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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] you have seen that the diplomatic system should really be grateful to them. in the first days, we talked with our 3 countries, china, russia and algeria, because they are members of the supreme council of the united nations security council. jambid asked for a meeting earlier, very good speaking, very good defending the positions. the islamic republic and if there is a protocol, we were not looking for a resolution because we knew that the americans would veto it and the british were looking for a statement. the rule of the security council is that when the statement is read, it means that it will be issued. in the council hall itself, if no one protests within 24 hours or 48 hours is not in my mind right now, it will become a media statement, so the americans, england and
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france will come immediately. and i don't know if he took issue with breaking his silence and did not make it to the statement. well , how much effort did the ministry of foreign affairs put in before the second meeting of the security council, which was convened at the request of the zionist regime? you saw that the result of the second meeting, which was requested by the zionist regime, was a few speeches that were meant to empty the minds of the americans, which we are used to. there is nothing special and it was nothing but the diplomatic jihad that we in the ministry of foreign affairs and our esteemed ambassadors in all countries did to enlighten the political authorities of the countries, and in my opinion , our diplomatic apparatus showed up well in response to the events in the field, and we should thank both of them. these friends, commanders, and diplomats of ours must be destroyed, and apparently even after the operation
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, this was the message of the rearguards that now, finally, asar wants a place, if you can find a plain in the desert , we will have at least one of them. it should be remembered that the messages after the sadiq operation were generally that they did not continue because they felt that we will continue this in the next steps, which our commanders said in the next announcement that they issued saying the end of the operation. the islamic republic, so in the first hour of the operation, most of their messages revolved around this axis: sir, don't continue, don't see the continuation , don't make the region more tense, the islamic republic announced that i will announce the end of the operation and no more , but from now on, the responsibility according to westerners, the tension in the american region
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is the worst. you saw the british foreign minister. this position was taken by the germans, which they also condemned the british prime minister spoke very badly and let me tell you that the british scandal in the region is very scandalous, even i can say that it is more scandalous than the americans. paz, take back the area, well, the area was in the hands of the british when they came to america. we announced that from now on we will defend ourselves and our operations will be the end. if something happens in the region , we will face the iron fist of the
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islamic republic. we will not use it and we will try to bring new ammunition. yes, the registration of the ammunition is done , the assistance is over, and we will really go crazy this time if the zionist regime wants to go crazy. we have been sending messages to them through intermediaries, and that's why we said to the westerners, we said this is yours and you
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should control this. i want to release the part that was exchanged. i have nothing to do with them. they wanted to go under the hospital . they said they are in the tunnel. they are our evenings and we will release them . what do we do with this purpose of going to the hospital? three or four months before the al-aqsa storm operation in beirut, he was able to reach the leader of the resistance, mr. sayyed hassan nasrallah, well, at the time when the volgai storm operation was not involved, he made an analysis of the zionist regime from the political, security and military aspects . well, i am very here. to be honest, hosseini, in our own interpretation, well, we didn't accept all of that
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, i said, well, another analysis, an explanation of the zionist regime's political, security, and intelligence power. we shot, the zionist regime came and hit beirut and here i want to give an example that they told us that we took a tent to the zionist regime in one of the disputed areas of lebanon and deployed two of our own basij forces there, they don't have cameras , they don't have radar, nothing. the zionist reached out to the president of france to send a message to lebanon himself because he wanted to collect that tent from there . he says we did not collect it. he says that the president of france had contacted the prime minister of lebanon at that time when dad said this is the same interpretation mr. seyyed hassan nasr was saying. if those zionist soldiers and officers who were 200 meters away, their interpretation is that if they die
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, this tent will be blown away by the wind, if they dare not trespass on this tent of hezbollah, they will receive it three or four months before hamad and then other examples. fact the representative of jihad says, "i didn't believe it myself . i watched the films two or three times to see the montage from, for example, photofan . i mean, it's hard for me to believe. the regime said yes , it means we ourselves. we didn't believe it because we reached mr. n in doha, qatar. he said that all they say that the zionist regime was caught by surprise during the operation the storm of dancers says, "no, we were surprised. we said, mr. haniyeh, why were you surprised?" he said , "if we had known that the regime was so weak, we had an assessment, we would have done some information work
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, but not this much. if we had known like this , the regime would have penetrated deeper than this." we were surprised, but look at a regime that cannot cope with a jihadist group called hamas and islamic jihad , the power of hezbollah, i say, is 10 times more than hamas, how can it cope with the islamic republic, of course, the zionist regime is a regime. he is crazy, but he might do an operation his responsibility lies with the american and the west, and certainly my colleagues in other institutions also announced on tv in interviews with the media, and our military commanders also announced. the regime should know that it has to choose between its own temporary survival, which it wants to continue for a few days, or one service, that barghasa, which
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will act with greater speed, intensity and power, should choose one. i announced it to our friends in the region and to the americans, and now i am. they have a lot to say about hizbollah's non-entry into this honest promise if hezbollah had come, the story would have been very different. right now, in the same report that was broadcast , the bbc reporter, for example, speaks farsi and says that it is not clear what hezbollah is up to, which means that there is no accurate assessment of the new strength of hezbollah, which is the successor of the islamic republic. the islamic republic is much stronger than that and can carry out operations. very well, mr. doctor, now you are in this situation. where we are now, now that the zionist regime is saying that i want to retaliate, not to retaliate, he had said that i want to do it myself , it has nothing to do with anyone's decision, even now it seems that there is a bit more of this with the american. for this reason, i may
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not have that old friendship anymore, at least zahid says that i want to decide independently whether the national security and foreign policy commission of the parliament is in charge of a mission in these days or see us in the national security commission in this area. well , we did a few things. well, the first one was that after the attack on our embassy in damascus, we were supposed to send a team to the region and send a message to the parliament. let's announce to syria and the region that this trip coincided with the visit of the honorable minister of foreign affairs, and i also traveled to the region with him. we went to oman and met with the omani authorities in the mosque and with our friends from yemen who are present there. in syria, we had good meetings with the syrian authorities and we announced that the government assembly of all powers in tehran
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is united in retaliating against the operation in damascus. and let me say something here, some of the officials of muslim and arab countries who could express their opinion that the islamic republic should defend its right and legitimate defense support some who could not publicly express this in the meetings with the officials. islamic republic, i want to serve you something here. to the people my dear, let me tell you that arab and muslim countries are eager to seek compensation from the zionist regime, if it were not more than us , it would be less. we also saw the same issue, the next issue that the follow-up commission
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held with the authorities, both in the diplomatic and military fields, to see how the length and breadth of the defense of the islamic republic and the punishment of the regime will be now that this punishment has been carried out. in the parliament, we are looking for a plan let's approve and give practical support to the capabilities of our zealous commanders in the armed forces. let me say yes once . i think it was in 1401 that a plan was brought to the table by the commission and we spent nearly 10 thousand billion tomans for increasing our missile and defense capabilities. we passed it and obliged the government
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to provide this support. certainly, the parliament in its practical support, we will probably be able to propose this plan next week, because i heard in one of the news that apparently in america they are asking for 3 billion dollar shares from the zionist regime. support them. the parliament will definitely not learn to support its own children in the armed forces. on the day after the operation in the parliament in natakh, in the statement issued by the parliament , there were other supports, but the practical support, god willing, the parliament will definitely not delay. well, we don't have 10-12 more minutes left in the final minutes of the profit program . if you agree, this part let's devote ourselves to the work of the national security and
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foreign policy commission. well, it's the last days of the 11th parliament. in my opinion, the first thing that i should do is the national security and foreign policy commission it was a badge of honor that the supreme leader gave to one of the resolutions of the parliament, which is the result of the efforts of colleagues. it was in the national security commission and it was a strategic law to cancel sanctions. the supreme leader referred to this law as "i saved the country from uncertainty. you know that we were involved in the nuclear negotiations, which became known as the revival of the jcpoa, in the past years." something had happened and our negotiators were almost out of control. well, the one-way road of the westerners in
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using the concessions of the jcpoa was going ahead of the five steps approved by the supreme national security council. i don't know that the time was going on, the parliament clarified the duty of the country and the negotiators in the law it passed. i, as the head of the commission. national security, i was a member of the nuclear committee that was formed in the supreme council at the end of the last government. the law was not approved . when the law was approved, the hands of the negotiators and the government were opened and filled, and we were able to negotiate with more papers. teacher's day
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held, this law was praised as one of the famous laws. we would like to inform you that the organizations that are in the armed forces and other organizations were able to reconcile with two organizations in the commission, one was the sepand organization, which was the same organization that martyr fakhrizadeh was responsible for. we became strong and powerful and this was one of the approvals of the commission, an organization was formed and established for the protection and intelligence of the judiciary, which was finalized in our commission. unfortunately, we did not succeed, but in the
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annual budgets and in the 7th five-year plan, we were able to set good points for the reform of the conscription system, which, thank god, was supported by the people. the national 4 ministry of foreign defense provides information and the armed forces and the nuclear energy organization are busy commissions. we have tried to add to our defense capabilities in these four years. next to the ministry of foreign affairs, next to the ministry of interior, we will be information wherever you feel let's do it. they have real and horizontal needs. my colleagues in the consolidated commissions that were present
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, and i was one of them myself, in the first year , we tried to solve all these needs. because our side of the account is the armed forces. and the security and intelligence agencies in most of the bitter and sweet events that happened in these 4 years, we were with the armed forces in their maneuvers or in anti -security and terrorist measures that unfortunately happened in kerman in sistan, my colleagues less than 24 hours in the regions were present and side by side the apparatus and the forces prepared a report on the nature of these operations , which was a monitoring for us in the discussion of netenz, where two stages of terrorist operations took place. which was related to the parliament in the discussion of laws and supervision and budgeting, we tried
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to solve them in the discussion of the law on the use of weapons, which sometimes people asked us how you don't let go of a police officer who is a liar to remember, a film was broadcast in shiraz that our dear brother from the police forces after that, the speed of this amendment to the law on the use of weapons increased in the commission, and we approved it. in the discussion of jihadi groups in the commission , a good plan came to an end, and the happy events that happened in these four years in the national security and foreign policy commission. parliamentary diplomacy. in this parliament , despite the fact that we had reached a period of drought, that is, sanctions have caused regions of the world to be excluded from our parliamentary diplomacy. well , europeans, after the sanctions , i was a bit strict, of course, not that we were very interested in europe, dear representatives.
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i was invited to travel once or twice because of my consular considerations. i canceled and it didn't go. parliamentary diplomacy happened to spread in neighboring countries and my colleagues in the commission were able to spread it. we hope that the twelfth parliament will continue this path with more strength and power, god willing. you mentioned that your commission is not very bill-oriented and plan-oriented, but finally, the plans are definitely in the commission . i did all these designs. and he was a brigadier and was more economical in the field of diplomacy no question, the most prominent one is the one that will be brought to the 12th parliament and is the one that you emphasize, that you must see about it. yes, we
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are working now as a law of the society to support a law. this bill is a law. we have a law . if the twelfth mosque does not reach the result in these few weeks, it must be done. put your own views. many iranians are waiting for the approval of this law . what will happen? we have seen good protections in this law for iranians abroad in the field of conscription, in the field of technology, and in the field of consular jurisdiction. the commission was proposed. you know that we have many iranians abroad. in turkey, in kuwait, in qatar, in oman, where we recently went, in
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european countries, the american continent, the ministry of foreign affairs, for its part, was able to form associations and assemblies of iranians. one of the suggestions was that we turn this into an official community of iranians who want the country and that they have elected officials among themselves and can make suggestions. they officially announce themselves and their plans to the iranian authorities , even once every two years. iranians abroad should be formed in tehran, which will definitely be taken into account. i said that in the area of ​​consulship, there is not much room for details. there is a progressive law, there is a bill, the government gave it to us and we
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finalized it in the commission. i hope that if it does not reach the age of this parliament, in the 12th parliament , god willing, these will be approved in the public forum . god willing, we have less than two minutes . that, sir, i am like us we represent the people. i don't have the opportunity to attend the 12th mosque. you see, the people who came to us were very proud of this operation. they even sometimes said why it's late, why shouldn't you do this sooner, even those who may be with the regime. they don't have it, but the national unity has become. i saw that a number of iranians, even officials of the pahlavi government in some countries, were interviewed. according to them, iran has become so powerful that in the eyes of the world it can
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carry out this mind-boggling operation from different dimensions. we could mention a part of it in your program . do it. they are boasting about their nuclear capability, which was generally agreed upon by former officials before the revolution. i think there is no iranian citizen who is not proud of this operation. this means the national consensus in supporting the commanders in the mossad forces. thank you very much, mr. dr. jalalzadeh , the honorable chairman of the national security and foreign policy commission of the parliament. you are welcome to use it at night
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you are welcome. we should put whatever we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i myself will
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put everything i have worked till today. i was thinking that i will put everything we have in the middle. we will put everything we have before starting a new job. our money will be more. how come we barely provided the ruby ​​base ? you had a ruby ​​and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and safely. let's go to the heart of the matter, how should we proceed, just go to the credit institution of the nations and ask for more than the balance that we leave and let's take it and... let's start the work. it's so easy to prosper with the help of the nations . we have built the nation's special business plan, the credit institution of the nations, for you, so you can come and see. this is called an installment purchase, whatever you want, different accessories of each model, don't
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worry. don't buy, they have different prices. any way you want, the big iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran. in the city of home appliances, the commission is zero to a maximum of one percent . in the city of home appliances, calculate it any way you want.
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you are the winner in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , have a good shabtun at 230:00 , i am at your service with some news. the ceremony to support the missile response of the islamic republic of iran against its child zionist regime was held at the fatemiyoun warriors and martyrs board in varamin. the participants in this ceremony of failure. rimene pushali said that israel and iran are arrogant and considered the missile response of the islamic republic of iran as an inalienable and legitimate right. the support of afghan immigrants from the punitive operation of the promise of sadiq. i am very happy that the islamic republic of iran is firmly in the mouth of israel


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