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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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calculate like this, in total, you are the winner , you are sitting on the front page, you are sitting on the front page, the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, you are sitting, you are sitting on the front page. stand up to justice , the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, stand up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this table, and there is hope for you on the other side of your table, the eyes of a martyr are for you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good night
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, dear viewers of the khabar channel. i hope that we have passed the happy hour and happy hours are waiting for you. we will talk to the judiciary that this document was issued by the order of the head of the food department with the aim of revising and updating the food transformation document, if you remember . it was announced in 2009 and it is expected to be implemented by the end of 1405. among the indicators that have been updated in this document , the identification and elimination of corrupt structures with a focus on the monetary and banking systems, the discussion of privatization , the discussion of broad taxation the government of special education is one of those axes that are mentioned in the tradition of transformation and excellence of the judiciary regarding the changes that were made in the notification document of the year 9. 9 happened and what happened to
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the title of an updated document has been notified. today , we will talk to mr. sahibkar , the honorable deputy of rahbadi, the judiciary. i would like to say hello and welcome to the program on the first page. well, thank you , it was the year 2099, mr. doctor, when the first document on the transformation of the judiciary, i think at that time, it was called "tadamin" and was notified, correct. in any case, during the presidency of mr. amoli larijani and our food authority, transformation plans were formulated and announced, but during the time of mr. raisi in 2019, well, in a special way, this the document was compiled and notified and it had been implemented for the past 3 years, but since the 3 years had passed, we came and announced a new document at the beginning of this year.
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it was during mr. larijani's term, how successful was he in the implementation or what mr. raisi was fooling about, how successful was he during the time of the judiciary. what does it mean anyway, because we should be able to talk to our people about what we mean by the document ? the transformation document is a set of real issues. which is now in the food system and the general public. they are faced with the problems they have and the various cases they have and solutions for these problems , fortunately, in the transformation document that was written in 2019 , the same document that was recently announced by mr. ijee, this model and this model of the transformation document is problem- oriented. we wrote that there were a series of problems and a series of solutions. well, the number of problems had been prioritized . i even remember that it was painful to know which part was which. in what period of time should the money be, that is
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, very precisely what the new document in 2019 was used in the same way, so for each one of these the tasks that are written, for example, usually about 200 tasks are written for a three-year time game, that is, in the previous document and in the new document , we had about 200 activities and 200 transformation actions in that document. for each of these 200 transformation actions. there are a series of daily tasks that everyone must do, but there are a series of tasks that must be changed , the mechanism must be changed, a new system must be activated, a new law must be written, new regulations must be formulated, those things will be the transformational tasks that must come. strategic deputy also, honorable head of the judiciary, the main work we have been doing for the past few years and we will do it in the future, god willing, is this package of solutions written against these issues . we can monitor in a proper way and then
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determine what problems exist for each of them, and god willing, we can specify this . on what basis were you monitoring these problems, and you came to the conclusion that now it is an issue in the judiciary. in order to be able to identify a problem, it is a priority to use several methods . the most important problem is the people, that is, the people who refer to the food system, the judiciary , the judiciary, the sabzeman forensic organization , different departments, ask them what exactly is your problem , what do you feel more than others that it is necessary for a change to happen and that it is a priority for you, so it is important. our biggest problem is these people, experts and experts who are inside the food system, well, we have a lot of experienced judges in the food system itself, in the supreme court of the country , in various departments, those who have been doing serious judicial work for years, as well as in our university professors are law schools
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we have very good people in policy management and seminaries, and we got different opinions from them. in general, based on the opinions of the judiciary and the general public, the comparative studies that we had in other countries of the world, we reached a series of issues. now, each of these solutions has been partially implemented, there are some cases where, for example, 30% has been implemented, 50%. now, it's not possible at all because the weight of the tasks is different from each other, that is , for example, some tasks are very small, some tasks are very big. for example, it is a multi-year process. a multi-year process
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, for example, we have to go through the process of drafting and approving a new law . this process of drafting and approving sometimes takes several years. it will take a long time, so in the period of time, for example, a year ago, when it started, it has progressed for example 20-30, but it has to move in order to reach 100, so that people can fully see these results. what we have is to be able to specify each of these solutions, his status, his colleague, his responsibility , in which game, when, what should be done. we have these data and your opinions, and now i can provide you with some examples if necessary. in general, you, the judiciary, were satisfied with the implementation of the 99 document. in these years that we have served them, during the judiciary week, their biggest demand has been the implementation of the transformation document, and that is because it regulates the work , that is, some work may
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be done , for example, in the various types of work that exist, for example. it can happen or, for example, it will be forgotten , things will be disciplined and we will move forward according to this order we ourselves, who are observing, this work is really a very valuable work, writing the document, submitting the document , editing the document and following up on the document, and god willing , we will be able to continue on this path. here are some of the statements of the supreme leader of the eminence regarding the transformation of the food industry. we will go and continue our conversation, experts. in the past few years, talking to me about this plan or giving a written report, everyone says that this plan is a good plan, a reasonable plan. these songs are at your disposal, at the disposal of god's power. i also made this fragment last year. this project must go forward. it has not progressed well. it must progress. it must be implemented.
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of course, the implementation of the transformation plan and the transformation document of the judicial branch must proceed. it needs the budget that the parliament government should help. it needs efficient forces, which in some places are efficient forces, thank god. in some places, it should be strengthened a bit. the discussion of efficient and strong force should be trained. probably some things should be changed. after all, every document that is not permanent and eternal should be updated. this is another point. look at the document
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and see where it needs to be completed and where it needs to be updated. update it. but it must be done. the good thing about this document and every program document is that it regulates the work and prevents the work from being scattered. whether the document has not been fully implemented , has it been diagnosed, what was the reason for it not being fully implemented , should a strategy be defined for it? complete implementation. let me give some examples. for example , we have a phenomenon because we have these examples that maybe our audience is better. for example, we had a phenomenon in the past called professional witness what does it mean? that is, if you want
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to attend a court, you have to take two people with you to testify that yes, on such and such a day, for example, we saw a problem whose situation was such that the judge could find knowledge based on which to vote. well, in the past, because we didn't have a coherent system that would be a database for all of these professional witnesses , what happened was that there were people who were active around our judiciary and said, mr. shahid, if you want, we are ready. let's testify that we made arrangements with each other a few minutes before they were telling us what to say and what not to say. really , inside the court session, sometimes they misled our judges , that is, there was a phenomenon called a professional witness who gets paid to testify. we had written that it was to create a system under the name of witness witness system, that is, anyone who came and said, sir, i want to testify, his name and national code are in that system. if he comes again, ask him to let him go again. if yes , this person has a history of
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coming to a certain branch on a certain day and working, and if the number these testimonies or the information that people say, sir, we were aware of this matter , if it goes beyond a certain limit, it will become unhealthy, and it will become clear to our judge, to the person who is handling the case, that yes, this person is an individual who must probably, a problem is happening to him a lot, so one thing that happened was that we had a simple discussion. for example , we gathered professional witnesses in this field with a system that i think is a very special work, one of the functions that we wrote there in that transformation document, alhamdulillah , was implemented, and alhamdulillah, my people are seeing it. doing the work now has the ability to be verified by you, that is, for example , your reporters can go and see if there is a similar phenomenon around the communities that we now have in the food system, if there are too many of them in the past years. they were really complaining about the issues that i told you. that people are protesting, for example, they have a demand that they say you should organize this, well, for example
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, we were able to solve the phenomenon of professional witness, for example , or for example, we had a phenomenon in the past under the title of bad background certificate in many places for for you to go, for example, to get hired , to do something you want to do, you should have given a certificate. thank you for not having a bad background . for example , it would take several days or a few weeks for a farhandi to consult with people and have different cases. well, what happened is that because we were able to put these databases or these systems together in a proper way, we informed now it has turned into a process that takes a few hours or a few minutes, sometimes it means a few hours of work. you can easily enter the process with the same mobile phone that you have at your disposal. therefore, these items are fully
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activated now, we did not include these items in this new development document, because it was a work that has been implemented 100 times, our people are seeing and using it, we did not include these items. we have done a part of the work in the past few years, but for different reasons i would like to share with you these reasons, sometimes we could not implement and complete this in the form of 100 d. i will give you an example to make it clear that you are entering into a legal process, you are going to file a lawsuit against a person, and at the end of farhand, you will file a lawsuit. you get a ruling, for example , it is said that yes, for example, mr. sahibkar must give mr. khosravi a certain amount of money, then the property of mr. sahibkar must be identified and put up for auction. this auction will sell your property and your money, for example , they will remove this property identification process. a very important process in the past is the process of identifying property this was the way we used to send a letter to
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the person who wanted to go, for example, to identify the property , he had to go to 20 to 30 banks, for example, to visit, for example , he had to go in person. for example, does your bank, mr. a , have this account or not, or how much balance does it have ? a good thing happened that we should really thank the central bank and the banking network . due to the fact that the databases are placed next to each other, the query that maybe it would take two or three weeks that if a person fell behind and went to visit, he would attend within a few days. it can be done in seconds, which means you can easily see which person has accounts in which banks within a few seconds. let's say that the confiscation of that property, for example, is from a property, it is identified that , for example, this property exists in the name of, for example, this person
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, the seizure of this property can also be done online , which means that our judge can go to the same branch. people should feel the sweetness of this work. the first thing is to refer my intelligence to the expert. now we will prepare a report . he has been complaining for a long time , because the handling of his case was delayed for several months. the answer that the expert should give is up to the judgment and the judge should vote against it . we stayed the same. the lengthening of the time to send expert opinions to the court
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was due to the method of dividing cases between experts. in the cases that we review, it is necessary that the opinion of an expert. the experience we have and the knowledge we have from experts we are working with experts, but it may be more difficult for some experts . referral of cases to experts with this traditional method had caused people's work to be blocked in the court corridors. expert when handling 50 cases at the same time. he is doing his master's degree and the other expert is unemployed, well , naturally, people's work is delayed. the judicial reform document considered the solution to be smart in the process of referring to an expert, a solution that will be implemented for a year. it started when respected judges want to select an expert for a case, according to the number of tasks that have already
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been assigned to this expert, the system intelligently brings the expert to the judge. we asked the judge to intelligently refer one of his today's cases to an expert . we will submit it to a three-person panel of experts . we will enter the case number. the system chose mr. bakhshi as an expert in this case . the courts didn't do anything for us, mr. bakhshi says that electronic referral of cases is also a problem of division it has solved the injustice and people's worries are easier. it is clear that this expert was chosen through a lottery and has no relationship with the parties or the judge . this gives more confidence to the party that the opinion given by the expert
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is more logical and principled. official experts should be added to this system so that the experts who send their reports of poor quality will not be filed any more. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency. one of the complaints of the official expert was that there is no proper explanation for the cases. now this when was the rating after it was added to this system ? yes, this report was a very complete report, that is, it had raised all aspects of the problem. an important point is that people have problems and solve problems that refer to us, sir. when we enter the judicial process, it takes a long time , for example, for example, under them, it is said that the delay of the proceedings is the same as the prolongation. well, one of the most important things that causes the process to be prolonged is that our judge, who does not have expertise in any field, has to refer this issue to an expert in the field, for example, and the building in the field, for example
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for example, in the field of computer problems , it is very important to refer this person to an expert and get an answer from him based on which our judge can give an accurate opinion. what has happened is that until now we were able to do the lottery , but our judge does not recognize that, for example, he does not determine exactly which person will be given or which person will not be given, it has nothing to do with the quality of work and background and experience. based on the lottery , what we want to do in the future will happen let's say this is it. every judge of ours who has received this expert's opinion, reads the expert's opinion and says , for example, this score is positive, for example, yes, very good, or for example, good, or for example, weak based on. the basis of this is when the number of these votes that are given, the number of comments that are given about these official experts, it is precisely determined which official expert has done a good job and completed his work on time
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, and we should give him more work accordingly. the work of an individual may be long and weak, the report of his seniority, the judge who reads this, will tell us the questions that i had. why didn't you answer? you said something else . my question was this. so, god willing, we will be able to do this in the next few months. this is the ranking of the official experts. therefore, now the priest's lottery has started electronically, almost a large part of the country is also active. going under the load, but we are helping the ranking, and we will start the ranking, which, god willing, will be based on the judges' points. yes, it is the judges' points . our judge can give an opinion about an expert, maybe a judge, for example say yes, for example, because he was my friend, or for example, give an expert report and send it to
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different judges to make judgments about this. the opinion of different people about a single person can be very confusing. this expert is really a good expert. is it or can't it be done , is manual referral still there or not? now it is completely on this smart system . because this is a process and a routine that our judges should act based on this , i don't have accurate statistics to read in this. let me give you the background, but the statistics are growing month by month, because our judge feels that he can do the work in a more appropriate way, do the work faster, so they use this lottery and do it. in general, they think that with the implementation of that blue document in 2019, the time of receipt has been reduced, that is, you can see this assessment based on the statistical studies we have in the past few years, when a case was started, that is, you for example, you went to the judicial electronic service office to register a petition
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did you or did you go to a police station, for example , a complaint was filed there until the judgment was reached and the judgment was executed ? the input was very inconsistent with the statistics of the output files, that is. the volume of inputs and outputs was not very proportional. this has now come to a head, or it is even possible that, for example, the outputs are more than the inputs, for example, it is close, of course, the amount of input to the judicial branch is increasing year by year because, anyway, the society is expanding from the population is getting bigger and there are many kinds of phenomena that did not exist in the past. these events are causing the number of files entering the food processing machine to increase . in other words, crimes and lawsuits have also happened in a series of cases, if necessary, i will explain to you, but i want to say that in general
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, this case is entered. the time of a case is decreasing until the end, with a decreasing slope so that people can get their cases faster now , i will ask you some examples that people feel the sweetness of, we have a report to be broadcast, but i remember that it was among the four attentions and solutions were provided about these. was it or not? yes , let me tell you about the bottlenecks of corruption. anyway, corruption is a phenomenon that is formed in a series of contexts. unless we eliminate those contexts , this corruption is constantly being produced. no matter how far we go, we will catch the corrupt person, we will try him, and
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we will execute trials for him, because he is in bed is he creating corruption, or is he training the corrupt , giving him an outlet for the corrupt, what will happen is that this problem will continue, because of what happened , now, both in the previous document and in this new document, in a much more special way, we have a mission. we gave it to the organization. we used to say that the inspector general of the country is your inspection organization, which is the main responsible for the main anti-corruption organization in the islamic republic. you go to 10 identify the main bottleneck of the 10 main platforms on which corruption is taking place . this is new, it was from your previous one. this was in the previous document, which means that the new document is written more precisely . that is, these titles are written more precisely , and baasi organization has done a good job in this field. we told you to focus most of your work on these 10 bottlenecks, which
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are mainly related to banking issues. that is, transparency is one of the most important tools. there are people who are dealing with corruption, the structures of corruption may be looking at it a lot and it will come to their mind that if we at all , we had the previous development of the discussion, for example, with the corruption forums, but now you want it to be transparent , it can be dealt with transparently. masadeghi, for example , chaid, comes to their mind, so despite the fact that the transformation document that you say has been implemented, it has been paid attention to, so why is this case? similar and similar things happen, well, look anyway, no matter how far we go, i have to say. for example
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, there were 10 routes, for example, we clarified five of these routes and blocked them , but there are five more routes left. it was one that you haven't entered yet, or not one of the ones that we entered, and so to speak , i didn't want to use the bug, but i must say that the bug was, for example, the methods that you defined, for example, in the case of, for example, the same phenomenon that you mentioned, if clarification used to happen , for example, the phenomenon in this way and with this thing , for example, does not happen, the main problem of clarification was the demand that we have by the food system from the different departments that you come to do any process, but present it clearly , that is, this license of this process in a person's desk drawer for example, you can give it to mr. a, give it to mr. b, and give it to whoever you want , but announce that whatever you want will happen, so i told you about the corruption bottleneck , that the inspection organization has entered a department. it seems that it is working, maybe
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it is good, mr. dr. khodayan, the head of the organization. bazarsi should come at all . they are talking about the good efforts that are being made in the field of corruption in this field, for example, or about the issue of the detention center that you are talking about, for example, the example you gave, for example, the problem what is a detention center? a person must go to a certain place for a certain period of time . he is not a criminal. he is a person who, for example, must go and enter the process. maybe his crime will be proven . it is on the officers, that is, we have a discussion in the food system that these officers and the judicial work, for example, the police force or various other places where they are, they must obtain permission from the judicial authority for each and every activity they perform , so the expansion of supervision in spite of all the hard work and all the good works that you have done the officers are doing what they are doing, they are very honorable people and are really hardworking, but anyway , wherever there is better supervision and it happens, for example, better supervision can be found in a play during the time of mr.
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amele larijani, who is from one of the prisons, that is, nine detention centers, for example, the police in the prison. having honest people who asked questions about you, for example , he left the courts, he said no, i'm still waiting, and he was in prison for a long time, that is, he was only accused. see the news over the past few years especially during the time of mr. haj mr. ajahi, who is in charge now, visits to prisons , visits to detention centers, visits to detention centers increased exponentially. i found that the most important thing for me is the head of the judiciary, for example , some departments that have not been visited by the head of the judiciary, for example, this happened, it is a big event that the collections they have are working in this field anyway. they should know that they are under supervision, that they are very energetic and productive in field visits . they go to visit, for example, they must have the escape from prison part of their plans to go to that. the interpretation
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you said that with the floor of the prison means to talk to the person who is a prisoner who is there face to face, tell them what is your problem, what is your problem, what are your issues, now our prosecutors , the judges overseeing our prison, or various cases, for example, we , for example, programs we have a situation that repeats every few months. for example, several hundred judges get up at the same time and go to a prison. individual cases are re-read. god forbid, no one's rights should be lost. we can have better supervision


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