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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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i am at your service. the shia ulema council of afghanistan considered iran's attack on israel as a step to prevent further instability in the region. the afghan shia ulema council said in a statement that the islamic republic of iran's action in response to israel's attack on iran's diplomatic center in damascus is the country's legitimate right. shia ulama council of afghanistan from the un security council. the alliance
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wants to take all appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the crisis and stop the massacre of the oppressed people of gaza. after iran's response to the aggression of the zionist regime in operation sadiq's promise, the characters afghans living in iran also welcomed this answer . at the same time as the reaction of the iranian people , prominent afghan figures also announced their support for the irgc's powerful response to the zionist regime. these attacks made the world of islam and the world of free people happy and made all muslims and free people proud, and we naturally support this attack and this action. the islamic republic of iran's missile and drone attack on the soil.
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the strength and military and missile capability of the islamic republic of iran and the second is the weakness and incapacity of the zionist regime. they also consider israel to be a rank enemy. they knew islam for this movement of their mujahideen . on behalf of the mujahideen people of afghanistan, i would like to thank the afghans for taking the action of the islamic republic.
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recently, the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in damascus , prominent figures of afghan immigrants , also appreciated the resounding response of the islamic republic of iran . the tyrannical regime has been killing palestinian women, oppressed children and innocent men for 6 months , and this attack is a cowardly attack and a brave attack. and a memorable punishment for all the hidden powers of the world, and at the head of it , we consider israel to be incompetent. a conference in support of the irgc's drone and missile response to the zionist regime was held in mashhad with the presence of afghan immigrants .
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the islamic republic of iran and the military centers of the islamic republic of iran in an action of the authorities.
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the islamic republic of iran and the heart of the zionist regime was a very proud and promising move for all muslims.
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in the first step, the grieving hearts of the palestinian muslim nation became happy. the libertarians of the world came to believe that yes, very small groups can harm very large groups. to face failure. it definitely caused an awakening in the leaders of islamic countries. alireza sharifi, radio and television news agency, mashhad. the family of martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun from the irgc missile response. the leaders of the islamic republic of iran supported. they said that in the near future, the zionist child-killing regime will be eliminated. the families of the martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun welcomed iran's authoritative response.
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i congratulate the show of authority of the islamic republic of iran, and for my part, on behalf of the families of lashkar hamas, afarin fatemiyoun. i am happy to announce a resounding response to the missile attacks and the glorious victory of the islamic revolutionary guards corps against the military positions of the fake and fake zionist regime was a great and proud victory that not only the iranian nation but also the muslim and free nations of the world in particular. to make the oppressed people of palestine and gaza happy, i congratulate the zealous people of iran and i thank the islamic republic of iran guards corps, the supreme leader
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. i thank god for this sincere promise and this plan. america is defeated in the world, alhamdulillah , your irgc is not the domain of global arrogance the secret he destroyed the fake power of israel. i feel the empty place of abu zainab next to me, even though the martyrs are alive and present and witness these events. my father was always waiting to see this happen, they kept repeating and saying that hazrat agha said that this regime. it will definitely be destroyed , and it was always his wish to destroy the enemies of islam . we pray that, god willing, with the blessing and sanctity of the blood of the martyrs
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, we will witness the overthrow of the infamous child-killing zionist regime as soon as possible . the entire affairs of foreign nationals and immigrants in qom governorate increased by two and a half he informed his country about the departure of unauthorized nationals from qom province. referring to the fact that in 1402, about 30,000 people were admitted to the qom detention camp, mr. zarei said that 20,986 foreign nationals were not allowed to enter the country, and more than 9,000 people were released from the camp. in 1401, about 8395 people were transferred to their destination country in the plan to organize and deport unauthorized citizens. end of this news section.
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these are pictures from the beginning of the true promise operation. start of operation with flight. shahid's family and moving to the occupied lands. it may seem that the witnesses say that this route is 120 to 1500 km until they reached their destination without being disturbed by the defense. but as the 3 countries america, england and france announced, they are actively using defense systems and fighters to help the zionist regime and target the witnesses before reaching.
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however, according to media images, most of the drones reached the occupied territories. they entered the defense of the zionist layer and the iron gundam as a short-range system, and the first layer entered into confrontation with them. according to published information, each missile costs 50,000 dollars and the cost of each launch reaches 100,000 dollars. so azbads, but it was the turn of iran's giants. like drones, they faced the system and fighters of 10 countries on their way. but in the end, most of them reached the occupied lands. cruises are opposite to the second layer.
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america's patriot system was used by the zionists to intercept iran's ballistic missiles.
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iran's revenge operation has ended. and these images show the result of the battle between the arrow, the most expensive zionist defense system, and the patriot, the most important american defense system against iran's ballistic missiles. seyyed mohsen hosseini of sed and sima news agency last time when the news came, the voice of the officials of this secret cabinet came. it was about two months ago. at that time, the media wrote: when some members of the meeting
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found out about this, they got physically angry. now, why they don't want a sound of their meetings to be made outside, ronen bergman clarified a little in the report. this reporter of the zionist newspaper yedi avot aharonot wrote about last week's meeting of the zionist authorities regarding the conflict with iran, if they had been filmed. it was uploaded on youtube. today, 4 million people are at bangorion airport looking for a way they were trying to escape from here. when he published this on his virtual page, the audience of the page wrote in the comments section of his post, "i am not surprised by this , iran has also passed through the iron dome. i am sure that this was a test. israel's decision to bomb the embassy was the stupidest decision. i am iran." i see the big winner here, an english-speaking user believes that he doesn't even need to use the most advanced military equipment. iran showed that it can
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overcome the iron dome with drones that are even cheaper than an electric bicycle, but then allowed iran to use precision strike weapons. used against the air base of the mossad headquarters, which were responsible for the bombing. targeting, which according to the atlantic council think tank is the beginning of a new era. a time when maybe america's allies to defend sahion. use their air iran targeted the zionists, but it also sent a message to others. this is what the former intelligence officer of the us marine corps says. they sent the message to israel, america and others that they will have to pay a heavy price if they attack iran.
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talks similar to this were repeated by farsi-language media programs abroad. to for the first time, so many missiles and drones were seen in some way. perhaps hearing such analyzes and perhaps knowing what is going on in these meetings made the zionist newspaper hearts write the truth. i swear to god, khyber khyber or sohyoun ji
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is here in front of the university of tehran, a public rally in support of iran's drone and missile attack on the zionist regime. iran itself is attacking israel a lot
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we were waiting for this action of the irgc to be carried out and to confront the usurper regime. i am very happy. it was great and i am grateful to the children of our military police, especially the children of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. and all of us will be relieved of the stupidity of israel, israel. we responded powerfully and firmly, god willing, and slapped israel hard. at 12:30 am, some people expressed their joy from the iranian drone and missile attack they show the zionist regime this way with continuous boos. we are very happy to take revenge
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, we are very happy, the sense of pride, the sense of honor is really a beautiful feeling , thank god we left them with this move, it made them not dare to cross 10 kilometers of our land . this is definitely a tooth breaking answer and the evil zionist regime that our lord said must be punished. beshen with the flag of palestine. i love you, i am happy , i am proud of our nation, our army , i am proud of our army. night came to day, but
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still here in the streets of the city talking about the operation iran's wide range of uavs and missiles. against the zionist regime because they attacked our territory , the embassy of any country is the territory of that country, so we had to answer 100, and i am very happy that this happened. the answer was decisive. i am really happy that we got our revenge. i was awake until four in the morning with love. i enjoyed it. i liked that they were able to take a good revenge against israel by setting the sky of israel on fire. our victory is sweeter with these sweets. we are proud of our army . it will take place in the next years and the next answers must
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be given. the issue of national pride is the issue of our country . it was under the shadow of the islamic revolution that we were able to achieve this power. the name of the missile, thank god, is the power of the nation and it is our pride that we have the missile and that no one can look left at iran. we should thank god for his health, because the person who returns from the gaza strip healthy is like someone who has found life again. dr. zuhair lehna along with 20
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doctors from different countries who are members of mercy is in the world . he spent a whole month in the european hospital in khan younoos and the emirates red crescent hospital in rafah. he tells us about the war against dignity and humanity. people's lives are very difficult and unimaginable. when we wake up in the morning, we see people completely lethargic because they didn't sleep well. a person who does not have a good night's sleep has no strength and power. the war is still going on, it is not clear what will happen to the people after the war. dr. zuhair has spent 25 years in conflict and war zones, far away from the cameras of the situation in gaza. there are scenes that are worth it there is no description and we need other words and terms to describe the concept of security. the situation is catastrophic
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, but it is life that wins in the end. they were terrified. well, people are naturally afraid and they love their lives. now the most important thing that can give people peace. this war is primarily against women because when women are broken, the family and society will collapse and women will no longer be able to hold the pillar of the family and the family will fall. level
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the number of babies born in the gaza strip has tripled. right in the city where they wake up and sleep with the ruins. in this city, 60 babies are born every day and this situation shows that life resists for survival and will not give up. a person who enters the gaza strip is like a person who is missing, but his belief in the right to life forces him to return to the gaza strip and take medical supplies with him. he wants to take chocolate to the gaza strip. because the palestinian child named lina asked him for chocolate in his letter before he left the gaza strip. this clear voice
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the iranian microjet engine with the name manas is a strategic product in the military and civilian industry. its most important application in the military industry is unmanned light guided aircraft, such as cruise missiles, but in the civilian industry, not exactly the same structure , but with a small change on the structure and configuration of this engine can be used as a power generator. the technical knowledge of making these microjets has been localized from 0 to 100 by localizing the design of 20 different parts in a knowledge-based company with the efforts of experts in aerodynamics, combustion, electronics, materials and physics. from zero to 100 within the native country done, whether you are arguing or not. regarding the construction of each part, for example , we took a long time to build it, especially the turbine part , which was the most sensitive part, and
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we took a year and a half to do it. let's get the manufacturing technology. from a professional point of view , what does it mean when you say 30 kg propulsion power ? unmanned aerial vehicles, in general, drones or flying devices need propulsion power to move in the air, that is, the power that drives this propulsion factor. create for them, yes, the force produced by this engine, which causes it to push forward it can be equivalent to 30 kilograms of propulsion force, because we have obtained the knowledge of 500 newtons to even one thousand newtons. we can produce microjet engines, which are part of the embargoed items, and now iran , along with russia, holland, england, and the united states , is considered to be one of the owners of the technical know-how to produce these engines in the world. consider that the foreign model costs about 15 thousand dollars, our model costs about 5 thousand dollars. this engine has been started around 700 times only until today. every start was an experience for us. by localizing
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engines. jet in iran, the possibility of supplying parts and providing after-sales services to the industry and of course the training of specialized manpower with the aim of entering the industrialization stage is provided. mohammad ghasem kiaei , sed and cima news agency. mom, dad, where are you, how are you, i'm fine , don't worry, we came to irani sarai to buy an air conditioner . this time of the year, the special sale of gas air conditioners
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has started in iran's big sarai with exceptional conditions. i will host you at the iranian grand palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. we have to put as much as we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i myself will leave everything i have worked until today. i think i can borrow it from my dad i will take it to start work. i also had some savings. i put it in the middle. we put everything we have before starting a new job, we have more money. how are we ? we just barely provided the base of the ruby, my middle ruby, you had a ruby, and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind. and let's take it and start the work. it's easy to prosper with the help of melen. special for the business
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of the nation's credit institute. blow a little more air to cool down blow the wind, be ashamed , we will perish in this house, why don't you buy an air conditioner, the account balance is not enough, this is the reason, it is not the reason, it is not the reason.
9:00 pm
most of the rivers in the southern provinces, following the spring rains and the overflowing of several hundreds in hormozgan and sistan baluchistan, the weather has become very good. the suspicion of the residents of three villages in the south of kerman province.


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