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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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with greetings again to you, my respected viewers , we present the news of 17:00 . lebanon's hezbollah announced that the resistance fighters in response to yesterday's terrorist operation by the zionists, today, the secret headquarters of the military intelligence command of the zionist regime's army in the village of arab al-aram. in the north of occupied palestine , they targeted with guided missiles and drones. the hebrew media confirmed that the zionist headquarters were targeted and said that 14 zionist soldiers were injured in this attack, four of them are in critical condition. supporters of palestine in the united states are simultaneously
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protesting against the zionist regime in several states of the country in virginia, citizens demanded a ceasefire in gaza. in maryland, those who believe in the crimes of the zionist regime gathered inside the building of the lockheed martin arms company and condemned the sending of weapons to the zionist regime.
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in chicago, pro-palestinian activists blocked the entrance to the chicago airport and demanded an end to the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza. according to the member of the board of directors of the natural building accident insurance fund, the request of 14 thousand billion from the beginning of the establishment of this fund. the program and budget organization has not paid anything. the budget of the insurance fund for natural building accidents according to the law , it is provided from the electricity bill and the government budget. in general, life is hopeless. my blood was here too. slave too although these remaining 85 million iranians make up one percent of the world's population. but as the spokesman of the country's crisis management says.
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they are affected by natural hazards 6 times the world average. khabdehi baji is a story that has not been told. in addition to the dangers to life, as announced by the country's crisis management organization, there are also 5 billion dollars in losses. natural accident insurance the building was included in the insurance fund for all, a fund whose income, according to the law , is filled from the electricity bill of the subscribers and the government budget. the insurance premium is 300,000 tomans , 30% of which is the responsibility of the owners and the rest is the responsibility of the government. now, in these three years, nearly 950 billion tomans of people's share have been paid to us from tavanir, which is over 90. we had the realization, but
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the program and budget organization has not yet given its share to this fund. we request that the program organization is demanding nearly 690 billion tomans for the year 401 and 42. we are able to do this somehow. let's make it a reality, now this organization has not only not paid its debt in the previous year, but according to note 5 of the budget law, it has 7 thousand billion tomans of resources. according to the government's share, according to the law, the program organization is obliged to pay the fund resources at the beginning of the year, but this has not happened in any year. we hope that this will happen in 2014. just 20 days since the new year, 9 provinces of the country were affected by floods.
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more than 700 people from the village of hisar hosseini in bozhnoord from the mardani news agency the treatment of the army's jihadi camp is to enjoy these services. treatment was provided with the presence of a gynecologist, general practitioner, dentist, counseling and psychology, as well as free injections and medicines based on a doctor's prescription. the medical jihadi convoy of the army camped in the village of hisar hosseini in bojnord on the eve of the army day. mom, john, this is a pain reliever for your knee pain, 10 tablets, one for every 800, if your leg hurts, eat it.
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counseling and psychiatry services for women are among the services of this jihadi camp. don't let the army take the trouble of this organization to provide for us to come here and go to the doctor if we don't die here at least we are taken care of. we are very grateful for the presence of 30 people from the medical staff in this camp, both to relieve rural symptoms and to have a lasting experience in helping the underprivileged. the good thing about helping people is that they are all healthy . we can do the same basic treatments. it includes a series of preventions for children. there are also a series of treatments for adults.
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the anxiety that exists among the people comes to us more often . necessary medicines are also provided free of charge to the patients based on the doctor's prescription. people are currently lacking vitamins, calcium, and among other strengthening drugs that need to be strengthened, and we have these here, god willing. i hope that in this mission that has been assigned to us, we will be able to provide very valuable and worthy services to our dear people in this region of north khorasan province, god willing. presenting badim, the most important goal of setting up jihadi camps is to create a constructive spirit and hope among the people of low areas. has in this one-day jihadi camp, more than 700 people benefited from free medical services.
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natural and watershed department asked the compatriots to refrain from arbitrary consumption of these plants in order to avoid possible poisoning due to the growing season of vegetables and mountain mushrooms. let the shallot run out. this is the return. it may be necessary to continue his collection , and there will be no more news of them. according to experts, the native medicinal plants of iran are disappearing. great valk perfume. with one onion, which i also plucked from the mountain. with 860 new plants, iran is considered one of the richest countries in the field of plant growth and propagation. plants that have similar uses. species as unique endemic species and it grows only in the pastures of iran
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. mountain carob plants, which have medicinal properties , have a market in this season, both for hair loss and for the father. this is a spring vegetable, one of the plants of iran is becoming extinct, which is one of the effective factors in this field of harvest. it is unprincipled plants. if we push too much and actually lose the species in the solution , in the future you will see the issue of erosion that you have. according to experts, in our country , we have 16 to 17 tons of soil erosion per hectare, and this is happening now navad 4
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, having a plan to exploit the natural resources areas under the title of having medicine , according to this law, legal action will be taken , we will cut with a knife in order to use them again next year. don't harvest plants, like planting them, requires training , and if this issue is implemented correctly , the dangers of soil erosion will be prevented.
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in the name of god, i am here to greet you and have a good time dear viewers of the khabar network , we have been witnessing the activity of the barshasa system in the southern parts of our country since the early hours of the morning . it has been raining since the beginning of the morning and it is still raining. we expect rain showers, lightning and strong winds in the next hour for the provinces of yazd, kerman, hormozgan, parts of fars, south khorasan and sistan baluchistan. in parts of sistan-baluchistan province , we had rains since the early hours of the morning, which continues until now. the rains are heavy, especially in the southern half sistan baluchistan province warning. the red meteorological level, which is the highest warning level , is valid for the next few hours,
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there is a possibility of flooding and damage to facilities and roads. similarly, for south khorasan , kerman, hormozgan, parts of fars province , our warning level is orange , there is a possibility of river flooding and damage to agricultural products in these provinces. we expect that due to these rains, the minister we will have strong winds in parts of the east and southeast of the country and the southern regions of our country. for thursday, seriously the activity of this system is decreasing, but the rains continue in the provinces of south khorasan, sisistan and balchistan, yazd, kerman, to some extent east of hormozkan , and we expect that this system will gradually leave the eastern borders of our country from the end of thursday. on friday afternoon , from the north-west side of our country, with the start of systematic rainfall activity in the north-west areas of our country
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, the rains will start. the western parts are partially covered by the northern areas and the slopes of gharaz it makes its own impact. the wind will continue to affect the eastern parts of the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz and the sea of ​​oman for the next few hours . marine warnings issued. marine activities should be limited. to some extent, in the east of the country, the wind speed sometimes increases. for tehran , in the coming hours, the sky will be clear to slightly cloudy, sometimes in the northern parts and at the height of the province, there will be an increase in clouds. tehran is like this, and we expect
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the wind speed to increase in parts of the west and south of the province on friday, and sometimes we will have strong winds in these areas. for the next few days , we expect the temperature to rise .
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this action was a hard slap to the irgc , and when the spider's nest hits our consulate with all the crimes it has committed in gaza, this was not actually an attack, it was a response to the zionists with the attack they made on our consulate and in fact making a big deal for themselves in the world, it was necessary for them to get a strong slap. the action of the islamic republic of iran guards corps is a very
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good action and i thank god for giving me a lifetime to witness the beauty of what is happening in the world, a witness to authority. i am the islamic corps, whenever iran's interests are threatened anywhere in the world, we will have the will to attack israel directly and it will not go unanswered . with this move, iran
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has shown its power and that the weakness and hypocrisy of this tyrannical regime is showing off. '. he showed the world that the iranian youth have the line of the imam of leadership in their blood and veins the most advanced defense technologies that they created and stood on their own feet gave a very good lesson to the zionist regime, and especially the american criminals, that if they want to make mistakes, they will definitely be hit by the army, god willing. anyone who has this news. i was one of those citizens who heard this news and i was very happy to avenge the blood of our martyrs and to avenge the people of gaza. i congratulate you. to the children of the islamic revolutionary guard corps , i congratulate and congratulate the noble men of my land, iran i hope that our final victory
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will be the conquest of the palace, with the hope of god, after all, every blow that the enemy inflicts on our islamic society, on our islamic iran, will never happen without a response. i am really happy from the bottom of my heart, not me . the family, the people, i see a certain happiness in them, we were satisfied with this operation that was carried out . basically, the attack that happened on our soil, the embassy is a kind of soil from our country, it should have been answered. from this iran has its power, we answered them that without iran, it is always strong, it cannot encroach on our territory, we will always answer it.
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the issue of protecting historical buildings and sites is one of the issues on which the world community has a consensus. more than 10 treaties, charters and global guidelines under the supervision of the united nations scientific and cultural organization known as unesco have been approved for this purpose. the first protection measures. historical buildings appeared in europe in the 18th century , but from the beginning of the 20th century, this became serious in all countries of the world. buildings are not only european buildings, for example, from the far east to the middle east to, for example, south america, all kinds of buildings in different cultures, with different climates, with different styles and different materials, built in athens, greece , in 1931. the world agreement for the protection of historical monuments is very important, but it pays less attention to the context and less to the issues.
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it pays attention to software and social issues, it pays more attention to technical issues about single buildings and archeological sites. the hague, holland, 1954, drafting the hague charter, a treaty for protection. from the historical monuments in times of war, it has just come out of europe from world war ii and is in the field of protection the issue of the war is raised, many of the monuments were destroyed in the war and they have not been paid attention to, a city like warsaw, which was a historical city and the land was excavated as a jewish settlement, and now they want to rebuild these , so it is a matter of fasting for them, especially for europeans. therefore, a charter in laha. it is compiled in a meeting called "how to basically protect historical monuments during military conflicts" for the first time in venice
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, italy in 1964, the venice charter is the most comprehensive international treaty in the field of historical buildings and sites. here for for the first time, attention is paid to historical contexts in a clause that should actually be from a collection, a monolith. it is not a problem, we should pay attention to the context of historical buildings, which should be useful for today's life . the priority is not the protection of the building itself and its architectural and aesthetic values, that is, you because it can have a use, an economy. or cover you do not allow changes in build one year after the drafting of the venice charter , the international council of historic monuments and sites known as icomos was formed. this council has since
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approved treaties that deal with the subject of historical buildings and sites in detail. in florence, italy, in 1981, a charter for the protection of historical gardens was compiled. the washington charter in 19 it was formed that deals with the specialized issue of protecting historical cities, and in 1994 in nara, japan, a charter was drawn up for the importance of preserving the authenticity of historical buildings. don't harm the work that we don't pay attention to today , in sofia, bulgaria, in 1996, the protection of historical monuments under water was formulated, and after that, the three charters of brussels, spain and portugal with the view of protecting historical monuments and sites interfered with the issue.
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tourism has been compiled, basically, it comes to this , it talks about this topic, tourism, to what extent is our works allowed , how should we protect them in the face of this tourism? the issue of circulation, which even defines the level of tourism that should go he is called a cultural tourist to see historical monuments. he can't do this , he shouldn't affect the host community, we have to limit him , he's not going to go everywhere and see with this amount and just because we get tickets. international agreements pay attention to the protection of historical buildings and monuments in different areas. countries are committed to all types of natural and human threats that may damage historical monuments. detailed solutions and community.
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be inspired by elham goran of sed and broadcasting news agency and i think a reckless and dangerous thing for iran to have done and i think the whole world can see all these countries that have somehow wondered well you know what is the true nature of iran it's there in black and white what would britain do if hostile nation flatten one of our consulates well we would take - we would take the very strong action and iran would say that that's what they did, well what they did, as i said, was a massive attack, so they were right to respond, but they overreacted is what you say, what i' m saying.
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until you come to see, this is called installment purchase it can come as you want , different accessories of every model and name, don't worry about buying . they have a variety of prices, come to the store, come to the store, come to the store , it has a lot of discounts for wherever you want , it has cool items. i will host you in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 in the morning. will you be my guarantor that i will not be? what's up, go out, go, go, money, figure, sheet, sheet, sheet. do not. home appliance city, does it want a guarantee or not? i don't want to go get it for you. come to the city of home appliances. any way you count, in total you win this
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in the name of allah, may god bless you, may god bless you, dear citizens , we are at your service at 17:30 with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in internalizing the underwater drilling machine. this equipment is considered one of the high-tech strategic devices in the world and it is used to transfer sea water to desalination facilities in the south of the country.


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