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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of god, mrs. and mr. sanam, i am alireza hashemzadegan and the world at your service today. during this time, at the beginning of the program, we always presented the package of events in palestine in the last 24 hours . but last night, for the first time in 190 days, the skies of gaza were free of israeli warplanes. palestinian people also used this opportunity to record. pictures
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of iran's missile strikes invalidate the zionist false claim that 99% of iran's missiles have been intercepted, we see these pictures , god almighty. is it america's fault that israel is being slandered? god is great, god is great to america, god is great to israel al-nazir al-islam wal-muslimin al-fishrat al-labad haidar ya al-bas al-haidari, allah is the greatest , god is the greatest . labik or gaza sayyid
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ali khamenei sayyid ali khamenei is the one who wins gaza, god almighty, the airport, the face of the airport, the airport , the airport, the airport. o abu ali al-muklatim
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, ali al-muklatim, what is wrong without allah the great ? i have a good feeling that they did something that no one expected , leaving all the arab countries alone. i have a good view of iran because they support us.
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bazargan and qestan javad from lebanon, different dimensions in the case tonight with mr. fouad izadi abolfazl , we will examine iran's response and then we will be with you by covering the meeting of the security council live on khabar network. i will start the world, mr. i was thinking about the pictures that we were seeing , do you want to start with that? the zionist is presenting a propaganda that 99% of these drones or missiles did not arrive and nothing special happened, and this is good.
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because there is no answer, if nothing special has happened to them, they should not give a special answer, because iran really does not want to enter into a war with the zionist regime or with the united states, and on the other hand, because they have claims regarding their capabilities that so and so we can do the work, the goal of which is, of course, the public opinion of our own people and other places in the world.
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before i came to your service, i used to watch cn . i tweeted this to mr. petras and petras, who was the former head of the black organization, is the president. he had invited and there is a picture that is now in the photo that i took from the cn page . they showed eight centers that the missiles reached there and were targeted. the military center was given names like those. it was the name of the city or the name of the center. it was the center, but the 8 points on this map of occupied palestine are 99%, which means that the western media do not believe the claims of the zionist regime. in fairness, yes, yes, it means that someone in the world
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does not believe this, they know it themselves, but they say one thing, then they say another thing and they feel that with this style they can have economic relations. congratulations, thank you. i have a few issues that i want to discuss with you tonight. one of them is about the zionist situation. you see, they and their supporters
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seem to be in a special situation. it's a difficult situation. one thing was the same thing that came last night, i think in the early morning three of them, the spokesman of their army said that we intercepted 99 rockets, not even an hour had passed since this video of the palestinians came out after being hit by many rockets. this is another case . but when they face iran's attack , they automatically show their power whether they call it or not. they are promoting iran in front of the whole world , this situation that they are in , they say one thing , the action that kills is the same as the word for them, it does not have the desired result.
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on the one hand, 1948, on the other hand , they say that we have the experience of the holocaust, 6 million jews died, and now those numbers are exaggerated. world war ii broke out in europe. tens of millions of people died. one percent of the european population was jewish . tens of millions of people were jewish. one percent were jews after the war. a thousand jews were killed, some said 200,000 to 500,000, some said 6 million, that's a lot. now 15,000 was a high number for us to experience
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martyrdom in the lands they occupied gaza, where 34,000 people have arrived, is oppressed from here. there is crime in the traditional form of the zionists in their history, now they are doing the same thing, and this meeting of the security council was planned by the united states, england, and france, which was a success because they were hot on the heels of iran's attack, so they could not continue their traditional activities, and they started again today. attacking centers in gaza again today, the crime of genocide continues, oppressing is also at the same time, it is a zionist style, it has existed since the past.
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let's think about it, false advertising, maybe it can be called as this is in the field of advertising, it is a kind of lie working in a specialized village is a point that your audience is interested in. maybe he realizes that the other party can't ignore the reality and the images you see now, at the same time he doesn't want to accept the reality of his failure, they don't have a false confidence. the reality is that they kill between 33 and 34 thousand people at the same time. we are the most ethical army in the world. where did this come from
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? the same 99% did not reach the goal and we are the most ethical army in the world. they are all in the same group of false and unreal advertisements. it is and their style of work is this, that's why i say that the audience should accept the work and the existing facts as they are and see if we go back a bit . in your opinion, when the zionists made a decision, now at whatever level this decision was made between them that attack the diplomatic building of iran in damascus, syria, what kind of thinking and analysis did they have at that time?
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it was done, israelis realized that the english word mesiding is a misreading of both hamas's capabilities and hamas's decision to use this the capabilities of that king are wrong, setting goals in front of everyone and saying that we want to destroy hamasu in this war , and now after six months, they can't do it anymore, and this problem of netanyahu means that he is going
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to do what mr. meller said, and this is so shocking to me, al jazeera network. there is an american expert who used to be in the american army, but he came at the beginning of his speech today, he said the same thing, he apologized , he said, "i told you that iran will not attack directly, it will not attack from its own soil , that's exactly what happened." this estimate did not exist, that is beyond the expectations of even analysts many of them, many of them, that is, only
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because the attention was on this issue in the last 10-12 days, this became a good point for us . the reason is that everywhere they raise the issue of the attack, they raise the attack on the consulate. he realizes that iran is responding and it is a response to an attack. they also know that the consulates are considered to be the country's territory . therefore, what is happening is that
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iran's deterrent power is returning to where it should be.
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we were in the same program last night, jahan today. we also talked about iran's response, i remember that time you said about your expectations of iran's reaction. at that time, there was a lot of talk, for example, that the israelis and the americans were trying to dissuade iran, at least from within its own territory, to respond to the occupied territories through their mediation and messages, so that iran would react in a different way. show me, but iran did exactly what they didn't want with this account. and now , according to your previous expectations of iran's reaction , how do you think iran's response was? well, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, see iran's response last night, in my opinion, it was extraordinary, it was a unique event the reason for the enlargement is that for the first
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time since 1945, to a country. happend. this is unprecedented. in the science of international relations, the definition we have is that nuclear deterrence means that no government can attack a nuclear country. this incident happened last night for the first time. this is a big incident. this is a very brave incident. i can directly attribute this to the leadership of mr. khamenei . i believe that this was due to his direct support because many times in
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this in the last 6 months, we heard that the trap of war is an attack we should not scare the authorities. i believe in the country and this action last night . it was a very bold and important action. in my opinion, last night was not a surprising action. for hours, everyone knew that iran was attacking, but the surprise was that iran did not attack the golan, iran attacked the israeli embassy in other countries. iran did not attack its ships, iran did not attack israel's own cities, all this, in my opinion, has far more psychological effects. from our own military attack on israel and other countries, mr. bazargan, as you said, one point of this operation was the time it was carried out. when israel was on full alert with all its defenses, it seems that the americans and others
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came to their aid with several layers of defense and defense between the skies of iran and israel, but iran was able to pass a significant part of its missiles through all these obstacles and the missiles they reached the skies of the occupied territories, and then they even passed through israel's defenses. they hit centers such as navatim air base. it was captured in the pictures. to two weeks. alert doors terin is at the highest level of military, political, security, espionage, cyber radar, military logistics and cooperation with other governments. be ready and complete. well, this is very different from an attack where you sleep at night and find out in the morning that you have been attacked. in principle, when
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your opponent is in a state of readiness, your operation becomes much more complicated. when i was at your service last night , we mentioned exactly this issue, when you know that your opponent is ready, his targets are ready, his cyber power is ready, his radar is ready, his satellite is ready. the plane is ready, everything is ready. at this time , you will attack again. i told you that this is beyond the effect of the military operation, that is, you can check last night's operation separately in terms of strategic military logistics, and what values ​​it had. super psychic . as i mentioned earlier , it became a nuclear country. we both know that we are ready to attack again. this means that despite the impression
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that was unfortunately presented in the previous years of iran's deterrence, strategic patience and that iran's marketing is weak and this courage to israel it was given to him to advance to this extent , to come and leave our embassy and consulate , he came back last night completely menstruated and we showed that we are not joking . if you want, you crossed our red line for our own national security, for legitimate defense, for our inherent right to defend ourselves. we will take the necessary measures, i say , in this sense , it was an extraordinary action, thank you, mr. bazargan. please continue to be with us . i want to ask mr. fadeh a question about this issue of deterrence that you raised, since last night until now in the western media. and this is between experts and analysts and their former officials the word "deterrence" is heard a lot. 4 years ago , the americans assassinated iran
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in front of the whole world, general soleimani said that we will respond , we will be tough in the end, and then for the first time after world war ii, an american base was hit by a missile. the following year, 2 weeks ago, when the israelis did this , iran told the whole world: we will punish them, they will be punished, and after 1973, that is, about 50 years ago, israel did not experience the same evil that iran did. zed means let's leave america to israel and so on there is an actor in the whole world who dares to come and cross all this deterrence and hit them. what happened to america's deterrence of israel? this is mr. john bolton, who was america's national security advisor. today's interview is that the deterrence of america and israel collapsed. deterrence is to ensure that the level of the country's capability
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is such that another country does not attack it. if another country attacks, it means that there is no loss, it means that it will destroy the will to attack. why is mr. netanyahu threatening that he has been threatening to attack iran for years? did why didn't he attack? because he knows that if he attacks iran, 10,000, 100,000, excuse me , there are 100,000 missiles in the south of lebanon, and these will be shared with israel. now, since last night , he has realized that iran also has missiles from inside iran called khyor ma, which are used by iran. it will and it will be shot, it is because it did not attack iran and yesterday's operation also established this deterrence power of iran. why did america not attack iran?
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the report was that the reason america did not attack iran is that iran is in a friendly region if there is an attack on iran, these friends will target the attacking country, the only reason is because we have now realized that neither the americans nor the israelis have any human concerns anymore. it doesn't matter at all, they can do whatever they want, the un couldn't do anything, even after the last resolution
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, israel was completely indifferent. for this reason, this discussion of deterrence is important it is important that you basically have an army so that you will not be attacked, you build rockets so that you will not be attacked, sometimes you have to use this missile to send a message that you will not be attacked and this is how countries can save themselves from war. my body was watching the video , the same voice and tv talking to the people, one of these people said a very correct point that iran attacked.
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what is the tolerance threshold of the other side? yesterday, iran announced that its tolerance threshold is its soil, which is related to the consulate, which is related to the country itself , if it is attacked, iran will respond in this way. this message has confirmed the message, it has been confirmed that we have such an interpretation from the beginning, it is definitely the same, and then the other side knows what price to pay and is definitely not ready to pay that price, for this reason, last night's operation will also protect the country from the attacks that it might have happened, it also shows iran's power at the international level , it shows the nature of the zionist regime, and for this reason, its importance is very important. thank you very much, mr. bazargan , you are still with us. we did a lot of operations last night
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iran did it, but let's talk a little about what iran didn't do but could have done. iran limited its target to the air bases that were involved in the attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, while when talking about iran's response scenarios. many options are being listed. now, mr. izadi, we are referring to the regional actors to the case of asab. and placing certain points of all these options in these two weeks in the international media and analysis , how do you interpret showing off these options but not using them, what is the message? for tel aviv rulers, as i said, last night's operation was a clear warning message before it was actually an attack. and
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that clear warning message was that we will reach the occupied land, our repairs will arrive, we can stop it and we have the will to do this , even you who have a superpower like america behind you, even you who have nuclear weapons, well this message when we have confirmed that we can do this. at the same time
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, as dr. eizdi said, we used a one-dimensional attack from the soil of the islamic republic of iran. our allies in the region are with us. if you don't do this, the vulnerability of the iron dome that you saw last night, imagine that the north of israel , hezbollah, lebanon, iraq, syria, and yemen will be assessed at the same time. the list may be long and long, but if you want, just one point.


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