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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 8:00am-8:30am IRST

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hello, good morning, the forecast of torrential rains . due to flooding in the five southern provinces, schools in some cities of hormozgan, fars, kerman and sistan baluchistan were closed. the warning of iran's military and political authorities to any possible adventure of the zionist regime if it commits a mistake, this time will be an immediate and wider response. zionists should know the answer they are getting. its scale and measurement
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will not be days or hours, but seconds. the martyrdom of four palestinians in the early morning airstrike of the zionist regime on a residential house in the west of rafah. in the name of god, heavy rains in some schools in panj the southern half of the country became non-attendance based on this , schools in some cities in kerman, hormozgan, bushar fars and sistan baluchistan provinces are non-attendance today in kerman province, schools in anbarabad faryab cities. manoj rudbar south
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and jazmian are absent. the cities of jiroft manojan and qaleganj are not present due to the forecast of more rain on tuesday and wednesday. in fars province, following the announcement of the weather warning, the education of students in mehr lamard, larestan, khanj, farashband and ghirkarzin cities will be non-attendance. all schools in hormozgan province the cities have become absent. in bushehr province, all the schools and universities of kangan, deir jam and asluyeh cities will be closed today in the morning and evening .
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well, mr. sarkordeh, the weather expert , is with us in the studio. good morning, mr. sarkordeh. today , the rains in the southern half of the country are wonderful. see, we have such rains, that is, over 100 mm, there is no result , except now if we check the systems from a meteorological point of view. meteorology of a low altitude on the southwest this formed country acts like an engine , that is, it rotates and pulls moisture from the northern indian ocean and brings it to the southern regions, which causes torrential rains in the southern regions. well, the provinces that have been issued a red alert today, the bushehr provinces are currently raining. it is raining in many cities of fars province, shiraz , bandar abbas province. it started a few hours ago.
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we have the same conditions for sistan baluchistan and kerman. heavy rainfall is expected in these provinces. but this is not the same in this province. for example, for busheh province, the southern part of the province the southern part of fars has more rain than the northern parts of this province. the same for kerman province , but bandar abbas means hormozgan province until night. we are having the same kind of rain, the intensity of the rain is one of the cores of the rains in the eastern areas of hormozgan province , i.e. the sardasht beshogurd region, which is also a large area , as well as the western parts of sistan baluchistan province , south of kerman, where the cores of the rains are located, and today we have all the rains. we will have 100 mm today, which is the cause of the incident.
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there will be widespread flooding in these areas , while we have rain in other places as well of course, the issued orange warning is one step lower than the red warning. where in isfahan province is chaharmahal bakhtiari, kekilo bhair ahmad, that is, from isfahan to the south, where you come to the south of lorestan , the same kind of yazdia, wait for rain today, tomorrow , we have the same conditions in these provinces, while another province will be added , south khorasan province, of course, it will rain. it is normal, we have an orange alert for this province only today . for the southern provinces of these five provinces that said yes, how is the situation in the northern half of the country, only and only in the alborz mountains and the northwest? today is a scattered rain, it is a southern day. ahmadreza, it is a southern day. today and tomorrow we have so much rain in the south. for tomorrow
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, the red alert is canceled for four provinces , but it is still in sistan baluchistan. a red alert is recommended for tomorrow in these conditions. our loved ones who are in the southern regions and provinces should avoid settling even temporary settlements on the banks of the rivers , while they should not graze livestock in the river beds that are dry now, they are seasonal rivers and in a short period of time such rains can cause floods. from grazing livestock in it also, refrain from blowing strong winds , strong winds can cause damage to structures, especially temporary structures in the southern and eastern regions of the country, and in addition to the southern regions of the southern islands of the country, qeshm, kish, lawan, and siri, i have rain today. we still have the rain and the temperature in tehran is expected to
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reach 24 degrees above zero today. special thanks to you and thank you for being with our good viewers. the chief spokesman of the armed forces, in response to the support of some western countries' leaders for the zionist regime, said to the leaders of the united states, england, france and germany. we remind you to stop supporting the decaying regime of israel, the evil, outlaw, terrorist and its children. sardar abolfazl shekarchi said, you know very well that the islamic republic of iran has proven to be more of a warrior. he is not talking and he is not seeking to expand the war, but if anyone, including you and that helpless regime , extends his leg beyond his carpet , we will cut off his leg more powerfully than the previous response to the aggressor and evil israel. the chief spokesman of the armed forces further
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said that if we showed you a part of this divine power of the brave and powerful men of islamic iran in operation true promise, and with the sound of missiles and anti-enemy drones from previous systems. your radar and air defense are gone and we passed through the so-called iron dome you donated to the zionists and we plowed the military fortresses of that fake and criminal regime. don't support the zionist terrorist and sink into the swamp and don't throw yourself into the oven of burning fire. the foreign minister told his british counterpart: iran does not welcome the escalation of tension in the region, but if the zionist regime is looking for adventure, our next response will be immediate and strong. it will be wider. mr. amir abdullahian
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said in a telephone conversation with david cameron: "it is surprising when several thousand tons of bombs have been dropped on the oppressed people of gaza in 6 months." england is worried about iran's response to the zionist regime's brutal attack against the sites. it is diplomatic , the british foreign minister, worried about the escalation of tension in the region following iran's response to the zionist regime's aggressions, said about the developments in gaza: "during the recent un resolution, we tried to establish a ceasefire, we are looking for this." david cameron emphasized that we want israel to take action don't do it because we don't want what happened recently to be implemented again and more widely. mr.: in the event of a repeat of the zionist regime's terrorist aggression against iran's interests and security, tehran's next response will be decisive, immediate and extensive. wangi also
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criticized the united states for its double standards by stating that pakistan has always supported iran's fair demands in the security council. in another conversation, the foreign minister of malaysia mentioned the zionist regime's attack on the iranian embassy. condemned in damascus and considered it a clear violation of international laws. the secretary general of shankai cooperation organization also expressed iran's efforts to achieve peace and security in the region appreciating and attacking the regime of the three foreign ministers of oman, while condemning the aggression of the zionist regime , he considered close coordination and consultation between the countries of the region as necessary to overcome the current sensitive situation. minister of foreign affairs in the conversation with the secretary general of the united nations also said that the islamic republic of iran, despite being able to
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carry out operations against the zionist regime more widely, only targeted that part of the regime's military positions from where the attack on the iranian embassy in damascus had taken place. mr. amir abdollahian emphasized that the security of the region is very important for the islamic republic of iran and added that due to the inefficiency of the security council and non-condemnation of the zionist regime's attack is the only option left against iran. it was legitimate self-defense and punishment of the aggressor. antonio guterres also expressed satisfaction with iran's position to stop further operations against the zionist regime by saying that diplomatic places should be protected and asked israel not to take any action to reduce tensions in the region. the political deputy of the minister of foreign affairs warned that if the zionists want to have an eye on iran's land , they will receive a much more violent response than the first response . repetition of another error is usually expected
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they should have a harder, faster and more immediate hit. this time the zionists should know that they will not have 12 days. in fact, the answer they receive will not be measured in days or hours, but in seconds. and this is the authority that the islamic republic of iran has now reached. when the islamic republic of iran decided to pay respect to the zionists in order to protect its national interests and national security. he also had a plan for their next mischief. therefore, creating space for them so that their mischief may continue in other fields in this field. he should find this they should know that when the zionists
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make a mistake to the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus, which is under the jurisdiction of iran , they will receive a harsh response. will do public satisfaction with the response of the people in the gatherings in different parts of the country, holding the flags of iran and palestine and chanting the slogan of death to israel , because their children in the armed forces responded to the arrogance and aggression of the zionist regime and showed the power of iran. they expressed happiness they did shini because of gushmali.
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what the irgc did made our power to be established in the world, a revolutionary soldier, thank you, thank god, that's it. it will be the beginning of the rapid destruction of its child regime, israel, any aggressor who is the guardian
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of the new zionist crime in the gaza strip . at least 4 people were martyred and many were injured in the early morning airstrike of the zionist regime on a residential house in tele sultan neighborhood, west of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip. in the north of the gaza strip the planes of the zionist regime targeted the shahada al-fakhuna mosque in the jabalia camp, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of dozens of palestinians in bint
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saghira under al-shabaab. the war planes of the occupying regime also targeted the camp in the center of the gaza strip , and no news has been released about the number of martyrs and injured in this crime. the spokesman of the palestinian ministry of health in gaza announced that the zionist regime has destroyed 155 medical centers and
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committed 305 crimes of genocide against civilians since the beginning of its aggression. ashraf al-qadara stated that the occupation forces are targeting medical centers in order to force civilians to migrate and said that 3,397 people were martyred and 76,465 people were injured during this period. according to the gaza ministry of health, the bodies of a large number of victims are still under the rubble and rescue forces cannot access them. talks of the citizen of the case. who had said that after 190 days of the zionist regime's attacks on the gaza strip, sunday night was the calmest night, this time it attracted the opinion of some virtual users as the lullaby of rockets.
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mothers for children who are no longer going to wake up. but maybe the lullaby of these mothers was more relaxing for their children. after 190 days of attacks on the gaza strip, tonight is the quietest night in the gaza strip, when no fighter can be heard in the sky of this area. a peaceful night in the sky of gaza after 190 days, which some social network users wrote about: with the morning operation of children. the mothers of gaza slept peacefully. these drones and missiles are living things. their fuel is the heart of the oppressed mothers of gaza. the tail of the garam corps children . do not hurt their hands. we were really happy. we will take revenge for all the destroyed houses, all the orphaned children and all the wounded mothers. we are happy because the food children are also happy. in
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addition to the happiness of iranian women and children, some of the sounds of these missiles. they had another interpretation: the sound of iranian rockets was like a motherly lullaby, causing the oppressed children of gaza to sleep peacefully. what a beautiful lullaby was whispered to the children of gaza. an interpretation that says that on sunday morning in gaza, it seems as if the sound of a father's lullaby was heard. iran's missile father is a lullaby for the children of gaza. the house of the child of gaza , according to the director general of the international atomic energy agency the recent tensions between iran and the zionist regime have not affected the work of the iaea inspectors, and there
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is no evidence that iran is building nuclear weapons. rafaal grassi also said that the level of iran's enriched uranium reserves is at a very high level. grosti has announced his possible trip to iran in the near future. specialists of our country's educational system. electrohydraulics were localized. the engineers of sharif university and industrial jihad organization built this device with the aim of equipping and improving the level of technical and specialized training, which can meet the needs of the country in the field of research and specialized training. slow specialists in electronics, mechanics and programming fields collaborated in making this device . compared to the foreign model, this device has higher quality and accuracy, and its price is one third of the imported cost. the head of the economic committee of the parliament says that the objections of the guardian council to the tax plan on capital id, or the tax plan on speculation and
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gambling , have been resolved. if there are non-productive sectors, you will not be taxed . what will happen to liquidity? towards the attribute of game method with these existing systems, the provincial tax has a limited number of economic operators, these complaints mean that the provincial tax is limping when non-productive activities are carried out more than productive activities in the country, and its attraction is greater. come on, sir, don't criticize. don't ask for cash, there was a solution to solve this problem, the tax and capital ride, which was put on the table of the representatives in the form of a plan in 2011, the capital proceeds from the transfer of assets subject to article 4 of this law , after 9 years of silence of this plan, in the
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end it was approved by the parliament in june 1400. exit housing from speculation required the approval of the capital income tax law, which, by the grace of god , was approved yesterday in the parliament, except it was approved by the members of the parliament, but it was accompanied by iranat of the guardian council. we had about 19 objections from the guardian council on this plan, most of which have been modified. the purpose of the capital tax and ride plan is to close the way of investment in non-productive sectors such as gold and bread, and one of its results is to increase people's participation in production and economic growth. for two purposes. this issue of tax for capital is raised with the aim that the attractions of hedayat liquidity should be more directed towards production and the attractions
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of directing liquidity towards non-productive or destructive activities should be reduced. people will be in productive sectors. narges meghazi of sed and sima news agency. in the name of god, hello, good morning. two golds, one medal and one bronze, the result of the efforts of the broken meat of iran. on the first day of the cultural wrestling competition was the asian championship.
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cultural workers of our country were invited yesterday in the first five weight fights of the asian championship bishk kyrgyzstan will go to the distance of their opponents and in the end nasser alizadeh in 87 kg and amin mirzazadeh in 130 kg won the gold medal. puya dadmars settled for silver in 55 kg and iman mohammadi won bronze in 63 kg. in this way, at the end of the first day, the iranian team stood in the first place with 95 points, and kazakhstan with 76, japan with 68 and kyrgyzstan with 64 points are in the second to fourth places, respectively. the second five weights will start at 9:00 am today and mehram will advance to the semi-finals of the premier
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basketball league in the quarter-final stage of this competitions yesterday mehram tehran defeated its host in its fourth game against mes kerman 80-74 and by winning the third victory it entered the top four teams . zubahen isfahan also won against kale amol 185 in its fourth game and registered its third win on its way to the semifinals. it was finalized. also, the two teams of naft abadan and tehran's nafte polish played for the fourth time .
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on shawwal and april 16th, the noon azan in tehran will be at 12:00 and the maghrib azan will be at 18:57. thank you very much. have a nice day with you , god bless you.
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ahora por aquí estamos en el sitio visto
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non mais là voilà, bonne journée, alors en fait on va encore laisser la
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cagnotte ouverte. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers , good morning, good morning, welcome to the news of the stock market, chairman. the securities and exchange organization said that if necessary, to support the market, changes will be made in the size of the base and the credit ratio of the employees. mr. eshghi stated that there are ambiguities in the field of market management and algorithmic trading and said: we monitor all algorithmic transactions in the system real-time and all orders are identified. according to the head of the stock exchange organization majority of manab.


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