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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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they say that google and amazon's $1.2 billion contract with the zionist regime is aimed at using artificial intelligence to kill the palestinian people. we request that the nimbus project be canceled . we want them to cancel this project right now. although 28 people were expelled and 9 people were arrested following this protest, the voice of support for derin and his compatriots is still heard all over the world. and the
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second file of tonight's program of the american newspaper intercept revealed that the biden administration has secretly pressured some countries to vote against palestine's membership in the united nations. security council voting for palestine's full membership in the united nations is scheduled to take place tomorrow. the american intercept wrote with this request from some. the members of the security council hope that there will be no need to use the veto right. at the same time , china and russia, as two permanent members of the security council , supported the official membership of palestine in the united nations as an independent country. the approval of palestine's full membership in the united nations requires the vote of 9 members out of 15 members of the security council without the negative vote of the permanent members. here is the united nations 13 years ago when
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palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas proposed before the world leaders' speech at the general assembly the membership in the united nations was handed over to bankimon, the then secretary general of this organization. i say that now , after decades of occupation displacement and continuous suffering, the time has come for the brave and proud palestinians to live in their own land like other people of the world. freely in their own land. but this proposal was not agreed to and the palestinians could not get the approval of 9 members out of 15 members of the security council . even if they managed to get at least 9 votes. the united states, the closest ally of the zionist regime , had promised that it would approve any resolution that would confirm palestinian membership. with this now after rejecting the initial palestinian request for full membership. in the united nations, they
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went to the general assembly with 193 members and with a majority of two-thirds of the votes , i.e. 138 votes in favor, 41 abstentions and 9 votes against , and since there was no veto right in the general assembly, they became the observer members of the united nations. now, in the seventh month of the zionist crime in gaza , it is once again going to be a part of palestine at the request of algeria.
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the past may be an unattainable dream, but its proposal in the united nations can once again remind us of resolution 181 of this international organization, which became the cornerstone for the official beginning of the zionist occupation of palestine. it was the only place in the world where the un could tell the indigenous people: you must tear your homeland into pieces and you must give half of your homeland to those who came here three years ago. mojtaba shah soni, sed and sima news agency. this is the united nations. now , we are hosting dr. elham aminzadeh, professor of international law, for the legal review of the palestinians' renewed attempt to gain full membership in the united nations. doctor, it's better to start with this question. basically, what was the nature of the palestinians in the united nations during this period, in these seventy years? what position is assigned to them?
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yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, courtesy and respect, to your excellency and respected viewers . indeed, what the israelis got from the united nations was much more and more fundamental than what was given to the palestinians, and this situation is related the absence of the united nations, the league of nations also oppressed the palestinians, and now, if you allow me to give you a short introduction to international organizations and institutions and their approach to the palestinian issue , palestine was a country 400 years ago. it was the so-called ottoman rule and after that in 1918 after the first world war the ottomans and the germans are defeated, they decide to make a decision for iraq, palestine, syria and lebanon , based on the preamble of the covenant of the league of nations, it was said
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that if two-thirds of the general assembly of the league of nations vote , these countries can become an independent country , so article 22 the covenant of civil society had said that in order for these countries to become an independent country , they should be helped to stand on their own feet and become a country. well, according to articles 22 and 23 of the covenant, let's appoint a guardian for these countries, but since palestine was occupied by the british from 1918 to 1920. it was said that let's come to this guardianship. for the so-called british, if perhaps the most suitable country that could perform this guardianship was iran itself, which was culturally close to giving
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syria and lebanon to the british and giving iraq and palestine to the french. to give to the british, well, based on article 23, it was decided that countries with ancient civilization and culture. they are trying to do their work faster and become independent countries, which did not happen , and in fact, without the trust that is in the hands of the british being properly entrusted and the preparations for the formation the independent state of palestine should be given, and the british gave the governor there to a zionist, and that zionist, mr. samul, came and implemented the balfour declaration there. for the land with the help of the british and finally, the war and bloodshed in palestine increased so much that the british said that let's find a solution to end this situation, so after the second world war in 1948
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they said that a committee should be formed there should be two committees, at least the minority and the majority, and the minority committee should be formed. iran was yugoslavia, and india and the majority committee included a number of countries sweden, holland and canada are the ones who think that the majorities say that the country must be divided. and later they said to divide the division, but unfortunately the majority came to their opinion in the form of resolution 181, it was approved in 1999, and despite the fact that, for example, maybe the residents of that land should have been asked, yes, 100%
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based on the united nations charter, article 2, the right to self-determination. fate , but unfortunately the general assembly of the united nations has nothing he did not have the authority to put a country under to destroy a country and to the utter disbelief of giving the highest limit of that division to the jews, who happen to be a minority in that land, and giving the lowest limit to the palestinians, well, this was actually a violation of the charter by the un institutions themselves, gradually anyway. these fights and these disputes and these wars and bloodshed continued until 1988 in al jazeera, algeria. the palestine liberation organization announces that we announced the independent state of palestine, which means that an organization became a government within a short period of time in 94 countries of the world. it is recognized and it is coming so to speak that this government wants to become a member of the united nations, it is trying hard
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until in 2012, as a member , it is actually a non-member observer, which means nothing, nothing again. that is, he had no authority, no voting, but in fact, after this work, semini came for the next step of the palestinian government and said, "i want to be a member of the organization's specialized organizations." international organization for agricultural and labor health. but unfortunately, the americans threaten these specialized organizations that if you accept the palestinians as members, we will withdraw the funds that we contribute to this we cut off organizations. therefore, the world health organization did not accept palestine as a member, and even the palestinians went to the swiss government, which is in charge of the four geneva conventions of 1900. 49. being allowed to become a member of this convention which was related to humanitarian rights, the swiss government announced
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that you are not in a position to become a member. this is all while the united nations has recognized israel as a country since 1948, if palestinians, let me tell you that you are part of the group of ottoman countries, which means that it is a very advanced country with the current laws of the palestinian civil code israel yes, it means that this country was so advanced in terms of law, but unfortunately, just as the respected south african ambassador was invited by tehran university law school to give a speech about why their complaint against israel was very interesting, they said that nelson mandela announced that we the palestinians started. we became independent in 1994. we got out of apartheid, but the palestinians are still trapped. now palestine is an observer member of the organization. nations, yes, it is known, they will read this tomorrow in a new attempt, i.e.
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take action, they will be able to see like 193 other countries in the world. own a country now, do you think that during all these years the roots of some powers did not allow the palestinians to have a country ? anyway, the israelis were able to create at least some recognition for themselves in the united nations, but the palestinians they don't have the right that 193 other countries in the world have, they don't have that, and in the continuation of your statement that a double standard prevails, it is very confusing, that is, south sudan applied for membership a while ago, it will easily and quickly become a member of the united nations, but palestinians despite having the same conditions. to join i just want to
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inform my dear viewers that clause one of article four of the charter states the conditions of a country that wants to become a member of the united nations. the independent government must be peaceful , accept the obligations contained in its charter, and be able and willing to implement the obligations. well, five permanent members must vote. the membership acceptance committee of this new country says that the new country must be able to run. well, palestine has a land, a population , a government, it has the necessary elements to form a country , exactly, but does it have control? this is a vicious circle. they are occupying palestine from somewhere. you don't have it. well, the united nations should come to determine the occupation situation and it seems that they will definitely do it to you, that is, the countries will do it to you , unless, based on the global climate that exists today , they will do something for the benefit of the palestinian people, but
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i don't think so, and here the solution that seems to me is that there should be a resolution of unity for peace , when the security council is paralyzed, the general assembly enters the field and can take this decision instead of the security council, which means, in fact, this point you say is scientifically a suggestion to the ministry. a foreign country that can follow the story from this point of view tick thank you. now, very briefly, with the full membership of palestine, if it happens, what rights and benefits will the palestinians get that they didn't have before. as an independent state, all the rights and benefits that independent states have. in economic activities, enjoying economic rights, human rights, and when they want to complain , they can complain in the organizations of the international court of justice. of course, in 2015 , the palestinians became a member of the international criminal court, but they can
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use all the specialized organizations , it has many advantages, but unfortunately, i say that america has threatened many times. they have not accepted the organizations that palestinians are members of and the final question is about the us and the west. so far you have mentioned that 1989, at that time, 94 palestinian countries were recognized as a country, now i think there are more than 130. america and these governments have a claim that they say that in the case of palestine, israel. our solution is a two-state solution, which means that there should be two governments , this is how the matter will be solved, but if this solution is going to be realized one day, the palestinian state must also be created. the security forces say that they are against the creation of a palestinian state , they asked themselves because this is a
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contradictory statement on the one hand in the midst of negotiations. on the one hand, they ignore the negotiations, they ignore david, all of this was aimed at solving the palestinian issue , at least to the minimum level, that it would be two states, but unfortunately, negotiations were conducted for the sake of negotiations, negotiations were not conducted to resolve the issue, and the palestinians' time was wasted. wasting and finally mr. arafat, despite all the concessions he made and accepted all their conditions , do not accept them again to the same extent. i will just say one thing. that different political groups in israel there are a group of people who at least believe in the palestinian government in order to solve this problem, but since 2012, mr. netanyahu has announced that i agree with the complete dismemberment of the palestinians and i am not ready to agree to
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the formation of a palestinian government or a palestinian government. mrs. aminzadeh, thank you for your presence in the world today . we stand with israel, come on! i continue today's world. the uae banned the publication of news and pictures of the massive flood damage in dubai. heavy rain has caused
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unprecedented flooding of public buildings and even dubai international airport. many people due to flooding. they were not able to leave the house in recent days. the dream city of dubai. now it is under water. the rain caused extensive flooding in different parts of dubai. sheikh zayed road and many service places were flooded. dubai airport witnessed disruption. hundreds of flights have been canceled or delayed due to flooding. passengers published pictures from dubai airport and said that the system inside the airport has completely collapsed and the situation is completely chaotic. passengers are sleeping on the floor in the halls , food packages are scattered everywhere. the sinking of dubai
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also heated up the virtual space. one of the users emirati wrote: only 15. a minute was enough for the city of dubai to become a fake city with all its facilities that they were proud of. another emirati user asked: the rain has stopped now, but it is surprising. dubai airport is still flooded. does this airport not have a sewage system? english magazine. the guardian reported on the fraud of nesle company in the production of powdered milk and food for babies under 3 years old. according to this publication, nesleh adds sugar to the food of babies and children under 3 years of age in african and asian countries, which causes cardiovascular diseases in these children. can this is while nesle
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offers sugar-free baby food in the west, according to the guardian newspaper. like the largest food production company in the world and one of the supporters of the zionist regime , the south korean authorities are trying to reduce the commuting time between the center of seoul and homesh by launching a secret train . the main goal of this plan is to encourage people to live outside the city and reduce costs. life and forming a family and having children. this train covers the 80-minute route of the previous trains in 19 minutes. this is the latest solution of the south korean government. the authorities of this country announced. with this train people access they have faster access to the outskirts of densely populated cities, areas where the cost of living is lower and it is easier to form and maintain a family foundation. reduced commuting time
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allows people to spend more time with their families in the mornings and evenings. in addition, this ninety and a half billion dollar project promotes young people to consider life outside the city and start a family. the media say that in less than half a century, the population of south korea will decrease from 51 million to 36 million people. we have the lowest birth rate in the entire world. south korea statistics center news two thirds of koreans do not want to start a family. even in korean families, women do not show desire to become mothers and accept this duty . the cost of living in south korea is very high. in addition, only for buying a house , the cost of educating a child must be paid, that's why less women want
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to have a child before the age of 35. i love to work, but it is very difficult to work in korean culture. i have seen many women who give up work because of their children , but not all women make this decision. take care of me. children mean all your love and attention i guess i still don't have this feeling because i love myself more. when your child is sick, you can't leave your workplace whenever necessary for your child. this is one of the main reasons why young women think about having children. after having a child and leaving a job, we face severe financial problems and the government does not provide enough support. we need less hours. let's get to work , the longest working hours in the world belong here. during these years, the south korean authorities have considered a lot of plans and expenses, but they have not been able to
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stop the high-speed train of population decline in this country . the government has spent close to 300 billion dollars in the last decade to support families with the aim of having children, but still it has not been successful. the desire to live alone escape from. family responsibilities and struggling with the heavy costs of living in the most expensive country to raise a child show an uncertain future for the people of this land. maybe one day the joy of watching a child's smile will be a wish . sima and now the world can see the picture.
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open it, take a seat. ali ono što je bitno je da je hrvatska demokratska zajednica
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sarai irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in sarai irani, qom, all kinds of mobile phones,
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personal computers, tablets gaming devices and other digital accessories at incredible prices, long -term installments, digital equipped houses in the big iranian house of qom , bro, let's buy in installments . in the city of household appliances , count it any way you are single, you are the winner of the washland prize draw festival, a new house, congratulations , the first place prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car. one billion rials in cash and 10 years of
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washland's monthly salary. a land full of prizes. hello, dear viewers, have a good night. god willing, press police premier league won and went to the top of the table. in the continuation of the matches of the 24th week of this competition tonight, press police scored three goals against sanat naft in abadan and got 52 points. esteghlal's place in the first place of the ranking table was taken by danial esmailifar in the 8th minute.


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