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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am IRST

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hello, welcome to the 8 am news . operation of the second stage of the 183 mw power plant and the opening of 200 residential units. during the president's visit to semnan today, the celebration of the revival of 200 production units will be held. flooding of the cashew river in the south of sistan baluchistan and cutting off 50 rural roads due to the flooding of the seasonal rivers in the south of kerman. the minister of interior, providing assistance to flood-affected areas, and
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mohammad wajal farjaham. good morning , dear viewers, we are with you until 8:00 am. in the second trip of mr raisi to semnan, the second stage of shahid bakri combined cycle gas power plant with a capacity of 183 megawatts will be put into operation. the construction of this part of the power plant
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was started in 1400 and during the first provincial visit of the president of the 13th government, and now with its completion and opening , the power generation capacity of semnan province has doubled and reached 732 megawatts. 20 rocket units and the development of 1850 industrial units , new job opportunities, similar to the story of production lines that had almost reached the end of the line , were left half-finished, only in kaftara, they had to make a decision. that the factory should be closed, but the authorities joined hands and started their work, and the lights of many of these production halls have now been turned on with more than 3,000 and almost 200 billion tomans of credit , which caused nearly 2,500 people to be re-invited.
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put them to work, leave them at our disposal. this year , we slowly started these issues, like this tile factory, the first tile that came out of our kiln, or this wire and cable production unit, is all our efforts, which was lost from a national capital that we had. we can use it optimally. this is an industrial unit that produces dressing tools and gases our company has a capacity of 350 tons and a variety of gangs with a capacity of 100. the company that sends all kinds of household appliances to the market includes washing machines, automatic washing machines, dishwashers, coolers and brooms . or in another industry, such as animal supplements. our production is 30 thousand tons per year. we were able to discuss job creation for 100 people directly and 300 people indirectly . returning to the production that has restarted many unemployed people. how long have they been working here? it's been a year and i've
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been 10 months thanks to god, we have the rights that are given to us , we produce products that until now we were importing from abroad, not only domestically, but we also have foreign orders. the ministry wants these revivals to be long revivals of knowledge-based units and units that can actually achieve a good depth of internalization , to invest more in these. according to the national table for the revival of rocket units, semnan has been one of the leading provinces in these two years. simultaneously with the second provincial visit of the president and the government delegation to the province semnan is celebrating the revival of more than 20 stagnant industrial and production units. it will be held by hossein nouranian
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of semnan radio and television news agency. heavy rains in the south of sistan baluchistan caused the biggest flooding of the kajo river in the last half century. the flood destroyed a part of the cashew bridge and cut off the connecting road between nikshahr and kand qasr, as well as the connecting road of more than 30 villages. yesterday, the minister of interior traveled to sistan baluchistan province for a more accurate assessment of the rains of the last few days. the volume of rain here has been very high, up to 270 mm of rain
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has fallen in a number of villages now their communication is broken, and god willing, these should be established quickly. main roads in particular. data from zarabad and kanarak to zarabad and chaharhar to nikshahr have been cut in some places . in kerman, the change of seasonal rivers caused the communication of 50 villages in ganbaki city to be cut off. in sarjangal area of ​​anbarabad nomads, three teenage girls who were missing were found with the efforts of rescue forces. they were found after six hours.
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meteorological organization today for some places in kerman province, sistan baluchistan, hormozgan and south khorasan torrential rains. and sometimes strong wind temporarily predicted. we will ask the weather expert for more details. mr. asghari, god bless you , what is the continuation of the rains, especially in the southern half of the country today, and the weather conditions in other parts of the country. yes, let me have a check. now these statistics are up to last night. all these are in hundredths of millimeters. chabeha was the record holder for the plain of heavenly blessings. sir awan the next rank was lavan ina in hormozganen, jask beshagard, in the same way, lar gerash in the southeast of fars province, as well as jam and bandar deir in busher province, in the same way, i did not say another number because it is raining, it will be added. the game
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is not over yet. today is still valid . thursday, the people and the officials should be informed . as you mentioned, the provinces that i have now issued the orange certificate for the east and north of hormozgan province for the east and north. in the south of sistan baluchistan province, for the center and south of kerman province, the rains are still at the level of our orange warning, it is a little thinner in south khorasan, in the same way, there is still a possibility of roads being flooded , the surfaces are overflowing . leaves what to he inherits. there is a drop in temperature in cold areas , i emphasize again, in cold and mountainous areas , tonight and tomorrow night, there is a tangible drop in temperature , there is a possibility of frost in the gardens, in addition to these provinces , yazdem province, we should mention it, friends of yazd,
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we have cold weather, if anyone is active in the sea, they are in the sea of ​​oman east the strait of hormuz should be cautious today for fishing and fishing activities. yes , this system had a clear task. all of you should focus. the red warning was issued and ended. from now on, there is a dangerous amount of convection per hour. afternoon from tomorrow friday see the ranges and heights of both zagros and albos . now it may be trivial for some people , but it is very important. now there are many wild vegetables and cars in the deserts. usually, especially women in the cities, they hit the mountains and the hills. this happens in the afternoon, that is. at the same time, with the growth of convection currents, in these four to five days , be very careful that there is a possibility of flooding, the possibility means that
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those who go on the pretext of picking vegetables should be careful . at this time, the herdsmen nomads will also be in the flow. now for a few weeks, the same is the case now if there is a farmer. someone is watching us let's see how long-term they should be aware that until june 15th, until mid-june, the rainfall conditions in our country will be soft and natural and for your summer. monsoon is active this year, if you answer well, about 65% of what i am saying is true, monsoon is active in the southeast this year. for the caspian sea, this summer, the rainfall is less than normal , and the temperature is between half and one degree in most areas. above normal conditions, thank you very much, mr. asghari, the expert.
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lebanon's hizbullah has announced that it has inflicted certain casualties on a zionist military unit at the hamtullah base gave in the statement of hezbollah, it is stated that the mujahideen of the islamic resistance targeted the zionist military unit when it was pulling an armored vehicle and the casualties. they cut them off. yesterday , hezbollah targeted the location of zionist soldiers in the north of occupied palestine in a combined missile operation , as a result of which 18 zionist soldiers were injured. the zionist regime targeted the town of khayyam in southern lebanon with phosphorous bombs , and the occupying regime also targeted the town of kafarkala with drones . the target of the attack was from southern lebanon.
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scott ritter, a former navy intelligence officer in a conversation with khabar's jahan mozro program, america considered iran's response to the crimes of the zionist regime as a victory for iran. i think the purpose of iran's retaliation was to create a deterrent in the region so that the israelis would notice and in fact, if israel wants to attack iran or iran's interests, they would know that there will be a retaliation and this is a message. it was quite loud and clear. navatim air base
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is one of the important bases of the zionists, which was targeted by iran's missile and drone response. the base said that the damage to the base was minor. we were the only media that entered this very, very secret israeli base alone. we went to novatim air base and the zionists unveiled the second hole in front of the international cameras. we are now in a place where the israeli army says that a missile launched by the islamic republic of iran landed inside the nabatim base and caused very little damage . iranian missiles hit the navatim air base , only part of the runway and this corner of the
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they showed the base between these two walls . daniel hegari, the spokesman of the israeli army , is standing next to me, and i ask him what we see here. here we see the damage to the nabatim base. i repeat again, it is the only place that damages the infrastructure. there is a building under construction here, and there was a crash on the ground, a little damage was done to the wall of the building. do you remember the effect that the progress of wednesday games of the end of the year leaves on the wall? can such an effect be seen around the hole? the weight of the warhead of each of the missiles iranian ballistics is 500 kg. this is a picture taken from a distance of the impact of one of these missiles. let's see the volume of its explosion from this distance. now, is there a trace of the explosion in this hole and its surroundings? everything
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they show or explain to you in iran is a lie, i am showing you the real picture here. this is the collision point in the nataimeh base and this is also the damage from the missile barrage that they explained to you. another point in the international picture is this plastic pipe, and the question is how it can remain intact after being hit by a ballistic missile. a few days ago, the zionists unveiled another hole in the same base and said that it was the impact site of another missile. a few meters away from the hole, there was some soil on the ground, the volume of which was four times the size of the image that reacted in the virtual space. provoked at all, our missiles are so advanced, after landing with a shovel and digging the soil, i threw it over there. so far, no picture of the main impact site of the iranian missiles has been released. sajjad ahyaei, sed and sima news agency.
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minister. foreigner who traveled to new york to participate in the un security council meeting on palestine upon arrival, he said that this meeting, which will be held at the level of foreign ministers, is an opportunity to explain the views of the islamic republic of iran on the necessity of establishing stable peace and security in the region and that the situation in gaza has reached a boiling point and its spillover will be seen in the developments in the region. mr. amir abdollahian also about the sadiq's promise operation. he said that since the decision was made in the islamic republic of iran to warn and punish the zionist regime, we informed the us, and we told the americans clearly and clearly that the decision in the islamic republic of iran was made in the supreme national security council headed by the president of my country
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is determined to respond to the regime and messages were exchanged between us both before the operation and after the operation was carried out . in these messages, we tried to tell america clearly that , first of all, we are not looking for the development of tension in the region . what can increase the development of tension in the region is the behavior of the zionist regime. at the request of algeria and jordan, the un security council held a meeting on the activities of the aid organization for refugees palestinian anorwa held. algerian foreign minister
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said in this meeting: israel's occupying regime is targeting anrouva because it wants to destroy it. it is palestine. jordan's foreign minister also stated that israel uses hunger as a tool of war and kills aid workers in cold blood. he called for the end of the occupation and the provision of a permanent solution to solve the problem of palestinian refugees. the representative of russia also criticized the attacks of the zionist regime on the anorva employees in gaza and said that it is weakening. that the role of this institution has destructive consequences for the region. the representative of china also with stating that there is not enough evidence to prove the zionist regime's claim about anorva's cooperation with hamas, he asked this regime to stop its attacks on this institution. referring
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to the danger of violence in gaza, the british representative asked the occupying regime to allow unrwa and all organizations that provide humanitarian aid unimpeded access to gaza . referring to the necessity of anorwa's existence to help the people, the french representative said: this institution has played an important role for about 6 million palestinian refugees in the occupied territories and different countries for 75 years. american representative with statement that the congress of this country provides aid since the beginning of the zionist regime's aggression on the gaza strip, more than 240 employees of aid organizations have been killed while performing their duties. the representative of the zionist regime stated that israel will not allow anorva
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to continue its activities as before and said: this organization wants to form a state. palestine is from nahr to bahr and wants to destroy israel by returning the refugees. the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts in a letter to international organizations, including unesco, about the destruction of 5,000-year-old palestinian historical monuments in the attacks zionists warned mr. zargami condemned the genocide in gaza and the protection of historical monuments according to laha chawddar shahdiye charter on the green west bank, a safe place for wildlife and of course a historical village with active confectioners. several thousand years old, which is also registered in the unesco world heritage. my father planted these olive groves in 1986
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, but now the israeli soldiers prevented me from accessing my lands. my trees need daily care but they say i need permission to access my land. sebastiyeh is in the west of baitullaham. although this village according to since 1993, the oslo accords have been divided into two parts. but the zionist regime is not satisfied with its part and in recent months, along with the intensification of settlement attacks in these historical days, it has also started to usurp palestinian lands. we do not know what the israelis plan for after the war because we see that no one asks them what they are doing. there are no restrictions on settlements in the west bank and we are really afraid of losing the ancient sebastiyah, except for this hidden face of the war in gaza , the town of the remaining palestinian properties and even the grounds and historical monuments are the ruins left by
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historical monuments, the visible face of war. according to the latest statistics, more than 20 historical monuments, including mosques, churches, schools, and old houses , were completely destroyed in gaza . condemnation of this type of destruction should be done, because you see, a lost work cannot be returned, this is a fact, which means that all efforts are always related to protection before destruction and damage to the work, after destruction, well, the work cannot be returned. in any case, citing the hague document should reflect the hague charter the agreement is that in 1954 and after the second world war for the protector. historical buildings were compiled during wars and wars, but practically no measures were taken to protect the historical buildings of this land during the war in gaza, and the works
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were destroyed on a large scale. elham goran of seda o sima news agency. 46 % of judicial cases are referred to experts through the system and automatically. the head of the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary said that in the first year of the implementation of the arja smart system , more than 80% of referrals were made to the official justice experts of the provinces of sistan baluchistan, semnan and yazd. smart were the pioneers of using this system. he has been complaining for a long time, because the handling of his case was delayed for several months. the answer that the expert should give is to judge and the judge should vote accordingly. in the same way , the lengthening of the time to send expert opinions to the court was due to the method of dividing the cases between the experts. in the cases that we investigate
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, it is necessary to provide an expert's opinion and it is a specialized subject, based on the experience we have and the knowledge we have of experts. fortunately, we had expertise that actually has several levels of expertise. it was great and we had experts who practically did not refer any work to them. referral of cases to experts with this traditional method had caused people's work to be blocked in the court corridors. when an expert is examining 50 cases at the same time and the other expert is unemployed, then naturally people's work is delayed . a solution that has been implemented for a year. when you read a bachelor's degree for a case according to the number of tasks assigned to this expert, the system
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will intelligently recommend the expert to the judge. we asked the judge to intelligently refer one of his cases to an expert. let's refer to the 3-member panel of experts. enter the file number. the system chose mr. bakhshi as an expert in this case. out of 82 experts. until 1995, in these 13 years, no case was referred to us by the courts, mr. bakhshi says that the electronic referral of cases has solved the problem of unfair distribution and has eased people's minds. it hurts the parties when it becomes clear to them that this expert has been selected through qara and has no relationship with these parties or the judge , this in itself gives the party more confidence. it shows that the expert's opinion is more logical and principled. according to the judicial reform document, the quality rating of official experts is supposed
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to be added to this system, so that those who send their reports of poor quality will not be accepted. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency. the 10th revolution art week ended last night. in the solemn and closing ceremony of this course, masoud najabatti, the visual arts pioneer pishout was introduced as the chosen artist of the 10th period and the face of revolutionary art. the field of arts in this event, we would like to include the visualization and graphics of masoud najabati, as well as mohammad reza sarshar, the author of pissoot literature, and the animation of baccha zarang,
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produced by hamed jafari. it was appreciated as the best art event of the revolution year. in the name of god, hello, good morning. we start the news with the premier football league. the city of isfahan was associated with the superiority of sepahan. in a visit to jamonde from the week.
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noor afgen now sends a mistake on the goal. but today at the beginning of the twenty-fourth week of the league the top three games will be held, according to the schedule, from 16:30 minutes, pikan will play against havadar, from 17:45 minutes , golgohar sirjan will play against esteghlal khobustan, and from 19:00 , sanat naft abadan will play against perspisi. saud real madrid and bayern munich to the semi-finals of the champions league. europe, in the last quarter-final games of this competition, manchester city and real madrid met at the etihad stadium last night. in this game, rodrigo gave the galaxy the lead in the 13th minute, but the citizens' pressure on the opponent's goal continued. it was possible for kevin day to equalize in the 76th minute the result remained until the end of legal and extra time so that the fate of the match
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was determined by the penalty shootout. it is shawwal and the 16th of april from that noon.
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maghrib azan is at 12 minutes in tehran at 1859 minutes. thank you for your cooperation, have a good day and god bless you. the great iranian palace, sarai mujahed.


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