besh zahra, tehran . and i say goodbye to you. be a viewer of images . we will come back with other analyzes of drone operations the islamic republic of iran will be with you in the occupied territories.
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after the brutal assassination of the victorious commanders of the resistance, inflammation spread throughout the region. americans miss any response from iran regularly. they threatened that their military movements in the region had multiplied. the deployment of strategic bombers, the frequent flight of fighter planes and all kinds of drones that were constantly monitoring the region for fear of iran's response. but in the midst of all this commotion , other things were happening. far from the eyes of all the satellite observations and pohbazi of a lot of bases and missile systems. aerospace force the irgc had targeted all american bases and vessels throughout the region and were ready to fire. the targets in the al-aswad base
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were carefully selected so that, while causing the most damage to the equipment, the least damage to the military forces in the base. in the other space, the roaring flood of people chased away the pure body of haj qasim with heavy hearts and with the anger of hatred , they demanded a tooth-breaking answer to the criminal terrorists. the cry of people's anger became fuel for rockets . an hour before the compilation of sardar delha haj qasim aziz, 13 rockets hit the heart of ain al-asoud air base. collided the heart of the base that was the terrorist base of the region. this action and strong response was a strong slap in the face of the american terrorists , but our high-powered precision missiles were ready to
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destroy all their bases in the entire region in case of any movement by the enemy. the intensity of pain and shock of iran's first missile attack completely stunned the criminals whom no one in the region had the courage to face directly for years, so that even this time, america made a mistake in calculating the effects and results of what it was doing against the iranian people. did target america was the hope of the people who were attached to the resistance movement in the region. and this assassination could discourage them. the martyrdom of sardar soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis not only did not discourage the resistance axis, but these martyrs and their request for harsh revenge were proof of this hope and motivation of the people.
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of course i will eat siddhi. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. mr. reza emadi, an expert on political issues, hello and good morning. in the name of allah , the most merciful. warns he points out that the united states is responsible for the evil actions of the zionist regime , and if it does not control its child regime in the region , it will have to accept the consequences. now, according to the calculations, so far
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, it has cost the americans something like one billion dollars in the last few hours. do you think about the other consequences of this incident for the americans, regardless of whether we want it now? before i answer this, in fact confirming this statement of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, i would like to say one thing which is completely clear to me, and that is that you saw that last night, when the attacks of the islamic republic of iran began , the media and even the american authorities announced that we fully support israel and counter the drones and missiles of the islamic republic of iran with the help of the united states and also it was done with the help of england, and this confirms that the crimes the zionist regime
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is committing, including the massacre in gaza, which is in its seventh month, as well as the attacks on diplomatic places, including the diplomatic buildings of the islamic republic of iran, with the support of it is direct and with the green light of the united states of america this is a point that confirms this statement of the irgc, but apart from the fact that it can be used for the economy. which can have other consequences for the united states of america , among these consequences is that the status of the islamic republic of iran as the leader of the resistance in the region and also as one of the poles of power in the west asian region after 45 the year has come and a direct military action has been taken against the zionist regime
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, which is the most important ally of the united states of america in the region. this direct military action shows missile and uav capability and in general the military capability of the islamic republic of iran, which can have military costs for the zionist regime as well as for the united states of america , let's not forget that there are american military bases in the periphery of the islamic republic of iran that can be targeted. to be targeted , in any case, the base of al-al-hasad was targeted in the past, this is actually the action taken by the islamic republic of iran, which proves its military power and also challenges the superior military position of the united states in the west asian region as a power is external, so this is an important point.
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another point is that in an environment where the united states of america is actually supporting the crimes of the zionist regime, islamic countries often keep silent, if not support, often keep silent about the military action of the islamic republic of iran against the zionist regime, which actually shows the serious will of the regime. . the islamic republic is considered to face the zionist threat on the one hand and also to defend palestine on the other hand, which shows that if the developments continue in the same style and manner and the zionist regime wants acting boldly and brazenly will not be without costs for this regime and will
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have more costs. one more point. in my opinion , this was the preliminary response of the islamic republic against the teh regime, which means that, as the supreme leader said , the regime will be punished, it was a punitive operation rather than a pure war action . it should be more serious for the regime. thank you very much, mr. reza amadikar . political issues, i will say goodbye to you after the 7 o'clock news, which is presented by mrs. hosseini can we be with you again with this special program?
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in the name of god. dear viewers, hello , good morning , we are with you with the morning news section of the week. the children of the iranian nation in the islamic revolutionary guard corps successfully targeted certain positions of the zionist regime in the occupied territories in a wide-ranging missile and drone operation . this operation was carried out in the early hours of the morning with the approval of the supreme national security council and under supervision. the general staff of the armed forces, with the support and accompaniment of the army and the ministry of defense , announced that the islamic revolutionary guard corps has announced an operation this morning under the name of sadiq's promise, which means rasulullah may allah bless him and grant him peace. it is a response to the many crimes of the zionist regime, including the attack
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on the consular section.


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