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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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i suggest to the countries of the region, instead of communicating with the zionist regime and gambling with a losing horse , rely on your assets, rely on the muslim forces, and rely on our powerful army and corps.
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intensified and the presence of the minister of interior in the flooded areas of the south with the subsidence of the flood, the relief efforts to reopen the rural roads of sistan and
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baluchistan and khormozgan accelerated. peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjahham, ladies and gentlemen, viewers , dear compatriots, hello, good evening to the news section. at 24:00, welcome to the parade of selected army units in tehran in front of the president , israeli drones and cruise missiles, and arman and bavor air defense systems of 373 were among the selected units of the parade. just 3 days after iran's punitive operation against military targets in the occupied territories, which was a slap in the face of the zionists. today here like the whole.
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they displayed their military achievements, arash , including arash 2 drones, which has a range of about 2,000 kilometers, and in a way, israel is a woman without limits. and it is regrettable and irritating on the sidelines of the parade, but the air force commander says that the combat readiness of the sukhoi 24 squadron
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is more than ever. one of sukhoi's strategic weapons is the asif cruise missile that is a practical slave this fighter can reach the army about 3 thousand kilometers and can target military targets in the zionist regime along with irgc's aerospace missiles. if the zionist regime makes a mistake according to the commanders. any aggression against the interests of this country will be met with a strong and regretful response
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to the zionist regime about any adventurism. new warned. mr. raisi described the failure of the zionist regime as a strategic failure and advised the supporters of the zionist regime not to bet on the losing horse. during the army day parade ceremony, the president called the defense of the people, the homeland and the values ​​of the islamic revolution among the characteristics of the country's armed forces and said: "the army is with the nation." from. the characteristics of the islamic republic of iran army are the unity between the four forces of the islamic republic of iran army . first , it is the unity of the army and the
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islamic revolutionary guard corps. is. referring to the recent action of the revolutionary guards and the islamic republic army in response to the crime of the zionist regime, he said that the promise of sadiq once again proved the vulnerability of this regime. had been to the interests the islamic republic of iran should deal with them in the same centers. mr. raisi continued to emphasize: the smallest attack by the zionists on iran is accompanied by a fierce response. what happened was this. calamity
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has been declared many times by the officials of the islamic republic of iran, if the slightest attack from the zionist regime the soil of our homeland is done and for the benefit. the islamic republic of iran must know for sure that they will be dealt with very severely. the president mentioned the hatred of america and the zionist regime and the support of the palestinian resistance in the world more than ever and said: this situation means the victory of iran's discourse in supporting the axis of resistance and an honor for the iranian nation. mr. raisi had a recommendation to the countries of the region by emphasizing that there is no need for the presence of foreign forces to ensure the security of the region. i suggest to the countries of the region , instead of communicating with the zionist regime and gambling with a losing horse, rely on the
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rely on the muslim forces yourself and rely on our powerful army and corps, zahra al-fafaei , sada and sima news agency, happy for the citizens of the punitive operation of sadiq's promise. people in different regions of the country are supporting them by holding rallies and chanting anti-american and anti-zionist poems. from the armed forces. i think the answer that was given was enough according to the news that i heard and it hit them hard, but if israel wants to continue, then iran must answer and we iranian people have no fear of dealing with israel. happy after all the sadness and grief that we had
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, we were very happy, we shed tears of joy, we are proud that these missiles that iran fired by the irgc means the biggest gift to the country of iran and all of our muslims. the corps and the army did. this regime has been doing this for years, it was very correct , it was a very timely and appropriate response to all the atrocities that we must support our country, we should not allow anyone to allow themselves to look left at our country, a really powerful operation. was we from we thank the armed forces and other security forces
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now is not the time to leave, now is the time for us to respond. this showed that we have the power and ability to defend ourselves. the islamic republic also showed that it is honest in its promises to global oppression and arrogance, and this was a great example. the feeling of happiness, especially for the people of gaza , this revenge, which had been going on for several years, really remained in the hearts of all of us, and taking every action is a year of action. it was already the best answer that iran could give , don't be afraid. according to the latest statistics obtained from the survey
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among the 18 to 24-year-old american youth of harvard university, 51 called for the end of the zionist regime . sometimes full, sometimes empty, every time because of a fear. once due to the fear of al-aqsa storm operation, and once due to the fear of the irgc's sadiq operation. having to go back the same way they came, flee. so far, 55 thousand zionists. one of these escape places is bangorion airport. the same name of the 61-year-old man who destroyed the adobe of the palestinian people in 1947. organization bengurion said: we must have a strong army and maintain our deterrent power
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, otherwise the arabs will destroy us. now , these same people, whose weapons are old and young , are living under the flag of an army that in the history of wars, where the civilian deaths were more than the military, they were a foot in the war. massacre of 14 thousand children in the last 190 days. here , the gaza strip is the latest example, of course, this time the story is different, the zionist usurper regime has suffered an irreparable failure both militarily and in terms of intelligence, according to the latest survey. harvard university, america
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, april 51
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is also recorded in the last chapter of the zionist history book with a red triangle. qasr mehrzad of sed and cima news agency. lebanon's hezbollah declared resistance in response to the terrorist operation of the zionists on tuesday in syria. targeting the military intelligence command of the zionist regime in the arab village of aramsha in the north of occupied palestine with guided missiles and suicide bombers. the hebrew media confirmed that the zionist headquarters were targeted and said that 18 zionist soldiers were injured in this attack, three of them are in serious condition.
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thirteen people were martyred in the hospitals of sheikh rizwan district of gaza city and 18 people were injured. becoming one of the martyrs was the nephew of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political bureau , whose brother had been martyred in zionist attacks before. in the north of the gaza strip in bithanon, the army of the zionist regime attacked the city and besieged the refugee settlement centers for 36 hours, according to the report. al jazeera zionist soldiers interrogated and arrested palestinians in their attack, then forced the residents to leave the area. they threatened us that they would take off our clothes, hit our feet , and threatened to shoot us . they would take children over the age of 13 if none of them had children.
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they put white clothes on him and threw garbage on his head. in the center of the gaza strip, nusirat camp was targeted by artillery and air strikes. several palestinians were martyred and wounded in the airstrikes on bazarchehi in al-maghazi camp. at least seven people, including several children, were martyred in the bombing of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. 3 thousand since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip.
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they are members of the same family, the ones in the picture are dr. raed mehdi's family, and one of them was samira, the eldest daughter of raed graduated from gaza dental school a year ago , the same day with wissam zent. with this message publish on their virtual pages. i thank god that i got married to the person i loved . it was suppose to. the last days of winter that have passed , let their wedding party be held. these were the last messages wissam received from sami. wessam
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attacked us with tanks, pray for us. the tanks have reached the door. promise me, if something happens to me, don't forget me. the united nations announced today in the latest report. in the last 6 months, the zionists have killed more than 10,000 women in gaza. that eyewitness says in the same conversation with wael: after the siege from the international organizations we asked for international help. their message was published on social networks in the same hours. it still is. like the message of yasra's family asking for help, which is still there. asking halal ahmar and the ambulance crew to rescue the injured yasra hammarneh, who was injured in the abdomen by the bullets of the invaders and died in abdurrahman school.
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the meeting of the headquarters of flood crisis prevention and operations command was held in kanarak on wednesday evening with the presence of the interior minister. the floods and rains of the last two days blocked dozens of main and secondary roads in the south of the country, especially in sistan baluchistan, in addition to rural roads. the activity of the last rainfall system the days of april brought floods in the south of the country. the rains in three meteorological stations of sistan
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baluchistan exceeded 20 mm and zardabad was the flagship of the rains in this region with 270 mm. in more than 300 points of rural roads. in sistan baluchistan, the water has crossed the road and the intensity of the rains in the south of sistan baluchistan, in addition to the destruction of civil infrastructure , has cut off the communication routes of 300 villages, well, more than 60 of our villages have been cut off. to nikshahr , 12 of our side roads and more have been disconnected in any case, there are no access to 300 villages by rural roads. today, the rescue and rescue forces of the red crescent in this area rescued the passengers of two buses caught in the flood. also
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, due to the flooding of the cashew river, the communication routes in the area of ​​this river were cut off, and the connecting road between qasr qand and nik shahrhar was also blocked. the most unprecedented water that has come in kaja river today. some in the east of hormozgan. rural roads were blocked and electrical installations of this province were damaged. also, the flood of gabrik river destroyed four villages in jask city and the communication road of this city with he cut off the boy. 177 people have been helped in 61 operational areas. 69 people , 50 people have been transferred to safe places, and three emergency accommodation camps have been set up in jask region
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of hormozgan province and two emergency accommodation camps have been established in kehir region of sistan baluchistan province. rain continued today in the provinces of kerman, yazd, fars, south khorasan and chahar mahal bakhtiari . saeed hajizadeh, radio and television news agency. hello god, good night. well, as you can see you can see, the cloud coverage covers a wide area of ​​the center, southern and eastern half of the country and the active precipitation system is still active in the southern and eastern half of our country. for tonight in vast areas of provinces like fars. areas of its southern provinces, especially the entire areas of kerman province, as well as sistan baluchistan and hormozgan province
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, will experience rainfall, this is the case in south khorasan province. and probably yazd will continue for tomorrow , but the warnings we issued are still valid at 3 levels. for tonight and tomorrow, the red level warning will be issued in the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province. heavy rain , heavy rain, strong wind, and probably it will be tagged as well for tomorrow with less intensity, but at the level of orange warning , the rains will continue in the eastern and south-eastern parts of the country. from sistan baluchistan and hormozgan province, we have the flooding of public roads, the change of river water and the rise of seasonal river water in these areas. west of the alborz slopes and the central slopes zagros, we are predicting rain for friday afternoon , we will talk more about this in the next reports, wind is an important phenomenon in
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the eastern, central and southern parts of the country. it is clear that it will lead to waves and turbulence in the waters of the persian gulf as well as the strait of hormuz and even the sea of ​​amman, which has led to the warning of the yellow level of the sea in these areas. and the responsible ministries ordered to mobilize all their facilities to deal with the flood victims of the southern regions of the country more quickly. flood in mr. manzoor , mr. vahidi, and the system such as water, especially the road, and mr. mehrabian basij, how many so-called water , electric, and gas roads, if god forbid, there is a definite solution, mr. mokhbar, regarding the outstanding claims. the right to teach members of the board. the academician
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of the universities ordered the program and budget organization to meet their demands and pay them quickly. vice president for science, technology and economics of the presidency, daneshbonian , also said in this meeting about the national city train plan: this plan has come to fruition with the help of tehran municipality and the ministry of interior, and tehran's subway will soon be used. it will be from the national train. mr. jabali, the head of the broadcasting organization, also presented a report in the meeting of the government board, emphasizing the support of the national media for the efforts and actions of the government, and the financial support of the scientific vice-chancellor for the media programs of knowledge bases. the government spokesperson said that the import and export tariff has been approved by the cabinet and will be announced soon. an attempt was made to determine the export and import tariff, first of all , to support price control in the field of basic goods
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and consumer items. if it is needed by the people, secondly , it should support the production, which we have in the areas where the raw materials of the equipment are imported as much as possible, it should be as minimal as possible in the consumption field in order to support domestic production and increase the production jump, which is the duty of the government and the duty of all of us . the spokesperson of the government also approved the government's decision to reduce the salary tax. the customs of basic caps and medicine reported to 1%. the government agreed today to support the supply of basic goods, medicinal items, medical consumables, or even raw materials that are used for the production of medicine or the production of basic goods. the value added tax, which
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is 10% this year, and the customs duty, which is 4%, for these items that i mentioned, i.e. basic goods, medicine, raw materials for supplying medicine, livestock , agricultural institutions, medical consumables, for all the detailed list in the government. it came to the picture that for all cases , it will be reduced to the minimum allowed by the law, i.e. 1%. a number of ministers answered the questions of reporters after the meeting of the government board. the infrastructure for recruiting elites in executive bodies is provided. the news that today the president's scientific and engineering deputy is on the edge of life the government raised we are waiting for the organization of the employment office to determine the 25 points that must be given to the course participants for that preparation course. we are suggesting that the 25-point
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interview be conducted with the recruitment department organization first, which means that the children will be selected and accepted first, and then they will go to pass the preparation course for the minister of culture's insistence on sending. at the end of may, they will be sent to the land of revelation. the mayor of tehran also responded as follows regarding the dispute between the municipality and the ministry of interior regarding the import of 171 metro cars. according to the contract, you must respond within 10 days it was said


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